


Week 1
Date: 22.05.2024
Members: Nick, Sara
Transferred 1µL of PUS250-V3 plasmid on to 50 µL of DH10B E.coli. Heat shocked seconds, recovered for 1 hour at 37° C in 100 µL LB.

Members: Nick, Jenny, Faith
Plated cultures of LB-KM at 37° C overnight.

Date: 23.05.2024
Members: Jenny
Measured the concentration of plasmid by nanodrop. The result was : DNA: 220 ng/ µL 260/280 =1.9.

Date : 23.05.2024
Members: Nick, Faiza
Plasmid preparation done using kit as usual (NEB Kit Monarch)
Week 2
Date: 28.05.2024
Members: Nick, Faiza
Plasmid preparation continued.
Week 1

Date: 07.06.2024
Members: Faith
Repeated digestion similar to 28.05.2024.
Then did PCR and 1% agarose gel 1x TAE buffer
Remade PSU250 plasmid
Week 2

Date: 11.06.2024
Members: Faith
Golden Gate Reaction (GGR) from 7.6.2024
G-block (amilcp) = 25 ng/µL
Incubated at room temperature

Date: 12.06.2024
Members: Faith
GGR transferred 5ul onto 50ul DH10B plated on LB-KM at 37C

Date: 13.06.2024
Members: Nick, Carmen, Jenny
Repeated 12/6 but using PaqCI

Date: 14.06.2024
Members: Carmen, Nick, Jenny
Spread plate from 13/6 plated to 20x grid on LB-KM at 37C

Date: 15.06.2024
Members: Carmen
Moved 14/6 20x grid plate to bench

Date: 16.06.2024
Members: Carmen
Colonies #1-6 from previous 20x grid plate plated onto LB-KM liquid cultures overnight at 37C

Date: 17.06.2024
Members: Carmen
Plasmid extracted with NEB kit eluted in 50ul MQW
Result: Yield low but quality fine
Week 1

Date: 9.07.2024
Members: Ainaz, Jack
PmQ3A, PmQ3B Golden Gate Reactions

Incubate for 40mins at 37C
10ul of each GGR transferred into DH10B E.coli (50ul) then heat shocked then recovered for 1hr at 37C, added 1ml of LB to each.
Then plated 100ul and pallet onto LB-KM (4 plates prepared)

Date: 10.07.2024
Members: Ainaz
PmQ3C, PmQ3D Golden Gate Reactions

5ul of each GGR transferred into DH10B E.coli (50ul) then heat shocked then recovered for 1hr at 37C, added 1ml of LB to each.
Then plated 100ul of the pallet onto LB-KM, incubated at 37C overnight (2 plates prepared)

Date: 11.07.24
pellet plate : ~100 blue colonies and 10 white colonies
diluted plate: 30 blue colonies and 1 white colony

pellet plate: 4 white colonies

pellet plate: 3 white colonies

pellet plate: 33 blue colonies and 2 white colonies
100 ul plate: 15 blue colonies
All colonies patched onto LB-KM, and incubated at 37C.

Date: 11.07.24
Member: Jenny
GGR: PmQ3A and PmQ3B

ECH: Ppu : 3.6 ul
FCS: Ppu: 7.2 ul
COMT_ara: 4.6 ul
Sam5: 6.8 ul
Sam8: 6.8 ul
pUS250: 2.2 ul
10x ligase buffer: 4 ul
GG enzyme mix: 2ul
MQ: 2.8ul
= 40 ul total

ECH Ppu: 3.6 ul
FCS Ppu: 7.2 ul
COMT_6714: 4.6 ul
Sam5: 6.8 ul
Sam8: 6.8 ul
pUS250: 2.2 ul
10x ligase buffer: 4 ul
GG enzyme mix: 2 ul
= 40 ul total

Thermocycler cycle = x30 cycles
Step 1: 37C - 5 mins
Step 2: 16C - 5mins
Step 3: 60C - 5 mins
But if left overnight add 4C hold step after 30 cycles and then before you transform, do the Step 3 and then use the DNA to transform

Date: 12.07.24
Member: Nick
All patches have grown. Some show brown diffusable pigment. Melanin?

