Why Human Practices?

Science is not performed in a vacuum. While scientists can meticulously engineer and develop cutting-edge synthetic biology solutions to global problems, the critical factor to its ultimate acceptance and successful usage is how the public perceives and responds to it. As such, there is a need for science work in tandem with the human element – ethical concerns, norms, perceptions, and cultural values. Insights into such factors can be used to improve the technology’s design, application, and implementation in ways that address or align with public concerns, thereby easing its incorporation into policy and society. So, how should scientists go about this?

The aim of Human Practices (HP) is to provide a framework for the development and deployment of scientific advancements in synthetic biology. This framework is underscored by the importance of engagement in order to ensure that stakeholders and the public are 1) properly informed on advances within synthetic biology, 2) able to participate in the public deliberations, and 3) that policymaking is informed not just by scientific practice but is also attentive to social needs and expectations.

Perhaps due to the emergent nature of the field of synthetic biology, ethics related to the research and implementation of synthetic biology solutions are governed by a patchwork of international agreements, laws, and regulations that in some instances are poorly monitored and enforced. In particular, valuable inputs from Indo-Pacific countries are underrepresented in global discussions of synthetic biology ethics [1]. While HP cannot fully rectify discrepancies in regulation, it makes a valuable contribution by fostering public discussions around emergent technologies and what role they should play in society. These frameworks and considerations should serve as the basis for regulation. Societal willingness to accept synthetic biology is not guaranteed, and thus consideration of HP by the scientific community is essential: scientific progress ought to occur concurrently with discussions over ethical and moral judgements.

CORA ANU and Human Practices

The ANU iGEM team is made up of young Australians who are deeply troubled by the recent degradation of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR). Driven by high sea surface temperatures, the GBR experienced mass coral bleaching events between 2016 and 2024 [2]. Without urgent intervention, the GBR is at significant risk, with severe consequences for reef biodiversity; there are more than 600 species of hard coral recognized on the GBR alone, all of which are threatened by bleaching events [3]. Reefs are home to important filters that remove toxins and contaminants out of the oceans, thereby supporting a greater diverse ecosystem who live among and around the reef. Finally, coral reefs serve as a natural barrier against waves, storms, and floods [4]. Thus, loss of our reefs may put communities local to the reef at greater risk of property damage, erosion, and potentially loss of life.

After deciding to address coral bleaching, we wanted to situate ethical and social concerns amongst our scientific endeavors. The GBR is a national treasure for Australia; with 85% of Australians proud of its heritage status. It has been a prominent icon for Australian tourism, acting as a holiday destination for Australian and non-Australian families alike. Further, it is critical to the economic and social wellbeing of more than one million people who live in its catchment, bringing billions of dollars to Australia’s economy each year and supporting almost 70,000 jobs [5]. Most saliently, the reef has a valuable connection to generations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, the traditional landowners of coral reefs; there are around 70 Aboriginal Traditional Owner groups with authority for management over the Sea Country [6]. Engagement with Traditional Owners, who have historically been silenced and alienated in land and conservation policy, is therefore particularly salient to our team’s values.

Overall, when prompted by iGEM’s mission for synthetic biology solutions to tackle local challenges, we couldn’t help but want to tackle the predominant issue happening in our own backyard.

Exploring Perspectives on Coral Bleaching and Synthetic Biology

By working with Dr Dan Santos from the ANU Centre for the Public Awareness of Science (CPAS), we learnt about successful science communication techniques and principles of social science research. In particular, framing the problem amidst, often challenging and contentious existing conversations about public trust in science and conservation was of interest to us. In order for CORA to be a legitimate conservation strategy, it needed to align with public interests for the implementation of synthetic biology to a culturally significant Australian landmark. These initial conversations ensured that our human practices approach was built upon careful consideration of:

  1. How we identified relevant stakeholders
  2. How we framed our questions and structured our discussions with them (see survey for more detail)
  3. How we reflected on the issues and values that stemmed from their responses

Identifying relevant stakeholders.

