. Education .


While carrying out human practice, the team divided the participants of the public education project into four groups: young children, middle school students, college students, special groups and the general public, in order to ensure that the education publicity and the project participants fit well, broaden the breadth of the project education, and extend the scope of the educated audience. We hope to develop activities that are highly suitable for people of all ages and classes, not only to ensure the diversity and richness of activities, but also to ensure the quality and effect of public education. We're trying to make synthetic biology a reality for everyone.

2.College students

2.1 HuBu-4-CHN's first offline presentation

Objective: To popularize the knowledge of synthetic biology to non-biology students, appreciate the charm of synthetic biology, and listen to their views on the future application of our project in the therapeutic field.

Implementation plan: make PPT and scripts.

1.Popular science of synthetic biology related knowledge.
2.Explain the specific content of the team's project and the potential future use prospects.
3.Freely ask questions and collect opinions.

Details: In this publicity activity, the HP members of our team prepared two parts of content: the popularization of synthetic biology knowledge and the introduction of team projects. In the popularization of synthetic biology knowledge, the team members introduced what synthetic biology is, the main research objects of synthetic biology, and the development and application prospects of synthetic biology. Then, the team members briefly explained the team's project content and potential application prospects to the audience in easy-to-understand language. After listening to the team's project introduction, the students in the audience put forward some of their own views on the project from different disciplines, and the multidisciplinary questions made the team members have some new ideas about the project. Under the collision and communication of multiple disciplines, our first lecture successfully ended!

Fig. HuBu-4-CHN's first offline presentation

2.2 Lecture in the School of Life Sciences, Hubei University

Objective: To introduce the emerging field of synthetic biology to biology students, and to encourage students to learn more about synthetic biology and have the opportunity to participate in the research in the field of synthetic biology in the future.

Implementation plan: Team presentation in the weekly class meeting of the College of Life Sciences, Hubei University.

1.Popular science of synthetic biology knowledge
2.Introduction to the team project
3.Free speech and discussion

Details: At around 20 p.m. on Sunday, April 21, 2024, team members gave a lecture to students in the field of life sciences in the School of Life Sciences of Hubei University. The purpose of this event is to popularize the relevant knowledge of synthetic biology to students in the field of life sciences, introduce the emerging field of synthetic biology, and share the project design of the team, absorb the professional views of biology students on the project, and make immediate adjustments to the project. In the popular science of synthetic biology, the team members introduced to the audience what "synthetic biology" is and the three important components of synthetic biology: "chassis", "element" and "module", and thus introduced the team's project introduction: the team used the intestinal probiotic E. coli E. coli 1917 as the "chassis cell" to modify it to express the gene editing complex and use the liposome extruder to extrude the bacterial outer membrane vesicles carrying the gene editing complex. Binding targeted "elements" in vitro makes them "modules" with targeted gene editing capabilities. After the introduction, the students in the audience raised questions about the method of binding targeted elements in vitro. The team members patiently explained: "Using the principle of click chemistry, i.e., bioorthogonal pairs with superaffinity (IM7/CL7, IM2/CL2, IM8/CL8, IM9/CL9). For example, by anchoring the bioorthogonal pair of IM7 protein to the connexin InK on the surface of EcN, and then combining the antibodies (nanobodies, membrane-penetrating peptides, single-chain antibodies) of the cells we need to target with the CL7 protein, and then using the biological superaffinity of the IM7 protein and CL7 protein to make the targeting element can be attached to the surface of the OMV, so as to obtain an OMV with the function of targeted gene editing. Furthermore, targeted gene editing for different cells was achieved by changing the targeting element that binds to the CL7 protein.
Some students even said: "Although it is the first time I have come into contact with synthetic biology, I can already feel the charm of synthetic biology, and I hope that I can also participate in the transformation of chassis cells, the selection and assembly of components and the assembly and construction of modules in the future."

Fig. Lecture in the School of Life Sciences, Hubei University

2.3 Synthetic Biology Open Conference

Objective: To promote the internal communication of universities in Central China, expand the external publicity, and establish the synthetic biology Union of universities.

Implementation plan: Invited to participate in the college synthetic biology open conference, make booth for communication and publicity.

