
China's vast aquaculture industry faces significant challenges from Aeromonas hydrophila, a pathogenic bacterium that causes motile septicemia in aquatic animals. Our project aims to address this issue by developing engineered Bacillus subtilis probiotics that weaken A. hydrophila. We incorporated feedback from various stakeholders, including the general public, aquaculture experts, fishery conservationists, GMO developers, authorities, and potential customers. Human practices helped us refine and improve our project, ensuring it is both practical and responsible.







Suggestions & Takeaways

185   people

The public

Most respondents value aquaculture and regularly consume fish and   aquatic products. Some report illness, highlighting the need for pathogen   control.

Manager   of Nian Nian You Yu

Suzhou   Nian Nian You Yu Aquaculture Co., Ltd.

Measures   against Aeromonad diseases include antibiotics and water quality improvements.   They call for affordable, sustainable alternatives.

Dr.   Shijiang Jia

Zhejiang   University of Technology

Probiotics   can combat Aeromonas hydrophila. Controlling this bacterium is vital   for fish quality and farming practices.

Prof.   Zhangjie Chu

Zhejiang   Ocean University

B.   subtilis could be a potential chassis for our project to combat A.   hydrophila.

Prof.   Jianmiao Xu

Zhejiang   University of Technology

Confirmed   B. subtilis as an ideal chassis for quorum-quenching enzymes. Recommended   chemical transformation of B. subtilis.

Dr.   Tianjiang Chu

Hangzhou   Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Engineered   Bacillus subtilis could help preserve indigenous species but biosafety   measures must be seriously considered.

Mrs. Yunhai   Tang

Aquaculture   and flower farmer at Mudan Village

Prioritize   cost and effectiveness. Often uses chemical disinfectants for pathogen   control.

Ms.   Mengfei Ruan

Aquaculture   Seed Zhejiang Co., Ltd.

They   raised concerns about the efficiency and safety of probiotics and highlighted   legal risks in developing GMOs.

Mr.   Luxin Jiang

Hangzhou   Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs

China mandates strict reviews and safety checks for GMOs in   aquaculture to ensure biosafety, food safety, and environmental protection.

1. Research on aquaculture in China


Figure 1. World map of aquaculture production (FAO, 2023).


The global demand for seafood and freshwater aquatic products has significantly boosted the aquaculture industry, with production increasing by 45% from 2000 to 2021, reaching 182 million tons and valued at over US$400 billion (FAO, 2023). China leads the sector, contributing 57% of global output. However, the industry faces serious threats from pathogens.


To assess public awareness of the importance of aquaculture in China and evaluate the consumption of aquatic animals, we conducted a public survey. The results indicated that the majority of respondents recognize the significance of the aquaculture industry, and most are regular consumers of fish and other aquatic products. Surprisingly, about 20% of respondents reported experiencing illness from consuming aquatic products, which is higher than expected. This finding drew our attention to aquatic pathogens and their control.


Public Survey

Figure 2. Public survey results. Top: Responses to Likert scale questions, proportionally scaled to a range of [0, 1]. Bottom: Percentage of “Yes” responses to Yes/No questions.


      185 people

Results and takeaways:

1) Most respondents regularly consume fish and other aquatic products, with the 31-45 age group leading in consumption.

2) Public awareness of aquaculture’s importance is high

3) Around 20% of respondents reported illness from aquatic products, with older consumers (46+) most affected, highlighting the need for better pathogen control.

4) There is a strong awareness of the need for sustainable aquaculture practices.

2. Research on aquacultural pathogen: Aeromonas hydrophila and its control

After literature research, we found that in Chinese fish farms, pathogens like Aeromonas hydrophila, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, and Streptococcus iniae cause frequent disease outbreaks, leading to high mortality rates and economic losses (Irshath et al., 2023). A. hydrophila is particularly problematic in China, causing motile aeromonad septicemia (MAS) in aquatic animals and posing risks to human health through contaminated food (Fleckenstein et al., 2021). In 2018, it was estimated that Aeromonas infections caused over 6 billion RMB (840 million US dollars) in damages in China (Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 2018).

