
The American Astronaut Neil Armstrong once said:“Research is creating new knowledge.”

As the global population continues to rise and environmental conditions evolve, food security and sustainable agricultural development have garnered unprecedented attention. Synthetic biology, as an emerging interdisciplinary field, offers promising applications in the realms of green pesticides and sustainable agriculture. To elucidate the current state of development, potential applications, and inherent challenges associated with synthetic biology and its role in green pesticides, NNU-CHINA have undertaken a comprehensive series of investigations, incorporating insights from experts and the public across various domains.

Offline research

To enhance our understanding of the realities and needs within agricultural production, as well as to investigate the potential of 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) across diverse environments and crops, we conducted visits to various enterprises and farms. These field studies aim to gather first-hand feedback and data regarding stakeholders' perspectives on biopesticides, along with the experiences and challenges they face in their application. This approach not only provides valuable insights into the market potential for 5-ALA but also enables us to formulate a more targeted strategy for project promotion. Furthermore, engaging with relevant practitioners fosters public interest in synthetic biology and green pesticides, advances the dissemination of sustainable development principles, and ultimately supports the successful implementation of our project.

Biao Wang

Manager of Nanjing Lingshan Grain Logistics Base

Nanjing Lingshan Grain Logistics Base: The base fully uses the digital grain depot system and implements the upgrading of intelligent grain depot. Its intelligent ventilation and online pest detection are at the leading level in Nanjing Province.

Mr. Wang explained the unique understanding and advantages of the company, and showed the team their convenient digital management. In this process, we have truly understood the processing and production mode of grain enterprises and realized the important value of food security.


Q: How do you see the current food security situation, especially in the context of digital management?

A: In the current international situation, food security has become particularly important, which is not only related to the stability and development of every country, but also affects the global economic and social structure. Digital grain banks have significant advantages in improving food security. First of all, digital systems implement real-time monitoring, track the storage and circulation status of food, and detect potential risks, such as abnormal temperatures or pest breeding, so that measures can be taken quickly to ensure food quality. Secondly, the intelligent analysis system of the digital grain bank allow us to predict food demand and supply trends, thereby optimizing inventory management and reducing waste. For example, we use data analysis to identify peak demand in a certain season, and adjust the inventory layout in advance to ensure that there is sufficient food supply at critical moments. In addition, the intelligent ventilation system and in-line inspection technology we have introduced are examples of practical applications. These systems not only improve the safety of grain storage, but also reduce labor costs and improve efficiency through automated operations.

Q: What are the main obstacles to the promotion of 5-ALA as a biopesticide?

A: The main obstacles to the promotion of 5-ALA include farmers' lack of awareness of new technologies, poor adaptability of existing agricultural management systems to biopesticides, and low market acceptance. First, you should provide education and training to help farmers understand the benefits and use of 5-ALA. Secondly, you should cooperate with agricultural cooperatives and scientific research institutions to carry out demonstration projects to demonstrate their effectiveness with practical cases. Finally, you should promote policy support and encourage the government to formulate relevant subsidy measures.


Through our discussions with Mr. Wang, we have clarified our future direction and acknowledged that achieving high yields of 5-ALA is merely the initial step; significant challenges remain in promoting and applying 5-ALA within the agricultural sector. Looking ahead, we propose several initiatives: integrating biopesticide use with digital management systems, implementing real-time monitoring and intelligent analysis technology, and optimizing the storage and supply chain management of biopesticides. We also plan to establish an online education platform and develop training courses for farmers, aimed at enhancing their awareness and proficiency in utilizing 5-ALA. Moreover, we recognize that effective extension programs must combine technological applications with cost-benefit analyses and feasibility strategies to bolster food security and advance sustainable agricultural development.

Fig.1 Visiting process to Nanjing Lingshan Grain Logistics Base

Handi Fan

Manager of Qixia Modern Horticultural Industry Science and Technology Innovation Center

Minister Fan introduced the basic situation of the industrial park to us. The industrial park not only grows crops and flowers with the help of advanced cultivation technology, but also holds special activities every year to attract a large number of tourists through flower cultural tourism.