Date: 12.07.24
Member: Nick and Carmen
10 ul of each GG reaction transferred into 50 ul DH10B cells

Date: 12.07.24
Member: Faiza
Making Agar plates
400 ml LB-Km and 400 ml LB-Km cumate. Agar was autoclaved and put in hot air over overnight.
Bot-1 (KM 50 ug/ml) - (KM stock - 50ug/ml - 50x10^3 ug/ml)
400 ul/400ml
Bot-2 (KM + Cumate 0.1MM) (cumate stock = 0.5M)
KM = 400 ul, cumate = 80 ul

Date: 12.07.24
Member: Faiza and Carmen
Golden Gate Reaction

ECH: Ppu : 3.6 ul
FCS: 7.2 ul
COMT_ara: 4.6 ul
hpaBC: 8.8 ul
Sam8: 6.8 ul
MQ: 0.8 ul
10x ligase buffer: 4 ul
pUS250: 2.2 ul
GG enzyme mix: 2ul
= 40 ul total

ECH: Str : 3.6 ul
FCS-Str: 7.2 ul
COMT_ara: 4.6 ul
Sam5: 6.8 ul
Sam8: 6.8 ul
MQ: 2.8 ul
10x ligase buffer: 4 ul
pUS250: 2.2 ul
GG enzyme mix: 2ul
= 40 ul total

Thermocycler cycle = x30 cycles
Step 1: 37C - 5 mins
Step 2: 16C - 5mins
Step 3: 60C - 5 mins
N.B. If left overnight, add 4C hold step after 30 cycles and then before you transform, do the step 3 and then use the DNA to transform.

Date: 13.07.24
Member: Nick
Plates moved to 4C
Week 2
Date: 16.07.24
Member: Sara
12 colonies of rach type patched onto LB-Km at 37C

Date: 16.07.24
Member: Jack and Ainaz
From 12.07.24 3C and 3D
10 ul of GGR from 12.07 transformed into BC21 (50ul) and plated into LB-Km (just the pellets after recovery)

Date: 16.07.24
Member: Jack and Ainaz
RARE inoculated into 5ml LB and 5ml M9 (minimal medium) + glucose overnight at 37C.
This is a test of metabolites produced which will show up as background in HPLC.

Date: 16.07.24
Member: Nick
A1, A2, B1-B12, D1-D3
Plasmid preps from 1st round of PMQ3 clones
Patches from 11.07 inoculated into 5ml LB-Km and grown 37C overnight

Date: 17.07.24
Member: Ainaz, Faiza, and Carmen
Plasmid extracted as usual and eluted in 30ul EB, concentrations (ng/ul) estimated using nanodrop:
A1: 52.5
A2: 48.9
B1: 51.4
B2: 72.1
B3: 58.7
B4: 34.7
B5: 56.2
B6: 79.6
B7: 61.0
B8: 31.4
B9: 54.7 ; 1.90; 1.52
B10: 37.6
B11: 52.9
B12: 43.5 ; 1.87; 1.53
D1: 56.9
D2: 69.2
D3: 46.4
B9 and B12 flagged A260/230 and will still send for sequencing
extracts placed in the iGEM freezer box

Date: 17.07.24
Member: Nick
Second round clones are renumbered as B13-B24 and A3-A14. All patches grew well.
Some brown color visible on patches A5, A7, A8, A9, A10, A12, and A14. Go to 18.07.24 (Nick and Jenny)

Date: 17.07.24
Member: Nick, Ainaz, Faiza, and Carmen
Plasmid preps from second round clones of PMQ3A and PMQ3B
Patches of clones from p14 and C's from p16 are inoculated into 4ml LB-Km overnight at 37C.
PMQ3A = 3-14; PMQ3B = 13-18; PMQ3C = 1-3
Note: PMQ3B plate has patches 13-24. only first 6 inoculated overnight cultures due to high number of potentials for sequencing.
Can come back and prep the rest later if need be.

