
This study explores public knowledge, acceptance, and purchase intentions regarding astaxanthin-based skincare products through a questionnaire survey. Astaxanthin, a potent natural antioxidant widely used in the food and pharmaceutical industries, remains underrecognized in skincare. The study analyzes feedback from the general public, managers, technicians, and industry professionals, uncovering concerns about the efficacy and safety of astaxanthin products. Using cluster analysis, regression analysis, the CRITIC weighting method, and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), the research provides recommendations to enhance market strategies and public awareness, while addressing technical challenges to further promote astaxanthin in the skincare market.

1 Objective

The main purpose of this study was to investigate the public's understanding of the efficacy of astaxanthin and the understanding and acceptance of astaxanthin skin care products. The background of this study is very important because it aims to provide other relevant teams with necessary information to help them better carry out their work and popular science activities. In today's era of rapid information technology development, public awareness and attitudes are crucial to the emergence and development of any new technology. So, with this study, we sought to unravel the mystery of the public's perception of astaxanthin skin care products and their willingness to accept and support this new class of products.

2 Methodology and Process

In order to achieve this objective, a carefully designed questionnaire was used, which can be divided into five parts of the questionnaire to understand the public's understanding and acceptance of the use of astaxanthin in skin care products. At the same time, the people participating in the questionnaire survey are divided into four categories according to the relevant occupational background, which can be divided into the general public, management personnel, technical personnel and enterprise personnel. The purpose of the analysis of different occupational groups is to better understand the cognitive level and acceptance degree of different groups. The multi-level analysis method can help the team obtain a more comprehensive cognition, which is oriented to a broad group rather than a general single group survey, and provide certain guidance for the subsequent publicity and promotion of astaxanthin products.

The research study covered four categories of people with five sections of questions.

• Part 1. Public's skincare product usage habits and influencing factors.

• Part 2. The public's knowledge and understanding of astaxanthin ingredients.

• Part 3. Attitude and willingness to buy astaxanthin skin care products.

• Part 4. The current status of research and development of astaxanthin skin care products by enterprises and scientific research institutions.

• Part 5. Market prospects and technical challenges of astaxanthin skin care products.

After discussion, we confirmed the content and purpose of the survey, planned the time of questionnaire collection and the arrangement of data analysis and report writing.

Figure 1 Time Advancement Diagram

Through the online survey platform, we successfully collected a large number of questionnaire data. The reliability test, validity test, and other statistical methods were used to verify the rationality of the questionnaire data, so as to ensure that our research results are real and highly credible. This is one of the important steps for the team to conduct research, ensuring the effectiveness of the team's work .

In the process of research and analysis, we established a variety of models to interpret and analyze the questionnaire data, so as to understand the public's understanding and attitude towards astaxanthin skin care products in a scientific way.

Firstly, a consumption habit and purchasing behavior model based on cluster analysis and multiple regression was established to explore consumers' cognition, purchase intention, and usage habits of astaxanthin skin care products.

We reduced the dimensionality of the data through principal component analysis (PCA), and simplified multiple variables into three-dimensional space to visually show the distribution of different groups in skin type, frequency of use of skin care products, and purchase concerns. Through cluster analysis, we found that there are significant differences in the use habits and purchase preferences of skin care products among all groups. To be specific:

• Group 1: Mainly concerned about brand and safety, the frequency of use of skin care products is high, indicating that these consumers have strong needs for skin care, and tend to choose products with popularity and security.

• Group 2: Consumers who value price more and use skin care products less frequently. They are usually consumers who occasionally use skin care products. They are more sensitive to price and tend to choose cost-effective products.

• Group 3: They tend to pay more attention to ingredients and effects, and tend to choose skin care products with specific functions. They are especially interested in new ingredients (such as astaxanthin). These consumers have a deeper understanding of product ingredients.

• Group 4: Pay more attention to word of mouth and market reviews, buying behavior is often influenced by market trends or social media reviews. Such consumers value feedback from others and tend to choose products that are widely recognized in the market.

Figure 2 Three-dimensional scattering

Through multiple regression, it was found that the concern of specific attributes of skin care products (such as brand, composition, and safety ) significantly affected their willingness to buy astaxanthin skin care products . In particular, the two factors of "composition" and "safety" show strong significance in the model, indicating that consumers pay more attention to the effectiveness and safety of ingredients when choosing astaxanthin skin care products.

In addition, we also built an acceptance model based on multiple choice analysis, frequency analysis, and NPS analysis to measure consumer acceptance of astaxanthin skin care products. Through the multi-choice analysis of the concerns of the masses, the following response ratio graph is obtained. The figure shows that people are most concerned about using astaxanthin skin care products because of allergies. For allergy, side effects, consistency with advertised efficacy, and conflict with other skincare ingredients , the ratio of the four options is basically around 22%. It shows that the masses have concerns about all the different situations listed.

Figure 3 response ratio graph

According to the frequency analysis of people's expectation of astaxanthin applied in skin care products (1-5), it was found that most respondents held a more positive attitude , because the proportion of respondents holding high expectations (4 and 5) was close to 50%. However, more than 40% of respondents also gave a lower expectation index (1-2), indicating that despite the overall positive response, a certain percentage of respondents still have reservations or are not satisfied with the widespread use of astaxanthin in cosmetic products in the future.

Figure 4 Expected score graph

Through the analysis of the NPS net recommendation value, it was found that the result is -27.32, indicating that the public's perception of the use of astaxanthin in the production of skin care products still holds a great deal of ignorance, and even that there may be certain prejudices against astaxanthin skin care products. Therefore, the study also plays a guiding role in the follow-up work of the team, highlighting the need to carry out more popularization activities related to astaxanthin skin care products, so that people have a better understanding of astaxanthin products. The study can also guide the team's subsequent work.

Figure 5 NPS net recommended value

Finally, we constructed a model based on regression analysis and AHP to comprehensively evaluate the current market prospects and technical challenges of astaxanthin skin care products, and analyzed them in depth to guide the development and promotion of future astaxanthin skin care products.

Combining the results of regression analysis and AHP, it is found that technological breakthroughs, especially in terms of extraction efficiency, product stability, and cost control, will significantly enhance the market potential of astaxanthin skin care products. In addition, pricing strategy and target market positioning are also key factors affecting market demand .

Figure 6 Technical Challenge Weight Analysis Bar Chart


When working with the questionnaire data, we used a variety of modeling methods to clearly present the findings of five key questions. We used cluster analysis and multiple regression analysis to explore consumers' cognition, purchase intention, and usage habits of astaxanthin skin care products. We evaluated consumers' cognition and concerns about astaxanthin skin care products through multiple-choice analysis and the CRITIC method. Frequency analysis and NPS net recommendation value analysis were used to measure consumers' acceptance of astaxanthin skin care products. The current research and development status of astaxanthin products was explored through multiple selection analysis. Finally, the market prospect and technical challenge of astaxanthin skin care products were evaluated by regression analysis and AHP. The combined use of these analytical methods helps us better understand public perceptions and attitudes.

The human practice part of the team will publish scientific tweets based on the results of these studies, aiming to promote the scientific knowledge of astaxanthin and its application prospects in the skin care market. It provides strong support and guidance for human practice to better enhance the public's awareness and acceptance of astaxanthin and its related skin care products.

For more information, please read:

Questionnaire Analysis Model Detailed Report