. Collaboration&Communication .

1.SynBio China 2024 China Synthetic Biology and Biological System Annual Meeting

To understand the technological innovation, application platform and new policy opportunities of synthetic biology, and to understand and dialogue with higher-level government departments, scientific research institutes, industry practitioners, investment and financing institutions and other synthetic biology fields, and to exchange and cooperate in multiple dimensions

Implementation plan:
Sign up to hold the "SynBio China 2024 China Synthetic Biology and Biomanufacturing Annual Conference" in Hangzhou - the 2nd China Synthetic Biology and Biomanufacturing Annual Conference and BioMade China China Biomanufacturing Industry Expo

Activity content:
1.Participate in the main forum of Synbio China and listen to the report
2.Visit the off-site booth for technical exchanges

To jointly discuss the technological innovation, application platform and policy opportunities of synthetic biology. The "SynBio China 2024 China Synthetic Biology and Biomanufacturing Annual Conference" will be held in Hangzhou in April 2024, inviting people in the field of synthetic biology such as higher-level government departments, scientific research institutes, industry practitioners, investment and financing institutions to have dialogues, multi-dimensional exchanges and cooperation, and learn from "casting" from "SynBio to BioMade".
In the two-day conference, the academicians' speeches, the professors' outstanding reports, and the wonderful sharing of entrepreneurs ushered in bursts of applause from the guests; The exhibitors' high-end products and professional services have attracted widespread attention and praise, and 3000+ industry professionals gathered in Qiantang, Hangzhou, to draw a new blueprint for biomanufacturing. The report focused on synthetic biology and biomanufacturing, the application of synthetic biology in the field of medicine, natural products, bio-based materials, investment and financing, etc.
The off-site booth can provide display opportunities for synthetic biology and modern biotechnology application and product-oriented enterprises, underlying technologies, R&D & testing institutions, synthetic biology supporting instruments, equipment, facilities, industrial parks, investment and financing institutions, etc.  At the off-site booth, we learned about the latest product technology of each company, and the enterprise merchants introduced their products to us, as well as the outstanding points, innovation points, application fields and so on of the company's products, and we also communicated with the company about the team project, through the exchange we also carried out innovative thinking on the technical aspects involved in the project: how to improve the efficiency of laboratory scientific research and the accuracy of experimental results by using these advanced technical means.

2.2024iGEM South China Exchange Conference

To promote the internal communication of colleges and universities in South China, expand the external publicity, and communicate with each other.

Implementation plan:
Chen Chuming, the captain of HUBU-CHINA, another team in the same school, brought our project to the scene to share.

Activity content:
Listen to the report online, communicate and get feedback from everyone.

South China Exchange is a special event organized by the iGEM team of Shenzhen University. Since 2017, the team has successfully held seven exchange events, bringing together iGEMers from South China. South China Conference provides a happy and free platform for all teams to put forward and share their own opinions, let their thoughts collide with each other, and provide better solutions for all participating teams.
The theme of the 2024 South China Exchange Conference is "Get Ideas Ripple", which means to let the ideas of various teams ripple and collide with each other. Let each iGEMer who participated in this communication meeting have a chain reaction, get to know each other, and then communicate deeply and learn from each other.

3.Synthetic Biology Open Conference



4.Lab Open House Event


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5.The 11th conference of China iGEMers community

1. Use CCiC's platform to find iGEM teams that can cooperate
2. Report the progress of the team's work and simulate the defense