Date: 18.07.24
Member: Nick and Jenny
Plasmids extracted from 17.07.24 cultures using Monarch Kit, same as previously
Nanodrop readings (ng/ul)
3A 3: 112
3A 4: 165.2
3A 5: 157.6
3A 6: 150.6
3A 7: 120.9
3A 8: 90.7
3A 9: 121.2
3A 10: 121.8
3A 11: 227.7
3A 12: 99.5
3A 13: 133.2
3A 14: 122.9

3B 13: 261.2
3B 14: 160.1
3B 15: 176.6
3B 16: 180.2
3B 17: 142.3
3B 18: 550.7 - (A260/A280 = 1.90) (A260/A230 = 2.24)

3C 1: 128.8
3C 2: 520.2 - (A260/A280 = 1.89) (A260/A230 = 2.23)
3C 3: 132.7

Date: 18.07.24
Member: Nick
Plasmids continued
AU plasmids sent to Plasmidsaurus for sequencing Batch 1
Week 3
Date: 22.07.24
Member: Carmen and Faith
10x white colonies from PMQ3D + from plate 16.07 patched onto LB-Km plate at 37C overnight
RARE strain inoculated into 5ml LB, overnight at 37C for competent prep tomorrow
10ul MQW added to Sam8 tube and vortexed

Sam8 PCR
Sam8 = 2
MQW = 8
NUC 371 = 1.25
NUC 372 = 1.25
Q5 2xMM 12.5
total = 25
Ext time: 1.7kb product x 30 sec/kb = 51 sec - round up to 55s with 3min final extension
Thermocycling protocol: Carmen - Q5 TD to 62

Date: 23.07.24
Member: Faiza
Remake pMQ3C/Sam8 PCR continued
Sam8 PCR product looks good. PCR mix made up to 50ul with MQ, then purified using macherey nagel kit, elude in 30ul.
nanodrop ready: purified PCR product then diluted to typical gblock concentration (25 ng/ul) using sterile MQ.
GG reaction then done, same as previous page, substitute sm8 PCR product for sam8 gblock.

ech-ppu: 3.6 ul
fcs-ppu: 7.2 ul
comt-ara: 4.6 ul
hpaBC: 8.8 ul
tal.sam8: 6.8 ul
MQ: 0.8
10x ligase buffer: 4ul
pus250 vector: 2.2 ul
GG enzyme mix: 2.0 ul
reaction cycled using same method as p16

Date: 23.07.24
Member: Faiza
competent cells of RARE E.coli
CCMB solution made: (100mL)
CaCl2. H20: 102g
MnCl2.4H20: 0.4g
KAC: 0.5g
glycerol: 10mL
R.O. water: 90mL
add salts to 90mL water
add glycerol
filter sterile into 2x falcon

Date: 24.07.24
Member: Jack
Competent cells of RARE E.coli continued
Plate of RARE (cold room) used to get 1 big loopful of cells ->1 mL LB -> vortex -> inoculate into 100mL LB
initial OD600 = 0.09 @ 12.20, 0.213 @ 1:30pm, 0.32 @ 1:45pm
cells pelleted (5min 4000g), respended in 10ml of CCMB solution, pellet, respend in 5ml, repeat step, pellet respend in 2ml then made 20x 100ul ….. 80C

Sequencing refer to Results section
Week 1
Date: 07/08/2024
Members: Jack
Primers, fixing mutations in PMQ3 plasmids by PCR

Plasmid 3B clone 16
JRD1 2uL
JRD2 2uL
template DNA 1 uL (1:100 dilution)
Master mix Q4 (2x) 50uL
MilliQ 45uL

Plasmid 3C clone 2
JRD3 2uL
JRD4 2uL
template DNA 1 uL (1:100 dilution)
Master mix Q5 (2x) 50uL
MilliQ 45uL

Plasmid 3D clone 2
JRD5 2uL
JRD6 2uL
template DNA 1 uL (1:100 dilution)
Master mix Q5 (2x) 50uL
MilliQ 45uL

PCR using Q5 polymerase: anneal at 5C above TM, Extension 20sec per kb
Initial denaturation: 98C 30sec, 30x(Denature 98C 10sec, Anneal 65C 20sec, Extend 72C 4 min) Final extension 72C 2min

Date: 07/08/2024
Members: Jack, Faiza
Transforming pMQ3A_7 into E.coli RARE
1uL of plasmid pMQ3A_7 transformed into 50uL of RARE competent cells
Control: no plasmid added

Recover 1 hour 37C, plate on LB-Km

Date: 07/08/2024
Members: Faiza
making LB Agar (25gm per 1000ml) = 10gm/400ml
Bot 1 - plain LB (10gm LB powder + 6gm agar)
Bot 2 - LB-Km (10gm LB + 6gm Agar + Km)
400uL of KM stock solution after autoclaving