Q: What is your view on the future of agriculture and the prospect of 5-ALA and other green biopesticides?

A: I am very optimistic about the prospects of 5-ALA and other green biopesticides. With the continuous progress of technology and the importance of sustainable development in society, biopesticides will become more and more popular, and the country has also introduced a lot of policies to encourage the application of biopesticides. In the near future, I hope to achieve a comprehensive green transformation of agriculture and contribute to global food security.

Q: What suggestions do you have for increasing public awareness and acceptance of biopesticides in response to the current food security issues?

A: It is very important to strengthen the popularization of science. You can raise awareness of biopesticides by organizing lectures, seminars, and farmer training sessions to educate the public about the use of 5-ALA and its environmental benefits.

Q: How do you see the impact of the combination of green agriculture and cultural tourism activities on promoting sustainable development?

A: The combination of green agriculture and cultural tourism activities can not only attract tourists, but also allow the public to experience the charm of green planting, thereby enhancing their recognition of the concept of sustainable development. This method can effectively promote the local economy, and at the same time provide impetus for the transformation and upgrading of agriculture.


Through the exchange with Minister Fan, we realized that we should not stick to traditional publicity methods, but should adopt diversified promotion strategies, which can combine green agriculture with cultural tourism activities and help to enhance the impact of the project and promote social participation. In the next work, we will also carry out more popular science activities to introduce our projects to more people.

Fig.2 Visiting process to Qixia industrial park

Teacher Zhuo

Manager of Nanjing Qingzhu Fruit Horticulture Co., Ltd

Nanjing Qingzhu Fruit Horticulture Co., Ltd.: seedling and flower planting, sales and technical consultation; Forestry planning.

Teacher Zhuo introduced the basic knowledge and some cultivation methods of holly trees to us. Nanjing Qingzhu Fruit Horticulture has the largest number of holly germplasm resources in the country, and Mr. Zhuo's team has introduced North American holly since 2002, and has continuously multiplied through cuttings and other technologies. Modern scientific planting makes the green pearl tree grow better.


Q: What challenges have you faced in introducing and breeding North American holly? How can these challenges be overcome?

A: In the process of introducing and breeding North American holly, we did face a number of challenges. First, the problem of climate adaptation is significant. North American holly has different temperature and humidity requirements, and the initial growth rate is not ideal. To solve this problem, we carried out a systematic soil and climate analysis and adapted cultivation practices, such as optimizing water and fertilizer management to ensure suitable growing conditions. Secondly, the control of pests and diseases is also a major problem. As a result of the introduction of new germplasm, holly trees may be attacked by native pests. We ensure healthy plant growth through regular monitoring and the introduction of biological control methods. Finally, mastering breeding techniques is also a challenge. Through continuous trials and data recording, my team gradually improved the technology of cuttings propagation, optimized the operation process, and finally achieved the breeding of high-quality varieties with high survival rate. These experiences not only tested our perseverance, but also strengthened our team's ability to innovate and grow in the face of adversity.


The perseverance and insight demonstrated by Mr. Zhuo during the introduction and cultivation of North American holly have provided valuable lessons for our team. He approached numerous challenges—including climate adaptation, pest management, and breeding technologies—with a commendably positive attitude. His experience underscores the notion that obstacles are inherent in the pursuit of scientific and technological advancement; it is precisely these challenges that foster our growth. We aspire to emulate Mr. Zhuo's example by reinforcing our commitment, confronting difficulties head-on, and employing both wisdom and perseverance to advance our project.

Fig.3 Visiting process to Nanjing Qingzhu Fruit Horticulture Co., Ltd

Hong Feng

Bailu Agronomic Park

Mr. Feng explained in detail the breeding methods of chrysanthemums in the garden, pointing out that in the cultivation process of ornamental chrysanthemums, it is necessary to use substances such as Chlormequat and ethephon to regulate plant height, and insecticides will also be used to resist the invasion of pests such as noctuida. At the same time, we also introduced our project to Mr. Feng, who spoke highly of it and showed a strong interest in 5-ALA.