To better understand A. hydrophila and how to manage its risks, we interviewed representatives from the Nian Nian You Yu fish farm. They recommended key measures to prevent and control diseases caused by Aeromonads, including using antibiotics, improving water quality (such as disinfecting equipment, and treating incoming water), boosting fish immunity, and implementing a prevention protocol that involves inspecting and disinfecting fish before stocking. However, they emphasized the need for affordable and sustainable alternatives to antibiotics and disinfectants, which are costly and environmentally harmful.




Suzhou Nian Nian You Yu Aquaculture Co., Ltd., a main goldfish producer in Suzhou.

Suggestions and takeaways:

1) To control A. hydrophila, disinfect ponds, tools, and incoming water with bleach, chlorine dioxide, iodine-based disinfectants, or quicklime before stocking fish fry.

2) To control A. hydrophila, inspect and disinfect fish before stocking.

3) To control A. hydrophila, antibiotics are sometimes necessary.

4) Farmers seek affordable, eco-friendly alternatives to costly, harmful antibiotics and disinfectants.


To find more clues about A. hydrophila control, we interviewed Dr. Shiliang Jia, an expert in food microbial analysis and control from Zhejiang University of Technology. He provided valuable insights into management practices to control harmful pathogens in aquaculture. Dr. Jia confirmed that A. hydrophila is the dominant bacterium causing quality degradation in freshwater fish in Zhejiang, China. He also emphasized the potential of using probiotics to compete with and combat harmful A. hydrophila, a method we have decided to incorporate into our project.




Dr. Shijiang Jia


College of Food Science and Technology, Zhejiang University of Technology

Field of research:

Food microbial analysis and control

Suggestions and takeaways:

1) Aeromonas is a major bacterium responsible for quality degradation and spoilage in freshwater fish.

2) Controlling this bacterium at the source and within aquaculture practices would improve both the farming environment and product quality.

3) The use of probiotics to compete with and combat harmful A. hydrophila is an effective strategy for improving aquaculture outcomes.


3. Technical Viability Check

Through our literature research, we found that A. hydrophila’s virulence is regulated by quorum sensing via acyl-homoserine lactone (AHL), particularly N-butanoyl-L-homoserine lactone (C4-HSL). When C4-HSL reaches a threshold, it triggers genes that produce toxins, extracellular proteases, and biofilms, facilitating infection (Coquant et al., 2020; Garde et al., 2010; Khajanchi et al., 2009). Disrupting this process through quorum quenching can reduce the bacterium's infectivity (Chen et al., 2013; Chu et al., 2014). AHL lactonases, enzymes that degrade C4-HSL, are naturally abundant and sourced from various bacteria (Dong et al., 2002; Uroz et al., 2008). We believe we can employ these enzymes to weaken A. hydrophila.


Figure 3. Quorum sensing and quenching in A. hydrophila. A. C4-HSL freely diffuses through the membrane and binds to receptors. The receptors dimerize and function as a transcription factor to trigger target gene expression (Coquant et al., 2020); B. C4-HSL is degraded by strains producing AHL lactonases, leading to quorum quenching.

To evaluate the technical feasibility of our idea of using quorum quenching and gain further guidance, we interviewed Prof. Tianjiang Chu from Zhejiang Ocean University, an aquaculture expert. He restated the importance of controlling A. hydrophila in aquaculture systems and supported our approach of using quorum quenching as a viable solution, boosting our confidence in its effectiveness. Prof. Chu also suggested exploring the use of Bacillus subtilis, a known probiotic often employed in aquaculture, as a potential chassis for our project.




Prof. Zhangjie Chu


School of Fishery, Zhejiang Ocean University

Field of research:

Aquatic product cultivation and water management

Suggestions and takeaways:

1) A. hydrophila spreads through water and tools, but proper disinfection and inspection help prevent outbreaks. 

2) Beneficial bacteria like B. subtilis can effectively inhibit pathogens, and strain optimization is key. 

