More than 1,000,000 people worldwide die from insect-borne diseases every year.

390 million people are infected with dengue
Hundreds of thousands more are affected by Zika, chikungunya and yellow fever.

In 2023, Southeast Asia accounted for:


of global dengue cases

2.8 million

cases of dengue fever

0,000 deaths

mosquito-borne diseases

In our island of Taiwan,

20,000 cases of dengue fever
were reported in 2023, marking
a significant resurgence of the disease.

Current solutions

Current mosquito repellents are mostly chemically
synthesized containing components like:


However, drawbacks of these chemicals include:

Side effects to humans, including....
Environmental pollution
High cost
Not always effective

Borneol (a bicyclic organic compound found in some plants) has proven to repel female mosquitoes by activating sensory neurons

However, most borneol is chemically synthesized, contains other toxic chemicals such as isoborneol, and is more expensive.

Our Solution

The Fragrance Industry, valued at $59.87 billion USD, is growing as more people join the middle and upper classes
Particularly in Taiwan with an annual growth rate of over 2.7%

Our project BOROHMA is a L-borneol minicell release system that can be incorporated
into customizable fragrances to effectively ward off insects while maintaining good smell

How does it work?



Want to find out more?
See how our project changes the world!