
The Insect Problem & Taiwan

In a continuously modernizing world, insect pests are an increasing nuisance and a significant threat to public health, agriculture, and overall quality of life. This problem is pervasive, affecting both urban dwellers and rural residents alike; while dense urban populations exacerbate spread of disease, the lack of healthcare infrastructure, preventative measures, and education in rural areas makes them equally as vulnerable..

In many tropical and subtropical countries with rapid urbanization and unsustainable waste management, pests like mosquitos, flies, and roaches breed in abundance. Pest diseases such as dengue fever, malaria, and chikungunya are particularly prevalent, with millions of cases reported annually, leading to substantial mortality. The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that in 2023, Southeast Asia accounted for 60% of global dengue cases, with over 2.8 million cases and nearly 4,000 deaths. Not only so, the rest of the world is also facing this issue due to increased temperatures caused by climate change creating ideal conditions for the proliferation of these pests; this problem is only getting worse.

Figure 1. In the US, diseases caused by infected pests have tripled in 13 years.

In our country Taiwan, a pronounced pest problem exists due to its year-long humidity and presence of stagnant water in population-dense residential zones. Both urban and rural communities in Taiwan face considerable challenges related to pest infestations. Our island frequently experiences outbreaks of insect-borne diseases such as dengue fever and, more recently, the Zika virus. In 2023, Taiwan reported over 20,000 cases of dengue fever, marking a significant resurgence of the disease since the 2014/2015 outbreak. Current solutions like repellents, while effective, are unhealthy, unsustainable, and often uncomfortable to use.

Figure 2. Indigenous Dengue Cases in Taiwan, 1987-2023

Current Solutions & Their Problems

In the face of these annoying buzzing creatures that bring about everything from itchy skin to infectious diseases, many have taken to insect repellants as their personal on-the-go solution. No matter the form, whether it be sprays, stickers, creams, or even roll-on applicators, nearly all effective and commercially available repellents make use of the synthetic compound diethyltoluamide (DEET), with most natural alternatives being ineffective.

DEET, also referred to as diethyltoluamide, is the oldest and one of the most effective known active ingredients in insect repellants. It has been estimated that about 30% of the US population use products that contain DEET every year. However, DEET is also associated with side effects of skin irritation, unpleasant odor, material damage (to synthetic fabrics), greasy feel / stickiness, and general toxicity to human health. In more serious cases, exposure of humans to DEET have shown severe neurological effects including seizures, ataxia, restlessness, uncontrolled limb movements, aggressive behavior, and other similar symptoms.

Figure 3. Industry Standard Insect Repellent Ingredients

Alternatively, many also use spatial solutions like bug-zapping lanterns and mosquito coils to avoid the unfavorable aspects of DEET. Bug-zapping lanterns attract flying pests with ultraviolet (UV) or blue/purple light and zap them with high-voltage electric grids. Mosquito coils repel mosquitoes and other flying pests through the emission of smoke from a burning coil containing insecticides such as pyrethroids or pyrethrins. Although effective, both of these solutions have spatial limitations as they only repel mosquitoes in the general vicinity they are situated in; burning coils can also cause over-inhalation and is a potential fire hazard

Figure 4. Bug-zapping Lantern

Figure 5. Mosquito Repellent Coil

Camphor & L-Borneol

Camphor trees (Camphora officinarum) are a type of evergreen tree native to many East and Southeast Asian countries, including Taiwan, China, and India. They often have a large trunk, live for hundreds of years, and are a great addition to forests as they host many species of butterflies and other wildlife. Camphor wood with its pleasant smell and diverse functionality—insect repellency, medicinal uses, and culinary spice—has been prized by many for centuries. Taiwan was once home to many camphor trees and its export has benefited Taiwan for decades, but camphor populations have since declined due to overharvesting during the Japanese colonization era. Despite this, camphor remains a big part of Taiwanese culture. In fact, many traditional Taiwanese “old streets” (in Mandarin: 老街, Pinyin: laojie) still sell camphor wood and concentrated camphor oil for its aromatic and medicinal properties. However, these compounds are often sticky and uncomfortable, energy-consuming to achieve a high quality, and minimally effective at repelling mosquitoes.

Figure 6. Camphor tree harvesting during the Japanese era in Taiwan.

Borneol is a Camphor derivative without its drawbacks (Borneol is called “冰片 or bing pian” in Mandarin, meaning “cool chips” since it has a cooling effect and is typically distilled into crystal/chip form); Borneol is typically used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to treat inflammation, but more than that, borneol is also an effective insect repellent that doesn’t exhibit bad odor or high toxicity. Borneol binds to the OR49 receptor in insects, which activates a neuron signal competing with the olfactory receptors involved in animal host location. This acts as a repellent by inhibiting the ability of insects to detect humans.