Date: 08/08/2024
Members: Ainaz
No colonies in any plates
Gel electrophoresis for samples A,B, C - no bands
Retransform 3A7, positive and negative controls plate (E.coli RARE)

Date: 08/08/2024
Members: Faiza, Jenny
Fixing mutations in pMQ3B,C,D by PCR attempt 2
Repeat PCRs from 07.08 but increase amount of template and use touchdown PCR

JRD1 - 2uL
JRD2 - 2uL
pMQ3B_16 - 1uL
Q5 - 50uL
MQ - 45uL

JRD3 - 2uL
JRD4 - 2uL
pMQ3C_2 - 1uL
Q5 - 50uL
MQ - 45uL

JRD5 - 2uL
JRD6 - 2uL
pMQ3D_2 - 1uL
Q5 - 50uL
MQ - 45uL

Date: 09/08/2024
Members: Nick
Good growth for positive control (pus250) - plates and cells okay
tiny colonies unlike with pMQ3A_7 - good but slow
Week 2
Date: 12/08/2024
Members: Sara
continue PCR from 08.08
B - band of correct size seen, but many other bands are also present
C - very faint band of correct size, other stronger bands also present - PCR discarded
D - smear, no bands present - PCR discarded
Gel rerun with all of sample B (4x25uL) band at 11kb cut out, put at 4C

Redo of PCR C and D
we used less template DNA and increased annealing temperature
1 in 10 dilutions made of each plasmid template, expected concentrations 7ng/uL (D2) 53ng/uL (possible C2?)

JRD3 - 2uL
JRD4 - 2uL
pMQ3C_2 - 1uL
Q5 - 50uL
MQ - 45uL

C1 - 50uL
C2 - 50uL + 1uL DMSO

JRD5 - 2uL
JRD6 - 2uL
pMQ3D_2 - 1uL
Q5 - 50uL
MQ - 45uL

D1 - 50uL
D2 - 50uL + 1uL DMSO

4 PCR samples in total: 1 without and 1 with DMSO each

Date: 13/08/2024
Members: Faiza/Sara
pMQ3A_7 in E.coli RARE
colonies from 07.08 (which look orange) scrapped into 1mL LB. OD600 measured (1/10): 0.297
suspension OD600 = 2.97
inoculated into 2x5mL LB-Km (+200uL tyrosine in SMA saturated solution) to give initial OD= 0.1

Date: 13/08/2024
Members: Nick
Cultures now at saturation (OD ~2 so we knowthat 200uL DMSO per 5mL culture is okay- not too toxic)
New cultures made from spread plate (07.08) as above
#1: OD600 = 0.94 (I-)
#2: OD600 = 0.89 (I+)

I+ = 1.41
I- = 1.16

I+ = 1.01
I- = 0.87

I+ = 1.1
I- = 1.39

I+ = 0.122
I- = 0.124

I+ = 0.145
I- = 0.145

Date: 13/08/2024
Members: Nick, Ainaz, Jack and Faith
Gel purification of PCR of plasmid pMQ3B
Gel slice from 12.08 purified using kit
weight of gel = 0.48g
amount of buffer NTI = 0.96ug/mL - 960uL - no DNA

PCR of G-blocks
remake plasmid from G-blocks
NVC371 - 1uL
NVC372 - 1uL
Q5mm - 25uL
FCS-Ppu - 1uL
MQ - 22uL
good PCR product, purified as usual, elute in 50uL = 80ng/uL
Dilute to 25ng/uL at 30C

Date: 14/08/2024
Members: Nick
no vanilla smell in induced culture
Week 3
Date: 22/08/2024
Members: Faiza
Reconstructing pMQ3B,C,D from G-blocks

cycled with proper cycling 30*( 5min37℃, 5min 16℃)

Date: 23/08/2024
Golden gate reaction (B,C,D) transferred (heat shock 42 45) into DH10B compound cells (50ul).
10uL to 30C/72hours

Week 4
Date: 26/08/2024
Members: Nick
Good growth of pellet plates in all cases (B,C,D) with ~70-80 colonies and almost all white colonies
plates put at 4C

pMQ3A_7 (1uL) transformed into 100uL E.coli RARE, recovered in 1mL LB, 100uL plated onto 5x plates of LB-Km
no growth (27.08 and 28.08) bad plasmid, method, cells?