3) Gene-modified B. subtilis can inhibit A. hydrophila quorum sensing, offering a sustainable alternative to antibiotics.


Following Prof. Chu's advice, we investigated B. subtilis and explored how to integrate it into our project. We consulted Prof. Jianmiao Xu, an expert in microbial metabolic engineering with extensive experience manipulating B. subtilis. He first confirmed that B. subtilis is an ideal chassis for producing quorum-quenching enzymes due to its non-pathogenic nature, ease of genetic manipulation, and high capacity for secretory protein production. He then suggested that we find an E. coli-B. subtilis shuttle secretion vector for exogenous gene expression. While working with B. subtilis in labs, we encountered issues with failed transformation using electroporation (see Engineering Success https://2024.igem.wiki/hangzhou-biox/engineering for more details). We sought further advice from Prof. Xu. He recommended trying chemical transformation using the Paris method. Following his suggestion, we successfully obtained transformants and were able to proceed.




Prof. Jianmiao Xu


College of Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Zhejiang University of Technology

Field of research:

Biocatalysis and microbial metabolic engineering

Suggestions and takeaways:

1) B. subtilis is an ideal chassis for quorum-quenching enzymes.

2) Use an E. coli-B. subtilis shuttle vector for efficient exogenous gene expression.

3) After failed electroporation attempts, Xu advised using the chemical transformation method (Paris method).

4) While enzyme production is well-established, Xu highlighted the challenge of optimizing enzyme concentration for aquaculture and balancing cost with environmental impact.


Finally, we interviewed Dr. Tianjiang Chu, an expert in indigenous fish preservation. He appreciated our focus on aquatic pathogens because they also pose a threat to wild indigenous fish. Dr. Chu suggested that our engineered B. subtilis could potentially help preserve indigenous aquatic species but emphasized the need for strict biosafety measures. He noted that genetically engineered organisms can impact ecosystems positively or negatively, so safety assessments are essential before use, and approval from authorities is required. This interview provided us with a new perspective on biodiversity, and we are glad that our project may contribute to this field in the future.




Dr. Tianjiang Chu


Aquatic Research Institute, Hangzhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Field of research:

Biodiversity and breeding of indigenous fish

Suggestions and takeaways:

1) Major threats to indigenous fish include invasive species, pollution, and pathogens.

2) Engineered B. subtilis should only be used in imbalanced ecosystems.

3) Dr. Chu’s team uses artificial breeding to conserve indigenous species, and our project may assist in combating pathogens in the artificial breeding process.


4. Market Research

After confirming the technical feasibility of our project, we aimed to assess the market preference for our engineered B. subtilis. We interviewed several aquaculture farmers and companies to gather their opinions and seek suggestions for future improvements.


The feedback revealed that small-scale aquaculture farmers prioritized cost and effectiveness. Therefore, they often use chemical disinfectants to control pathogens. These farmers appeared less concerned about environmental impact or long-term sustainability.




Mrs. Yunhai Tang


Aquaculture and flower farmer at Mudan Village, Jinshan District, Shanghai, China

Suggestions and takeaways:

1) Healthy fry is key to disease prevention, as poor-quality fry can lead to outbreaks.

2) We prefer chemical disinfectants due to lower costs and fast results.

3) Proper feeding and density control help reduce pollution and disease spread.

4) Farmers are hesitant to adopt new technologies due to limited support and uncertain results.


In contrast, larger aquaculture companies showed a preference for advanced methods, including the use of probiotics. However, they expressed concerns about the efficiency and safety of probiotics. They questioned whether probiotics like our B. subtilis could provide consistent results in large-scale operations. They also mentioned the legal risks of developing GMOs by our team.




Ms. Mengfei Ruan


Aquaculture Seed Zhejiang Co., Ltd., a leading producer of aquatic animal seedlings in Zhejiang, China.


Vice president

Suggestions and takeaways:

1) The company minimizes the need for medications by maintaining low-density farming.

2) The company focuses on maintaining water quality to reduce disease risk.

3) Wastewater is carefully managed. The use of energy recovery systems reduces environmental impact and improves sustainability.

