Parts Overview

We designed 65 parts for the project, including 39 basic parts and 26 composite parts, covering ALAS genes derived from different species, regulatory elements used in experiments, and RChemA sequences mutated through prediction. Our favorite parts are BBa_K5303001 and BBa_K5303014. The former initially provided us with higher-activity of the ALAS, the latter was built on the former to encode the highest-activity ALAS currently available. Additionally, CASTs-associated pQcasTns(Ptr)-array8 and ptDonor plasmids (BBa_K5303113 and BBa_K5303114) were constructed to address the problem of unstable ALAS free expression during the experiment. Furthermore, enzyme constrained model was employed to predict a series of potential targets and plasmids, such as BBa_K5303103, were constructed for their regulation. All of the parts we use have been submitted to the iGEM Registry following the BioBricks assembly standards. Please find below a brief form for registering our parts. For more information on our parts, please visit our Parts page.

Basic Parts
Name Type Description Designer
BBa_K5303000 Coding AFhemA Mengying Zhao
BBa_K5303001 Coding RChemA Mengying Zhao
BBa_K5303002 Coding RPhemA Mengying Zhao
BBa_K5303007 Coding RChemA-S139E Mengying Zhao
BBa_K5303008 Coding RChemA-M393L Mengying Zhao
BBa_K5303014 Coding RChemA-G244A Mengying Zhao
BBa_K5303017 Coding RChemA-A218I Mengying Zhao
BBa_K5303019 Coding RChemA-G60A Mengying Zhao
BBa_K5303024 Coding RChemA-S378M Mengying Zhao
BBa_K5303025 Coding RChemA-T245Q Mengying Zhao
BBa_K5303028 Coding RChemA-V252W Mengying Zhao
BBa_K5303031 Coding RChemA-I292A Mengying Zhao
BBa_K5303032 Coding RChemA-K13R Mengying Zhao
BBa_K5303039 Coding RChemA-I203L Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303055 Coding RChemA-G58A Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303056 T7 T7 promotor Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303057 RBS Ribosome Binding Site(RBS) Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303058 Promotor J23119 promotor Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303059 Other TetR Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303060 Other Tns Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303061 DNA Adenylate kinase(adk) Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303062 DNA Aspartate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase(asd) Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303063 DNA Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase(ppc) Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303064 DNA Succinate--CoA ligase [ADP-forming] subunit beta(SucC) Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303065 DNA Succinate--CoA ligase [ADP-forming] subunit alpha(SucD) Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303066 DNA Homoserine kinase(thrB) Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303067 DNA Adenine deaminase(adE) Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303068 DNA Aspartokinase(apE) Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303069 DNA Bifunctional aspartokinase/homoserine dehydrogenase 1(baE) Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303070 DNA Threonine synthase(tsE) Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303071 Terminator T7 Terminator Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303078 Other Kanamycin Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303079 Other Lac operator(LacO) Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303080 Other LacI Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303081 Other F1 origin Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303101 RBS SRBS Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303102 Plasmid_Backbone pTarget Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303113 Plasmid pQcasTns(Ptr)-array8 Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303114 Plasmid ptDonor Dongxun Li
Composite Parts
Name Type Description Designer
BBa_K5303082 Composite pET24a Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303083 Composite pET24a-AFhemA Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303084 Composite pET24a-RChemA Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303085 Composite pET24a-RPhemA Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303088 Composite pET24a-RChemA-S139E Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303089 Composite pET24a-RChemA-A218I Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303090 Composite pET24a-RChemA-G244A Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303091 Composite pET24a-RChemA-T245Q Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303092 Composite pET24a-RChemA-G58A Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303093 Composite pET24a-RChemA-G60A Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303094 Composite pET24a-RChemA-V252W Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303095 Composite pET24a-RChemA-I292A Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303096 Composite pET24a-RChemA-S378M Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303097 Composite pET24a-RChemA-M393L Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303098 Composite pET24a-RChemA-K13R Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303099 Composite pET24a-RChemA-I203L Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303103 Composite pTarget-adk Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303104 Composite pTarget-asd Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303105 Composite pTarget-ppc Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303106 Composite pTarget-SucC Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303107 Composite pTarget-SucD Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303108 Composite pTarget-thrB Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303109 Composite pTarget-adE Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303110 Composite pTarget-apE Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303111 Composite pTarget-baE Dongxun Li
BBa_K5303112 Composite pTarget-tsE Dongxun Li
Exploration of the Enhancement of ALAS Activity

