
Our Lab Results: Precision Meets Transparency.


Our project was built up of three different parts: The expression – The immobilization – The Biosensor.

The expression part of our project aims to express different fungal laccases using the yeast Pichia pastoris. We want to compare the ability of these laccases to degrade pharmaceuticals like diclofenac and ibuprofen and explore if the laccases are suitable for wastewater treatment.

Furthermore, we wanted to investigate if we can add a cleavable His-tag to the C-terminus of the laccases. A His-tag would prove beneficial for production because it would facilitate the purification. The structure prediction model AlphaFold shows that the C-terminus of the laccase would be on the inside of the protein which might interfere with protein folding and therefore with the activity. We planned to express each laccase with and without this tag to investigate this issue.

Laccases often show decreased or no activity at a neutral pH, making them unsuitable for wastewater treatment at that pH. We circumvent this problem by immobilizing the laccase on a matrix. Through immobilization, the laccases show activity under neutral pH conditions at which they were not active when they were not immobilized. Furthermore, through immobilization, we avoid releasing GMOs into the environment.

As a side project, we want to expand the promoter collection for yeasts by finding promoters that respond to diclofenac and/or ibuprofen in the yeast's surroundings.

Short Summary


  • Expression of six different fungal laccases in Pichia pastoris and confirm enzyme activity


  • Producing the expression vectors using Golden Gate cloning
  • Optimization of the production by optimizing the media and growth conditions
  • Determining laccase activity in the culture media using ABTS


  • We managed to establish two yeast cultures that secrete active laccases into the media and have proven that they degrade diclofenac

Detailed Results

One goal of our project is to compare different laccases. We have selected six laccases that looked promising for our planned application (Table 1). The genes were optimized for expression by the yeast Pichia pastoris. The genes were synthesized by the company IDT. Using PCR the TEV site and His-tag were removed and the corresponding fusion site was added to the 3’ end of the laccase genes. This left us with 12 different laccase genes.

Registry Number Laccase Origin Species GenBank Entry Number
BBa_K5329009 CVL3 T. versicolor D13372
BBa_K5329010 LAC1 T. hirsuta EU492907
BBa_K5329011 LCC1 C. trogii KU055621
BBa_K5329012 LCC1 T. versicolor AY693776
BBa_K5329013 LCC2 T. versicolor Y18012

Using golden gate assembly, we successfully cloned the laccases into different plasmid backbones (BB1). The BB1 assemblies were inserted into Escherichia coli using heat-shock transformation. We confirmed the insertion of the genes into BB1 by colony PCR and Sanger sequencing.

Fig 1
Fig 1)Colony PCR of E.coli colonies to check for the presence of the BB1 containing plasmids with laccase genes. The expected size of the amplified fragments is 2 kb

The expression cassettes consisting of the constitutive pGAP promoter, the different laccase genes, and the rps25aTT terminator were assembled using Golden Gate cloning into the BB3 (100_BB3rN). The assembled BB3s were again transformed into E.coli (NEB10beta) using heat shock transformation. The presence of the laccase genes in the plasmids was confirmed through restriction digest.

Fig 2
Fig 2)Gel Electrophoresis of the BB3 plasmids digested with the restriction enzymes AvrII and AscI to confirm the presence of the laccase genes (Gel1)
Fig 3
Fig 3)Gel Electrophoresis of the BB3 plasmids digested with the restriction enzymes AvrII and AscI to confirm the presence of the laccase genes (Gel2)

After confirming that the assembly was successful the BB3s were linearized and transformed into Pichia pastoris using electroporation. The transformation was confirmed by colony PCR.

Fig 4
Fig 4)Results of the colony PCR to check for the insertion of our expression vector into the yeast genome

The first attempts to express the laccases were made by inoculating 10 mL of YPD and growing the cells at 30°C for two days. To check for expression an ABTS Assay of the supernatant was made. No laccase activity could be detected in the media when performing an ABTS Assay. A Western Blot did show that no laccases were secreted into the media.

Fig 5a Fig 5b
Fig 5)Left: Western Blot (His-Blot; 1min exposure time) of the first expression experiments. The laccases have an expected size of about 55kDa
Right: Ponceau staining of the blot did not detect any laccases in the supernatant.

