Our Efforts in



Aquaculture plays a crucial role in global food security and sustainable development. However, this industry faces significant challenges, including the over-reliance on antibiotics to manage diseases, which leads to environmental pollution and antimicrobial resistance. Our project aims to address these issues by engineering Bacillus subtilis to reduce the use of antibiotics in aquaculture, thus contributing to several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), SDG 14 (Life Below Water), and SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being). To further evaluate the impact of our project on the SDGs and broaden its reach, we engaged in discussions and collaborations with various stakeholders, including aquaculture farms, research institutions, and governmental environmental agencies. Tbrough these interactions, we received valuable feedback and insights into the potential challenges and areas for improvement in real-world applications. These exchanges have not only helped us optimize our project but also laid the groundwork for sustainable scaling in the future.



Related SDGs

Ms. Ruan Mengfei
from Aquaculture Seed Zhejiang Co., Ltd.

Highlighted over-reliance on antibiotics and ineffectiveness of current probiotic solutions. Guided project towards engineered probiotic solution.

SDG 12
SDG 14

Dr. Jia Shiliang
from Zhejiang Ocean University

Provided insights on microbial contamination in aquaculture. Emphasized the need for biological control methods over chemical treatments.

SDG 14

Dr. Chu Tianjiang from Hangzhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Offered technical feedback on the feasibility of using genetically modified B. subtilis. Stressed need for rigorous real-world testing.

SDG 12

Suzhou Nian Nian You Yu Aquaculture Co., Ltd.

Shared practical challenges in disease management. Expressed interest in probiotic solutions to improve water quality and reduce disease outbreaks.

SDG 14

Mr. Luxin Jiang
from Hangzhou Agricultural Technology Extension Center

Provided regulatory insights on GMO use in aquaculture. Emphasized the importance of safety assessments and transparency.

SDG 12

Public Survey


Completed a consumer awareness survey in the Jiangsu-Zhejiang-Shanghai region. Realizing how critical it is to find a sustainable solutionto reduce the health concerns related to seafood intake.

(See our Human Practices page.)

SDG 12

Educational Activities


Conducted educational activities in firms and classrooms about sustainable aquaculture disease prevention and how to reduce chances of infection by zoonoses.

SDG 12

1. Aquaculture: a Key to SDGs

Aquaculture is a vital and growing sector that can support the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the achievement of the SDGs, particularly those related to food security, nutrition, and environmental sustainability (Lynch et al., 2020; Cavalli et al., 2021; Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2022). Aquaculture could influence SDG 2 of zero hunger by improving food security and nutrition (Stead, 2019). Aquaculture can contribute to employment generation and economic development, supporting SDG 8 on decent work and economic growth (Nasr-Allah et al., 2020). Aquaculture was often linked to responsible consumption and production (SDG 12), climate action (SDG 13), and life below water (SDG 14) (Lynch et al., 2020; Troell et al., 2023).

Common processes and methods in this industry, such as interactions with local (existing) aquatic ecosystems, construction of facilities at scale and dependency on transportation, and interactions with surrounding terrestrial ecosystems, also link aquaculture to clean water and sanitation (SDG 6).

Our engineered microorganism product

facilitates SDG12 - Responsible Consumption and Production by reducing the need for chemicals in an average domesticated aqua product.

ensures SDG6 - Clean Water and Sanitation by decreasing the need and therefore the pollution of chemical medication.

safeguards SDG3 - Good Health and Wellbeing by alleviating the impact of a key zoonosis in the long run

conserves SDG14 - Life Below Water by providing a harmless, self-regenerating solution to a hard-to-beat pathogen..

2. Key Stakeholders

We summarize common major stakeholders in aquaculture as follows (may differ across specific cases):

Unique SDGs featured in each stage of aquaculture production and consumption (left panel), along with common key stakeholder groups/communities and their interactions categorized by their respective stages and level of participation in this process (right panel). In reality, specific groups or communities can assume the roles of multiple listed groups/communities at once.

3. Stakeholder Engagement and Feedback

We engaged with stakeholders including aquaculture experts and environmental scientists to ensure the project’s alignment with real-world challenges and practical needs.

3.1 Aquaculture Seed Producer

Ms. Mengfei Ruan

Aquaculture expert, Vice president of Aquaculture Seed Zhejiang Co., Ltd.

The collaboration with Aquaculture Seed Zhejiang ensured that our project addresses the most pressing sustainability challenges in the industry, helping us to align with SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) and SDG 14 (Life Below Water).

