Recruiting new members.
Introducing iGEM at school.
Biology background knowledge self-learning.
iGEM workshop at school.
Introducing synthetic biology to schoolmates.
Paper research skills training.
Pipette usage training within workshop.
DNA extraction from strawberry.
Gel Electrophoresis at workshop.
Project topic research, main direction chosen: Leptospirosis.
Whole team meeting: 26/2.
CUHK presentation with Prof. XIA (4/3)
Whole team meeting: 11/3.
Dry lab skills discovery.
Significant Progress on SnapGene and GROMACS.
Dry Lab skills discovery.
Whole Team Meeting: 22/4.
Project further direction chosen: artificial miRNA regulating LcpA protein.
SSC Game Stall.
Significant Wiki progress.
Online CUHK presentation with Prof. XIA (20/5).
HKU presentation with Prof. CHAN (29/5)
Project direction changed: miRNA inhibitors regulating host miRNA.
Starts ordering miRNA sequences.
Wet lab experiment starts.
Swimming gala interviews of IHP.
Develops Significant progress in Team Wiki.
Starts designing layout and content of Wiki with Art Team
Symposium in HKU & Pui Ching for IHP.
New Student Orientation Camp game stall at school.
Stakeholders Interviews.
Made further progress in Team Wiki