

Our project aims to improve animal feed digestibility and nutritional efficiency by using Pichia pastoris to surface-display thermostable xylanase from Streptomyces thermovulgaris, addressing SDGs 2 (Zero Hunger) and 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production). Utilizing the GTH1 promoter, we expressed xylanase with two anchor proteins, GCW61 and Pir1. Comparative analysis using DNS assays and 3D modeling techniques (I-TASSER, YASARA with FoldX, and PyMOL) identified GCW61 as the more effective anchor. Xylanase-GCW61 showed significant activity and stability, while Xylanase-Pir1 exhibited measurable but lower activity. We conducted investigations on optimal enzyme activity conditions, resistance to gastric proteases, and feed processing stability. Our findings highlight the potential for this method to enhance livestock feed efficiency safely and cost-effectively.

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