Date: 27/08/2024
Members: Jenny
24 clones of each type (3B #19-43, 3C #4-28, 3D #4-28) picked to LB-Km patches - 37C

Date: 28/08/2024
Members: Jenny, Jack
all cultures grew well. centrifuge 4000g 5 min. extract plasmids with monarch kit, elute in 50uL LB
Patched of new pMQ3B clones #19-43
each patch inoculated into 5mL LB-Km in 50mL Falcons- 37C shaking

Date: 29/08/2024
Members: Nick, Carmen
pMQ3A_7 not much DNA left in tube.added 10uL TE then used 3mL to transform DH10B and RARE comp. cells (20uL DH10B and 50uL RARE)
(+) control - 1uL pUS250
start resuscitation 11:45am in 900uL LB, static, pelleted and plated onto LB-Km (~100uL)
x4 plates in 37C incubator- DH10B +, DH10B_A, RARE +, RARE -A

Date: 29/08/2024
Members: Faiza
Week 1
Date: 05/09/2024
Members: Jenny, Faith
inoculated 3C patches in 5mL LB-Km broth - 37C shaking

Date: 06/09/2024
Members: Nick
culture pelleted and frozen at -30C
Week 2
Date: 16/09/2024
Members: Faith
Construct A transform into RARE (1 negative and 1 test)
2uL pMQA_7 = 240ng
recover in 1mL LB, dilute pellets onto LB-Km

pMQ3C clones 11, 15, 20 show brown diffusable pigment in patches (27.08)
cell pellets from these 3 cultures plasmid-prepped elute in 30uL LB
3C_11 : 90ng/uL
3C_15: 45ng/uL
3C_20: 88ng/uL
2uL of each plasmid transformed into RARE E.coli cells using LB-Km at 30C
Date: 16/09/2024
Members: Faith, Jack

Date: 19/09/2024
Members: Faith
retransform pMQ3A, 3x pMQ3C + pus250 as control into both RARE and DH10B

x5 pMQ3A - RARE
x5 pMQ3C11,15,20 - RARE
x5 pus250 - RARE

x5 pMQ3A - DH10B
x5 pMQ3C11,15,20 - DH10B
x5 pus250 - DH10B

each reaction split between 2x LB-Km plates: 1 at 30C and 1 at 37C = 20 plates

Plate labels:
RARE at 30C - black
RARE at 37C - purple
DH10B at 30C - blue
DH10B at 37C - red

2uL of each plasmid transformed into 20uL of each competent cell type. Recovered in 1mL LB for 1 hour. cells pelleted 16000gG for 2 mins, ~100uL of each onto LB-Km plates. 10x plates in 30C incubation, 10x plates in 37C incubator after pelleting, 800uL supernatant removed with pipette to ensure that 200uL leftover [100uL x 2 plates]
Note: plates with no growth from 16.09 were put back into the 30C incubator just in case there is very slow growth by next week
Week 3
Date: 23/09/24
Members: Carmen
Retransformation of pMQ3A 3x
pMQ3C continued

plates from 19/09
DH10B @30C - lawns! pMQ3A and pMQ3C's have brown pigment diffused into agar but 3Cs are darker. could be more of same pigment? 3A colonies are closer to normal cream color, 3Cs colonies are markedly brown (along with agar coloration)
RARE @30C - very little growth, 1-2 colonies per plate at most. No agar coloration, but colony morphology varies (some big/small, one looks black/brown) could be contamination or mutants?

DH10B @37 - more lawns! colonies are small but expected when colonies are crowded. 3A has agar coloration (similar to @30C), 3Cs have more darker coloration and colonies are dark brown. accumulation of something?