To improve the expression of laccases we switched to YNB media. We made an overnight preculture and inoculated the YNB Media at an OD600 8. After incubating for 48 hours laccase activity could be detected using the ABTS assay after extended incubation in two cultures. The culture expressing the Trametes hirsuta laccase and the culture expression the Trametes versicolor LCC2 laccase. Both of the expressed laccases do not contain the HIS-tag.

Fig 6
Fig 6)photo of ABTS assay, different concentrations of laccase and two positive samples

SDS-PAGE and staining (Coomassie and Silver) were performed on concentrated supernatants, to confirm that the laccases were indeed present in the supernatant. We expected a signal at the size of about 55 kDa but no band can be observed.

Fig 7
Fig 7)Silver-stained SDS-PAGE gel checking for laccase presence in the supernatant

Because we could detect laccase activity with the ABTS Assay we decided to test if the culture supernatant can degrade Diclofenac. For this experiment, we mixed 1mL of culture supernatant with 1mL of Diclofenac stock solution (100µg/mL). The same reaction mix was also performed with the supernatant of a yeast culture which did not express the laccases (empty control – EC).

After incubation of the mix over the weekend the concentration of the pharmaceuticals was analyzed using HPLC. The results of the HPLC showed a 51,9 % reduction of diclofenac in the samples where laccases are produced compared to the sample containing the supernatant of yeasts not producing laccases (EC).

Table 2: Results of the HPLC analysis
Sample concentration of diclofenac
Reduction relative
to empty control [%]
Empty control 45,21 -
LCC2 T. versicolor 10C 27,36 –39,5
Laccase T. hirsuta 4D 21,73 –51,9
Fig 8
Fig 8)Diclofenac concentration after the incubation with the supernatant. Starting concentration 50µg/mL. Sample description: EC = empty control, 10C = LCC2 (t.v.), 4D = laccase (t.h.)

An attempt was made to further improve the protein expression by switching to an inducible AOX1 promoter. The golden gate assembly was made, and the insertion of the expression cassette into the BB3 was confirmed by restriction digest but the transformation into P. pastoris was unsuccessful. Due to time constraints, no second attempt was made.

In summary, the team successfully performed cloning steps and managed, through optimization of cultivation conditions to successfully produce two different laccases. Although we could not detect our laccases with the SDS-PAGE and silver staining we were able to detect the enzyme activity and prove the ability of the laccases to degrade diclofenac.

Determination of the optimal working conditions of the enzymes, including the identification of their pH stability and temperature optimum.

Short Summary


Determine the optimal working conditions for enzymes, focusing on identifying their pH and temperature stability.


Enzymes were incubated in different pH buffers to determine both their optimal pH and pH stability. Similarly, the temperature optimum was assessed by incubating the enzymes at various temperatures. The conversion of the substrate ABTS was used to measure enzymatic activity, which was monitored spectrophotometrically at 420 nm.


The pH optimum of the enzymes is expected to be around pH 4, with the temperature optimum expected to be approximately 45°C.


Enzyme activity was higher at lower pH values, with the highest activity measured at the lowest pH tested. At pH 7, there was almost no activity left. While increased temperatures led to slightly higher activity, the effect of temperature on enzyme activity was minimal compared to the impact of pH.

Detailed Results


In our preliminary experiments, we studied laccases from two different organisms: Trametes versicolor and Agaricus bisporus. These enzymes were investigated to determine their optimal pH and temperature, as well as their stability under varying pH and temperature conditions.

To measure enzymatic activity, we used 2,2’-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) as a substrate. In the presence of the enzyme, ABTS is oxidized to its radical cation (ABTS•+), which has a characteristic green color. This reaction is monitored spectrophotometrically at 420 nm, as the absorbance of ABTS•+ at this wavelength correlates with the enzyme’s catalytic activity. By tracking the increase in absorbance, we can quantify the rate of substrate conversion, providing a reliable measure of enzyme activity.

Experimental Design and Setup

We conducted pH stability tests for both Trametes versicolor and Agaricus bisporus by incubating the enzymes in different pH buffers ranging from 4-6. Enzymatic activity was assessed by measuring the conversion of ABTS at 420 nm to determine the optimal pH for both enzymes.

During the pH tests, it became evident that Agaricus bisporus exhibited very low activity across all pH levels compared to T. versicolor. Given the low performance of A. bisporus enzyme, we decided not to proceed with further temperature tests for this enzyme. As a result, subsequent experiments focused solely on T. versicolor to study its temperature and pH stability.