1. To carry out the conference and create a platform for in-depth communication.
2. Business experts and mentors give constructive suggestions

Details: The Synthetic Biology Open Conference of Universities is a special activity organized by the Hubei Synthetic Biology Society. The activity is based on the Hubei Synthetic Biology Society. At the conference, it is intended to be the Synthetic Biology Federation of Universities and Colleges, to promote the further development of academic research and exchange in the field of synthetic biology in central China, and to promote the development, openness and cooperation of synthetic biology in Central China. Hubei Synthetic Biology Open Day provides a platform for all those who are interested in synthetic biology to communicate. On this platform, participants can get to know each other, have in-depth communication and cooperate, and stimulate the spark of ideas and build consensus through exchanges and cooperation.
Agenda of the conference: At this event, we were honored to receive an invitation from our fellow school teams. In the early stage, we actively prepared, elaborately painted posters, and customized our team's special accessories as gifts. In the first stage of the conference, the team representatives showed our project to the teachers and team members on stage, including the original intention of the project, the division of wet and dry teams, the project process, practical activities, etc. Also put forward the perplexity to everyone: how to plan innovative and high-quality human practice activities. After intense discussion, we received a variety of suggestions, and answered your friendly questions about experiment details and human practice planning. We got effective advice that "Creative human practice activities not only need to learn from historical experience, but also need to think hard and know how to cooperate and benefit each other". At the same time, we also provided effective help to other teams, and built a good bridge of mutual assistance and communication between teams and members. In the third stage, that is, the diy team self booth. Each team had its own booth, and we made full use of roll-ups, posters and peripheral products to display the team project and show off a unique style. Each team and the students of the school patronized each other, communicated with each other, and established a deeper friendship.

Fig. Synthetic Biology Open Conference

2.4 “Reading at Hunan University, Striving for a New JourneyReading ”Speech Competition

Purpose: To enhance team influence and strengthen public education

Implementation Scheme: All members of HP group participate together

Activity agenda: 2024.5.18 Preliminary competition; 2024.5.24 Final

Details: In the process of our team's human practice, in order to enhance the influence of our team project and the depth and breadth of its impact on public education, and in response to the call of the school and the country to deeply study and implement the ideas and spirit of the new era, we registered as a team to participate in the preliminary round of the reading and speech competition held by Hubei University. We told the whole team's struggle story to all teachers and students, and stood out among 47 teams from 20 colleges, successfully entering the finals.
After seeing the notification from the school, we immediately received an invitation and encouragement from the school teachers, hoping that we could actively participate and expand the influence of the competition team and project in public education. So in early May, we made every effort to prepare the speech and PPT for the competition. With the continuous polishing of all members and the help of teachers, we finally prepared the speech for the preliminary competition and continuously honed our speech skills and details through filming and other means. With the encouragement of our classmates and the help of our teachers and peers, our team successfully passed the preliminary round and entered the final preparation stage. Unlike before, in the final, we will face stronger opponents. However, our ultimate goal is not to achieve a high ranking, but to tell the story of our team through this competition and let everyone know more about what we are striving for. So everyone adjusted their mentality and ultimately won the "Excellence Award" in the finals.

Fig.Speech Scene
Fig. Certificate of Award

2.5 Lab Open House Event

Purpose: To communicate and share experience with the iGEM team of our university, and at the same time cooperate with other iGEM teams of our university, open the laboratory to show people how synthetic biology is realized in the laboratory, let people experience the basic experimental operations of some biological experiments, and provide an opportunity to enter synthetic biology and life science.

Implementation plan: In the early stage, we will cooperate with other iGEM teams in the university to find a venue, determine the time, recruit volunteers, make a good presentation and PPT, carry out publicity activities in the later stage, and lead the participants to visit the laboratory of the research group where each team is located.