5-Aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) is a widely used biopesticide that is effective in increasing crop resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. Promoting a high yield of 5-ALA is a priority in agricultural research. The natural synthesis pathway of this compound is comprised primarily of the C4 and C5 pathways. The C4 pathway is predominantly observed in mammals, yeast, and purple sulfur-free photosynthetic bacteria, with succinyl coenzyme A and glycine serving as the primary precursors. In contrast, the C5 pathway is predominantly observed in higher plants, algae, and certain bacteria, with glutamate serving as the primary precursor [1]. Escherichia coli is a frequently utilized chassis strain for the biosynthesis of 5-ALA in industrial fermentation, primarily due to its high productivity and short production cycle. Given the significant influence of the endogenous C5 pathway of E. coli on its growth, the exogenous introduction of the C4 pathway to achieve high production of 5-ALA has become a prominent area of research. 5-ALA synthase, also known as aminolevulinic acid synthase (ALAS), plays a pivotal role in this metabolic pathway [2]. ALAS catalyzes the conversion of glutamate to 5-ALA, which represents the rate-limiting step in the overall metabolic pathway. Consequently, the catalytic activity of ALAS exerts a direct influence on the efficiency of 5-ALA production.

Hosts Pathway Substrates Titer(g/L) References
E.coli C4 Glucose/Glycine 11.5 [3]
Glucose/Glycine/Amber Acid 7.3 [4]
Glucose/Glycine 30.7 [5]
C5 Glucose 11.4 [6]
Glucose 2.81 [7]
C. glutamicum C4 Glucose/Glycine 18.5 [8]
C5 Glucose 1.79 [9]
Glucose 3.16 [10]
Table. 1 Research progresses for 5-ALA biosynthesis in engineered microorganisms. The highest 5-ALA titer of 30.7 g/L was obtained utilizing E. coli as the chassis strain.

Currently, the main sources of ALAS include Rhodobacter capsulatus, Agrobacterium tumefaciens and Pseudomonas denitrificans. However, despite the abundance of enzyme resources provided by these microorganisms, the activity and stability of ALAS in E. coli remain suboptimal. Consequently, the question of how to enhance the enzymatic activity and stability of ALAS has become a pivotal topic in contemporary research.

Researchers have mainly used genetic engineering and enzyme modification techniques to enhance the activity of ALAS. For example, screening ALAS from different sources for higher activity and introducing them into the host bacteria through heterologous expression technology have gained some progress in industrial microorganisms such as E. coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae [11]. In addition, directed evolution techniques have also been widely used for optimizing the activity and stability of ALAS [1, 12]. These modifications allowed ALAS to exhibit higher catalytic efficiency under laboratory conditions. Despite initial improvements in enzyme activity, the activity and stability of ALAS remain insufficient for industrial applications, necessitating further enhancement of both activity and expression stability [13].

In the future, the optimal design of the synthetic enzyme itself remains a central way to improve ALAS activity. By combining molecular dynamics simulations and protein design tools, the structure-function relationship of ALAS can be further revealed, leading to precise regulation of enzyme activity through targeted mutagenesis. Furthermore, researchs in metabolic engineering should remain a priority, as optimizing metabolic flux can enhance 5-ALA production by increasing carbon flux in the target pathway and boosting the availability of key cofactors (e.g., coenzyme A, NADPH).

Overall, despite the progress made in enhancing 5-ALA synthase activity, further in-depth exploration is required in optimizing enzyme structure and metabolic regulation to achieve more efficient 5-ALA production and to establish a clearer model of the metabolic network.

Experimental Design and Result

BBa_K5303000, BBa_K5303001, and BBa_K5303002 were designed to enhance the activity of ALAS in E. coli by engineering its bacteriophage to enhance the production efficiency of 5-ALA. Through a comprehensive literature review, we screened AFhemA-ALAS, RchemA-ALAS, and RPhemA-ALAS for their potential to achieve higher ALAS activity. These enzymes have shown high catalytic activities in preliminary experiments, which promoted the synthesis of 5-ALA more significantly. Our experiments showed that BBa_K5303001 exhibited higher activity, and to further improve the yield, we modified BBa_K5303001 in the hope of enhancing its expression activity and catalytic efficiency by targeted mutagenesis.

Fig. 1 BBa_K5303000、BBa_K5303001、BBa_K5303002 fermentation results

Under the guidance and assistance of Prof. Gu Yang from Nanjing Normal University, we obtained 12 potential mutation sites. These 12 mutation sites were based on the rational prediction of the BBa_K5303001 active site and its surrounding amino acids, and the possible effects of the mutations on the conformational stability, substrate affinity and catalytic efficiency of the enzyme were considered.

