Sustainable Development Impact

Describe how you have evaluated your project ideas against one or more of the SDGs.


Animal health is more complicated than just providing them with necessary vitamins and minerals. Swine, for example, among other agricultural animals, consume a diet high in plant-based non-starch polysaccharides (NSPs), a type of complex sugar. One kind of NSPs involved in their diet is called xylan, and it functions as small padlocks on the nutrients in feed, making the process of digestion and absorption difficult. Numerous problems, including the decrease of nutrition absorption, digestive health concerns, and even slower growth rates, might result from the challenges.

Scientists have been deciphering an ideal solution for the issue derived from xylan protection. Here’s where xylanase, a newly developed enzyme, comes into play. Xylanase are designed to break down the bonds between the NSPs. By breaking the bonds, animals are able to gain access to trapped nutrients. Eventually, this improvement is translated into a more efficient digestive system, better gut health for animals, and the possibilities for farmers to see better growth rates and reduced feed costs.

To contribute to this improvement, we developed an experiment that aims to produce xylanase for animal feed. Yet, this experiment on xylanase production for animal feed also holds promise for contributing to several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A major goal for attaining food security is increasing food production, which xylanase may contribute to via enhancing animal nutrient absorption. Its application also coincides with the promotion of sustainable agricultural techniques, which may lessen resource consumption and environmental effect. Moreover, xylanase may help enhance animal health, which may benefit associated long term objectives. All things considered, this experiment provides an insight into developments that support a more effective and sustainable food system, potentially granting to achieving multiple SDGs.


One essential aspect of the Sustainable Goals is number 2, Zero Hunger. The goal aims to end hunger and malnutrition issues by 2030. The goal highlights the importance of underwriting the farming industry, which play a vital role in producing food. By permitting farmers to access more resources and knowledge, the food system can be strengthened and improve people’s access to nutritious food. Furthermore, it highlights the need to address inequalities of people’s access to food sources. Finally, SDG 2 envisions a world where safe and nutritious food is provided to everyone.

The limited resources of Earth are under tremendous pressure due to the continuous-increasing human population and present consumption practices. Responsible Consumption and Production, or Sustainable Development Goal 12, takes responsibility for this problem and provides head-on responses for this issue. The world envisioned by SDG 12 will generate less waste and pollution along the production cycle. This goal recognizes that changing our habits is not just about individual actions; it requires a systemic shift that involves businesses, governments, and individuals working together.


Despite animal agriculture having a significant contribution to global food production, resource utilization and environmental challenges appear to be one urgent concern to global organizations. To respond to the SDGs, xylanase supplementation in animal feed appears to be a solution to the challenges previously mentioned. The principal benefit of xylanase resides in its ability to unlock the bonds between the NSPs. Also, it assists animals to break down complex carbohydrates appearing in their feed into simpler sugars, making them available for absorption. Hence, less feed requirement and quantity are needed to achieve the same level of growth.

Goal #2

Problem identification:

As mentioned, SDG 2 is to end hunger by 2030. However, a major barrier lies in reaching this goal. Most of the time, overall food production seems adequate, yet malnutrition can be a hidden and widespread problem among people getting enough essential nutrients. This phenomenon is known as “hidden hunger”. Hidden hunger is believed to be mostly due to the limited access to nutritious food, this includes the blockage of poorness and the slow production system. Poverty restricts people’s ability to afford nutrient-rich edibles. Also, in the current situation, underdeveloped and undernutrition livestock may lead to the lack of food production. As a result of these drivers of hidden hunger, a decline in food availability impacts the population to gain enough to eat.


Our research on xylanase production holds several significances for pigs and contributes to SDG 2 (Zero Hunger). This particular type of enzyme allows NSPs in animal feed to be broken down into smaller sugars, thus enhancing the digestibility of farm animals and absorption of nutrients. This significance translates into the improvement of animal production, hence increasing the amount of meat quantity, providing the global population enough meat sources to consume.

Goal #12

Problem identification:

SDG 12 aims to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns by 2030. In recent years, the ongoing growth of the human population and current consumption patterns have placed significant pressure on the Earth. Not only was the earth under pressure, but the problem was also involved in the animal agriculture field. The efficiency of resource use in the animal agriculture field did not improve or be noticed. There is a need to enhance the animals' absorbs nutrients so that animals can survive with less food.


The experiment also aligns perfectly with the principles of Goal 12 (Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns), the goal allows the improvement of efficient use of resources and reduces the environmental impact on animal agriculture fields. Xylanase permits for more efficient feed utilization. By letting the animal digest and absorb the nutrients efficiently, this leading to the reduction of amount of feed for animals, and minimize the waste, which require sustainable agricultural practices. This improvement leads to the reduction of waste lowers the environmental impact of farming, and potentially makes meat more affordable for consumers.

Possible Drawbacks

It is essential to acknowledge that despite the positive influence that our experiment can bring to society, there are some potential drawbacks that come with our experiment. To begin with, apart from the fact that xylanase can help accelerate animal production, and thus decodes the issue of hunger, there are several weaknesses with the method. The primary downside would be the extended production cost. As previously mentioned, by using xylanase, feed cost can be significantly reduced. However, a large amount of budget must be allocated for the production of the enzyme xylanase itself. This includes the forming process and the trials of producing xylanase. This can cause large amounts of waste, both the squandering of chemical and money. In this case, small scale farmers are likely to face economic-pressure once spending on xylanase.

When it comes to Sustainable Development Goal 12, in the face of the positive impact that xylanase can bring to fair consumption and production, we came across with few drawbacks. First of all, it is obvious that the production of xylanase may involve the creation of manufacturing waste, including energy, water, and other resources. This in turn, pollutes the environment and lessen available resources for other purposes. Furthermore, relying heavily on xylanase may lead to the over-relianace on technologies. As a result, skills of farming may fail to be handed down to the next generation, which then in the future, human will no longer be able to farm without the assistance of technology.

General Actions

On campus

From daily interactions with friends and family, we came to a conclusion that most individuals are not familiar with the Sustainable Development Goals. This gave us an idea to raise awareness through giving speeches about SDGs. We held a speech during club time, and invited students in the Mingdao International Department to attend. The speech was given by students from the Mingdao IGEM Team on May 7th, 2024. We had the chance to introduce the SDGs and share our understandings of SDGs with more individuals. More specifically, our aim was to raise awareness of SDGs and share our opinions regarding each SDG goals.

For kids

We realized that to fundamentally solve the issue of lacking awareness, we must teach younger children, specifically elementary school children, SDG knowledge, in which they can apply and expand upon in the future. Therefore, our team decided to hold an Elementary Education Event where we visit Guang Hua Elementary School and share understandings related to SDGs. Throughout the event, students were encouraged to contribute to the SDGs in their daily lives by incorporating sustainable practices and fostering a sense of responsibility toward global challenges.