Background Research - Researched PEX10 Knockout and Nile Blue/ Red Lipid Staining
Protocol Optimisation- Designed and optimised the protocol for Nile Blue/ Red Lipid Staining
Writing: Crafted Wiki content outlining my diverse involvements and experiences. I reviewed and
enhanced Wiki materials focused on Integrated Human Practices and Education, playing a pivotal role
as a primary proofreader in ensuring accuracy and clarity
Other- Education & Public Engagement - Organised and held educational events such as the high school
workshop series, YSIP, etc. Served as the primary YSIP tutor in both the wet lab and circuit design
modules. Collaborated on YouTube videos featuring team members and professors, and authored
compelling LinkedIn articles
Constance, Cancan ZHANG
Analysis - Analysed the experimental data from DHA standard and lipid staining
Investigation - Performed experiments on cloning PPTase, transformation, lipid extraction, protein
extraction, lipid staining, and hardware
Background research - Researched about lipid extraction, purification, and DHA detection
Henry, Cheuk Hin CHOY
Project Administration - Managed and coordinated project activities, including planning and
Public Engagement - Involved in most of the outreach events, from requesting meetings to actual
Served as the main person in charge of collaboration with CUHK and HKU for the Hong Kong-Macau iGEM
and the Asia-Pacific Regional Mini Jamboree
Team Communication - Managed communications for the team, including overseeing the mailbox and
social media
Public Relations - Established connections with third parties to facilitate collaborative events,
regional iGEM symposiums and career-building sessions for the Youth Scientist Incubation Program
Diana, Daeun SUH
Background Research- Researched on YAC transformation using electroporation, and growth medium
with phosphate concentration regulation
Investigation - Designed and conducted experiments for GC-MS for lipid profiling
Visualisation - Designed presentation materials, poster, social media posts and goods for public
animated promotional video, and designed UI of the Wiki
Dayeong YOON
Background research - Researched papers about the lipid extraction method and PUFA Synthase
Wiki coding - Coded the 2024 Hkust iGEM website by programming language.
Investigation - Designed and carried out tests for GC-MS for lipid profiling
Angel, Hei Ching IU
Analysis - Analyse experimental data of growth curve and 1L-fermentor experiments
Investigation - Designed and conducted experiments for yeast growth curve, helped with cloning
Software - Worked on DHA yield prediction using MATLAB and genome scale metabolic models
Writing - Wrote part of Dry Lab wiki; notebook, protocols and design for Growth Curve Experiments
Jacksen WIJAYA
Background Research - Conducted research on PEX10 and lipid staining
Public Engagement - Taught YSIP and managed Youtube as one of the education tools by shooting,
editing and uploading videos related to synthetic biology or our project
Other - Education - Organized workshop 3 and conducted interview with professors
Investigation - Assisted with cloning in lab
Aurora, Jingjun ZHU
Analysis - Analysed experimental data of cloning and transformation (E. coli and Y. lipolytica)
Background Research - Researched on PEX10 Knockout and Y. lipolytica transformation
Investigation - Designed and conducted experiments for cloning and transformation (E. coli and Y.