1. Poster presentation
2. Team presentation
3. Team communication

The Conference of ChinaiGEMer Community (CCiC) is a national exchange meeting initiated by China's iGEM participating teams, aiming to provide a platform for the participating IGEM teams and Chinese synthetic biology young enthusiasts to share resources and promote mutual learning and exchanges. At the meeting, iGEM teams from all over China gathered together to exchange project design and progress, and exchanged ideas, and the guests and jury put forward questions and suggestions for each team, and at the same time, there were wonderful lectures from experts and scholars in the field of synthetic biology. This year, CCiC came to Suzhou with the theme of "SynBio Nexus", hosted by Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University and the National Biopharmaceutical Technology Innovation Center.
At CCiC, our team presented the project "Building a Safe and Efficient Gene Editing Complex Targeted Delivery Platform Based on Probiotic Escherichia coli Nissle1917 Outer Membrane Vesicles". After the presentation, our team received a lot of questions: "How can I maximize the targeting of my delivery vector?" "How much is the extrusion rate of artificially extruded adventitia vesicles improved compared to naturally secreted adventitial vesicles?" "How can the safety of E. coli Nissle1917 as a drug be guaranteed?" "How can the ethics of gene editing be ensured?" On the issue of gene editing ethics, our team had in-depth exchanges with the CJUH-JLU-China team of Jilin University, and learned that their team intends to work with other iGEM teams to compile the "Synthetic Biology Ethics Handbook", and our team also actively participated in the compilation of the "Synthetic Biology Ethics Handbook" and reached cooperation with Jilin University on the ethical safety of synthetic biology. Together with other iGEM teams that also participated in the development of the manual, they contributed to the safety of synthetic biology.
In addition, in the poster display session, our team members were divided into two ways: some team members were explaining our team posters to the iGEMers who came to the conference and carrying out team publicity work, many teams were very interested in our cute mascot image, and the members of the art team also patiently answered: "Archie is the image of an archer, and the gRNA in the hat above his head symbolizes the navigation system of the Cas9 RNP complex. The bow and arrow in the hand symbolize the power and penetration of the targeted gene editing tool for our team's project. The overall image of the Q version is cute and eye-catching. Other team members browsed the posters of other teams in the poster hall of the conference, and communicated with some teams, absorbing emerging ideas, colliding ideas, and seeking better solutions for the development of the project.
CCiC not only provided an opportunity for our team to showcase their projects, but also allowed our team members to have in-depth exchanges and cooperation with other iGEM teams.

6.Communicate with SYPHU-China on their team products

To promote the communication between SYPHU-China University Health Promotion Team (HP) and our own team, to give opinions to each other, and to perfect and improve the project content.

Implementation plan:
Communicate with and give guidance to the HP team members of the university

Organize online communication and give guidance on team projects

Students from the SYPHU-China HP Group posed a question to our HP group members and asked us for guidance and suggestions.
Students from SYPHU-China HP group proposed:
The plan is to make products similar to skin creams containing probiotics, and then apply them to the skin, using live probiotics to treat seborrheic dermatitis, a common skin disease, by genetically modifying probiotics to secrete adhesion proteins to human skin, while secreting bacteriostatic proteins to kill bacteria and remove oil.
Our team HP suggests some issues for its team to consider:
First, security issues
1. Whether genetically modified probiotics are safe
2. Whether the secreted adhesion protein and bacteriostatic protein are safe and have no side effects
3. How to control the amount of strains added to ensure that it does not cause side effects to the human body as much as possible, that is, does not cause the human immune response to the maximum extent
4. How to control the propagation of the added strain and inhibit its infinite propagation
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages compared with the mainstream seborrheic dermatitis treatment drugs (chemical drugs, etc.)
2. Whether probiotics can survive in the environment of hand cream and how long the shelf life is
3. Questions and Suggestions
1. Selection and stability of probiotics: First of all, it is necessary to select probiotic strains suitable for the skin environment, which should not only be beneficial to the skin, but also be able to survive and play a role on the skin surface. In addition, the stability of probiotics in skin care products is also a challenge, including maintaining activity during storage, transportation and application to the skin.
2. Safety and ethics of genetic engineering: By genetically engineering probiotics to secrete specific proteins, it is necessary to ensure that such genetic modification does not bring unknown safety risks, including but not limited to potential side effects on the skin, effects on other microorganisms or the human body.
3. Specificity of adhesive proteins and antibacterial proteins: The adhesive proteins secreted by probiotics need to be able to effectively attach to the skin without causing allergy or irritation. At the same time, the bacteriostatic protein should have the specific effect of inhibiting the harmful flora without affecting the normal flora on the skin, and maintain the balance of the skin microecology.
4. When active probiotics are incorporated into the formula of skin care products, the compatibility of probiotics and other ingredients needs to be considered to ensure the overall effectiveness and safety of the product. Factors such as texture, pH, preservatives, etc. of skin care products may have an impact on the activity of probiotics and the effectiveness of products.
This exchange not only promoted the communication and exchange between the two schools, but also allowed both sides to have a deeper understanding of their respective projects, so that we are more able to look at problems from multiple perspectives and try to solve problems.

