
We submitted 9 well-documented basic parts. Their functions range from expressing melatonin receptors to downstream synthetic promoters that respond to the activation of the signaling pathways.

Favourite Basic Part

Melatonin receptor protein MTNR1a(BBa_K5267001)

In this year's project, we aim to utilize synthetic biology principles to engineer a mammalian cell-based high-throughput drug screening platform for melatonin receptor agonists. The melatonin receptors (MTs), specifically MTNR1A (MT1), belong to family A of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), with melatonin serving as their endogenous ligand. These receptors play a pivotal role in regulating the human circadian rhythm and are significant therapeutic targets for treating sleep disorder. Notably, MTNR1A is believed to primarily modulate non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep. We have chosen to focus on MTNR1A to assess its activity upon interaction with effective ingredients in essential oils and other aromatic drugs, screening for compounds capable of effectively treating sleep disorders1.

Our favored basic part, BBa_K5267001, is one of the most crucial part in our parts collection, as it encodes the melatonin receptor MTNR1A and act as a sensor of compounds capable of effectively activating melatonin receptor. It lays the foundational basis for cell-based screening platform and subsequent experiments in our project for screening melatonin receptor agonist.


Figure 1 : Spatial structure of melatonin receptor MTNR1A


According to previous studies, upon melatonin-mediated activation of the melatonin receptor MTNR1A, several pathways, such as cAMP/PKA/CREB pathways and Ca2+ signaling pathways are activated2. (Figure 2). The cAMP/PKA/CREB pathway is activated when melatonin binds to the MTNR1A. This binding activates the associated G proteins, which in turn stimulate adenylate cyclase to convert ATP into cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). The increase in cAMP levels activates protein kinase A (PKA), which phosphorylates various target proteins, leading to a cascade of downstream effects. For instance, PKA can modulate the activity of transcription factors such as cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB), thereby influencing gene expression related to cellular processes such as metabolism, growth, and apoptosis3. Besides, previous studies demonstrate an increase in intracellular Ca²⁺ levels upon melatonin receptor activation, which can occur through several mechanisms, including the release of Ca2+ from the endoplasmic reticulum into the cytoso4.


Figure 2 : Downstream Signaling pathways upon the activation of Melatonin receptor.

Based on these well-characterized signaling pathways, we therefore utilized two distinct methodologies to validate the activation of Melatonin receptor, specifically focusing on the downstream signaling transduction of cAMP/PKA/CREB pathway and the Ca2+< signaling pathway.

We first focused on the cAMP/PKA/CREB pathway, employing the synthetic CRE promoter to sense pathway activation. Plasmids expressing MTNR1A part (Basic part: BBa_K5267047) and a chimeric cAMP-sensing promoter (Composite part: BBa_K5267040) containing multiple repeats of CREB binding sites followed by a miniCMV promoter were co-transfected into HEK-293T cells, and the melatonin was added post-transfection. 48 hours post-transfection, the Nanoluc activity was assessed to characterize the activation of the cAMP/PKA/CREB pathway. Theoretically, Activation of MTNR1A by melatonin would lead to an increase in cAMP and the phosphorylation of the endogenous CREB protein. The phosphorylated CREB protein would then bind to the CREB site of the PCre promoter, activating the expression of the downstream reporter genes.

The results showed that, upon activation of melatonin receptors by adding 1nM melatonin, the activity of NanoLuc was significantly elevated compared to the control group without melatonin stimulation. This demonstrates that the basic part MTNR1A is capable of sensing melatonin stimulation and subsequently initiating transcription of chimeric PCre promoter as expected.


Figure 3 : Luciferase assay assessing the melatonin receptor-mediated cAMP-PKA signaling pathways based on synthetic CRE promoter

The functionality of the our basic part was also characterized based on a cell-based platform the sense the downstream Ca2+ signaling pathway upon activation of Melatonin receptors. For such matter, we used GCaMP (Composite part: BBa_K3755007), an ultra-sensitive protein-based sensor that allows visualization of Ca2+ dynamics within living cells. Thapsigargin was used as a positive control to stimulate the cells, as it is known to induce endoplasmic reticulum stress, leading to an up-regulation of Ca2+ in the cytoplasm5.

The results showed that the addition of both melatonin and Thapsigargin induced a significant surge in the Ca2+ fluorescent signal. The Ca2+ surge was short-lived, dissipating within 100 seconds of melatonin stimulation. In contrast, Thapsigargin induced a prolonged elevation of intracellular calcium levels. This demonstrates that our basic part is capable of activating the Ca2+ signaling pathway upon melatonin stimulation as expected.


Figure 4 : GCaMP-based Ca2+ imaging assessing the melatonin receptor-mediated activation of Ca2+ signaling pathways

Basic Part List

Part Number Name Function Type Length
BBa_K5267001 MTNR1A Encoding melatonin receptor MTNR1a (MTNR1A), a G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) primarily coupled to the Gi/o protein family and activates the downstream signaling when receives the stimulation of melatonin or its analogues. Coding 1050bp
BBa_K5267002 MTNR1B Encoding melatonin receptor MTNR1b (MTNR1B), a G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) primarily coupled to the Gi/o protein family and activates the downstream signaling when receives the stimulation of melatonin or its analogues. Coding 1089bp
BBa_K5267004 Pmin_4*CRE promoter A regulated promoter made up of 4 copies of CRE (cAMP Response Element) and a minimal promoter that response to the activation of CREB (cAMP Response Element Binding Protein). Activated CREB binds to the CREs and activate the transcription of the downstream genes. Regulatory 240bp
BBa_K5267005 Pmin_5*CRE promoter A regulated promoter made up of 5 copies of CRE (cAMP Response Element) and a minimal promoter that response to the activation of CREB (cAMP Response Element Binding Protein). Activated CREB binds to the CREs and activate the transcription of the downstream genes. Regulatory 255bp
BBa_K5267006 Pmin_6*CRE promoter A regulated promoter made up of 6 copies of CRE (cAMP Response Element) and a minimal promoter that response to the activation of CREB (cAMP Response Element Binding Protein). Activated CREB binds to the CREs and activate the transcription of the downstream genes. Regulatory 270bp
BBa_K5267007 Pmin_1*NFAT promoter A regulated promoter made up of 1 copies of NFAT binding sites and a minimal promoter that response to the dephosphorylation of NFAT protein. Dephosphorylated NFAT proteins undergo nuclear translocation and bind to NFAT binding sites, activating the transcription of the downstream genes. Regulatory 69bp
BBa_K5267008 Pmin_5*NFAT promoter A regulated promoter made up of 5 copies of NFAT binding sites and a minimal promoter that response to the dephosphorylation of NFAT protein. Dephosphorylated NFAT proteins undergo nuclear translocation and bind to NFAT binding sites, activating the transcription of the downstream genes. Regulatory 191bp
BBa_K5267009 Pmin_6*NFAT promoter A regulated promoter made up of 6 copies of NFAT binding sites and a minimal promoter that response to the dephosphorylation of NFAT protein. Dephosphorylated NFAT proteins undergo nuclear translocation and bind to NFAT binding sites, activating the transcription of the downstream genes. Regulatory 219bp
BBa_K5267010 Pmin_7*NFAT promoter A regulated promoter made up of 7 copies of NFAT binding sites and a minimal promoter that response to the dephosphorylation of NFAT protein. Dephosphorylated NFAT proteins undergo nuclear translocation and bind to NFAT binding sites, activating the transcription of the downstream genes. Regulatory 249bp






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