In the beginning of June, we had a general lab introduction. As a first step, were ordered our
chosen backbones
pOxyR_gfp and GFP-X0 and started designing our experimental plan for the summer.
10.06. - 14.06.
- Got liquid LB, LB plates, LB + ampicillin plates, YPD + adenine plates from D-BIOL shop.
- Received plate of E. coli Nissle 1917 (hereafter referred to as Nissle) from Slack lab (ETH).
- Received GFP-XO plasmid (bacterial stab) from Addgene.
17.06. - 21.06.
- Preparation of ampicillin stocks, LB + ampicillin medium, YPD medium, and glycerol.
- Autoclaving of materials.
- Miniprep plasmid preparation of GFP-XO.
- Made glycerol stocks of Nissle.
- Received S. cerevisiae BY4743 (hereafter referred to as BY4743) from Frank van Drogen (ETH).
- Held our first school workshop.
- Started preparing the scripts and experiment material for the Wyss BioSTARS camp workshop.
24.06. - 28.06.
- Received DNA fragments from TWIST: YAP1-Spel, YAP1-BamHI, pTRP1, UAS_pTRX2, TGA2_Spe_Bam, As1_CaMV35S,
- Received S. cerevisiae BY4741 (hereafter referred to as BY4741) from Zamboni lab (ETH). Made glycerol
stocks of it.
- Prepared MSG-URA liquid medium and plates.
Genomic amplification of adh1 terminator (tadh1) from BY4743 via colony PCR using primers TADH1-FW and
TRX2-Rv or CaMV35S-Rv. PCR clean-up using kit.
- Restriction enzyme digestions of GFP-XO plasmid with BamHI and EcoRI. Purification using PCR clean-up
- Gibson assembly of digested GFP-XO backbone, tadh1 and UAS_pTRX2 or As1_CaMV35S.
- Gibson product transformed into heat-shock competent E. coli DH5ɑ (“long” protocol).
- Transformation success checked by restriction digest of plasmids obtained from colonies. Digests were
checked by gel electrophoresis for expected fragment sizes. Obtained positive results for at least one
colony of each plasmid.
- Successfully cloned colonies were cultured and glycerol stocks prepared.
Additionally, we Held our second school workshop.