7.Third Synthetic Biology Innovation Competition

Using the domestic synthetic biology competition to further polish the project, exercise the defense and display ability.

Competition Details:
The Synthetic Biology Competition is guided and sponsored by the Synthetic Biology Branch of the Chinese Society of Bioengineering, and co-sponsored by the School of Synthetic Biology of Shenzhen University of Science and Technology, the Institute of Synthetic Biology of the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Shenzhen Institute of Synthetic Biology Innovation, and the Shenzhen Association of Synthetic Biology.
Focusing on the field of synthetic biology, the competition brings together leading experts and scholars in the field of synthetic biology. For college students and postgraduate students who are passionate about synthetic biology, it provides a platform for young students to communicate and learn face to face with top scholars and show their own innovation.

Competition result:
Won the silver award of regular season race track (picture attached)

Competition process and reflection:
In this competition, we actively prepared ppt, popular science articles and publicity videos required for the competition in the preliminary stage. Before the final, we carefully modify and polish the ppt, carefully prepare the questions raised in advance of the final, and practice the presentation process. The lecture on the application of synthetic biology in art and other fields on August 7 was very beneficial, and we felt the wide range of applications of synthetic biology and the prospect of utilizing synthetic biology combined with high-tech entrepreneurship in today's era. The competition officially began on August 8, and we carefully watched the reports of other teams to learn new ideas and improve the experience of the project. In the report, we explained our project background, content and answers to the final questions in a smooth and understandable way. When faced with the judges' questions about project details and security, we gave poor answers, which revealed that we should pay more attention to the details of the project content, and also triggered our thinking about the need to further improve the security of some project contents.
At the same time, we also communicate with other teams such as the team from South China Agricultural University and the team from Hubei University of Technology to learn from each other. In discussing the future improvement direction of the project, we communicated with the organizer Yi Xiao, so as to make our project improvement ideas clearer. In the end, the regular season silver award was awarded in the award ceremony on August 9, and we gained a lot and discussed the future direction of the project and the urgent problems to be solved, which was worth the trip.

8."Building the Future together" - 2024 iGEM Exchange Meeting in Central China

To realize the communication and mutual learning of iGEM teams through the 2024 Central China iGEM Exchange Meeting, so as to improve the completion degree and competitiveness of the project

Activity Content:
1. Project presentation and free communication by each team
2. Visit industrial parks and national key laboratories

Event Details:
"Building the Future Together" -Central China iGEM Exchange will be a large-scale, high-level and influential college student synthetic biology exchange conference in Central China. During the conference, the team can show their project results, obtain professional guidance and evaluation, find partners and resources, improve their competitiveness and innovation ability; At the same time, the conference is also an important window in the field of synthetic biology in Central China, where young students can learn about the latest scientific research trends and technological development, expand their vision and thinking, contact more opportunities and challenges, and promote the popularization and development of synthetic biology.

Meeting agenda: In this exchange meeting, we learned a lot about the projects of other teams, many of which were refreshing and broadened our horizons. Our team members also actively prepare and constantly improve the project ideas to achieve the best presentation results. In the process of presentation, the judges affirmed the work already done by our project and put forward several reasonable improvement directions, from which we have thought and benefited, and further improved our future work plan. During the visit to the industrial park, our team members learned that Abtec, a company with cell sorting and antibody verification as its core technologies, is engaged in antibody detection using a variety of technologies, which is consistent with some data we need to detect, revealing that it is necessary for us to cooperate with the company in the future development of the project.

9.The first iGEM team dry experiment exchange meeting

To promote the project communication among university teams, discuss the project progress and implementation plan, and obtain some ideas to improve the work content of each team and make better progress.

Implementation plan:
Invited to participate in the online conference sponsored by Northeast Normal University for communication, publicity and reference

Carry out online meetings and provide universities with a platform for in-depth exchanges

The first iGEM Team Dry Experiment Exchange was an online meeting hosted by Northeast Normal University and invited teams from Southern University of Science and Technology, Dalian University of Technology and Hubei University
Northeast Normal University: focuses on university high school education, market research, cooperation with universities and other aspects to carry out the team
Southern University of Science and Technology: Shared modeling experiments mostly
Dalian University of Technology: including background investigation of practical problems and technical feasibility investigation, market research optimization results, project results promotion, etc