Q: 5-ALA can not only improve the stress resistance of crops, but also promote their growth. In addition, high concentrations of 5-ALA have good application potential as an environmentally friendly insecticide. Would you consider replacing the previously mentioned pesticides such as chlormequat and ethephon with our 5-ALA products?

A: 5-ALA does show unique advantages in improving crop stress resistance and promoting growth, especially in today's increasingly environmentally conscious world, and the use of environmentally friendly products is particularly important. If 5-ALA can prove its efficacy and stability in practical applications, I would be more than willing to consider gradually replacing traditional pesticides such as Chlormequat and ethephon in the breeding process. However, this needs to be fully tried and evaluated to ensure that the results are expected across different crops and environments. We look forward to more opportunities for collaboration in the future to promote the application of 5-ALA in real-world agricultural production."


From the conversation with Mr. Feng, we have gained important enlightenment. First, 5-ALA improves crop stress resistance, promotes growth, and acts as an environmentally friendly pesticide which clarify its importance in sustainable agricultural development. This shows that our project not only has scientific value, but also meets the market demand for environmentally friendly pesticides. Secondly, the possibility of replacing traditional pesticides mentioned by Mr. Feng reminds us that when promoting 5-ALA, we need to ensure that its effects are reliable in different crops and environments. Therefore, while developing 5-ALA, we should continue to strengthen field trials and accumulate data and cases to enhance farmers' confidence and acceptance.

Fig.4 Visiting process to Bailu Agronomic Park

Faxiang Zhu:

A large grain grower in Nanzhong Village, Longtan Street, Qixia District

Mr. Zhu shared with us the challenges encountered in the practice of green agriculture and put forward the problems that need to be overcome in the promotion and application of green biopesticides.


Q: What kind of model do you currently use when growing food crops? What are some of the ways you can achieve high crop yields? Also, how do you use biopesticides?

A: Now the state attaches great importance to environmental issues, and many pesticides have been banned before. Many of our farmers here are now using the rice-duck co-farming model. Raising ducks in the rice fields can not only remove weeds and insects, but also increase fattening. Raising ducks can also make extra money, so we use very little pesticides and fertilizers, especially those chemical pesticides with a strong smell, we don't use them one by one. We feel that these pesticides can harm our health when used, and that when applied in rice fields, they can also harm our ducks. As for biopesticides, I think it's pretty good. A university professor gave us some "secret" biopesticides to experiment, and it turned out that the growth rate and quality of rice were much improved, and there was no harm to the ducks. However, this biopesticide has a disadvantage that we can only splash it spoon by spoon, which is too troublesome. If biopesticides were cheaper and easier to use in the future, I would definitely use them every year.


The dialogue with Faxiang Zhu brought important inspiration for us to move forward with the project. First of all, farmers' attention to environmental protection and resistance to chemical pesticides indicate that the market demand for biopesticides is rising, which provides a good opportunity for us to promote 5-ALA. Secondly, the rice-duck co-cropping model mentioned by Zhu Faxiang demonstrates the innovation and sustainability of agricultural production, which is fully in line with our project goals. In addition, although Zhu Faxiang affirmed the effect of biopesticides, the inconvenience he mentioned reminded us to fully consider ease of use and economy when designing products to improve the user experience of farmers. This is crucial and helps us stand out in the market. Finally, the "secret" biopesticides donated by university professors mentioned by Zhu Faxiang attracted our attention, which made us realize that in the process of project promotion, we need to pay attention to risk management and control, keep the core technology confidential, and ensure our competitive advantage. By combining these insights, we can move projects forward more effectively and meet market demands while maintaining our own technical security.

Fig.5 Visiting process to large grain grower in Nanzhong Village
Expert interview

To thoroughly investigate potential challenges within the project and to foster innovative thinking, we engaged in dialogue with experts across various fields. This collaborative approach yielded in-depth analyses and constructive feedback on our experimental design. Such insights not only enabled us to identify current challenges in our experimental phase but also provided valuable perspectives for optimizing our existing methodologies.