RARE @37C - only 1x single colony on 3A and 3C_20 plates. nothing on rest.

pus250 controls wokreek fine for all 4 sets (purple lots of large healthy colonies)

still no growth on plates from 16/09, thrown out

RARE strain is clearly struggling maybe accumulating too many aldehydes, leading to toxicity?

sticking to DH10B for now due to time constraints

scrape ⅔ of each DH10B @37 plate into 1mL LB and measure OD600
for each plate resuspension, inoculate 5mL Lb-Tyr-Km at 3x different starting ODS: 0.05 and 0.1
confirm initial OD
incubate overnight at 37C
will induce with cumate tomorrow morning, these cells seem to grow slower with our plasmids (compare growth with pMQ's vs pus250)

X=(measured OD/target OD)
uL cells to add = (volume of media uL/ X)

scraped cells were very resistant to resuspending fully so let the resuspension mix sit for ~1 min so largest chunks could settle and used 100uL of supernatant + 900uL LB for OD measurements.
in 37C shaking incubator at ~3:40pm

Date: 24/09/24
Members: Carmen
ODs of overnight from 23/09
1/10 dilutions of cultures in Lb-Tyr for readings, x by 10 for “true” measurements

all way overgrown (aiming for 0.5). transferred 500uL of each into 5mL fresh Lb-Tyr-Km for outgrowth before induction
after outgrowth, transferred 2.5mL of each into new 50mL falcons for induction - rest left as uninduced controls.

induced with cumate (find concentration = 100uM) at 1:50pm, put into 37C shaking incubator overnight

Date: 24/09/2
Members: Carmen, Faiza, Jenny
repeat of retransformation of pMQ3A and pMQ3Cs
repeat of 19/09 to confirm that strains have not been mixed up, except only at 37C, omitting 30C set

R1: RARE + pMQ3A
R2: RARE + pMQ3C_11
R3: RARE + pMQ3C_15
R4: RARE + pMQ3C_20
R5: RARE + pus250

D1: DH10B + pMQ3A
D2: DH10B + pMQ3C_11
D3: DH10B + pMQ3C_15
D4: DH10B + pMQ3C_20
D5: DH10B + pus250

2uL of each plasmid transformed into 20uL of each competent cell type. recovered in Lb 1mL for 1 hour. pelleted cells at 16000G 2min, removed 800uL supernatant so 200uL leftover cells, resuspended and 100uL each plated onto Lb-Km.
10x plates in 37C incubator overnight , only patrf 1x 100uL so colony density should be the same as last time

Date: 25/09/24
Members: Carmen
Overnight Induction Results
excessive cumate was fine. don't need to redo
pMQ3A: more typical saturated E.coli culture color, but uninduced look slightly darker/denser?
pMQ3Cs: all are very dark brown, almost black! such an enormous difference compared to 3A. uninduced also looks slightly darker than induced
pus250: no noticeable difference between induced and uninduced(good and expected) both are dusky like color

Chemical analysis prep
falcons shaken to fully distribute, then 1mL of each transferred t sterile 1.5mL tubes and spiun down at max speed (21k G) for 10 minutes.
remaining cultures in falcon tubes out in 4C fridge
after spindown, 700uL of supernatant from each tube very carefully transferred to new sterile 1.5mL tubes, put into orange freezer box and into iGEM freezer drawer


pus250 cultures smell like normal E.coli cultures
pMQ3A seems to smell less acrid than typical cultures
pMQ3Cs definitely seem to smell almost sweeter or at least far less bad than typical cultures
asked Ruby W. for opinion on culture smells without telling what each was. she said pus250 smelled normal, pMQ3A was not as strong as normal, and at least pMQ3C_15 (induced and uninduced) smelled “a little fruity” note: only gace pus250-I, 3A+1, and 3C_15 +I

3C cultures very dark brown but after pelletting, the supernatant is still brown but the cell pellets are similar color to 3A - the color is in the supernantant
supernatant color of 3A is basically same as pus250 (3A slightly darker yellow?)
for all 3Cs, the uninduced supernatant is noticebaky darker than induced
no cloudiness in any of the supernatants, different colors are all still clear
note: original samples induced with 500uM cumte. additional set repeated with 100uM climate- these have sticker on them. not needed unless something happens to first set

cumate working stick calcs: from 24/09
dilution solution 1mL 100%EtOH - 0.5TRIS in 50% v/v EtOH
needs to be diluted in same solution dissolved in
50mM cumate working stock: 900uL dilution solution + 100uL 0.5M cumate stock
induction: 5u: 50mM cumate in 2.5mL culture = final cumate concentration of 100uM

Date: 26/09/24
Members: Carmen
supernatant samples for chemical analysis submitted to Veronica
retransformation plates from 24/09 look the same as 19/09, confirming that strains were nit swapped -placed back into 37C incubator until tomorrow