CAP’siRNA aimed to engineer bacteria to produce precursors of RNA interference, long hairpin RNA (lhRNA). RNA being unstable in the environment, we planned to encapsulate them in the capsid of the Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) to protect them and allow their entry into the plants. To obtain the coat proteins of the TMV, we wanted to try two approachs: isolate them from the TMV directly or produce them in bacteria and isolate them from there.
Therefore, we organized our work in the laboratory in three parts:
- lhRNA engineering
- Coat proteins isolation
- Coat proteins engineering
Week 1
Coat proteins isolationThe TMV was mechanically inoculated to our sugar beets
The backbone pET21a(+) was amplified by transformation in DH5a followed by miniculture and MiniPrep
Week 2
Coat proteins isolationThe coat proteins were isolated from the sugar beets and purified
The backbone pET21a(+) and the insert sequences were digested with the corresponding restriction enzymes
Week 3
lhRNA engineeringThe pET21a(+) was ligated with the PDS inserts
The pET21a(+) was reamplified by transformation in DH5a and MiniPrep
The pET21a(+) was digested again with restriction enzymes
Week 4
Coat proteins isolationThe isolated coat proteins were quantified using BCA assay
TMV was inoculated again in sugar beets
A plasmid encoding mCherry was transformed into E. coli DH5a
The golden gate backbone (AF_lacZ pDest) was transformed into E. coli DH5a
Week 5
lhRNA engineeringpET21a(+) was again Minipreped and digested with restriction enzymes
The PDS inserts were ligated with the pET21a(+) again and the transformation product was transformed in E. coli DH5a
The different plasmids to use for the golden gate were transformed into E. coli DH5a and isolated using MiniPrep
Week 6
Coat proteins isolationThe coat proteins were purified again from frozen infected leaves
The isolated proteins were quantified using BCA assay again
The isolated proteins were separated with SDS-PAGE
PCR was performed on different inserts
The pET21a(+) was ligated with the p21 inserts and the ligation product was transformed in E. coli DH5a
pET21a(+) was amplified again
Different control for the ligations were made
Different RBSs were transformed into E. coli DH5a and MiniPreped
Week 7
Coat proteins isolationThe coat proteins were precipitated and quantify by BCA assay
TMV was inoculated again in sugar beets
The pET21a(+) and the inserts were digested again
Partial and total ligations of the different inserts with the backbone were attempted and transformed in E. coli DH5a
The golden gate sequences of interest were amplified with PCRs
Week 8
lhRNA engineeringThe inserts were re-digested and ligated together and with the pET21a(+) with different combinations
The inserts were also digested with alkaline phosphatase
The pET21a(+) was MiniPreped
Week 9
Coat proteins isolationTMV coat protein were isolated
New potential backbones were digested: pET22 and pET11
The inserts were independently inserted in a plasmid to be amplified
RNA was extracted from saine and infected leaves
Week 10
Coat proteins isolationTMV coat protein were quantified
The different inserts were ligated in plasmid to amplify them
RT-qPCR was performed on the RNA extracted from saine and infected sugar beet leaves
Week 11
Coat proteins isolationSDS-PAGEs were performed to confirm coat proteins isolation
The different inserts were digested and ligated with the new backbones
RT-qPCR was performed on the RNA extracted from saine and infected sugar beet leaves
The basic parts to assemble with Golden Gate were amplified by PCR
Golden Gate assembly was performed