Fig 1
Fig 1)pH stability of T. versicolor (Absorption maximum vs. incubation time).

Data Collection and Analysis

The highest activity was observed at pH 5. At pH 7, no activity was detected, indicating that T. versicolor is less stable at neutral pH. For the pH stability testings T. versicolor was incubated at room temperature for 72 hours at different pH (pH 4, 5, 6, 7). The results are shown in the figure above. Due to the fact that no laccase activity was left at pH 7, the values were not included in the plot.

For Trametes versicolor temperature tests were conducted to determine its optimal operating temperature.

Suitability for Wastewater Treatment and Enzyme Immobilization

Since wastewater typically has a neutral pH, the low activity of T. versicolor at pH 7 presents a challenge for its direct use in wastewater treatment. To overcome this, we explored enzyme immobilization as a strategy to improve stability and activity at higher pH levels. Immobilizing the enzyme may offer protection against pH fluctuations and enhance its long-term functionality in neutral wastewater environments. Further investigations showed that the ABTS conversion does not work at neutral pH when used as substrate for T. versicolor, which may have caused the low activity at this pH.

Despite knowing that the free laccase might be active at pH 7 and that ABTS could be the limiting factor, we continued working at pH 7 with immobilization. This is because the reusability and increased stability of the immobilized enzyme are crucial for practical applications in wastewater treatment. Moreover, immobilization ensures that the laccase remains contained within the matrix, preventing its release into the environment, which is important for maintaining ecological safety.

Visualization and Interpretation

In the figure below (Figure 2) the activity data for T. versicolor across different pH levels are shown, with the y-axis representing the degradation rate and the x-axis showing the pH. Similarly, Figure 3 presents the activity data for different temperatures. These figures illustrate that T. versicolor exhibits absorption maximum at pH 3 and 65 °C.

Fig 2
Fig 2)pH-optimum of T. versicolor
Fig 3
Fig 3)pH-optimum of A. bisporus.
Fig 4
Fig 4)T-optimum of T. versicolor


Our preliminary experiments indicate that Trametes versicolor laccase exhibits optimal activity at pH 3 and a temperature of 65°C. Initially, we assumed the enzyme would have minimal activity at neutral pH, which is typical of wastewater environments. However, further investigations suggest that T. versicolor laccase may still be active at pH 7. Despite this, we are proceeding with enzyme immobilization due to the numerous advantages it offers.

Immobilization is crucial for improving the enzyme’s reusability, stability, and long-term functionality, especially in continuous wastewater treatment systems. It also prevents the release of free laccase into the environment, ensuring better control over its application. These benefits make immobilization an essential strategy for maximizing the potential of T. versicolor in practical wastewater treatment.

Short Summary


Investigate the efficiency of laccase immobilized in agar-agar for the degradation of pharmaceutical pollutants like Diclofenac and Ibuprofen in wastewater.


Laccase is immobilized in agar-agar cubes, followed by exposure to solutions containing Diclofenac and Ibuprofen. The degradation of these pollutants is monitored over time using HPLC to measure concentration changes.


It is expected that the immobilized laccase will exhibit a higher degradation rate for Diclofenac and Ibuprofen compared to free laccase, due to increased enzyme stability and reusability in the agar-agar matrix.


For Ibuprofen, the reused immobilized laccase cubes demonstrated the same degradation efficiency as the new cubes. However, for Diclofenac, reused cubes showed improved efficiency, possibly due to variations in storage conditions. With free laccase, we achieved a 48% degradation of Diclofenac, while the immobilization process was slower but ultimately more effective, with 57% degradation using immobilized laccase—representing a clear improvement. For Ibuprofen, the degradation was 31% with free laccase and slightly higher, at 32%, with immobilized laccase.

Degradation of Diclofenac with immobilized laccase

The HPLC results of our first immobilization approach reflect the degradation of Diclofenac and Ibuprofen after being treated with agar-agar immobilized laccase. The initial concentrations of the drugs were set at 100 µg/mL for Diclofenac and 500 µg/mL for Ibuprofen. The results show a varying degree of degradation across different samples, indicating the enzymatic activity of laccase.

This diagram illustrates the degradation process of Diclofenac using two different concentrations of immobilized laccase: 0.15 mg/mL and 0.60 mg/mL. The results indicate that the degradation efficiency is markedly higher with 0.60 mg/mL of laccase, demonstrating that increased concentrations of immobilized laccase lead to a more effective degradation of Diclofenac. Consequently, this higher concentration results in a faster and greater reduction in Diclofenac levels compared to the 0.15 mg/mL concentration.

