
In our iGEM project, five key themes—Education and Communication, Integrated Human Practice, Sustainable Development, Bioethics, and Inclusivity—have shaped our research and social engagement efforts. Through innovative curriculum design and activities, we aim to communicate scientific knowledge to audiences of different ages. Our Integrated Human Practice focuses on interdisciplinary collaboration and research, exploring the feasibility of extracting astaxanthin from longan while optimizing techniques and market strategies. We remain committed to sustainable development by reducing reliance on marine resources and protecting biodiversity. In terms of ethics, we have discussed utilitarianism and deontology to ensure that our project remains sustainable and socially responsible. Lastly, inclusivity is a core principle, as we collaborate with diverse groups to promote gender equality and broaden social participation. Each theme has not only guided our project’s progress but also enabled us to make a meaningful impact in society.


"The true test of virtue is that acts of kindness are not intended to be seen." —— Marcus Aurelius

The reason why it is important to integrate philosophical insights and ethical principles is that we can better harness the complexities involved in the production process and in the final use of the product.

We begin with a utilitarianism discussion of the project: Do the benefits outweigh the risks? How can we maximize the positive impact while minimizing the negative consequences?

A further study of the ethics of obligationism considers whether the project respects the dignity of all parties and takes into account factors such as informed consent and community participation in decision-making. And also think about virtue ethics. Do we have integrity in longan purchasing? Do we promote virtues such as management and responsibility in our business practices? We must make sure that cosmetics are free from harmful contaminants and adverse reactions.

Moreover, our source of longan for astaxanthin extraction also raises important environmental ethical issues. The practice of sustainable development must guide the mining process to minimize ecological damage.

Finally, in our ethical thinking and social integration, we must understand different countries and communities' views of longan and its use, respect their culture, and ensure that their voices are heard and respected.

Integrated Human Practices

"Great things in business are never done by one person; they're done by a team of people." —— Steve Jobs

All tall buildings survive because of their strong foundations, and all projects are successful because of background research and investigation. We deeply study the components, properties, and uses of astaxanthin, and also meet some difficult challenges and problems. Apart from Haematococcus pluvialis algae, which yield high astaxanthin content, other sources provide relatively low levels. Can we explore new methods to extract astaxanthin beyond algae? After trying to judge the innumerable choices one by one, we have done research on the ingredients and properties of longan and found that it is especially suitable. Thus, our team has officially confirmed our experimental direction: extracting astaxanthin from longan for application in the cosmetics industry.

Through the questionnaire survey and preliminary project design, we understand the market gradually. We tried hard to understand the project difficulty coefficient and to modify the project plan. After the initial stage of the project is formed, we evaluate it, compare our proposed implementation with the actual implementation, and then make an improvement plan. In the process, we also encountered many challenges, such as raw material extraction, market competition, and other social affairs. We will work together to weigh the pros and cons to grasp the course.

It is also important that we think about how we can make astaxanthin from longan leaves and apply astaxanthin to cosmetics in relation to the actual needs of society. Online, we have produced educational videos posted on these platforms that show the proper use of astaxanthin cosmetics and possible effects. Offline, our educational activities, as well as collaboration with the Longan Academy of Technology and Fuzhou Blind Association, make our project benefit more people.

Sustainable Development Goals

"Everyone has an impact, everyone makes a contribution, everyone matters." —— Jane Goodall

The protection of the ecological environment is a cause that can make a great contribution in the present age and benefit in the future. A good ecological environment is the most universal well-being of the people. No matter what research we do, we must not go against nature or be greedy.

In the future, we will emphasize our team's innovation in astaxanthin extraction technology, application technology, and other aspects. By continuously expanding the sources of astaxanthin and reducing reliance on traditional microalgae and seafood resources, we aim to contribute to the protection of marine ecosystems and biodiversity.

Meanwhile, we will also apply astaxanthin to a wide range of applications based on current market size, growth trends, and forecasts of future commodity demand. Such as vision health, antioxidant skincare, and functional foods, etc. And we have had in-depth communication with the Fuzhou Blind Association.

Last but not least, we are committed to a diversified employment system. We will attract high-level technical and managerial talent to enhance project competitiveness.


"If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich." —— John F. Kennedy

Inclusivity is not only a core principle of our team but also deeply embedded in the thought process behind our project. We believe that inclusivity means breaking down barriers in collaboration, allowing people from different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives to participate and contribute equally. This belief is reflected throughout our project, from interdisciplinary integration to the promotion of gender equality, from addressing the needs of special groups to embracing linguistic and cultural diversity. We are committed to ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to reach their full potential.

During the course of our project, we realized that the diverse backgrounds and unique experiences of each member bring new perspectives and innovative solutions. This interdisciplinary collaboration goes beyond technical innovation, contributing to breakthroughs in methodology and thinking. We also actively promote gender inclusivity, ensuring that everyone can demonstrate leadership and creativity in an equitable environment. Our collaboration with the Society for the Blind explores ways to provide equal opportunities for people of different abilities, underscoring the importance of social inclusion. Additionally, we created multilingual picture books to bridge cultural and linguistic gaps, ensuring that our scientific findings can be understood and shared by a wider audience.

We firmly believe that inclusivity is not only the key to team success but also the foundation for our project to create a broader social impact. By continually reflecting on and practicing inclusivity, we aim to promote justice and diversity through our project.

Education & Communication

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." —— Nelson Mandela

Knowledge is a torch passed from person to person.

The end point of our study is not only to stay on paper but also to transfer our thoughts to others and make a real contribution to society in new ways. Through well-designed courses and activities, we hope to expose more people to the allure of synthetic biology, understand the multiple uses of longan, stimulate their creativity and imagination in scientific innovation, and seek their unique advice.

Our education section this year begins with an age-specific curriculum designed to help children learn about synthetic biology beyond the book. At the same time, we will also extract astaxanthin from longan leaves and share methods for using astaxanthin in cosmetics to inspire younger children to engage in further research. This ensures that the new knowledge we learn and study contributes to the popularization of education and science, rather than remaining in the laboratory.

Many hands make light work. To improve our extraction method, we actively connect with students from different disciplines and fields for communication. We discuss extraction efficiency and other key issues, and we have guided international students on a tour of our laboratory, promoting learning and cooperation across disciplines.

Furthermore, education serves as the link between academic and social engagement. We are committed to contributing to social assistance and poverty alleviation efforts. We visit villages and towns to learn about farmers' practices in growing longan and processing longan leaf pulp. Meanwhile, we seek effective collaboration, ensuring that we obtain high-quality longan raw materials while providing farmers with more channels to sell their products, achieving a win-win situation. This project collaboration benefits from close contact with the Longan Institute of Science and Technology, which guides farmers in managing fruit trees using green, organic, and ecological methods, and offers strategies to tackle challenges encountered during our research.