1.The research group preached
2.The lab is open for tours

Details: On May 18, 2024, the Chinese Society for Cell Biology held a national linkage laboratory open day at the School of Life Sciences of Hubei University. The purpose of this event is to immerse yourself in science popularization, break down barriers, and attract more different groups of people to learn more about life sciences.
Our team would like to share with you the details of our research group and our iGEM.  The team's presentation of the lab open day is mainly divided into four parts: the introduction of the mentor of the research group, the research direction of the research group, the work of the representative of the research group, and the introduction of the iGEM project. In the introduction of the group, Wenrui Zhang briefly introduced the current research directions of the group, including the development of targeted delivery vaccines by non-injection routes, high-efficiency CRISPR/Cas gene editing technology, and new molecular diagnostic technologies based on programmed enzymes.  In the introduction of the representative work, Gao Qiyuan briefly described the current representative work of the research group: the synthesis of gene editing complexes in the biological self-assembly system, the detection technology of non-nucleic acid target Cas12a, the detection technology of "split-recombinant" Cas12a, and the targeted vaccine based on probiotic outer membrane vesicles. Finally, Zhang Wenrui also shared the project of the HuBuLoong-CHN team, that is, using the probiotic Escherichia coli Nissle1917 as the vector, allowing it to express the CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing system, and using a liposome extruder to efficiently extrude a large number of outer membrane vesicles with targeted gene editing to target cells or viruses. The wonderful presentations of the team members gave the students a deeper understanding and knowledge of gene editing, and also stimulated everyone's enthusiasm and thinking in the field of synthetic biology.
After the sharing, the four iGEM teams of our university guided the visitors to visit the laboratory in batches. Chen Jingyan, a member of the team, introduced the experimental equipment to the students and showed how to operate it. The students found it very interesting, and they were eager to try and actively operate in areas that they had not usually touched or learned.  This event is a grand event of science and exploration, and it is an excellent opportunity for students to experience the charm of science up close. HuBuLoong-CHN's laboratory is open to invite everyone to step into the world of science, experience the fun of scientific research, and learn about the team's latest scientific achievements.

Fig. Introduction to the Project Group
Fig. Team member introduces the use of the experimental equipment

3.Middle school students

Lecture in Wuhan No. 19 high School

Objective: To popularize the knowledge of gene editing biology to high school students and stimulate their interest in biology.

Implementation plan: In the early stage, contact the teachers of the first class of Wuhan No. 19 Middle School to negotiate the time and place, and prepare to preach ppt and DNA double helix teaching aids.

1.Gene editing knowledge popularization and principle demonstration.
2.Introduction to the team project.

Details: At around 15:30 p.m. on April 26, 2024, Zhang Wenrui, a member of the HP team of our team, came to the first class of Wuhan No. 19 Middle School to give a lecture on the iGEM competition. The purpose of this publicity activity is to popularize the knowledge of gene editing for high school students and promote our team projects, so as to stimulate their interest in biology.
At the beginning of the lecture, she first briefly introduced herself to the students in the audience, she said: "It is an honor to come to my alma mater again as a student in the field of life sciences to carry out science popularization and publicity work. In the warm applause, the preaching officially began.
Based on the high school biology textbook, she used the detachable DNA double helix building block model to popularize the more professional gene editing related knowledge to the students in the audience, and also used a video to introduce the working principle of the CRISPR/Cas9 system to everyone in detail, and showed everyone the strong support of China's national policy for the development of the field of life sciences and its current application in the field of medical treatment. Immediately after the popularization of gene editing related knowledge, the team members introduced our team's project to everyone, and the students were shocked by the video of the seniors doing experiments in the laboratory, and some students even said: "I will also recognize Allah in the future to learn biology."
At the end of the speech, Zhang Wenrui said to the students in the audience: "Gene editing is entering and changing our lives in more and more fields, the 21st century is the era of biology, the development of gene editing will never stop, and the future of gene editing is bright. However, after mastering the technology, we should also pay attention to ethical and moral issues. Here, I would like to say to students who are interested in research in the field of natural sciences: if you want to become a scientist who contributes to society and mankind, you must not only constantly enrich your professional knowledge and improve your scientific research ability, but also have a sense of social responsibility, do not do things that violate morality, law and ethics, adhere to the truth, have the courage to explore, actively ask questions, pass on the correct scientific outlook and scientific knowledge to people, and contribute to the world with your own mind. ”

Fig. Team members are giving presentations

4.Young children

4.1 The lecture for pupils in the Hubei University affiliated primary school

Objective: To popularize gene editing knowledge to the second grade students in the form of games and videos, and to lead the children to appreciate the magical biological "scissors" - gene editing technology.

Implementation plan:
1.In the early stage, I contacted the teacher of the fifth class of the second grade of the primary school affiliated to Hubei University to discuss the time of the lecture.
2.The team members of the HP group prepare to preach ppt, video, design games.
3.Preparation of presentation aids:
(1)Double helix paper model as well as detachable double helix model
(2)Team art team members "Design My Double Helix" drawing paper

1.PPT presentation: What is gene? What is gene editing? (One video for each as an auxiliary explanation)
2.Interactive Game Session:
(1)"Two bases matching": 8 children representing one base of DNA for each of the eight children, hugging and pairing according to the principle of "base complementation pairing" taught after the music stops (2)"Design My Double Helix": The children draw their own DNA "Double Helix" on the drawing paper designed by the team's art team