Fig 1
Fig 1)Degradation of Diclofenac with Immobilized Laccase

The degradation process is more effective with the higher laccase concentration, and after 2 hours, both concentrations reach a plateau, indicating that no further degradation occurs beyond this point. Additionally, since no further degradation was observed after 24 hours, we excluded day 4 from the plot.

Fig 2
Fig 2)Degradation of Diclofenac with Immobilized Laccase after 2 hours

Additionally, during the reaction, the solution changes from transparent to yellow after 2 hours, showing that the immobilized laccase is active.

Fig 3
Fig 3)Degradation of Diclofenac with Immobilized Laccase - Graphic

Degradation of Ibuprofen with Immobilized Laccase

The diagram below shows the degradation process of Ibuprofen using two different concentrations of immobilized laccase: 0.15 mg/mL and 0.60 mg/mL. Like Diclofenac, the degradation efficiency is higher with increasing concentration. However, the degradation of Ibuprofen was less effective than Diclofenac. Same as for Diclofenac after 2 hours of incubation no further degradation occurs.

Fig 4
Fig 4)Degradation of Ibuprofen with Immobilized Laccase


Overall, the laccase enzyme showed higher degradation for Diclofenac compared to Ibuprofen, with degradation percentages for Diclofenac reaching as high as 57.3%, whereas the highest reduction for Ibuprofen was 25.9%. The immobilization of laccase in agar-agar was effective in breaking down both pharmaceuticals, but it appears to work more efficiently on Diclofenac. This experiment demonstrates the potential of laccase to mitigate pharmaceutical pollution, with varying effectiveness depending on the compound.

To further compare degradation results a new batch of agar-agar cubes was prepared. The subsequent experiment, which examined the degradation of Ibuprofen and Diclofenac using reused immobilized laccase and free laccase. Additionally, the experiment aimed to investigate whether the immobilized laccase retains its activity after being heat inactivated at 95°C post-immobilization and how its performance compares to free laccase. To assess this, we incubated the free laccase with the drug solution, taking two aliquots at specific time points during the incubation. One aliquot was then heat inactivated, allowing us to compare it with the untreated sample and determine if the laccase remained effectively immobilized within the agar cubes and was not leaking into the solution.

Degradation of Ibuprofen with Reused Immobilized Laccase

Table 1: Degradation of Ibuprofen with Reused Immobilized Laccase over time
Time [h] Ibuprofen [µg/mL]
0 1000
1 683.72
2 674.26
24 682.70
96 686.71

Ibuprofen was tested at a concentration of 1000 µg/mL using reused immobilized laccase for degradation. The initial concentration of Ibuprofen was 1000 µg/mL, which showed a decrease to 683.72 µg/mL after 1 hour. However, the degradation did not progress significantly over the next 96 hours, and the concentration remained constant after 31,6% degradation.

Degradation of Diclofenac with Reused Immobilized Laccase

Table 2: Degradation of Diclofenac with Reused Immobilized Laccase over time
Time [h] Ibuprofen [µg/mL]
0 200
1 88.49
2 87.49
24 87.72
96 85.45

The degradation of 200 µg/mL Diclofenac using reused immobilized laccase showed a substantial reduction to 88.49 µg/mL (56% degradation) and did not further degrade after 1 hour.

New cubes vs. reused cubes

Fig 5
Fig 5) Comparison Ibuprofen degradation new versus reused cubes.
Fig 6
Fig 6)Comparisson Diclofenac degradation new versus reused cubes.

There was no difference in Ibuprofen degradation between the reused and new immobilized laccase cubes, as both demonstrated the same degradation efficiency. In contrast, for Diclofenac, the reused cubes showed improved efficiency compared to the new ones, potentially due to differences in storage conditions.

Degradation of Ibuprofen with Immobilized Laccase vs. post-incubation inactivated laccase

Table 3: Degradation of Ibuprofen with Immobilized Laccase vs. post-incubation inactivated laccase
Time [h] Ibuprofen [µg/mL] Ibuprofen [µg/mL]
heat treated
0 500.00 500.00
1 336.68 338.82
2 335.76 338.37
24 337.05 337.06
96 336.49 336.54

The results show that both the immobilized laccase and the heat-inactivated laccase after incubation achieved the same 32% degradation of Ibuprofen. This confirms that the laccase remained effectively immobilized within the cubes, as the degradation was not impacted by heat inactivation, indicating no enzyme leakage from the cubes.