Stakeholder Role: Aquaculture Seed Zhejiang is a significant local stakeholder firm, vertically integrating seed development and distribution, while horizontally managing seed production, brood stock operation, and seed marketing. Ms. Ruan provided critical insights into the current sustainability issues in aquaculture.

Feedback: She emphasized the growing over-reliance on antibiotics in aquaculture, highlighting the ineffectiveness of current probiotic solutions and unsustainable management practices. Her feedback was instrumental in guiding our shift towards developing a more effective, engineered probiotic solution based on B. subtilis with enhanced AHL hydrolysis, aimed at improving disease management and reducing chemical use in aquaculture.

3.2 Researchers

Dr. Shiliang Jia

Professor of Aqua Product Processing and Preservation, Zhejiang Ocean University

Dr. Jia provided critical insights into microbial contamination in aquaculture, especially the impact of harmful bacterial populations such as Aeromonas hydrophila on aquaculture systems. His expertise was vital in understanding how microbial control strategies could reduce post-harvest losses and improve product shelf life, aligning with SDG 14 (Life Below Water).

Stakeholder Role: As an expert in aqua product preservation, Dr. Jia's research focuses on microbial contamination and spoilage, directly influencing the sustainability and safety of aquaculture products. His guidance helped refine the project’s focus on biological control methods over chemical treatments.

Feedback: Dr. Jia emphasized that while antibiotics provide immediate control over pathogens, they contribute to long-term environmental and food safety risks. He advocated for using biotechnological solutions, such as engineered probiotics, to mitigate bacterial infections in aquaculture and reduce reliance on chemical preservatives.

Dr. Tianjiang Chu

Senior Biotechnology Engineer, Hangzhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Dr. Chu provided invaluable technical feedback on the feasibility of employing genetically modified B. subtilis in controlling harmful bacteria in intensive aquaculture settings. His expertise in biotechnology facilitated discussions on optimizing strain performance for commercial-scale production.

Stakeholder Role: As a senior engineer, Mr. Chu plays a key role in bridging cutting-edge biotechnology with practical aquaculture applications. His focus on sustainable and efficient bacterial control methods aligns closely with industry needs for antibiotic-free production.

Feedback: Dr. Chu confirmed the technical viability of genetically modifying B. subtilis to target quorum-sensing pathways in harmful bacteria. He emphasized the need for rigorous testing in real-world conditions to ensure both effectiveness and environmental safety.

3.3 Aquaculture Farm

Suzhou Nian Nian You Yu Aquaculture Co., Ltd.

A leading goldfish producer in Suzhou, China

As one of the largest goldfish farms in Eastern China, representatives from Nian Nian You Yu provided valuable insights into the practical challenges faced by aquaculture farmers, particularly in disease management and fish health.

Stakeholder Role: Nian Nian You Yu plays a key role in the aquaculture industry, focusing on large-scale ornamental fish farming. Their perspective on farm-level practices and challenges is crucial for understanding how sustainable technologies can be applied in real-world farming settings.

Feedback: The representative from Nian Nian You Yu emphasized that common diseases such as white spot disease, fin rot, and bacterial gill disease are persistent challenges in goldfish farming, often leading to economic losses. The current reliance on antibiotics, while effective, raises concerns about long-term sustainability and fish health. They expressed interest in the potential of probiotic solutions to improve water quality and reduce disease outbreaks but highlighted the variability in effectiveness between different probiotic brands. This feedback steered our development towards creating a more reliable, genetically engineered B. subtilis probiotic aimed at reducing harmful bacteria like A. hydrophila without the use of antibiotics.

3.4 Regulatory Bodies

Mr. Luxin Jiang

Engineer, Agricultural Technology Extension Center, Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs

Mr. Jiang provided regulatory insights on the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in aquaculture, stressing the importance of compliance with local and international standards.

Stakeholder Role: Mr. Jiang’s role as a government representative ensures that the project complies with environmental and safety regulations regarding GMO use in food production.

Feedback: He highlighted the importance of thorough safety assessments and transparency when introducing GMOs into aquaculture. His input helped the project team ensure that their probiotic solutions meet both regulatory and ecological standards.

3.5 Consumer Engagement

We conducted a consumer awareness survey in the Jiangsu-Zhejiang-Shanghai region, which revealed that approximately 30% of respondents had contracted illnesses from consuming aquatic products infected with zoonotic pathogens. (For more details about the survey, please refer to our Human Practices page.) Recognizing the urgent need for a sustainable solution to mitigate health risks associated with seafood consumption, we initiated a series of educational activities tbroughout the region.

