Our experiment aims to engineer a chassis to degrade micro-plastics in an efficient
and accessible manner in the natural environment. We utilized PCR, recombination
and transformation to construct plasmid for E.coli to express the PETase.
The mutated PETase and signal peptide sequence were inserted during this process
for enhancing efficiency and out-membrane PETase expression. Then, we changed our
chassis to Cyanobacteria due to its self-sufficient characteristic. Last, the
modified Cyanobacteria was co-cultivating with Rhodococcus to further
break down the monomer initially broken down by PETase.
1. Initial Construction:
- Plasmid Extraction: extract the plasmid with our wanted segments (PETase)
from iGEM distribution kit
PCR of Targeted Segment: acquire and amplify the segments that we want
from the plasmid
PCR Product Purification: get rid of unwanted DNA, like the original plasmid,
and other unwanted substances from PCR product
Assembly: assemble PETase segment with constructed shuttle vector
Transformation into DH5α: transform the constructed plasmid into
competent DH5α
Colony PCR: to see whether the plasmid is transformed into
or not
Sequencing: send samples to sequencing company and get the exact
sequence of constructed plasmid to check whether construction was
2. Mutation construction:
Normal PCR: acquire PCR product with mutated PETase
Assembly: assemble PCR product and signal peptide gene with linearized
pET28a plasmid
Transformation into DH5α and Further Transformation into BL21(DE3):
transform the constructed plasmid into competent DH5α
further transform plasmid into BL21(DE3) for protein expression
3. E.coli Expression
Protein Induction: cultivate the positive single colonies of BL21(DE3), add
IPTG to induce the start of transcription and the expression of PETase
SDS-PAGE: check the size of the proteins that were expressed before and
after induction
Enzyme Assay:
p-nitrophenyl butyrate Degradation Assay: detect PETase’s activity to
check the degradation efficiency
Scanning Electron Microscope: to observe the degrading level of
4. Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942, Co-culture, and Final Justification
Natural Transformation into Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942: transform
the plasmid constructed from BL21(DE3) into Syn 7942
Streaking Cultivation: culture positive monocultures in preparation for
colony PCR
Colony PCR: to check whether the plasmid has been successfully
transformed into
Syn 7942
or not
Enzyme Assay:
P-nitrophenyl butyrate Degradation Assay: detect PETase’s activity in
Syn 7942
to check the degradation efficiency
High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) check of
product: to get a chromatogram (chemical composition) showing
the products that the proteins have produced, and justify that the
product consists of TPA
Co-cultivation: cultivate
Rhodococcus jostii
and modified
Syn 7942
to allow for further breakdown of TPA