Jianhong Xu

Tsinghua University professor, recipient of the National Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars, is an expert in the field of high-throughput screening.

Fig.6 Professor Xu of Tsinghua University


Q: Hello, Mr.Xu, is there any good solution to the problem that fluorinated oil droplets are volatile and difficult to observe?

A: According to the volatile characteristics of fluorinated oil droplets, the PDMS chip channel can be hydrophobic in the process of droplet generation to prevent the fluorinated oil from volatilization from the pipeline. At the same time, the generated droplets can be collected in a bottles containing fluorinated oil and wrapped with a sealing membrane to prevent volatilization, thus facilitating subsequent cultivation and observation.

To solve the problem that the droplets are not easy to observe, a fluorine-containing surfactant can be added to the external phase to improve the stability and uniformity of the droplets and prevent their emulsification, which is conducive to the subsequent observation operation. In addition, a urine sediment counting plate can be used to easily and quickly observe the fluorinated oil droplets to understand the growth of the bacteria in the droplets.


According to Professor Xu's suggestions, we have effectively solved the problem of volatilization loss of fluorinated oil droplets, and the generated droplets can contain the bacteria for a long time, and the whole system is more stable. At the same time, the simple plate observe the morphology of the monolayer droplets and the wrapping strains that can be observed observed in the culture medium.

Q: What do you think is the significance of the development of droplet microfluidic technology for the whole biological field? Will other higher-throughput technologies emerge in the future?

A: The development of droplet microfluidic technology is of great significance in the biological field. Through precise control of microscale fluid, this technology achieves highly integration and automation of biological experiments, which can provide accurate biological response environment, simulate the complex microenvironment that cells are in, and complete quantitative detection and analysis. This provides a whole new platform for biopharmaceuticals, virus detection, chemical analysis, and food and cosmetics processing.

In the future, as technology advances, there will be other higher-throughput technologies. For example, high-throughput sequencing technologies have been able to determine large amounts of DNA fragments simultaneously, and with the development of technology, the sequencing quality and accuracy are increasing, the sequencing cost is decreasing, and the sequencing speed is accelerating. In addition, the combination of microfluidic technology and emerging technologies such as CRISPR, electrochemistry, and super-resolution microscopy also shows great potential for development.

In the future development of biotechnology, also the application of artificial intelligence is an important direction. From gene sequencing to drug development, to clinical diagnosis, artificial intelligence plays an important role. Through big data analytics and machine learning, AI can shorten the cycle of new drug development and improve the accuracy of diagnosis.


The communication with Professor Xu has provided valuable guidance for the promotion of our project. Through this communication, we not only effectively solved the problem of volatilization and difficult observation of fluoride oil droplets, but also gained profound insights on the application of droplet microfluidic technology in the biological field. The expert suggestions provide important implications for our experimental design and strategy adjustment, allowing us to overcome the challenges in the experiment and optimize the methodology.

Xiaojun Ji

Professor of Nanjing University of Technology, winner of the National Outstanding Youth Fund, is an expert in the field of gene editing.

Fig.7 Professor Ji of Nanjing University of Technology


Q: Professor Ji, CRISPR related transposon system is an emerging technology. Do you know anything about it? What do you think are the advantages of this technology?

A: I have some knowledge about the CRISPR-related transposon system, and I think it is a very promising gene-editing technology. It combines the precision of CRISPR with the kilobase-level payload capacity of transposons to make gene integration become more efficient and reliable. Its main advantages include high efficiency, high precision and gene parallel processing capability. Compared with traditional gene editing methods, the CRISPR transposon system enables the simultaneous editing of targeting multiple loci on the chromosome in a shorter time. I remember reading an article mentioning that the system completed multiple editing of more than 10 targets in just a few days, significantly accelerating the construction of microbial cell factories. Although this technology is still in the stage of continuous optimization and problem solving, I believe it brings new possibilities to the field of gene editing and will certainly drive the development of synthetic biology and metabolic engineering.

Q: Plasmid elimination is a critical step in building a cellular system. When we encounter the problem that the plasmid is difficult to eliminate, from what aspects can we break through?