Local Communities

As per the Reef 2050 Plan, community groups play a key role in taking practical action and educating others to support a healthy reef [7]. This has been implemented through the establishment of the Community Action Plan (CAP) Program which works to translate plans into action ranging from local climate action to cultural awareness. According to the Great Barrier Reef Foundation, there are 181 community group initiatives local to the reef [8]. In line with existing programs, we wanted to ensure that the communities local to the reef are consulted about CORA. Engagement with community groups like those described above is a critical step in our human practices approach.


In addressing global problems, the application of a broad range of sciences is integral. Given the breadth of knowledge within science, different fields ought to be consulted in devising a working solution to any problem. Our team would like to work further with experts, using their input to refine and improve our design, which is necessary to ensure the viability of our approach as a solution.

Biodiversity and Bioprospecting

The GBR is the most biodiverse World Heritage Area on the planet, containing hotspots that provide habitat for a myriad of organisms [9]. Across 70 bioregions, including 30 reef bioregions and 40 non-reefal regions there are more than 2900 separate coral reefs [9]. The diversity includes but certainly is not limited 410 species of hard coral, 1,620 species of fish, 2,000 species of sponge, and 500 species of marine alga [10]. Recent research has shown that at least 136 of the greater than 12,000 animal species that can be found at the GBR are among elevated levels of threat [10]. Any synthetic biology that is introduced into this environment will likely impact the natural environment, and thus, risk to native biodiversity ought to be considered as a relevant stakeholder in our discussions.

Bioprospecting describes the search of natural sources for chemical and biological products with applications for medicine, agriculture, and other industries [11]. Thus, this can have extremely beneficial social impacts. The coral reefs are home to a diverse range of organisms which may be of bioprospecting interest, and therefore, maintaining this biodiversity is an important consideration. Indeed, extracts from the GBR have shown the ability to selectively kill weeds while being harmless to crops, a discovery that has since been commercialized [12]. Coral bleaching entails that many of the promising sources for bioprospectors may be lost before we have the chance to conduct the necessary research into the immense biodiversity the reef possess.

Off-target effects of synthetic biology solutions, when technologies are deployed without sufficient understanding of risks, may undermine local biodiversity, and as such can may negative effects towards bioprospecting efforts. Therefore, we need to ensure that CORA can be implemented responsible, so as to mitigate risks for the local biodiversity.

Tourism and Commercial Interests

The GBR is a major contributor to its local communities' economy and thereby impacts the livelihood of those employed in tourism and commercial industries and who live and work in the region. It brings billions of dollars to Australia’s economy each year and supports almost 70,000 jobs in the local region [5]. Estimates for the annual net revenue of GBR commercial fisheries place the figure in the range of AU$40 million [13]. Therefore, it is important that we consider the opinions of local businesses and gain acceptance from the public, ensuring that CORA is aligned with their needs and wants for the reef. In doing so, we want to ensure that any implementation of CORA will have minimal impact to their livelihoods.

Traditional Owners

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are the Traditional Owners of the land, with over 70 distinct groups connected to the GBR and surrounding regions. Furthermore, this stakeholder group has traditionally been alienated from policy regarding land usage and the environment and as such ought to be treated with greater sensitivity. Since the original formation of the Marine Park in 1975, Traditional Owner groups have worked towards agreements with both the Australian and Queensland Governments to establish genuine partnerships in managing GBR catchments and Sea Country [14]. Their deep ties are reflected in their extensive and rich knowledge of the GBR. Consequently, Traditional Owners play a vital role in the management and long-term sustainability of the reef.

Reflections on Stakeholder Engagement

It is important to note that an inclusive approach to human practice ought to give equal weight to different stakeholders. However, we noted that we were removed from those who would be most directly impacted by our proposed solution, namely, those living in communities local to the reef, and whose livelihood depends on the reef (i.e. tourism). These stakeholder groups also represent the multi-disciplinary and intertwined interests that come from the Great Barrier Reef and made us reflect on the pervasive and significant impacts that coral bleaching has on each of these groups. Taking these reflections on board, we knew that we needed a tool to help us reconcile different perspectives and viewpoints. Thus, even during these initial discussions, we subconsciously began thinking about our approach to human practices, and the value of a framework. Consequently, having discussions like these went on to become an integral part of our novel framework.