Notebook/record keeping - Maintained the experiment logbook and summarised into a notebook
Amanda, Liu LIANG
Education - Held different educational event such as UST booth, primary school workshops and JSSE
Entrepreneurship - Conducted market research and developed business model based on business model
Investigation - Collected data/evidence during building up business model, specifically cost and
revenue estimation and for storyline background support
Background Research - Read peer-reviewed scientific research articles, white papers,
regulations/guidelines, and other documents
Jenny, Lok Yi CHEUNG
Background Research - Helped in researching the storyline and background, including why DHA is
beneficial for the brain and the optimum environment for microalgae and yeast. Also researched YAC
transformation and assisted in developing the protocol for transformation and selection of PUFA
Writing - Wrote wiki content for the activities I have been involved in. Reviewed and edited content
for the Wiki related to Human Practices and Education
Other - Education - Organized and participated in various educational events, including the Science
Museum Biodiversity Workshops and the Joint School Science Exhibition (JSSE) Workshop at Caritas Lok
Yi School, among others. I was one of the main individuals in charge of the Youth Scientist
Incubation Program (YSIP)
Visualisation - Designed promotional materials for most of the educational events, such as an email
banner for YSIP and a booklet for the Science Museum Biodiversity Workshop. Created visuals for
Instagram and LinkedIn, and designed project posters
Danny, Ming Chun WU
Conceptualization - Helped us come up with the initial idea for the project (DHA production by
Wiki coding - Coded the 2024 Hkust iGEM website by Html, CSS and JavaScript
Project administration: Managed Deliverables module project activities and work distribution, e.g,
wiki coding, design, etc. Also in charge of the wiki content for different modules
Theresa, On Yee LEUNG
Background research - Researched about the optimum yeast growth conditions and the reactor design
Investigation - Conducted growth experiment in bioreactor
Writing - Wrote part of the Dry Lab wiki content
Software - Wrote yeast growth model, simbiology model of the reaction pathway
Andrew, Qinghua HUANG
Background research - Read paper regarding the project
Writing - Wrote notebook for wet lab
Investigation - Did experiment including cloning, transformation
Samantha Kaitlyn NG
Background Research - Helped in researching the initial NADPH replenishment strategies as well as
during troubleshooting for Yeast Transformation
Investigation - Initially aided in cloning PPTase genes, Responsible for pinpointing successful
yeast transformation protocol
Notebook/Record Keeping - Continuously and promptly updated Lab Logbook after each experiment
Visualization - Storyboard for promotional video, side page design for wiki (Dry Lab and IHP side
page designs), helped create ideas and choices for logo design and web page design
Yanni, Smile Yan Yu YUAN
Writing - Helped to write the wiki for outreach sessions, primary school workshop, red and WeChat
Other - Education - Hold the event for primary school workshop and inclusivity workshop, preparing
the material content for both
Public Engagement - Make post for Wechat and RED other events, engaged with the public in JSSE,
engaged with kids as audience for Primary school workshop and Arts meet Science inclusivity workshop
Analysis - Analysed survey result for market research
Chloe, Suet Wa CHAN
Background Research - Read through research papers understanding the mechanism of the production of
DHA during the initial stage of ideation, readed peer-reviewed scientific research articles
regarding the NADPH replenishment (gapC gene)
Public Engagement - Implemented education tools, such as VR headsets, legos, micropipette,
mentimeter, etc. metres to engage the younger generation's awareness on Synbio. Planned and executed
activities to engage the broader community, such as CU symposium, highschool workshop series, street
surveying, science museum workshop, YSIP, etc.
Writing - Wrote, reviewed or edited content for the Wiki regarding the events that I was involved
with, like YSIP, mainland university's iGEM team visit, high school workshop series, etc. Also, I
helped research on the price of reagents and chemicals needed to be used for several protocols.
Other - Education - Held multiple educational events across several months, such as the high school
workshop series in April, YSIP during summer, science museum workshop, meme submission on Instagram,
reels filming, etc.
David, Tianyue WU
Investigation - Designed and performed part of the cloning experiments, collected evidence for
justifying the designs and understanding pathway mechanisms
Public Engagement - Reached out to professionals and other iGEM teams for their advice and
Writing: drafted the project design, engineering and part descriptions on Wiki, helped organise the
team presentations
Emily, Wai Ying OU
Project Administration - Organised, planned and prepared materials, like posters, PPT for iHP
events, including primary school workshops, joining CCiC (11th Conference of China iGEMer Community)
and co-host for the 2nd iGBA(iGEM Greater Bay Area Synthetic Biology Industry-Academic-Research
Public Engagement - Mad posts for the Wechat and Red accounts, primary workshops, communicate with
other iGEM teams, collaboration with other iGEM teams holding activities, like 2nd iGBA and online
education workshop
Writing - Wrote for the wiki, the IG post for the iGBA event in official iGBA account
Other - Was the secretary of the HKUST iGEM 2024 team
Kathy, Yanlin SUN
Background Research - Did research on the PUFA pathway and function of each subunit, the promoters’
yield and inducers, etc.
Investigation - Did investigation on cloning, Gibson assembly, competent cell preparation, growth
curve, etc.