A: First, we can try to use improved plasmid carriers to design more efficient elimination mechanisms, such as using plasmids such as pFREE-RK2. Secondly, the operational details of the laboratory are also crucial, and the choice of reagents and consumables will directly affect the results. It is important to control the temperature in culture because the replicon of the pFREE plasmid is sensitive to temperature. Appropriate increasing of the culture temperature can help to keep the plasmid stable. Moreover, special attention should be paid on tetracycline concentration and induction time, all of which need to be precisely controlled.


The communication with Professor Ji has provided an important guidance and inspiration for the promotion of our project. Through this communication, we not only deepened our understanding of the CRISPR-related transposon system, but also identified the challenges and solutions that may be encountered in the gene editing process. In addition, Professor Ji made practical suggestions on the key steps of plasmid elimination, which enabled us to effectively respond to the problems that are difficult to eliminate the plasmids, and provided a clear direction for optimizing the experimental methodology. These experiences and suggestions enhance our confidence and allow us to adapt the experimental strategies more specifically to better drive the progress of the project.

Liming Liu

Professor of Jiangnan University, winner of the National Natural Science Foundation of China Outstanding Youth Fund, is an expert in the field of bio-informatics.

Fig.8 Professor Liu of Jiangnan University


Q: Professor Liu, can you specify the application of bioinformatics tools in screening high-yield strains, especially how to assist the construction and optimization of enzyme constraint models?

A: Of course. First, bioinformatics tools can help us extract information on key enzymes from a large amount of genomic data. These tools can perform gene annotation and functional prediction, identify enzymes and their regulatory elements associated with the synthesis of target products, and thus provide a data basis for the construction of enzyme constraint models.

During the optimization of the model, bioinformatics can also help us understand the interactions between different enzymes and identify potential metabolic bottlenecks through metabolic network analysis tools. This information can be further used to adjust the model parameters, ensuring that the model can more accurately reflect the real biological processes. Moreover, using machine learning algorithms, we can mine existing experimental data and discover potential factors affecting yield, thus providing guidance for subsequent experimental design.

Q: In your field of expertise, what of the latest calculation methods do you think can significantly improve the accuracy of predictions?

A: In recent years, several emerging computational methods are driving the development of bio-informatics. For example, network biology approaches can help us better understand the structure and dynamic behavior of complex metabolic networks to find key nodes and pathways.

In addition, the application of deep learning in biological data analysis is also constantly expanding. Using deep learning models, we can train our models with a large number of gene expression data and metabolic flow data to make more accurate predictions. These methods are able to capture complex nonlinear relationships that are difficult to identify by traditional statistical models.

Finally, the integrated learning method combines the results of multiple prediction models to further improve the accuracy. These emerging computational approaches not only provide us with more powerful tools, but also open up new possibilities for obtaining the more powerful strains we need. Through the combination of these technologies, we were able to accelerate the progress of the project and achieve a more efficient bio-synthetic process.


The communication with Professor Liu has provided valuable guidance for the promotion of our project. Through this communication, we deeply understand the key role of bio-informatics tools in screening high-yielding strains, especially in the construction and optimization of enzyme constraint models. Professor Liu's advice helps us to use metabolic network analysis tools and machine learning algorithms more effectively to identify key enzymes and metabolic bottlenecks that affect 5-ALA synthesis. In addition, his introduction of the latest computational methods, especially the application of deep learning and integrated learning in accurate prediction, provides us with new ideas.


To gain a comprehensive understanding of the current status, application prospects, and challenges associated with synthetic biology and green pesticides, we conducted a survey employing a structured questionnaire. The questionnaire was designed to encompass fundamental concepts, research areas, application domains, obstacles, and future development trends related to synthetic biology and green pesticides. Our sample included university researchers, enterprise research and development personnel, sector experts, and members of the general public. In total, we gathered 261 valid responses. This report will present an analysis based on the data and insights collected across these diverse perspectives.

Fig.9 Analysis of questionnaire results
Fig.10 Photos during the research process