Details: At half past one in the afternoon of April 26, team members Ding Yanru, Zhang Wenrui and Liu Xinyu, under the leadership of instructors Liu Yi and Qiao Jie, came to the Affiliated Primary School of Hubei University on the shore of Sand Lake to give a lecture on the theme of synthetic biology on the mystery of life.
This lecture is open to all the students of Class 5 of the second grade of the Affiliated Primary School of Huda University, and the content of the lecture is divided into two parts. The first part is "What is a gene", and Ding Yanru, the leader of HP, unfolds a wonderful picture of life code to the children through videos, pictures, games, etc.
In order to make the abstract biological knowledge easy to understand, vivid and interesting, the team members made careful preparations in the early stage, not only made a beautiful model of the double helix structure of DNA, but also designed an original classroom game of drawing the genetic code and base complementary pairing. At the beginning of the class, we started with a simple and lively video to let the students understand the role of genes in living organisms and how they can be used. When introducing the bases, we not only used the DNA double helix structure model, but also drew the straightened DNA double strand structure, comparing the DNA double strands to railroad tracks, so that the material between the "two stations" is the gene, the substance connecting the "two rails" is the base, and the different order of the bases is our genetic code.  The students were enthusiastic and the classroom atmosphere was lively. In the process of designing our own genetic code for the first time, we also invited the students to share their design ideas on stage, and we couldn't help but marvel at the innovative thinking of the new generation of young people.
In the classroom game of base complementation pairing, the students enthusiastically raised their hands to participate in the orderly. In the process of practical teaching, the students got rid of the boring textbook knowledge and immersed themselves in the magical biology knowledge, which greatly improved the students' interest in biology research.
Next, team member Zhang Wenrui told the students about the second part of the class, "What is gene editing", and the vivid and interesting introduction video aroused the students' thinking. At the same time, the detachable gene model was also distributed to the students, so that everyone could carry out their own genetic modification.
Ice cream-flavored bitter melon, jelly-flavored corn, genetically modified to create a one-of-a-kind perfect pet ...... The unbridled concept of gene editing caused the students to exclaim again and again. The students used their brains and actively spoke to imagine the role that gene editing might play in their lives, which aroused the students' interest in continuing to explore biology in depth.
The colorful science class came to an end in laughter, but the seeds of biology were planted in the hearts of the students......

Fig.Team member shows the model of the double helix structure of DNA
Fig.Group photo of children's works display

4.2 Lecture by affiliated kindergarten of Hubei University

Objective: To expand the educational audience,make synthetic biology into the classroom to become younger and simpler.

Implementation plan: Not only limited to the online form, but also into the life, into the affiliated kindergarten of Hubei University to carry out interesting lectures, and popularize the basic knowledge of synthetic biology to the children.

1. Yang Hong, a member of HP group, explained the basic knowledge of synthetic biology to the children from obvious examples in life.
2. Ding Yanru, leader of HP group, led the students to practice the original team game and base complementary matching game.

Details: On the morning of April 25,2024, our team successfully completed the science popularization education activity in the affiliated Kindergarten of Hubei University. Two students, Yang Hong and Ding Yanru from HP Group, were responsible for the preliminary planning of this education activity, and actively completed the whole process of preparation for the activity. Finally, the presentation was a great success and won applause and praise from the crowd!
First of all, Yang Hong of the team briefly explained the purpose of coming to Class 5 of Huda Affiliated Kindergarten, introduced the composition of the team and the general background of the competition. Then, they began a "fantastic and wonderful" biology class. Using common and easy to understand examples in life, Yang Hong introduced the "differences" of similar individuals, such as whether their ears are earlobes, whether their thumbs can bend, whether they have single or double eyelids... All these "differences" are controlled by the "genes" of each of us, and it is these small "differences" that combine to form each of our "unique" life individuals! In the final part, team member Ding Yanru led everyone to play the game together. "There are long strings of codes in the gene. These codes are composed of four 'letters' AGCT, and the four' letters' have a unique hand-holding rule..." In this way, a biological knowledge education class in the "teach" and "play" effective integration, the children hand in hand to complete the four base letters matching game, the activity in a happy and successful end!

Fig.The scene of science popularization education activity
Fig.Team members play the four base letters matching game with children

5.Special population

HuBu-4-CHN team carries out biology-related infectious disease prevention science popularization activities in Sunny Home community

Objective: To broaden the audience and scope of education and enhance the influence of the team

Implementation plan: Fully communicated with the hospital during the preparation of the activity to ensure the feasibility and practicability of the teaching content, interspersed with interesting videos and simple interaction.

