
1. Discussion on Whether Gene Mutations are Beneficial or Harmful

(1) Process

In order to encourage critical thinking about genetic concepts, we introduced the topic of gene mutations to the students. We structured the lesson around a debate titled “Are Gene Mutations Good or Bad?”, encouraging students to explore the dual nature of mutations. On the one hand, we discussed harmful mutations leading to genetic diseases and cancers, while on the other hand, we presented beneficial mutations, such as evolutionary adaptations in nature. This process of evolution is also something we tried to mimic and accelerate in this project.

Figure1. Students engaging in the debate on gene mutations.

(2) Achievement

Through this interactive debate, the students were able to understand that gene mutations are not inherently good or bad but can lead to both advantageous and harmful outcomes depending on the context. Additionally, we introduced how this project benefits from screening a specific combination of gene mutations. The students seemed to understand our initiative.

(3) Their feedback

The students were deeply engaged in the discussion, asking thoughtful questions about real-world examples of gene mutations and their effects on human health and the environment.

(4) Our reflection

We noticed that some students had misconceptions about mutations being solely negative. For future lessons, we plan to provide more visual aids and concrete examples to illustrate the diverse roles that mutations can play in both nature and human life.

2. Introduction to our designed black box system

(1) Process

In an effort to simplify complex scientific concepts, we introduced a black box system with cartoon characters to demonstrate the principles behind our project. We first introduced the first generation of the black box. We didn’t directly introduce the second generation of the black box system because, although the first generation is uncontrollable, it still includes elements such as LacO, the T7 promoter, CBE, and RNAP. We thought it was better to break down important concepts, allowing the high school students, who haven’t delved deeply into this field, to understand our design. After clarifying some questions about the system, we moved on to introduce the second generation of our black box system, which includes photosensitive proteins, nMag and pMag. We explained how the addition of these two proteins allows us to control the combination and separation of RNAP, further controlling the start and stop of gene editing. Finally, we discussed the broad prospects for the application of this black box system. We also invited students to share their opinions on how this black box system could be applied to solve problems around them.

Figure2. Demonstration of the black box system.

(2) Achievement

The students successfully understood how this black box system works, gaining insights into the most cutting-edge gene editing techniques. They were able to establish connections between the theory and practical applications, which reinforced their learning experience.

(3) Their feedback

The students appreciated the clarity of the demonstration and found it both engaging and informative. They expressed a desire for more interactive lessons like this.

(4) Our reflection

We realized that while the students enjoyed the demonstration, many struggled to grasp the underlying scientific principles. They had just learned about the central dogma, so when they saw RNAP, they simply associated RNAP with mRNA and thought the CBE edits the mRNA that RNAP produces, which led to some confusion about how our system functions. In future lessons, we will aim to provide simpler explanations and include longer Q&A sessions before moving on to the next part.

3. Analysis of Experiment Results

(1) Process

After conducting experiments to verify whether our black box system would work and whether it could directionally increase the production of certain substances, we gathered and analyzed the data to draw meaningful conclusions. We began by introducing the method of the experiment and the corresponding results to the students. This process started with a brief introduction to the basic theory behind the two generations of the black box system and the expected outcomes. Specifically, we explained that if our black box system worked as intended, the EGFP fluorescence expression would either increase or decrease, indicating that our system led to positive or negative mutations. Additionally, we discussed the experiment where we applied the black box system to enhance the production of spermidine and NADH. In this case, we expected that by applying this system, the E. coli would increase the production of spermidine and NADH, thereby extending the lifespan of C. elegans.

Next, we presented the processed data and encouraged the students to work in groups to discuss or attempt to interpret the results independently. These data included fluorescence intensity measurements, genomic sequencing data (evidence of gene mutation), and growth curve data, which confirmed an increase in spermidine and NADH production. Finally, we led the students to draw conclusions:

1)Our second generation of the black box system effectively and randomly increased or decreased the expression of EGFP.

2)The application of the black box system successfully increased the production of spermidine and NADH.

Figure3. We are introducing how we analyzed the data and how it led to conclusions to the students.

(2) Achievement

The students gained a solid understanding of how scientific experiments are designed, executed, and analyzed, particularly in the context of our black box system. They successfully connected theoretical knowledge with practical results, enhancing their grasp of gene expression manipulation and its real-world applications. Additionally, the students demonstrated a capacity to interpret complex data, which reinforced their analytical skills.

(3) Their Feedback

The students responded positively, expressing enthusiasm for the hands-on approach to data analysis and the clarity with which the experimental process was explained. They appreciated the opportunity to engage directly with the data and enjoyed working in groups to discuss their interpretations. Some students expressed interest in conducting similar experiments in the future.

(4) Our Reflection

We observed that while the students were generally able to follow the experimental process and understand the data, some struggled with the more advanced concepts related to gene mutation and expression. In future lessons, we plan to provide additional background information and scaffold the learning process more effectively to ensure that all students can fully grasp the material. We also noticed that the group discussions significantly enhanced the students' engagement and comprehension, so we will incorporate more collaborative activities in future lessons.

4. Peer Review and Feedback Exchange with Students of Beijing No.80 High School

(1) Process

To further enhance the rigor and impact of our project, we invited students from the Beijing No.80 High School to engage in an in-depth exchange with us. We began with a detailed presentation of our project, covering our research objectives, experimental design, and key findings. Following this, we initiated a peer review session, asking these students, who have a strong academic background in their respective fields, to evaluate our project.

During the exchange, we presented different stages of our project, from the basic principles of gene editing technology to the innovative application of our black box system, and finally to the data analysis of our experimental results. After each presentation, the students from the Beijing No.80 High School provided sharp and constructive feedback. For instance, they raised questions about the controllability of the black box system and suggested further optimization of the experimental design to enhance the system's precision and stability. Additionally, they engaged in discussions about the ethical implications of gene editing technology, offering many thought-provoking perspectives.

At the end of the session, we organized an open discussion, inviting the students to share their overall impressions of the project and potential directions for improvement. This not only helped us better understand the project's shortcomings but also inspired us with new ideas for the future application of the black box system. Notably, they suggested exploring the possibility of applying this system to other model organisms to verify its broad applicability.

Figure4. Engaging in a peer review session with students of Beijing No.80 High School.

(2) Achievement

Through this peer review, we received many valuable suggestions that helped us further refine our project. The students of Beijing No.80 High School provided deep technical feedback and encouraged us to rethink the project's application prospects and ethical implications. These insights were crucial in improving our experimental design and expanding the scope of our research.

(3) Their Feedback

The students of Beijing No.80 High School were highly engaged, offering detailed and insightful feedback. They praised the project's innovation and the rigor of the experiments while also providing suggestions for more detailed improvements. For example, they recommended including more control groups in future experiments to ensure the reliability and reproducibility of the results.

(4) Our Reflection

This peer review experience made us deeply aware of the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration and external perspectives in scientific research. Through the exchange with the Beijing No.80 High School students, we not only improved technically but also gained inspiration in academic thinking. In the future, we plan to introduce peer review sessions earlier in the project and seek broad feedback at various stages to ensure comprehensive and innovative research. This exchange also reinforced our commitment to scientific ethics, prompting us to always consider our social responsibility while pursuing technological breakthroughs.