  1. Van der Kley, Dirk, Shambhavi Naik, Henry Dixson, Saurabj Todi and Daniel Pavlich. 2024. Ethical Framework for Deployment of Synthetic Biology in the Indo-Pacific. Canterbury: Centre for Global and Epistemic Justice, University of Kent.https://nsc.anu.edu.au/sites/default/files/2024-08/Ethical-Frameworks-for-Deployment-of-Synthetic-Biology-in-the-Indo-Pacific.pdf

  2. Henley, Benjamin J., Helen V. McGregor, Andrew D. King, Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, Ariella K. Arzey, David J. Karoly, Janice M. Lough, Thomas M. DeCarlo and Braddock K. Linsley. 2024. “Highest ocean heat in four centuries places Great Barrier Reef in danger.” Nature 632: 320-326. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-07672-x

  3. Australian Institute of Marine Science. n.d. “Coral aquaculture” AIMS. https://www.aims.gov.au/research-topics/environmental-issues/climate-change/coral-aquaculture

  4. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. 2014. Great Barrier Reef Region Strategic Assessment: Strategic assessment report. Townsville: GBRMPA. https://hdl.handle.net/11017/2861

  5. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. 2024. “Reef Traditional Owners” GBRMPA. https://www2.gbrmpa.gov.au/learn/traditional-owners/reef-traditional-owners

  6. Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water. 2022. “Community groups helping protect the Great Barrier Reef”. DCCEEW. https://www.dcceew.gov.au/parks-heritage/great-barrier-reef/publications/community-groups-helping-protect-gbr

  7. Great Barrier Reef Foundation. 2024. “Community Reef Protection”. https://www.barrierreef.org/what-we-do/reef-trust-partnership/community-reef-protection

  8. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. 2024. “Biodiversity”. GBRMPA, February 12, 2024. https://www2.gbrmpa.gov.au/learn/biodiversity

  9. Day, Jon C. 2016. “The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park—the grandfather of modern MPAs”. In Big, Bold and Blue: Lessons from Australia’s Marine Protected Areas, edited by J. Fitzsimmons and G. Wescott Wescott G, 65–97. Victoria: CSIRO Publishing.

  10. Richards, Zoe. T., and Jon C. Day. 2018. “Biodiversity of the Great Barrier Reef – how adequately is it protected?” PeerJ 6: e4747. https://doi.org/10.7717%2Fpeerj.4747

  11. Millum, Joseph. 2010. “How should the benefits of bioprospecting be shared?” Hastings Cent Rep. 40, no. 1: 24-33. https://doi.org/10.1353%2Fhcr.0.0227

  12. Australian Institute of Marine Science. 2000. Annual Report 1999-2000. Cape Ferguson: Australian Institute of Marine Science. https://www.aims.gov.au/sites/default/files/AIMS%20Annual%20Report%201999-2000.pdf

  13. Pendleton, Linwood, Ove Hoegh-Goldburg, Rebecca Albright, Anne Kaup, Paul Marshall, Nadine Marshall, Steve Fletcher, Gunnar Haraldsson, and Lina Hansson. 2019. “The Great Barrier Reef: Vulnerabilities and solutions in the face of ocean acidification” Regional Studies in Marine Science 31: 1000729. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rsma.2019.100729

  14. Dale, Allan, Liz Wren, Duane Fraser, Leah Talbot, Rosemary Hill, Libby Evans-Illidge, Traceylee Forester, Michael Winer, Melissa George, Margaret Gooch, Larissa Hale, Sheriden Morris and Julie Carmody. 2018. Traditional Owners of the Great Barrier Reef: The Next Generation of Reef 2050 Actions. Commonwealth of Australia. https://www.dcceew.gov.au/sites/default/files/documents/reef-2050-traditional-owner-aspirations-report.pdf

