
Wetlab Notebook

When working in the laboratory it is vital to document all the experiments, specially when working in group, since you might have to continue someone else task. At the beginning of our laboratoy work we recorded each task, the team member who completed it, the date, results, and observations. Later on, we decided to work with mini-projects* to have a more decentralized and structured way of working. For better tracking, we began organizing information in the notebook according to each mini-project number. In this page you can find the notebook as well as a description of each mini-project.

*To have more information about our mini-project methodology click here (when clicking in here go to contributions page.

MP#1: Protein Spearhead Choice
  • Goal: From inverse PCR to colony PCR of proteins 2, 7, 12, 14
  • Dates: 15/07/2024 -> 24/07/2024
  • Results: The primers used had mutations so we developed a new strategy based on two overlapping primers with repeated sequences in both ends so that they circularize
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During our wet lab work, we used Benchling’s digital logbook as our primary tool for documentation. In addition to this digital notebook, we maintained a physical one, where we mainly added sequencing labels to keep track of all the proteins we sent for sequencing. To complement these, we also used a shared folder on Drive to organize and store photos of the PCR gels, toxicity assays, colorimetry results and other data that is too complex to include in the digital notebook.

You can explore the referenced digital notebook here:

Drylab Notebook

When working in the laboratory it is vital to document all the experiments, specially when working in group, since you might have to continue someone else task. Our work was organized between mini-projects, with each project being distributed throughout the dry lab team. These projects were organized within our laboratory notebook where our results and other information were noted down. In this page you can find the notebook as well as a description of each mini-project.