Our goal is to identify enzymes capable of degrading PET at ambient temperatures. Initially, we utilized the
PETase available in the iGEM distribution kit and tested their efficiency in PET degradation. Additionally,
we took this chance to establish a standardized testing process for PET degradation: measuring the weight
loss of E. coli-treated PET particles and a testing method outlined by a previous iGEM team.
From the iGEM distribution kit, we identified five PETase available for use: BBa_K2910000, BBa_K2910003,
BBa_J428065, BBa_J428067 and BBa_K3039002. After obtaining these parts, we assembled them into plasmids
using the pET28a vector and transformed then into E. coli BL21(DE3).
Figure 2. Snapgene diagrams of the five plasmids constructed
We verified successful plasmid construction through gel electrophoresis.
Figure 3. Gel electrophoresis results
After transforming the plasmid into E. coli, we tested for its efficiency by
measuring the weight loss of a 1g PET plastic film following a two-week incubation in our
E. coli culture. However, we found out that there were no significant differences
prior and post the E. coli treatment.
Figure 4. Graph of initial and final weight.
For additional testing, we adopted the method used by the team iGEM19_Toronto:
p-nitrophenyl butryte degradation assay. This assay measures the activity level of PETase
through monitoring light absorption at 415 nm. PETase depolymerizes p-nitrophenyl butyrate
producing the monomers butyric acid and p-nitrophenolate, which absorb light at a 415nm
wavelength. Hence, greater 415nm light absorption correlates with higher enzyme activity.
(see protocol)
Figure 5. Diagram of p-nitrophenyl butyrate degradation assay
We obtained positive results when testing with samples extracted from our modified E. coli
culture. The relative enzyme efficiency (A415/protein concentration) that we are looking at takes into consideration both the efficiency of the enzyme itself and the PETase synthesis rate of the chassis, since our end goal is to implement the engineered organism in a self-sufficient PET degrading system as a whole.
Figure 6. Result of p-nitrophenyl butyrate degradation assay.
Our gel results and p-nitrophenyl butryte assay demonstrated that we successfully constructed
plasmids that encode PETase in E. coli capable of cleaving the ester bonds in PET
polymers. Additionally, we confirmed the p-nitrophenyl butryte assay to be an effective method
for measuring PETase activity. However, we were not able to detect any changes in the weight of
PET plastic after incubating it with our modified E. coli. We hypothesized that this was
due to two factors: (1) the enzymes were not very effective at degrading PET microplastics, and
(2) PET plastics have varying degrees of crystallinity depending on their synthesis process and
physical aging.