First Iteration
To facilitate the in-field testing, we are engineering a portable unit to provide the BRD test results. Vets or farmers would take a deep nasopharyngeal swab of the cattle. Nasal swabs would be added to a tube with a prepared extraction buffer solution. This tube would then be heated to 100℃ for 10 minutes. The sample would then be transferred to the detection tubes. Each detection tube contains a different set of primers for pathogen detection. The RPA reaction will be allowed to start upon the addition of the prepared sample DNA mixture, then incubated at 37℃ for 30 minutes. Finally, the amplified DNA will be detected through a simple colour change due to hydroxynaphthol blue (HNB).
The first iteration of the device was one rectangular box design that had the extraction and detection steps occurring in close proximity. A 12V adaptor powered the heating element used for the detection and extraction steps, and a separate temperature controller was used to regulate heat appliances. Similar to the current device, there is one slot where a microcentrifuge tube will be placed for the extraction portion of the amplification. Next to this slot are five smaller slots for microcentrifuge tubes containing the primers required for RPA to occur. The fifth microcentrifuge tube is a control. We proposed a clear acrylic lining to enclose the device's elements. This decision was made solely because of the aesthetic properties of acrylic materials.