

The Mini-Project Approach : Optimizing Lab Efficiency

In our wet lab, we implemented the concept of mini-projects to effectively manage the heavy workload. Our project is broken down into weekly mini-projects containing detailed tasks. Each week, a person is assigned a min-project and focuses solely on it ensuring both progress and accountability. This approach promotes independence, autonomy and learning. While it may be challenging at first, it quickly boosts productivity and project completion and provide hands-on lab experience.

Inclusivity Guide

Our team created a clear and comprehensive guide showing future iGEM teams how to make their work more inclusive, accessible and barrier-free. Our work focused on two main areas: representation in science and accessibility. The first part promotes representation and advocates to break the traditional stereotypes and stresses that anyone can be a scientist regardless of their gender or ethnic background. The second part provide a style toolkit to make content, events and lab environments accessible for all research disciplines. This guide was carefully made based on the feedback of multiple stakeholders and experts.

Enhancing Virtual Meet-ups : Lessons learned for better engagement

Initially, we tried to organize a virtual meet-up but faced low registration and participation. After reflection, we came of several strategies to address this for future events. First, starting sooner with both planning and outreach is crucial. Hosting the event before September is best. The latter infer reaching out to other teams sooner and sending personalized invitations. Offering an early-bird incentive like access to exclusive material can encourage people to register. The specific benefits from attending such event must be highlighted making it clear what teams will gain from participating. To promote engagement, partenering with well-known key figures in the field is extremely helpful. Finally, the usage of countdown, teaser campaign and sharing sneak peek of topics, speakers and activity planned can further create excitement in the weeks leading up to the event.