Degradation of Diclofenac with Immobilized Laccase vs. post-incubation inactivated laccase

Table 4: Degradation of Diclofenac with Immobilized Laccase vs. post-incubation inactivated laccase
Time [h] Diclofenac [µg/mL] Diclofenac [µg/mL]
heat treated
0 100.00 100.00
1 69.96 90.61
2 69.25 74.83
24 67.16 72.64
96 70.25 73.96

The results show that both the immobilized laccase and the heat-inactivated laccase after incubation degraded Diclofenac, with the heat-treated sample achieving 27% degradation and the non-heat-treated sample achieving 32%. This suggests that while some activity was lost after heat treatment, the majority of the laccase remained immobilized within the cubes, as the degradation difference was relatively small, indicating minimal enzyme leakage.

Degradation of Ibuprofen and Diclofenac with free laccase

Table 5: Degradation of Ibuprofen and Diclofenac with free laccase
Time [h] Diclofenac [µg/mL] Diclofenac [µg/mL]
heat treated
0 1000.00 200.00
1 683.29 170.61
2 680.35 163.92
24 681.98 122.26

The degradation of Ibuprofen at 1000 µg/mL using free laccase showed a promising degradation of 31.6 % after just 1 hour. The concentration did not decrease further. In the experiment with free laccase degrading 200 µg/mL Diclofenac, the initial concentration of 200 µg/mL was reduced by 15% after 1 hour and was further degraded to 48%.

Comparative Analysis of Laccase Performance

Across all experiments, both Ibuprofen and Diclofenac concentrations exhibited a similar trend of reduction, confirming that laccase is effective at degrading these pharmaceutical pollutants. Notably, the reused immobilized laccase performed as well as the new immobilized laccase for Ibuprofen, demonstrating that it retains its effectiveness even after being washed and reused. This is particularly promising, as it suggests the potential for cost-effective applications in bioremediation without compromising degradation efficiency. Interestingly, for Diclofenac, the reused cubes showed even greater efficiency than the new ones, possibly due to differences in storage conditions. The ability to reuse the immobilized laccase enzyme not only maintains degradation performance but also adds value to its application in environmental remediation efforts.

Promoter isolation

We first designed primers to isolate promoters from S. cerevisiae genomic DNA (yeast strain S288c). These primers include homology overhangs that allow annealing during the assembly step. The melting temperatures we set to amplify our sequences from genomic DNA are initially calculated by NEB website (Tm calculator). Since primers are designed with homologous overhangs, we used a two-step PCR strategy to amplify the sequences; namely, the first 5 thermocycles are done with the primer melting temperature without the homology part, and the rest (about 30 thermocycles) are done with 72 degrees Celsius (maximal) annealing temperature. However, we have observed that our promoters are amplified with various efficiencies (see Fig.1a and b). At first, we hypothesised that this may be due to the bias that our target promoters might not be evenly distributed across the templates we took each time for our PCR reactions. Next, we used the amplicons that we purified from gels as templates to amplify more PCR products with maximal annealing temperature, that is, 72 degrees Celsius. However, we were not able to identify any amplification at the expecting electromobility (Fig.1c lane pHIS4 and opPDR5, Fig.1d lane pCWP2 and pSHM1). Furthermore, we repeatedly observed seemingly consistently low amplification efficiency from certain promoters (exemplified in Fig.1a, lane pHIS4, pPYK1; 1b, opPDR5; 1c, pPYK1; 1d, pPYK1, pHIS4, and opPRDR5). We thus postulated that primers might not have bound to our gel-purified templates.

Fig 1 Fig 2

We hypothesised that the estimated annealing temperature might not be accurate in this particular instance, and we sought an optimal melting temperature for each promoter by setting up thermogradient PCR reactions with melting temperatures ranging from 62 to 72 Celsius to amplify target sequences from gDNA. We assumed annealing temperature “sweet spots” for each corresponding promoter if the intensity of that band is the highest and that such band is surrounded by lower intensity bands, resembling a gaussian distribution, even though fluctuations in band intensity across temperatures due to sampling bias (that the amount of target is not always the same when the template is taken from the gDNA) is frequently observed (Fig.2). Next, we used the annealing temperature at which the band intensities are brightest for amplification from gDNA, and we were able to amplify a decent amount of product at expected electrophoretic mobility (Fig.3).