Selina, Yanyu CHEN
Background research - Researched about the mechanism and pathway of PUFA synthase
Investigation - Did gBlocks cloning, growth curve, lipid staining and other experiments
Software - Modifications to the genome-scale metabolic model for DHA flux prediction
Writing - Wrote the DHA production pathway mechanism for Dry Lab
Chloe, Yerim SONG
Background research: Researched papers about the lipid extraction method
Investigation: Has conducted experiments for obtaining gene fragment(s) and lipid profiling
Notebook/record keeping: Kept record of experiment progresses in docs & word document
Visualization: Designed a logo, Instagram posts, posters wiki side page titles and icons, jointly
created a promotional video
Robert, Zhengyu DING
Conceptualization - Helped the team come up with the initial idea for the project during ideation
Other - Education - Planned and facilitated in various education events such as primary school
workshops, science museum workshops, DHA recipe, and online science articles
Analysis - Conducted background research to define our problem statement, provide support for the
significance of our project, and identify our limitations
Entrepreneur - Facilitated with entrepreneur related tasks such as market research, company
outreach, financial projections, etc.
Changxin FAN
Analysis - Assisted in and provided suggestions for the analysis and interpretation of experimental
Investigation - Provided valuable suggestions and resources for our cloning experiments
Writing - Proposed modifications in the wiki contents
Owen, Ching Nam FUNG
Investigation - Helped us review experiment plans and provided suggestions
Analysis - Assisted in and provided suggestions for the analysis and interpretation of experimental
Background Research - Provided suggestions on construct designs
Other - Tutorial: Designed and conducted initial Wet Lab tutorials
Terry, Chun Pan PANG
Software - Provided suggestions and reviewed our MATLAB models
Investigation - Provided assistance for lipid profiling experiments
Agnes, Hoi Ying LAU
Software - Provided suggestions and reviewed our MATLAB models
Hardware - Provided suggestions and reviewed our bioreactor
Other - Tutorials: Designed and conducted initial Dry Lab tutorials
Sylvia, Hsi Chen CHEN
Other - Provided useful tools for wiki coding and provides wiki tutorial
Kei Hong WONG
Background Research - Helped us refine the storyline and background
Conceptualization - Suggested using cost-effectiveness as one of the selling points of our project
Other - Provided comments and feedback on our educational events
Coby, Man Yee NGAI
Background Research - Helped us refine the storyline and background
Visualisation - Provided suggestions on our visual materials, including posters, wikis pages, and
Other - Provided comments and feedback on our educational events
Carmen, Nga Man WONG
Software - Provided directions and reviewed our MATLAB models
Hardware - Provided reference materials and feedback on the growth curve experiment
Other - Tutorial: Designed and conducted initial Circuit Design tutorials
Jason, Sen YEUNG
Investigation - Helped us review experiment plans and provided suggestions
Background Research - Provided suggestions for our storyline and construct designs
Entrepreneurship - Provided feedback and comments regarding our business model guided us to utilise
financial tools and find reliable financial statements
Sherman CHAU
Analysis - Assisted in and provided suggestions for the analysis and interpretation of experimental
Background Research - Provided suggestions on construct designs
Conceptualization - Provided guidance on the project design and development
Other - Tutorial: Designed and conducted initial Circuit Design tutorials
Noel, Wing Hei CHOY
Writing - Modified, reviewed and edited the wiki content for IHP. Provided constructive feedback on
wiki content
Data Curation - Provided tools for us to conduct survey analysis, and offered feedback and
on our survey result
Principal Investigators
Prof. Jessica TANG
Public Engagement - Connected us with relevant stakeholders
Conceptualization - Offered suggestions for event planning and experimental design
Project Administration
Fundraising - Assisted in coordinating project activities, including claiming funds for events
