Engineering Success

Our Engineering Cycle


Engineering Design Cycle

Our team often used the design cycle when it came to making changes to our projects. This design process was helpful for our two-year project, since we continued the project from last year we were able to make developments and keep track of them using the design cycle.

Cycle 1 (2023)


At the start of 2023, our team began the design and development of a solution to Panama's wilt disease. Our country is a significant banana exporter in Latin America, contributing so much to our economy yet there is a fungus that has corrupted the production and cultivation of plantains. Our project addresses the issue of the Panama wilt disease caused by fusarium oxysporum pathogenic fungus. This fungus clogs the plant xylem vessels leading to water and nutrient deprivation defoliation and that's the plant. the initial design was to create a bioluminescent molecule that would produce a signal once the f. oxysporum was detected.


Our initial design for our project was the detection of fusarium oxysporum through quorum sensing of Rhizobium leguminosaurum using E. coli as a detection model. Our solution involved genetically modifying bacteria for early detection of the fusarium oxysporum. A genetic circuit with fusaric acid as an inducible promoter was activated by fusaric acid produced by the fungus. We managed to create two genetic circuits that would work together to further develop and detect the signal from the f. Oxysporum.


During the 2023 cycle of iGEM, we were unable to implement the solution due to the delaying materials and the different scheduling that our team had for the lab work. We were able to produce an efficient circuit yet we were unable to complete the lab work or to implement the circuit we had with actual chemicals. This test period or lack of a test period would become a future learning factor for the team.


After all the complexities and developments we've done we got feedback from our project for the last year cycle. Some of our learning from the judging feedback we received last year included that we had to submit our sources and our materials on time to be eligible for more medals. we also needed to put in mind the final consumer product that farmers would end up using, and improving the Practical use for the tech that we're developing. Another Improvement is making smaller prototypes or viable products so we can start testing their functionality. The absence of results from the lab work made it difficult for people to develop good conclusions about our project, this showed us that we need more constructive work we need better protocols, and more developed lab work so we can gather data to present. With all this valuable feedback from last year's session, we were able to start preparing the sign for the 2024 cycle.

Cycle 2 (2024)


At the beginning of 2024, our team focused on designing a solution for the ongoing threat of Panama wilt disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum. Recognizing that Panama is a vital banana exporter in Latin America, we aimed to develop a bioluminescent detection system that would signal the presence of the pathogen before significant crop damage occurs. Our design incorporates genetically modified E. coli that can produce a bioluminescent signal in response to fusaric acid, a byproduct of the fungal pathogen, utilizing a quorum sensing mechanism to ensure sensitivity and specificity in detection. We also prioritized gathering a strong hardware, math, and finance team to accomplish more in the project.


In this phase, we genetically modified two bacterial strains to create a dual genetic circuit responsive to fusaric acid. The first strain uses a fusaric acid-inducible promoter to activate quorum-sensing pathways, allowing the bacteria to communicate through acyl-homoserine lactones (AHLs). The second strain is engineered to produce bioluminescence upon activation by AHLs, providing a visual indicator of F. oxysporum's presence in soil samples. The integration of these circuits aims to enhance the overall detection sensitivity by ensuring a strong bioluminescent response as the bacterial population increases.


Throughout the testing phase, we encountered challenges related to material procurement and scheduling conflicts that hindered our ability to conduct laboratory experiments. Despite successfully developing our genetic circuits, we were unable to implement and test them in a practical setting. This lack of testing has highlighted the importance of timely material acquisition and scheduling, emphasizing the need for a more organized approach in our future work. We also recognized the necessity of establishing clear protocols for successful lab execution. There is enough time to test the hardware’s functionality but not its interaction with the circuit.


Feedback from last year's project has been instrumental in shaping our approach for the current cycle. Key insights include the need for timely submission of sources and materials to enhance our eligibility for awards. Additionally, we learned the importance of focusing on the end-user—farmers—and ensuring that our technology is practical and accessible. The importance of developing smaller, functional prototypes for early testing was also emphasized. The absence of conclusive lab results last year underscored the need for more effective protocols and structured data collection methods. Armed with these lessons, we are better equipped to refine our project in the 2023-2024 cycle.

Next Steps

With the gathered insights, our immediate focus will be on finalizing our genetic constructs and establishing a clear timeline for laboratory testing. We will prioritize the development of user-friendly detection systems that can be easily implemented in agricultural settings, ensuring that our solutions are not only innovative but also practical for the farmers who rely on them. Even after the end of this year’s competition, we feel that it is necessary to wrap up this project and be able to implement this is real life.