4) Probiotics are welcomed, but their efficiency, safety, and consistency in large-scale operations need testing and validation by authorities.


From the feedback, it became clear that there is a market demand for aquaculture probiotics, with larger companies being our primary target users. Our project’s goals should focus on improving the efficiency of engineered B. subtilis and ensuring its safety.


5. Regulations and National Approval Process

To ensure that our project of developing genetically engineered B. subtilis probiotics is legal and applicable in the real world, we need to comply with relevant regulations. We interviewed Mr. Luxin Jiang from the Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, who provided valuable insights on the legal and ecological considerations of using genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in aquaculture. We have reorganized this information, along with our further literature research, to outline the regulations for developing, testing, and using our engineered B. subtilis in China.




Mr. Luxin Jiang


Agricultural Technology Extension Center, Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs



Suggestions and takeaways:

1) Regulations on GMOs focus on several areas, including biosafety, food safety, and ecological impacts.

2) Genetic modification projects require ethical and regulatory reviews to assess ecological impacts.

3) After completion, regulatory authorities review the project for long-term risks.

4) Reviews focus on potential irreversible ecological effects, especially if modifications are inheritable.


The laws and regulations we must comply with are as follows:


General Biosafety

Under the Biosecurity Law of the People's Republic of China (2020) and related regulations, the use of genetically engineered microorganisms, such as B. subtilis, is subject to strict reviews to ensure both ecological and public safety. The process includes:

1) Genetic modification projects must pass an ethics review, assessing the risks to both human health and the environment.

2) According to the Measures for the Administration of the Safety Evaluation of Agricultural Genetically Modified Organisms (2016), a bacterium must pass through intermediate tests, environmental release tests, and production tests. The State Commission for the Safety of Agricultural Genetically Modified Organisms and the Office for Safety Management of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs oversee this process and issue the necessary certificates after safety is ensured.

3) Genetically modified strains must be used in strict containment settings to prevent unintended release into the environment, protecting ecosystem stability.


Food Safety

Under the Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China (2015), genetically modified organisms involved in food must meet the following requirements:

1) The genetically modified bacterium must undergo evaluation as a food raw material by the Chinese National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment, ensuring compliance with the Administrative Measures for the Safety Review of New Food Raw Materials (2017).

2) The product must be evaluated under the Measures for the Administration of New Feeds and New Feed Additives (2009) to obtain the required production license.

3) Products containing genetically modified ingredients must be clearly labeled to ensure consumers are informed.


Environmental Protection

The Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China (2009) mandates that the introduction of genetically modified microorganisms complies with environmental protection requirements:

1) Before introducing GMOs, an ecological impact assessment must be conducted to evaluate potential effects on water, soil, and local wildlife, ensuring no disruption to ecosystems.

2) Measures must be implemented to prevent contamination, often using closed systems or recycling methods to minimize environmental impact.


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Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. (2018).  Experts at the Feed Research Institute have identified the core pathogen and virulence factors of Aeromonas septicemia in fish. Retrieved September 11 from http://caas.cn/xwzx/kyhd/4adc213d494f489499b293ea8085023a.htm

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Uroz, S., Oger, P. M., Chapelle, E., Adeline, M. T., Faure, D., & Dessaux, Y. (2008). A Rhodococcus qsdA-encoded enzyme defines a novel class of large-spectrum quorum-quenching lactonases. Appl Environ Microbiol, 74(5), 1357-1366. https://doi.org/10.1128/AEM.02014-07

Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China. (2020, October 17). Biosecurity Law of the People’s Republic of China. http://www.npc.gov.cn/

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Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China. (2015, April 24). Food Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China. http://www.npc.gov.cn/

National Health and Family Planning Commission of the People’s Republic of China. (2017). Administrative Measures for the Safety Review of New Food Raw Materials. http://www.nhc.gov.cn/

Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China. (2014, April 24). Environmental Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China. http://www.npc.gov.cn/

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People’s Republic of China. (2009). Measures for the Administration of New Feeds and New Feed Additives. http://www.moa.gov.cn/