
Molecular Biology Techniques Cloning and Transformation Protein Expression Analytical Techniques Gel Based Techniques

Gibson Assembly

Once our Gene fragments had been ordered, it was necessary to assemble them into our destination plasmid, pET28a.

Step 1: Design fragments (g blocks) and order the necessary primers to open destination plasmid and prep plasmid for Gibson Assembly.

Step 2: Amplify Plasmid and purify

Step 3: Perform Gibson Assembly Reaction

Note: All components should be kept on ice

Component Amount
Fragments (G-Blocks) 1 ul of each fragment
Plasmid Vector 2 uL of vector
2x Gibson Assembly Master Mix 10ul
Mili-Q Water Adjust to final volume of 20ul
Total 20ul

Step 4: Incubate in thermocycler for 50ºC, for one hour

Step 5: Transform into competent E.Coli cells

Step 6: Run colony PCR in order verify the assembly was successful

Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)

The purpose of PCR was to amplify sections of our DNA of interest. We used PCR to check if our Gibson assembly was successful by using special primers that flanked the insert region, to validate successful assembly of our target sequence.

Step 1: Primer Reconstitution

Spin lyophilized primer vials for 3 minutes at 6800g

Resuspend primers to a final concentration of 100 nM

Prepare 10 nM stock of both forward and reverse primers by diluting with DI water

Step 2: Prepare 50 µL PCR reaction mix

Component Amount Final Concentration
Q5 2X master Mix 25 µL 1X
Forward Primer 2.5 µL 0.5 µM
Reverse Primer 2.5 µL 0.5 µM
Template DNA Variable ~50-100ng
DI water To 50 µL - -

Step 3: Thermocycling Protocol for Amplification of Desired Segment

Temperature Time (s)
Denaturation (1): 94°C 30
Denaturation (2): 94°C 5
Anneal*: 60-72°C 25
Extend (1): 72°C 30 seconds/ Kb
Cycle Number: 28
Extend (2): 72°C 5 minutes
Hold: 4°C Indefinitely

*Will vary depending on primer

Step 4: Purify using Monarch PCR purification kit: elute 30 µL into a 1.5 mL tube

Step 5: Nanodrop purified product by adding 1uL of the sample to check for concentration (ng/uL)

Note: Blank nanodrop with elution buffer to calibrate

Colony Polymerase Chain Reaction (cPCR)

To test if our Gibson assembly reactions were successful, we picked colonies from the transformation plates and ran a colony PCR reaction. Any successful colonies were then sent for sequencing. Typically, we ran 8-10 colonies.

Step 1: Pick large, well isolated single colonies and use to inoculate 100 uL’s of nuclease free water.

Step 2: Prepare 50 µL reaction mix.

Components Amounts
One Taq 2x Reaction Buffer 25 uL
Forward Primer 1 uL
Reverse Primer 1 uL
Template DNA (individual colonies dissolved in H2O) 10 uL
DI Water 13 uL
Total 50 uL

Step 3: General thermocycling Protocol for Menthol and Linalool Amplification.

Temperature Time (s)
Denaturation (1): 94°C 30
Denaturation (2): 94°C 5
Anneal: 46°C* 25
Extend (1): 68°C One minute / Kb
Cycle Number: 30
Extend (2): 68°C 300
Hold: 4°C Indefinitely

*Will vary by primer

Step 4: The entire colony PCR reaction is then run on a DNA gel to determine if the appropriate DNA was inserted.