Future Directions for CORA ANU

As the project continues to develop and advance, we want to maintain the connections we have developed thus far and ensure that local communities and historically marginalized First Nations’ voices are centered in all phases, from scientific development, to policy, and end-goal implementation. We hope that our survey investigating public perceptions to synthetic biology for coral bleaching remediation is approved by the human ethics research committee and upon approval, that we can engage with local community groups on the reef to disseminate the survey. The results of this will provide key understandings about how the public engages with synthetic biology and what role they play in policy surrounding conservation, and build upon prior work. By understanding these issues, we hope that CORA is a human-centric project, encapsulating salient issues for the public. Our framework POLYP will be a valuable tool in guiding these discussions and will ensure that research is guided by key community values in its impact, end-users, and future implementation.


The Great Barrier Reef is the world’s largest coral reef ecosystem, stretching more than 2300 km along the coast of Australia [1]. This diversity includes but certainly is not limited 410 species of hard coral, 1,620 species of fish, 2,000 species of sponge, and 500 species of marine alga living across 70 bioregions, making it the most biodiverse World Heritage Site [2, 3, 4]. Additionally, it forms a key part of the Australian global identity, and has deep cultural ties to the Traditional Landowners of the Sea Country. Thus, we recognize that the impact of CORA is not limited to the organisms who inhabit the reef, but also the people whose livelihood depends on the reef.

Our research hopes to go beyond a scientific contribution towards amelioration of coral bleaching, but also to provide insights into synthetic biology more broadly. Given the nascent nature of synthetic biology as a field, researchers are somewhat limited in the scope of application (e.g. limitations of engineering certain organisms. As future phases of the project look away from proof of concept in E. coli and towards a different chassis, that may include bacteria native to the coral surface mucus layer, we aim to expand the genetic engineering toolkit available to synthetic biologists, thereby broadening the scope of synthetic biology solutions.

We also hope that our project will have an impact on coral science more broadly, by delving into symbiotes and mechanisms of coral bleaching. Finally, by designing our own approach for public engagement and reflection, are providing a framework for researchers and even policy makers to utilize when considering synthetic biology solutions, and how these may interact with public perceptions and appropriately acknowledge the significance of the GBR to our stakeholders. Of course, we recognize that CORA is not the sole solution to the salient issue of coral bleaching, but we hope that by furthering the available options to conservation, we have expanded the toolkit the government can employ in taking action against environmental harms from climate change.

End Users

Another important part of the product development of a synthetic biology solution is giving consideration to who the ‘end user’ of your solution would be. That is, who would actually use the product when the engineering is all said and done. We propose that the end-users for CORA are government agencies and non-government originations (NGOs). We believe that these end-users meet some desirable criteria. First, they are accountable to people connected to the GBR. Notably, we are ruling out end-users who are motivated by profit, and choosing not to commercialize our project. We want our end-user to share the same values as us, most importantly a desire to protect the coral reefs from climate change. Second, we wanted our end-users to have the capacity to ensure that stakeholder’s voices are promoted and integrated into the implementation of CORA.

The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) is a specialized government agency with the legislated mission goal of acting in the best interests of the GBR. They work with a range of partners, advisors, and stakeholders to manage and conserve the GBR. Further, they permit scientific research groups to conduct often small-scale experiments that further this goal. Given their status as a government agency they are accountable to the people and ought to work in the best interests of the community. As such, we identified them as a good end-user for CORA.

Beyond government, synthetic biologists in conservation can look to NGOs as a means of implementation. NGOs are inherently operated in a not-for-profit way, and therefore align with our intention to not commercialize CORA. Further, NGOs can operate internationally, thereby expanding the scope of CORA’s implementation to reefs beyond that of the GBR who are also undergoing similar mass bleaching events. Another important aspect of NGOs is that they are largely independent from the government, and thus provide a straightforward path of action that is less influenced by political agendas or legislative bureaucracy.

