General Safety

Our laboratory work was conducted at the Synthetic Biology and Biofabrication Laboratory within National Taiwan University's Department of Biochemical Engineering. This lab is a Biosafety Level 1 facility managed by Professor Hsuan-Chen Wu, only permitting the use of agents that, at most, pose minimal health risks upon exposure. All safety protocols were carefully adhered to under the supervision of graduate students and trained lab technicians. By working with common E. coli strains such as NEB Stable and DH5α, we minimized any biosafety or health concerns that might have arisen from using other unapproved E. Coli strains. Disinfection with bleach and alcohol for glassware, the use of laboratory gloves, and constant cleaning with rubbing alcohol ensured the minimization of any other risks of biosafety.

To abide by basic biosafety regulations, we washed our hands coming in and out of the laboratory while protecting our eyes, mucous membranes, open cuts, or wounds from any contact with biohazard materials. We also refrained from eating or drinking within the lab vicinity. We tied back long hair and disinfected equipment with 70% ethanol before use. We disinfected all disposable pipette tips and tubes by soaking them in a 10% bleach solution for 20 minutes before disposing of them. Containers used for growing bacteria were disposed of in a biohazard waste bin, which was autoclaved afterward, and we cleaned our workspace with 70% ethanol after every use.

Before commencing lab work, we developed experiment plans that our instructors and advisors carefully reviewed and approved to mitigate unnecessary risks. We completed four hours of online training provided by the Taiwanese government's Taiwan Centers for Disease Control, which covered laboratory safety, risk groups, risk assessment, biosafety program management, biosecurity, and other relevant topics.

Project Safety

Bacteria Strain

The bacterial strains we used in experimentation are commercial DH5ɑ and NEB stable, and the self-engineered BL21(DE3) competent cells. The former is for plasmid amplification and storage while the latter is for protein expression and implementation. The E. Coli BLR (DE3) poses little harm to adult humans even in the case of accidental environmental contamination and skin contact. We followed general lab safety procedures to minimize any risks.

Product Ingredient Safety

The active ingredient we are synthesizing, borneol, is irritating in high concentrations and at low purity, but poses minimal risk in the context of our project. Our biosynthesis uses enzymes to produce L-Borneol, the safest form of borneol isomers, at low concentrations. Other ingredients in the fragrance are commercial and approved by the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration.

Animal Implementation

Our product targets odor receptors of common mosquito species, causing temporary discomfort without physical or mental harm to the mosquitoes, thus minimizing the ecological impact.

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