equipment borrowing, ensuring smooth execution of our initiatives
Conceptualization - Provided feedback on project presentation and technical aspects, aiding in
analysis of our project's feasibility and direction
Project Administration - Helped manage project funding and provided oversight on financial
related to project activities
Fundraising - Contributed to fundraising efforts to support the financial aspects of the project
External Contribution
Analysis - Shared insights on the limitations of current fermentation and lipid extraction methods
for microalgae and discussed how these limitations could inform our project direction
Investigation - Provided feedback on lipid extraction processes and gave us tips on refining the
protocol to prevent contamination
Entrepreneurship - Shared their experience and views towards commercialising a project idea and
turning it into a real product
Dr. Nicolson SIU (Neuropsychologist, Lecturer from HKUST)
Data Curation - Guided us in creating and refining a survey for market research, ensuring that it
collected relevant data effectively for future analysis
Public Engagement - Helped refine survey questions to gather feedback from the public, which is
crucial for understanding community perceptions of our project
Project Administration - Assisted in coordinating the survey process, ensuring that it aligned with
our project goals
Writing - Reviewed and provided feedback on the survey content to ensure clarity and effectiveness
in gathering public opinions
Dr. Aftab AMIN (Lecturer from HKUST)
Other - Provided VR headsets as educational tools for the Youth Scientist Incubation Program (YSIP),
facilitating hands-on learning experiences related to brain function
Dr. Bruce CHEN (Technical officer from HKUST)
Investigation - Provided us 1-L Bioreactor to do the growth curve experiment and offer technical
Dr. Fei DU (PhD from NNU)
Investigation - Kindly provided us with the Y. lipolytica Po1f strain
Conceptualization - Provided useful suggestions on the part and experimental designs
Background Research - Updated us with the latest progress and challenges met for PUFA production in
Y. lipolytica
Dr. Mike CHEN (Manager from HKUST Office of Knowledge Transfer)
Conceptualization - Offered insights into entrepreneurship, suggesting avenues for market
exploration and the importance of both B2B and B2C strategies
Entrepreneurship - Provided insights into local market dynamics and suggested strategies for
developing business models relevant to our project’s commercialization potential
European Food Safety Authority
Analysis - Provided safety assessment information regarding genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
that influenced our project's risk management strategies
Background Research - Supplied relevant guidelines and regulations concerning GMOs, which helped
inform our project’s compliance and communication strategies
Ms. Queenie LAM (Nutritionist, lecturer at HKBU)
Analysis - Provided expertise and insights on the nutrition landscape and DHA related challenges in
Public Engagement - Shared our project recipe on @negimenforall Instagram page
Ms. Vivain LI (Manager from HKUST Office of Knowledge Transfer)
Public Engagement - Advised on patent application considerations, enhancing our understanding of
intellectual property in relation to public engagement and commercialization
Entrepreneurship - Offered guidance on whether to apply for a patent, contributing to our
entrepreneurial strategy by addressing intellectual property concerns
Prof Joseph WONG (Professor from HKUST)
Analysis - Helped us understand the evolutionary and regulatory mechanism involved in metabolism
Data Curation - Suggested the potential use of resources like the Saccharomyces Genome Database
Prof Marshal LIU (Professor from HKUST)
Hardware - Provided assistance and suggestions for 1L-fermentor experiments
Conceptualization - Shared insights on the limitations of algae growth and discussed our project's
Prof Chao Ye
Software - Provided advice regarding the use of MATLAB-based COBRA toolbox for genome-scale
metabolic models, and suggested the use of AI tools for predicting enzyme-catalysed reaction
coefficients involved in our kinetic model.