Figure 7. OR49 Odorant Detection Mechanism

Figure 8. Borneol

Typical borneol used in TCM is synthetic borneol, derived through chemical means. However synthetic borneol is impure since it contains the camphor derivatives D-Isoborneol, L-Isoborneol, D-Borneol, and L-Borneol; D-Isoborneol and L-Isoborneol mildly irritates the skin, eyes, and digestive tract. D-Borneol and L-Borneol are both relatively safe, with L-Borneol being the more effective repellent. Currently, producing L-Borneol is extremely expensive with 50 grams of pure (97%+) borneol costing over 30 USD dollars, making it an unpopular option for many consumers. Not only so, L-Borneol refining requires Camphor tree or other plants, making it an environmentally unfriendly and unsustainable practice.

Our Solution: BOROHMA, A Custom Insect-Repellent Fragrance

Ever since the 1940s, fragrances have steadily grown in popularity; more now than ever, people are using fragrances in their daily routines. Our project, BOROHMA, aims to utilize fragrances' mass appeal to increase insect repellency in Taiwan and worldwide. By combining effective insect repellency with great aromas, we are creating a customizable insect-repellent fragrance for the everyday commuter. We do so by engineering the L-Borneol biosynthesis pathway into E. coli to produce optically pure L-Borneol that is then encapsulated into a specially designed minicell for controlled release. The L-Borneol-containing minicells are then combined with solvents and other fragrance ingredients to create BOROHMA, our allergy-aware custom insect-repellent fragrance.
Take our fragrance quiz now to customize your very own perfume or cologne, allergen-free!

Biosynthesis of L-Borneol

To achieve large-yield biosynthesis of L-Borneol, we aim to introduce one foreign pathway to E. coli, the mevalonate (MVA) pathway, and increase the efficiency of another native pathway, the 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate (MEP) pathway. The MVA and MEP pathway have two common products, IPP (Isopentenyl pyrophosphate) and DMAPP (Dimethylallyl pyrophosphate); the balanced interconversion between IPP and DMAPP is controlled by IDI, an enzyme present in both pathways. IPP and DMAPP collectively form the terpene geranyl diphosphate (GPP). By strategically engineering both the MVA and MEP pathways in E. coli, we can effectively increase the yield of GPP, and in turn, increase the yield of BPP and finally optically pure L-Borneol through L-bornyl diphosphate synthase (LBPPS) and alkaline phosphatase (AP).

Figure 9. Engineered L-Borneol Biosynthesis Pathway with Differential Protein Expression Rate Distinction

To produce all the enzymes required for L-borneol biosynthesis, we have designed two constructs: one for overexpression (regulated by T7 promoter in the pACYC vector) and another for controlled expression (regulated by the araBAD promoter in the pBAD vector), hence the distinction between red and green color for protein names; the final engineered plasmids are named pACYC-LBB & pBAD-LBB (LBB = L-Borneol Biosynthesis).

Figure 10. pACYC-LBB and pBAD-LBB constructs

The MEP pathway, although natively present in E. coli, displays low efficiency and metabolite flux; therefore, the overexpression of key enzymes in charge of rate-limiting steps [1-deoxy-d-xylulose-5-phosphate (DXP) synthase (DXS), DXS reductoisomerase (DXR), and isopentenyl diphosphate isomerase (IDI)] is crucial to improve the production efficiency of DMAPP and IPP via the MEP pathway. The rest of the enzymes in the MEP pathway (IspD, IspE, IspF, IspG, and IspH) are subjected to controlled expression.

While both are capable of it, the MVA pathway, completely foreign to E. coli, is a more energy-efficient pathway than the MEP pathway for the production of IPP and DMAPP. The overexpression of the rate-limiting enzymes in the MVA pathway [3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA (HmgR) and IDI] and the controlled regulation of non-rate-limiting enzymes [acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase (ACCT), Hmg-CoA synthase (HmgS), mevalonate kinase (MK), mevalonate-5-phosphate (MVAP) kinase (PMK), mevalonate-5-diphosphate (MVAPP) decarboxylase (MDD)] will be able to effectively engineer the whole MVA pathway into E. coli for the further increased yield of IPP and DMAPP.

The final pathway for high-yield production of L-Borneol requires the conversion of GPP [the combined product of isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP) and dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMAPP)] into bornyl diphosphate (BPP) and then into L-Borneol. The overexpression of the enzymes in charge of GPP to BPP to L-Borneol conversion, LBPPS, and AP, respectively, will allow for the proportional high-yield conversion of GPP to L-Borneol, our final desired product.