Hangzhou-BioX educating consumers in firms and classrooms about the importance of sustainable aquaculture disease prevention.

4. Impacts of Our Project

Building on feedback from stakeholders and consumers, our project tackles the challenges posed by the aquaculture industry's unsustainable practices by offering an innovative solution that reduces dependency on antibiotics and enhances resource efficiency. Our current research indicates that the use of B. subtilis is a significantly more effective method for reducing acyl-homoserine lactones (AHL), thereby inhibiting quorum sensing (QS). Our B. subtilis strain expressing AiiA demonstrated the strongest impact, reducing A. hydrophila biofilm formation by 85% and extracellular protease activity by 43%.

A-B. Crystal violet A. hydrophila biofilm assay. C-D. The activity of the extracellular proteases of A. hydrophila. *: p < 0.05; **: p < 0.01; ***: p < 0.001.

Due to iGEM's policy discouraging vertebrate animal experiments, we did not collect direct mortality data on aquatic animals. Instead, we performed a survival analysis using mortality data from similar studies (Chen et al., 2020; Chu et al., 2014). One study, using quorum-quenching Bacillus sp. QSI-1 on A. hydrophila-infected zebrafish, showed a significant survival difference (p = 0.02). This supports the feasibility of using our engineered B. subtilis to protect aquatic animals from A. hydrophila.

Survival rates of A. hydrophila-infected zebrafish with or without Bacillus sp. QSI-1 (Chu et al., 2014).

This protection provided by our engineered B. subtilis against A. hydrophila contributes to several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

12.2: Sustainable Management and Efficient Use of Natural Resources

Our project reduces the use of antibiotics in aquaculture by employing engineered probiotics to prevent bacterial infections. This decrease in antibiotic usage leads to more sustainable resource management, as it reduces the need for chemical inputs in aquaculture, including the resources used in drug production, transportation, and waste management.

12.3: Halving Global Food Waste and Losses

By reducing fish mortality caused by bacterial infections, our solution minimizes food losses at various stages of the aquaculture supply chain. Healthier fish products lead to fewer losses during transportation, storage, and retail, thus contributing to the reduction of global food waste.

12.5: Reducing Waste Generation

By replacing antibiotics with targeted probiotics, our project decreases the waste generated from antibiotic production and usage, as well as the environmental burden of drug residues. This supports waste minimization at the source and promotes the transition to a circular economy in aquaculture.

SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

6.3: Reducing Water Pollution

By reducing the reliance on antibiotics in aquaculture, we prevent the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria into freshwater systems, which is a significant concern for both aquatic ecosystems and human health. Our probiotic solution minimizes the introduction of hazardous chemicals and promotes healthier aquatic environments.

6.6: Protecting Water-related Ecosystems

Our project helps maintain the health of water-related ecosystems by reducing industrial runoff and chemical pollutants. This protection extends to rivers, lakes, and aquifers, where reduced chemical inputs from aquaculture contribute to long-term ecosystem restoration and conservation.

6.8: Enhancing Community Participation in Water Management

Tbrough education and community outreach, we support local involvement in sustainable aquaculture practices. By raising awareness about the importance of protecting water ecosystems, we empower communities to contribute to better water and sanitation management.

SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being

3.3: Combatting Water-borne Diseases

By disrupting the quorum sensing mechanisms of A. hydrophila, our project helps to reduce the incidence of waterborne diseases, which pose serious health risks to both animals and humans. This contributes to the global effort to combat zoonotic diseases transmitted tbrough contaminated water.

3.9: Reducing Deaths and Illnesses from Pollution

Our probiotic solution significantly lowers the risk of chemical pollution from antibiotics in aquaculture, thus reducing related illnesses and deaths. This supports the goal of minimizing the health impacts of water, air, and soil contamination.

SDG 14: Life Below Water

14.1: Reducing Marine Pollution

By minimizing the reliance on antibiotics and other chemicals in aquaculture, our project mitigates nutrient and chemical pollution that can harm marine ecosystems. Healthier freshwater aquaculture practices also contribute to the long-term protection of coastal and marine biodiversity, supporting SDG 14’s goals to reduce marine pollution.

Associated Benefits

Overall, our innovative approach contributes to multiple UN Sustainable Development Goals, including responsible consumption and production (SDG 12), clean water and sanitation (SDG 6), good health and well-being (SDG 3), and life below water (SDG 14). By reducing antibiotic use, the project decreases chemical pollution, protects water ecosystems, minimizes food waste, combats waterborne diseases, and promotes sustainable resource management in aquaculture. This holistic solution addresses environmental, health, and economic concerns while fostering a more sustainable fishing industry.