Activities: Preach the basic knowledge and prevention of infectious diseases.

Details: On the morning of September 10, 2024, all members of the HP team carried out science popularization for special groups in the Sunshine Home Community for Disabled People in Huanghelou Street, Wuchang District to promote the understanding and prevention of infectious diseases.
Located in the Sunshine Home on the fourth floor of No. 44 Dacheng Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, there are various functional rooms such as multi-functional activity hall, inspirational book house, rehabilitation room, love kitchen, love restaurant, social work station, etc., catering to the intellectual, mild mental and severe physical disabilities in the whole street. It provides day care, rehabilitation services, life cognition and social adaptability training, vocational skills training, cultural and sports activities, sheltered labor and other services, and is the first street day care institution for the disabled in Wuchang District.
This activity aims at popularizing the knowledge of infectious diseases and preventive measures for special groups with relevant professional knowledge, hoping to bring some help to the students of Sunshine Home. At the beginning OF THE ACTIVITY, Ding YanRU introduced the infectious diseases in daily life and preventive measures to the students in Sunshine Community. In this process, the "students" of Sunshine home listened very carefully, they sometimes listened quietly, sometimes raised their hands to ask questions, and Ding Yansuch students also responded positively and enthusiastically to the questions of Sunshine Home partners. The atmosphere was harmonious, and the enthusiasm and eagerness of the students made us feel as if we were in an ordinary campus class.
The content of the lecture mainly focused on the prevention and health of infectious diseases. Ding Yanyu introduced the basic knowledge of infectious diseases, the importance of preventive measures, the cultivation of personal hygiene habits, the cleaning and disinfection of the living environment, the reasonable diet to enhance immunity, the necessity of vaccination and the response strategy of epidemic situation. The content covers all aspects of the "students" 'clothing, food, housing and travel, but also let everyone know more about life in learning, and more about health in life.
This social practice not only improved the basic understanding of infectious diseases of the disabled, but also enhanced their ability to protect their own health. We will contact more service teams for the disabled and hold more similar popular science activities to help disabled people learn more useful knowledge and provide them with better life security. At the same time, we also call on more people to join in this public welfare, and jointly create a more friendly and inclusive society for people with disabilities. Finally, everyone took a photo together, and the sunshine home activity came to a successful conclusion!
Place: Sunny Home Community, Huanghelou Street, Wuchang District, Wuhan, China Purpose: To broaden the audience and scope of education and enhance the team's influence. Details: On September 10th, at around 10:00 am, iGEM competition team HuBu-4-CHN from the College of Life Sciences carried out a publicity campaign to promote the awareness and prevention of infectious diseases for special groups in the disabled community of Sunny Home in Huanghelou Street, Wuchang District, Wuhan. Due to congenital diseases, the “students” of Sunny Home are those who have the body of a young adult but can only see the world with the cognition of a few years old child. This activity was planned by members of the HuBu-4-CHN Human Practice (HP) team, and combined with relevant professional knowledge to popularize the knowledge of infectious diseases and preventive measures for special groups, with the hope of bringing some help to the “students” of the Sunny Home.
Specific process: At the beginning of the activity, firstly, Ms. Ding Yanru introduced the infectious diseases in daily life and preventive measures to the “students” of the Sunshine Community. In this process, the “students” of Sunny Home listened very attentively, sometimes they listened quietly, sometimes they raised their hands to ask questions, and Ding Yanru actively and enthusiastically responded to the questions of the partners of Sunny Home. The atmosphere on the spot was harmonious, and the enthusiasm and learning of the students made us feel as if we were in an ordinary campus classroom.
The content of the lecture mainly centered on the prevention of infectious diseases and health, Ding Yanru introduced the basic knowledge of infectious diseases, the importance of preventive measures, the cultivation of personal hygiene habits, cleaning and disinfecting the living environment, a reasonable diet to enhance immunity, the necessity of vaccination and coping strategies in case of epidemics, etc. The content covered the “students”, the “students”, the “students” and the “students”. The content covered all aspects of food, clothing, housing and transportation of “students”, and also allowed everyone to learn more about life, and understand more about health in life.
At the end of the activity, when the prevention of infectious diseases was finished, four students from HuBu-4-CHN started to distribute team peripherals to the Sunny Home community partners present today. Everyone was very happy to receive the gifts and expressed their strong desire to see each other again. This event not only broadened the scope of HuBu-4-CHN's impact on public education when conducting human practice activities, but also made this practice activity very meaningful because of the special nature of the Sunshine Home. While furthering the team's human practice work, the students of the Sunny Home also gained a better understanding of the prevention of common infectious diseases in daily life as well as the importance of adopting good living habits.