Overall, by strategically engineering the MEP and MVA pathways to overexpress only crucial enzymes, we can effectively increase DMAPP and IPP production without unnecessary protein buildup that may otherwise decrease overall yield. Additionally, the strong expression of LBPPS and AP in charge of GPP to L-Borneol synthesis highlights the final step of converting high-yield GPP to high-yield L-Borneol.

pACYC-LBB and pBAD-LBB are transformed into E. coli BLR(DE3) to create our L-Borneol-producing bacteria strain; in the future, we aim to perform gene knock-in to ensure L-Borneol production stability and longevity.

Minicell System

Minicells are small, anucleated structures produced from uneven bacterial cell division. These minicells retain most normal bacteria features like protein production (under certain conditions) and functioning cell membrane, but they lack chromosomal DNA. We created E. Coli BLR(DE3) minicells by knocking out the minCDRE genes from the bacterial genome to disrupt normal cell division.

Figure 11. E. Coli BLR (DE3) Minicell Formation and Z-Ring (fission cleavage point) Identification

Our project leverages the characteristics of minicells to:

  1. Simplify the L-Borneol purification process.
    One of the challenges of traditional L-Borneol production—whether it be through chemical synthesis or refining from camphor wood—is that the purification process to separate optically pure L-Borneol from impurities and byproducts is complex, laborious, and energy-intensive. It usually involved a multi-step process of extraction, separation, crystallization, and recrystallization. We bypass this complex process by using minicells as a chassis to continually produce, hold, and release optically pure L-Borneol produced by our engineered E. coli, ridding the need for the complex purification process of traditional methods. Since minicells are significantly smaller and less dense than their parent E. coli cells, separating them is a simple centrifugation process that differentiates based on size and density.

  2. Create a controlled L-Borneol release system.
    To enhance the longevity and effectiveness of L-borneol as an insect repellent, we also leverage the unique properties of minicells as a controlled release system. Minicells have a natural membrane that can encapsulate L-Borneol in a water-based solution, effectively trapping the compound within. When this solution is sprayed, the water evaporates, allowing the L-Borneol to be gradually released from the minicell membrane. This controlled release mechanism not only ensures the prolonged effect but also optimizes the efficiency of the repellent by delivering a steady dose of L-Borneol over time.

  3. Ensure the biosafety of our final product.
    Since minicells lack the ability to reproduce, they cannot proliferate in uncontrolled environments; this makes them the perfect candidate to ensure the biosafety of BOROHMA. Since our product plans to be released through a spraying mechanism, minicell holds an important role in ensuring that our product is environmentally safe and responsible.

In conclusion, the use of minicells not only enhances biosafety and environmental friendliness but also ensures a consistent and controlled release of L-Borneol, maximizing its effectiveness and longevity. This approach makes BOROHMA a safe, effective, and sustainable solution for L-Borneol delivery and application.

Figure 11. Visual Representation of Minicell L-Borneol Release System


Fragrance Customization

Social media is a useful tool to spread knowledge in an enjoyable manner and it is available to everyone. We have been sharing our project journey throughout Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, and our Blogpost.

To make use of these tools, our team decided to create a series of educational comics. They are about the awesome world of synthetic biology and Dr. Bio and their purpose is to educate kids as well as the curious public. In these comics, we delve into synthetic biology as well as more basic concepts such as explaining what a cell is, DNA, and proteins among others. We also included an infographic about GMOs to share their advantages and safety in regard to food production. In that way, when introducing our project, it is helpful for the public to already have a background. Our graphic design team created the characters, graphics, and the story explained.

We have been receiving very positive feedback from the public and it has been a very easy and funny way to familiarize the general public with biology.



Biweekly newsletter

We greatly appreciate the assistance and guidance we've received throughout this project from various experts. In order to keep them all updated on our progress, we sent out a biweekly newsletter. The newsletter contained information on our successes and challenges during the summer, including more detailed information about our drylab-overview. By doing this, we were able to keep everyone informed and show our appreciation for the help we've received.

Most experts are quite specialized in their own fields and may not necessaríly be accustomed to other fields. In order to combat that, our newsletter served to share more intersectional information we had gathered. We hope that everyone who has read our newsletter learned something new or interesting. Above all else, we hope that everyone is more interested in synthetic biology. You can find some excerpts from our newsletters below.



We made a poster for the Nordic iGEM conference and the European meet-up. It helped us share our project and progress with other iGEM teams during the poster presentation sessions. This was a good chance for us to also learn about other iGEM team's projects and get feedback on our poster. Our poster is shown below:



We created a brochure showcasing our team, project, how we help with sustainable development goals (SDGs), and our vision. We added a QR code for easy access to our survey and social media for project updates. We shared these brochures at various iGEM meet-ups we attended over the summer, including the European meet-up and the Nordic conference, as well as during our presentations at different events.


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