Our discussion with Dr. Line Bay prompted us to think about the end-users of CORA beyond the two we had already identified. She pointed out that a full-package implementation of any synthetic biology solution should position the local community. This led us to think about citizen science as a means of implementation. Broadly, citizen science refers to research conducted with participation of the general public. Such platforms already exist in Australia, with CSIRO coordinating different efforts to issues of marine debris and bushfires [5]

This is also important in increasing the accessibility and inclusivity of our science. As such, we envisage that future iterations of our design cycle would take further steps to address concerns of biosafety (i.e. through implementation of a kill switch)


Central to synthetic biology is real-world implementation of engineered solutions. However, deployment of engineered microbes in large scale and in open environments is not without risk; gene transfer may confer antibiotic resistance

Therefore, in almost all nations the introduction of genetically modified organisms GMOs into the environment must comply with strict regulations. The ultimate aim of our project is for real-world deployment of our engineered bacteria into coral reefs, in order to target factors influencing coral bleaching in situ. However, this application raises concerns surrounding biosecurity and biocontainment.

By looking at existing implementation methods of conservation solutions and some of the regulations facing Australian researchers, we can devise a ‘safe’ implementation pipeline for CORA in order for large-scale application to be feasible. This will help to ensure that our solution is responsible and good for the world.

  1. Ex situ testing

This initial step would involve long-term observation of CORA in a controlled environment and contained environment. This would involve work with collaborators, for instance at the Australian Institute of Marine Science’s National Sea Simulator.

  1. In situ testing in areas of low biodiversity

This would involve long-term observation of CORA’s effects on coral and relative ROS levels in a area of the reef with low biodiversity. This would be small-scale and would need to be removable, and thus not posing a significant risk to the surrounding biodiversity.

  1. In situ release of CORA

This would involve the release of our modified bacteria into the natural environment with normal biodiversity. This would require continual observation and monitoring of the environment.

In order to test CORA in situ, an important part of our implementation strategy, we would have to deal with several regulatory bodies.

  1. The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) requires research applications that would involve environmental impact statements and public environment reports for longer-term studies [6]. In our conservation with her, Dr. Line Bay noted that this step is a current roadblock for research, and the best way forward is to work with the GBRMPA to co-design solutions.
  2. We would further need to comply with the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) standards of risk analysis and approval of any GMO would require an intensive process of public consultation. Further, GMO stewardship standards the OGTR advocate require responsible management of biotechnology from their discovery and development to their use and eventual discontinuation.

Discussions about implementation helped us refine our design strategy for future phases of the project. The concept of stewardship in particular prompted us to reconsider our design by prompting to address concerns of biosafety and responsible management immediately, by further engineering our bacterium to introduce a kill switch.

Kill Switch

Given that our proposed implementation involves the release of a genetically modified organism into the environment, a major biocontainment concern is the unintended localisation of our modified species outside its intended environment. Without successful biocontainment techniques there may be changes to the marine ecosystem dynamics and the loss of biodiversity. One approach to biocontainment is usage of a kill switch. A kill switch is a gene circuit that is used to maintain essential gene expression or block toxin gene expression when under the biocontainment conditions [7]. Upon loss of this biocontainment signal, the circuit either blocks the production of essential components or induces toxin gene expression in order to kill the cell, thereby enabling controllable deployment of synthetic biology solutions.

Because of time constraints and challenges encountered in the lab, we were not able to engineer a kill switch into our bacteria. As the kill switch is somewhat independent to the main aim of our project in its current phase, and much more of a future implementation consideration, we instead chose to devise a proposed gene circuit. In this project we used prior teams work to inform our design. In particular, the kill switch database by 2016 Marburg and the reference table provided by 2020 Fudan gave us a good starting point to look at existing kill switch approaches [8,9].