Fig.Team members carry out the popularization of infectious diseases in the community
Fig.Photos of team members and special people in the community

6.The masses

6.1 Synthetic Biology Grand Rounds

Objective: To promote the team's project based on synthetic biology safety and education through popular science article series and video interviews with experts, so as to achieve the purpose of optimal education and safety.

Implementation plan: At present, the team first writes popular science articles on synthetic biology education and safety, combined with cartoon pictures and related picture content, and pushes them to the team's wechat public account HuBu-4-CHN for publicity.

Activities: Organize online communication, write tweets and publicize

Details: At present, the team conducts public publicity by writing popular science tweets, and the target audience includes middle school students, college students, researchers and the public who are interested in synthetic biology. The aim is to comprehensively improve the public's understanding of the safety of synthetic biology through public publicity, achieve in-depth education, and stimulate the scientific research interest of relevant audiences. To promote the wide dissemination of scientific knowledge.
The team began publishing "Synthetic Biology Lecture Hall" tweets on August 22, 2024, and has published four so far, and will be continuously updated.
The general contents are as follows:What is Synthetic Biology: Explain what is synthetic biology in an easy-to-understand way, and introduce the advantages and future prospects of synthetic biology through examples The second phase: Security Challenges of synthetic biology: mainly introduce the current security challenges of synthetic biology from the aspects of biosecurity, ecological security and biodiversity, bioterrorism and national security, and mention how the international community and experts need to deal with this challenge, in addition, the public can also monitor and make suggestions through a variety of ways or means.

Fig. xxxxxxx

6.2 Education for the public--Online publicity

Purpose: Based on the direction of synthetic biology, publicize the team's project to the public through the media and public numbers, so that the team's education on synthetic biology can achieve the best educational purpose.

Implementation plan: Publish the team's work online, including synthetic biology safety, education, cooperation and communication, in order to expand the team's influence on the public and publicity, publicity platforms include WeChat, Xiaohongshu, Shutterbugs, Beili Beili, microblogging, Baidu.

Activities: Organize exchanges, division of labor and cooperation, online publicity, to upload the team's related work in the form of video, articles, pictures and so on.

Details: In today's rapidly changing science and technology, synthetic biology, as a cutting-edge interdisciplinary discipline, has become increasingly important. In order to popularize the knowledge of synthetic biology and enhance the public's awareness and interest in this field, our team decided to launch an online campaign with the theme of “Synthetic Biology Public Education”. Through the comprehensive use of multimedia channels, we aim to create a vivid and interactive educational platform to achieve the best effect of synthetic biology education, and at the same time enhance the team's influence on the public.

1.Content Planning

(1) Safety education: Produce a series of short videos, including laboratory operations, biosafety levels, ethical considerations, etc., to ensure that the public has a comprehensive and correct understanding of synthetic biology.
(2) Education and popularization: Publish popular science articles with illustrations to introduce the basic knowledge of synthetic biology, such as gene editing, biosynthesis, etc., to stimulate the public's desire to explore this field.
(3) Cooperation and communication: Invite experts in the field of synthetic biology at home and abroad to communicate and share the latest research results through live broadcasts or online seminars, so as to promote the interaction between academics and the public.

2.Platform selection:

(1) WeChat: Regularly push out in-depth science articles and expert interviews, suitable for in-depth reading.
(2) Xiaohongshu: sharing daily scientific research and experimental anecdotes, attracting young people in a relaxed and lively way.
(3) Shutterbugs and BeiliBeili: produce short videos to visualize the experimental process and results, which are suitable for rapid dissemination.
(4) Microblog: Publish project news and industry news to enhance timeliness and interactivity.
(5) Baidu: Optimize search engine keywords to enhance the searchability and exposure of the content.


Through online publicity, we expect to achieve the following goals:
(1) Enhance public understanding and interest in synthetic biology.
(2) Enhance the team's influence in the field of synthetic biology education.
(3) to promote the interaction and communication between academia and the public, and to create a favorable social atmosphere for the future development of synthetic biology.

Follow-up plan:

After releasing the dynamics, we will collect feedback, evaluate the effect of the activities, and adjust the strategy according to the actual situation to continuously optimize the content and methods of publicity to ensure the long-term effectiveness and influence of synthetic biology education.

Fig. xxxxxxx