Among these 12 mutants, BBa_K5303014 showed the most significant activity enhancement. The fermentation results showed that BBa_K5303014 expressed in E. coli BL21(DE3) significantly increased 5-ALA production compared with the control. after 24 h, the fermentation yields of each mutant and the control stabilized, and BBa_K5303014 yielded 164% higher than the control. This result indicated that BBa_K5303014 effectively improved the catalytic activity and substrate utilization of BBa_K5303001. It may be because BBa_K5303014 enhanced the binding stability of the enzyme and substrate and optimized the conformation of the catalytic center, which enhanced the overall reaction efficiency.

Fig. 2 BBa_K5303014 (G244A) 24 h fermentation pictures
Fig. 3 The fermentation results of BBa_K5303014 (G244A) with RC and other controls are presented and discussed in this figure

This finding provides a new direction for further modification of BBa_K5303001. We hope to continue optimizing the active site and surroundings of the enzyme through targeted mutagenesis, thus maximizing the production of 5-ALA.

The experimental results also indicate that through further mutation screening and metabolic engineering means, the biosynthesis of 5-ALA is expected to achieve greater breakthroughs, providing a more efficient production pathway for the application of 5-ALA in agriculture as well as in other fields, and contributing to the alleviation of the world food crisis.


1. Wang, W., et al., Construction of 5-Aminolevulinic Acid Microbial Cell Factories through Identification of Novel Synthases and Metabolic Pathway Screens and Transporters. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2024. 72(14): p. 8006-8017.

2. Jahn, D. and D.W. Heinz, Biosynthesis of 5-Aminolevulinic Acid, in Tetrapyrroles: Birth, Life and Death, M.J. Warren and A.G. Smith, Editors. 2009, Springer New York: New York, NY. p. 29-42.

3. Zhu, C., et al., Enhancing 5-Aminolevulinic Acid Tolerance and Production by Engineering the Antioxidant Defense System of Escherichia coli. Biotechnology Bioengineering, 2019. 116(8): p. 2018-2028.

4. Lin, J., W. Fu, and P. Cen, Characterization of 5-aminolevulinate Synthase from Agrobacterium Radiobacter, Screening New Inhibitors for 5-Aminolevulinate Dehydratase from Escherichia coli and Their Potential Use for High 5-Aminolevulinate Production. Bioresource Technology, 2009. 100(7): p. 2293-2297.

5. Pu, W., et al., System Metabolic Engineering of Escherichia coli for Hyper-production of 5-Aminolevulinic Acid. Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts, 2023. 16(1): p. 31.

6. Luo, Z., et al., Synergistic Improvement of 5-Aminolevulinic Acid Production with Synthetic Scaffolds and System Pathway Engineering. ACS Synthetic Biology, 2022. 11(8): p. 2766-2778.

7. Ding, W., et al., 5-Aminolevulinic Acid Production from Inexpensive Glucose by Engineering the C4 Pathway in Escherichia coli. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2017. 44(8): p. 1127-1135.

8. Chen, J., et al., Efficient Bioproduction of 5-Aminolevulinic Acid, a Promising Biostimulant and Nutrient, from Renewable Bioresources by Engineered Corynebacterium glutamicum. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2020. 13(1): p. 41.

9. Yu, X., et al., Engineering Corynebacterium glutamicum to Produce 5-Aminolevulinic Acid from Glucose. Microbial Cell Factories, 2015. 14(1): p. 183.

10. Zhang, C., et al., Metabolic Engineering of an Auto-regulated Corynebacterium glutamicum Chassis for Biosynthesis of 5-Aminolevulinic Acid. Bioresource Technology, 2020. 318: p. 124064.

11. Lou, J.-w., et al., High-level Soluble Expression of the HemA Gene from Rhodobacter capsulatus and Comparative Study of its Enzymatic Properties. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B, 2014. 15(5): p. 491-499.

12. Ting, W.-W. and I.S. Ng, Adaptive Laboratory Evolution and Metabolic Regulation of Genetic Escherichia coli W3110 toward Low-carbon Footprint Production of 5-Aminolevulinic Acid. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2022. 141.

13. Yi, Y.-C., et al., Challenges and Opportunities of Bioprocessing 5-Aminolevulinic Acid Using Genetic and Metabolic Engineering: a Critical Review. Bioresources and Bioprocessing, 2021. 8(1).