Prof. Carol PUIG
Conceptualization - Assisted in modifying the storyline of our project to enhance its clarity and
engagement potential for various audiences
Prof. David BANFIELD (Professor from HKUST)
Investigation - Searched for method to ensure the expression of target enzymes e.g. with HA tag and
Myc epitope as alternative; and provided suggestion on using auxotrophic marker to address the
concern for transformation process, recycling of markers through incorporation of loxP sites
Conceptualization: Inspired us to implement the stage control strategy to avoid negative impacts due
to constitutive expressions
Prof. Henry LAM (Professor from HKUST)
Software - Provided advice regarding making reasonable assumptions and simplifying the DHA yield
prediction model
Investigation - Discussed on the yeast growth model and the variables necessary
Prof. Karl TSIM (Professor from HKUST)
Entrepreneurship - Advice on exploring intellectual property protection + reaching out to potential
manufacturers in mainland
Investigation - Provided guidance on technical priorities e.g. complexity of enzymatic pathways
involved in DHA production
Prof. Lee Joon FOO (Research Assistant Professor from NUS)
Conceptualization - Supported the choice of Y. lipolytica as chassis
Investigation - Kindly provided us with the pSL16-CRE-HPH plasmids for Cre recombinase expression
Prof. Yong LAI (Professor from HKUST)
Analysis - Provided practical suggestions regarding expression of the PUFA synthase cluster and
prediction of promoter activities in >Y. lipolytica
Investigation - Proposed alternative strategies, such as using yeast artificial chromosomes for the
Prof. Rachubinski (Professor from University of Alberta)
Background Research - Provided us with valuable insights into the role of PEX10 and peroxisome in
Y. lipolytica
Analysis - Supported the idea of optimising DHA production through engineering the beta-oxidation
Investigation: Kindly provided us with the anti-SCL antibody for detection of peroxisome biogenesis
activity in Y. lipolytica
Researcher WANG Dapeng
Public Engagement - Advised us on how to conduct effective science popularisation
Sunny, Seung Yeol YOON
Writing - Wrote the wiki for outreach, reviewed and editing the wiki content for IHP and education
Public Engagement - Involved in outreach and helped to contact different stakeholders
Caritas Lok Yi School
Provided opportunity for us to conduct a workshop focused on using art to teach students with
disabilities about synthetic biology and have a collaborative art gallery displaying students' work
from the workshop
The Hong Kong Science Museum
Provided a venue for workshops and supported the planning and execution of educational activities
Munsang College
Helped promote YSIP and facilitated an informative talk on synthetic biology at their school.
Discussed on future collaboration opportunities i.e. providing tutorial for students who are
interested in iGEM or synthetic biology
SKH Bishop Mok Sau Tseng Secondary School
Helped promote YSIP and facilitated an informative talk on synthetic biology at their school.
Discussed on future collaboration opportunities i.e. providing tutorial for students who are
interested in iGEM or synthetic biology
Dr. Young-Kyoung Park (Researcher from INAS France)
Investigation: Offered us useful suggestions for the transformation of Y. lipolytica
Background research: Helped us understand the existing technical and regulatory challenges in Y.
lipolytica bioproduction
Dr. Zhu Yuanmin (Researcher from Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
Entrepreneurship: Shared with us modes of collaborations, regulations, considerations and challenges
met in the current microalgae DHA production industry, suggested potential business models and
directions of our project
Prof. Chen Zhi (Professor from China Agriculture University)
Conceptualization: Confirmed the potential of expressing PUFA synthase system to product DHA in
Y. lipolytica
Analysis: Shared with us the research experiences and challenges met to improve current DHA
production from microalgae
Prof. Rodrigo Ledesma-Amaro (Professor from Imperial College London)
Investigation: Provided us useful suggestions for the transformation of Y. lipolytica
Background research: Helped us understand the advantages and technology of using Y.
lipolytica in the current industry
Prof. David L. Silver (Professor from Duke-NUS medical school)
Background research: Provided us useful insights into the DHA membrane transport and its absorption
in human body
Conceptualization: Provided us valuable suggestions on the possibility of applying DHA membrane
transporters in our project, and potential advantages of using Y. lipolytica for DHA
Prof. Ho Yi Mak (Professor from HKUST)
Kindly provided us with fatty acid standards for the GC-MS tests, and offered us suggestions on
peroxisomal inhibition
Mr. Mehmet Can Sucu (Founder of ALGDEHA)
Analysis: Suggested the potential of our project in the current DHA production industry
Entrepreneurship: Provided us with important information including relevant data of the current
industry; suggested useful startup and commercialization strategies
Mr. Ziyun Ye (PhD candidate from HKUST)
Provided useful suggestions on yeast transformation
Health, Safety, Environment Office
Reviewed our project safety and posed insightful questions for us to consider during future
Prof. Ren Jian
Provided advice for the commercialization of our project
Tsang Mui Millennium School
Public engagement- Provided a venue for workshops and supported the planning and execution of
educational activities
Lee Chi Tat Memorial School
Public engagement- Provided a venue for workshops and supported the planning and execution of
educational activities