5. Plans

We implement a structured evaluation framework to guarantee long-term success and align with both national and international regulations.

5.1 Regulatory Alignment

This project follows Chinese guidelines on aquaculture safety, environmental standards, and international frameworks:

1) Aquaculture Guidelines (Revised 2021) by China's Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: Emphasizes disease prevention and responsible antibiotic use in line with China's Green Aquaculture Initiative.

2) China's Marine Ecological Protection Action Plan (2021): this comprehensive plan includes measures to control pollution from land-based sources, including aquaculture runoff, which aligns with the goals of reducing antibiotic use and environmental impact in aquaculture.

3) China's Fishery Law (Revised 2013): Aims to promote sustainable aquaculture practices, including reducing antibiotic residues in fish products and minimizing environmental impacts.

4) The project also incorporates recommendations from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) regarding antimicrobial resistance in aquaculture, aligning with the Global Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR).

5.2 Assessment Methods

To reduce antibiotic use, enhance fish health, lower fish disease rates, and optimize the supply chain to reduce waste, we define the following long-term objectives for the project over a 5-year period, with quarterly, annual, and final assessments. These targets align with China's aquaculture development policies, environmental sustainability goals, and international efforts to reduce antibiotic use in food production. We will assess progress with the following methods:

1) Antibiotic Use Monitoring: Record and analyze antibiotic consumption as required by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs’ guidelines on antibiotic management.

2) Pathogen Testing: Regular pathogen testing following Chinese food safety standards (GB/T 27332-2017) and international AMR standards from the FAO and WHO.

3) Fish Quality Monitoring: Assess fish quality parameters such as growth, disease rates, and resistance, in line with China's Food Safety Law (2015).

4) Supply Chain Data: Track waste and efficiency metrics in supply chain operations following China's Circular Economy Promotion Law.

5.3 Goals

Short-term (1 year):

Complete development and initial testing of the plasmid, aiming for a 10%-15% reduction in antibiotic use. In addition, the review process of genetically modified microorganisms is completed in accordance with the Biosecurity Law of the People's Republic of China (2020) and related regulations (For more details about the law and regulations, please refer to our Human Practices page.) to ensure ecological and public safety.

Medium-term (2-3 years):

Implement and evaluate commercial farms to achieve a 20%-30% reduction in antibiotic use and a 40% reduction in pathogenic bacteria. Completion of the assessment of the Measures for the Administration of New Feeds and New Feed Additives (2009) and obtaining of production licenses.(For more details about the assessments, please refer to our Human Practices page.)

Long-term (4-5 years):

Achieve the full 30% reduction in antibiotics and 25% reduction in waste, ensuring widespread adoption across various regions. Products containing genetically modified ingredients must be clearly labeled to ensure consumers are informed.

5.4 Implementation Phases

Phase 1:

Strain development and validation, ensuring that the recombinant pHT43 plasmid enhances AHL hydrolysis activity.

Phase 2:

Small-scale trials in controlled environments to validate effectiveness. Additionally, after safety has been confirmed, finish the tests mandated by the Administrative Measures for the Safety Evaluation of Agricultural Genetically Modified Organisms (2016) and get the requisite certificates. (For more details about the law and regulations, please refer to our Human Practices page.)

Phase 3:

The product must be evaluated under the Measures for the Administration of New Feeds and New Feed Additives (2009) to obtain the required production license. (For more details about the law and regulations, please refer to our Human Practices page.)

Phase 4

Expand to full-scale trials on actual farms, continuously monitoring antibiotic use and pathogen levels.

Phase 5:

Optimization based on trial data, followed by large-scale implementation.

5.5 Monitoring Schedule

Quarterly Assessments: Review data on antibiotic usage, pathogenic bacteria levels, and waste management effectiveness every tbree months.

Annual Reports: Summarize annual data to evaluate progress and adjust strategies if necessary.

5-Year Evaluations: Comprehensive assessment at the end of the 5-year period, checking if the project’s objectives have been achieved.

5.6 Possible Barriers and Strategies

Technical Challenges: Ensure technical support and collaboration with academic institutions.

Cost Management: Secure financing and leverage subsidies available under China’s National Aquaculture Subsidy Program.

Market Acceptance: Engage in public education campaigns, government partnerships, and market research to foster acceptance of genetically engineered microorganisms in aquaculture.


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