The kill switch needs to be highly lethal in non-permissive conditions but stable avoid in permissive conditions to not undermine survival and implementation. One method for a kill switch is using a molecular ‘sponge’ model based on toxin/antitoxin pairings to sequester the toxin and prevent cell death. Regulation is achieved through the use of environmentally sensitive promoters and constitutive promoters. In future design iterations, we plan for CORA to contain a kill switch based on the ccd gene system with the toxin/antitoxin pair of ccdB/ccdA [10]. The toxin protein ccdB that acts as an inhibitor for the GyrA subunit of DNA gyrase, causing arresting it after the double-stranded break and thereby causing cell death. ccdA encodes for the antitoxin CcdA, which binds to CcdB and prevents it from inhibiting DNA gyrase, thereby facilitating cell growth. Thus, whether a bacterium lives or enters a quiescent state depends on the relative concentrations of CcdA and CcdB, and therefore the use of an environmentally sensitive promoter to upregulate the excess production of the toxin in impermissible conditions. This principle is shown below:

We initially identified using a cold-acting promoter cspA so that the kill switch becomes activated when temperature decreases (with full activation occurring at 15C). However, during our chat with Bioplatforms Australia, we were notified of their work in sequencing data of coral host species and symbiodinium [11]. We hope that future collaboration could help to identify and utilise in our gene circuits better promoters that are more responsive to the reef environment.

Of course, our work with E. coli for CORA has been proof-of-concept, and so it is important to note that moving kill switch parts that were developed and tested in E. coli into alternative cellular hosts is a difficult process, and can undermine kill-switch performance. This is an important future consideration; while our solution was developed and tested in E. coli, it may be the case that implementation is best in another organism. Furthermore, synthetic biology solutions developed for environmental applications will ultimately be deployed into contexts with unpredictable factors and stressors that may affect the gene circuit function.

  1. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. 2014. Great Barrier Reef Region Strategic Assessment: Strategic assessment report. Townsville: GBRMPA. https://hdl.handle.net/11017/2861

  2. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. 2024. “Biodiversity”. GBRMPA, February 12, 2024. https://www2.gbrmpa.gov.au/learn/biodiversity

  3. Day, Jon C. 2016. “The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park—the grandfather of modern MPAs”. In Big, Bold and Blue: Lessons from Australia’s Marine Protected Areas, edited by J. Fitzsimmons and G. Wescott Wescott G, 65–97. Victoria: CSIRO Publishing.

  4. Richards, Zoe. T., and Jon C. Day. 2018. “Biodiversity of the Great Barrier Reef – how adequately is it protected?” PeerJ 6: e4747. https://doi.org/10.7717%2Fpeerj.4747

  5. CSIRO. 2024. “The impact of citizen science”. CSIRO, August 29, 2024. https://www.csiro.au/en/work-with-us/citizen-science/The-impact-of-citizen-science

  6. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. 2017. Applications for joint permissions. Townsville: GBRMPA. https://hdl.handle.net/11017/3226

  7. Chan, Clement T.Y., Jeong Wook Lee, D. Ewen Cameron, Caleb J. Bashor, and James J. Collins. 2016. “’Deadman’ and ‘Passcode’ microbial kill switches for bacterial containment” Nat. Chem. Biol. 12, no. 2: 82-86. https://doi.org/10.1038%2Fnchembio.1979

  8. Marburg. 2016. “Kill Switch Database”. iGEM. https://2016.igem.org/Team:Marburg/Modeling/Kill_Switch_Database

  9. Fudan. 2020. “Kill Switch”. iGEM. https://2020.igem.org/Team:Fudan/Design/kill_switch

  10. Stirling, Finn, Lisa Bitzan, Samuel O’Keefe, Elizabeth Redfield, John W.K. Oliver, Jeffrey Way and Pamela A. Silver. 2017. “Rational Design of Evolutionary Stable Microbial Kill Switches.” Molecular Cell, 68, no. 4: 686-697. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molcel.2017.10.033

  11. Bioplatforms Australia. 2024. “Great Barrier Reef”. Bioplatforms Australia. https://bioplatforms.com/projects/great-barrier-reef/

Integrated Human Practices

A synthetic biology solution is one of a plethora of solutions being utilised in the fight against coral bleaching. However, it is essential that any solution is responsible and ultimately good for the world. Following on from our conservations with academics, peers, and social scientists, we wanted to ensure that feedback from stakeholders was successfully incorporated into our design process. In particular, our conservation with Dr. Line Bay elucidated some key considerations about science communication and policy, and we sought to include these takeaways into our own approach.

