Best Sustainable Development

The world’s coral reefs are on the brink of extinction, with experts predicting a 70-90% reduction in live coral on reefs by 2050 [1]. While various factors contribute to this decline, the most significant is heat-driven coral bleaching. According to the oxidative theory of coral bleaching, increased sea surface temperatures cause damage to the photosynthetic machinery of corals’ symbiotic algae. This damage leads to the release of reactive oxygen species (ROS) from the algae, which leak into coral cells and overwhelm the host’s antioxidant defenses, ultimately causing tissue damage. In response, the coral expels the symbiotic algae to prevent further damage. However, without these algae—responsible for providing up to 90% of the coral’s energy—the coral eventually starves and dies.

This global collapse of coral reefs poses a serious threat to ocean ecology, biodiversity, and the livelihoods of millions of people. In Australia alone, the Great Barrier Reef supports approximately 64,000 jobs and contributes $6.4 billion to the national economy each year [2]. Globally, coral reefs are crucial for providing food security and protecting coastlines from erosion. Consequently, coral bleaching has the potential to cause widespread ecological and economic disruptions.

Despite this, current research and intervention efforts are largely focused on long-term strategies such as mitigating climate change—a complex challenge that will take decades to address. Meanwhile, initiatives like planting nursery-grown corals only address the aftermath of reef damage, rather than preventing it. We believe that a more immediate and proactive solution is urgently needed to preserve the remaining coral populations before they are lost entirely. This is especially critical because once a reef ecosystem collapses, the subsequent invasion of macroalgae can inhibit the settlement of juvenile corals, further preventing recovery [3].

At CORA, we propose a novel solution to protect global reefs by preventing the expulsion of symbiotic algae and, therefore, coral bleaching. Our approach involves modulating the levels of ROS in the native coral biofilm using synthetic biology tools. Specifically, we aim to equip coral symbionts with a dynamic regulatory system capable of responding to fluctuations in local ROS concentrations. As ROS levels rise, our designed promoters will activate and initiate the production of catalase enzymes, which neutralize ROS molecules. As ROS levels fall, the promoter’s activity will decrease, creating a self-regulating system that maintains homeostasis within the coral tissue. Further, the addition of a molecular kill switch will ensure that our system is limited to the coral environment, preventing off-target effects and ensuring a sustainable and environmentally responsible approach.

Our project aligns strongly with several United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Primarily, it contributes to SDG 14 (Life Below Water) by providing an innovative solution to protect coral reefs and prevent further degradation. By maintaining healthy reef ecosystems, we also support SDG 2 (Zero Hunger) and SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), as healthy reefs are critical for global food security and coastal protection. Additionally, our system's built-in safety mechanisms and environmentally friendly design align with SDG 13 (Climate Action) and SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), as they ensure minimal ecological disruption and prevent potential negative impacts of synthetic biology applications. The project further contributes to SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure) through its use of cutting-edge synthetic biology techniques to address environmental challenges. Lastly, our project fosters partnerships between academia, industry, and governmental organizations, thereby supporting SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals) and emphasizing the importance of collaboration in achieving global sustainability.

Our solution is designed to act as a preventative measure, safeguarding coral populations against ongoing and future climate stressors. By preserving existing reefs, we aim to sustain the ecological and socioeconomic benefits they provide, while giving coral communities a fighting chance to survive until broader climate interventions take effect.

Our approach to CORA is a holistic one, giving equal attention to the science and to human practices, thereby ensuring that our solution is both responsible and good for the world. As such, our framework for human practices, POLYP, which we aimed to be a ‘good’ approach, tries to encapsulate some of the SDGs. First, the Orientate and Learn steps of POLYP are directed towards addressing SDG 10 (Reduced inequality) by encouraging teams to consider and understand the perspectives of a wide range of stakeholders. This involves engaging with cultural and social norms that may have traditionally been marginalized in science or policy. For example, we became increasingly aware that despite their deep cultural ties and knowledge of the reef Traditional Landowners had been alienated from policy regarded the reef, and we wanted to ensure that these voices were heard and integrated into CORA. By specifying the importance of inclusivity within POYLP, we are meeting the SDG 10 target of promoting universal social, economic and political inclusion.

Second, the Orientate, Learn and Predict steps of the POLYP framework are geared towards SDG 17 (Partnerships for the goals). This goal holds that developing multi-stakeholder partnerships for the exchange of knowledge, expertise and technology is critical to the overall success of the SDGs. Given its nature as a repeating process, POLYP focuses on establishing and maintaining stakeholder relations through the iterative design cycle, with input from stakeholders from conception, development and implementation. Only through this continued interaction can we ensure that our synthetic biology solution is responsible and responsive to cultural, social, and ethical concerns of the public.

  1. ICRI, GCRMIN, Australia Institute of Marine Science, UNEP. 2021. Status of Coral Reefs of the World 2020
  2. Great Barrier Reef Foundation. 2023. “The Value”. Great Barrier Reef Foundation.
  3. Kopecky, Kai L., Sally J. Holbrook, Emalia Partlow, Madeline Cunningham, and Russell J. Schmitt. 2024. “Changing disturbance regimes, material legacies, and stabilizing feedbacks: Dead coral skeletons impair key recovery processes following coral bleaching” Global Change Biology 30, no. 9: e17505.