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coming soon

coming soon

coming soon

  • coming soonextract the plasmid with our wanted segments (terpene synthase genes) from product we bought
  • coming soonacquire and amplify the segments that we want from the plasmid
  • coming soonget rid of unwanted DNA, like the original plasmid, and other unwanted substances from PCR product
  • coming soonconnect the targeted segments to the shuttle vector backbone
  • coming soontransform the plasmid constructed into competent DH5α E. coli cells
  • coming soonto see whether the plasmid is transformed into the E. coli or not, and get the rough size of the transformed targeted segment
  • coming soonextract the plasmids from single colonies with positive colony PCR, can be used either for sequencing or for later transformations
  • coming soonsend samples to sequencing company and get the exact sequence of constructed plasmid
  • coming soon
    • coming soonacquire PCR product with terpene synthase genes
    • coming soonassemble PCR product with linearized pET28a plasmid
    • coming soontransform the plasmid constructed into competent DH5α E. coli cells
    • coming soonto see whether the plasmid is transformed into the E. coli or not, and get the rough size of the transformed targeted segment
    • coming soon extract the plasmid for further transformation into BL21(DE3)
    • coming soontransform previously constructed plasmid into BL21(DE3)
    • coming soonto see whether the plasmid is transformed into the E. coli or not
    • coming sooncultivate the positive single colonies, add IPTG to induce the start of transcription, and the expression of protein
    • coming sooncheck the size of the proteins that were expressed before and after induction
  • coming soonto get a chromatogram (chemical composition) showing the products that the proteins have produced
  • coming soontransform the plasmid constructed in DH5α into Syn. PCC 6803
  • coming soonculture positive monocultures and induce them so production of terpenes can be initiated
  • coming soonto check whether the plasmid has been transformed correctly into Syn. PCC 6803 or not
  • coming soonculture monocultures that have been transformed successfully and induce them so production of terpenes can be initiated
  • coming soonto see the products that the Syn. PCC 6803 has produced through chromatogram