Fig 3

Extended primer PCR to amplify reporter gene, terminator and the backbone

We used similar approaches to amplify our fragments with overhang primer PCR. The primers have been designed such that each fragment will have overlapping sequences with the upstream and downstream elements in our goal plasmid (see Engineering Success - Biosensor – Introduction and Background, Fig.2). In general, we observed our target amplicon at the expected electrophoretic mobility for both our reporter gene (Fig.4a and b), terminator (Fig.4c), and BB3(2μ) backbone (Fig.4d and e). In addition to the 2μ plasmid, which is a high copy number plasmid for S. cerevisiae, we also amplified a low copy number plasmid with a centromere binding region (BB3_ARS/CEN) which integrates to the yeast genome and should contain the same sequence near multicloning site as in BB3_2μ plasmid. However, our initial attempt to use the same overhang primers to amplify BB3_ARS/CEN was unsuccessful (Fig.4f). We reasoned that the smear might be due to either one or more of at least three following reasons: a), artefacts from unspecific primer binding, b), amplification artefacts due to secondary structures of the plasmid and/or primers, and c), nuclease contamination. After using BamI (which cleaves once between the designed primer binding sites) linearised and PCR cleaned up plasmid as template, we still overserved an unspecific smear (Fig.4g). This excludes nuclease contamination as PCR clean-up kit (NEB #T1030S) should have removed nucleases. We then sought an optimal melting temperature for our primers to bind to the template, as at this point it appeared to us that unspecific binding might be the main cause of the smear (i.e., there are multiple similar elements in the template that could bind to our primers; thus, the amplicons will have various lengths). We observed a specific band at 62.9 degrees Celsius when we did a thermogradient PCR (Fig.4h). However, we were not able to reproduce this result when we attempted to amplify the target again (Fig.4i and j). From this point, we went on to our assembly step with BB3_2μ plasmid. Though, copy number can have a modulating effect on the sensitivity of our biosensor, it is more pressing to build a construct for the proof of concept.

Fig 4

Gibson Assembly and E. coli transformation

After we have amplified and purified all of our parts, we went on to assemble our target plasmids. We first set out a 0.1 pmol reaction, i.e., that all of our parts are at concentration of 0.1 pmol. Our initial transformation strategy was conventional heat shock transformation. However, we did not observe any colonies after our first transformation (data not shown). We confirmed by positive control that the assembly reaction indeed worked as cells transformed with assembled positive control DNA sample provided by the manufacturer showed colonies that are larger in size and higher in density (Fig.5b and c) than cells transformed with the same DNA sample without assembly reaction (Fig.5a). We hypothesized that this is due to poor assembly efficiency since our transformation positive control, in which cells were transformed by empty backbone BB3_2μ (Fig.5d and e) and BB3_ARS/CEN (not shown), showed decent number of colonies, implying that the transformation is not likely to be the cause. We thus increased the concentration of fragments to 0.25 pmol. After heat shock transformation of the assembled products, we still did not observe any colonies. We occasionally observed a few very tiny colonies, further colony PCR analysis showed negative results. We questioned whether our fragments indeed contained homologous sites and whether these sites are flanking the target sequence with designated order. To test this, we sent our fragments for Sanger Sequencing (Microsynth). All our BB3 plasmids, the 5’ of reporter genes, and 3’ of terminator sequence have shown desired homology sequence (data not shown); forward sequencing of pPYK1 and pCWP2 showed ambiguous results suggesting impurity (Fig.5f and h). However, this is not seen in the reverse sequencing data of the same primers (Fig.5g and i). We believed that these impurities may result from unspecific forward primer binding at the very 5’ sequence of these promoters as promoters frequently contain multiple copies of very similar sequences. We nonetheless assumed that these PCR products do contain desired promoter sequences, albeit only in a fraction. Taken together, these data suggest that we have to a large extent overestimated the actual amount of target plasmid within the Gibson Assembly mix. Since we do not have much time left before Wiki freeze, instead of using a higher concentration of fragments for the assembly reaction, we decided to transform E.coli cells via electroporation as electroporation has much higher transformation efficiency than heat shock1.

Fig 5


  1. Lessard, J. C. Transformation of E. coli Via Electroporation. in 321–327 (2013). doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-418687-3.00027-6.