So, what does a ‘good’ approach to human practices look like? Initially daunted by human practice, this was a key question for our team. Given this, we also decided to take a somewhat unique approach to integrated human practices; in line with the iGEM ethos of building upon past work and making contribution to future teams, by integrating an analysis of past iGEM teams’ approaches to human practices, we wanted to devise our own framework help inform future teams about how to approach human practices. Not only did we think about whether our scientific work, CORA, was good and responsible, but we were equally concerned whether our devised human practices framework POLYP was ‘good’ for society. We hope that POLYP becomes a useful tool and is carried forward into new synthetic biology projects!

Meta analysis

As discussed above, human practices was an aspect of the project that we were unsure how to best approach. We recognized that human subjects research is based upon activities such as informal conversations, public engagement, structure consultations, and large data surveying. However, as our team predominantly has a background in science and not human subject research, we were daunted by how best to approach this part of iGEM.

In line with the iGEM ethos of collaboration, we decided the best place to start would be the efforts of past teams. As we started to look at the contributions and approaches of these teams, we began to notice the diversity in approaches employed. This led us to a few key questions. What can we learn from different methods used to address Human Practices? How do these methods differ across different applications of synthetic biology? How does a team best identify relevant stakeholders and ensure that their perspectives are appropriately engaged with? Ultimately, we wanted to answer the question of what a ‘good’ approach to Human Practices looks like.

In order to address these questions, we decided to perform a mini meta-analysis. We started by identifying previous award winners and teams who had unique or distinct approaches to human practices. As shown in the figure below, we wanted to include a diverse mix of teams from different geographic regions (to account for differences in cultural norms) and from a range of iGEM villages (to account for differences in end-users and implementation). While it is important to note that this analysis is by no means exhaustive, it helps to paint a clearer picture of what a universal ‘good’ approach might be.

Approaches to HP

From our meta-analysis, we found that human-centered design was a core tenet shared between iGEM teams. However, a point of difference between teams was the use of a specified framework to guide their human practices. Several of the teams we looked at (e.g. Exeter 2019, TU Eindhoven 2022) employed the AREA framework, a cyclical method for incorporating relevant community and expert opinion into a project [1, 2]. This framework was developed by UK Research and Innovation and has been endorsed by the European Commission as a means for researchers to demonstrate awareness of and commitment to the principles of responsible research and innovation [3]

Anticipate involves describing and analyzing the intended and unintended impacts of our project. Reflect encourages consideration of the motivations of the research in light of the potential implications and associated uncertainties. Engage involves opening up these discussions to broader deliberation through consultation of expert and public opinion. Act involves using these processes to direct the trajectory of the research and innovation process itself. UCopenhagen 2020 took the principles of this framework to make their own framework, titled CID, standing for Considerations, Interview and Decision. On their view, this makes each of the AREA steps ‘more actionable, intuitive, and easy to remember’ [4].

Alternatively, Fudan 2023 used the STAR loop [5]. This approach involves four steps. First is Stimulation, involving identification of a problem and gathering of information. Second is Target, which involved finding the stakeholders. Third was Action, which involved establishing a dialogoue with relevant stakeholders. Finally, Review involved reflection of the feedback and integrating this to improve their project. They applied this framework to delineate each conservation with stakeholders or academics, which facilitated clear presentation of how these discussions informed their project. One team that we drew a lot of inspiration from, particularly in their regard to treating cultural concerns of Traditional Owners was UNSW 2021 [6]. They chose to employ the Double Diamond design process, created by the UK Design council. This consists of 5 key stages; Discover, Define, Develop, Deliver, and Evolve.

While many of the teams that we built our own approach around used a defined framework for human practices, this is not a necessity for a ‘good’ human practices approach. Several teams instead chose to identify core values for their team. For example, UCL 2022 settled on values including Team Diversity, Stakeholders with Diverse Backgrounds, and Education. Vilnius 2023 identified values of responsibility, reflection, sustainability, and quality-assurance, while Montpellier 2022 picked out concerns of farmers and good communication as core to their approach [7,8,9]. One advantage of the value-driven approach that we noted was that it may make human practices more accessible to individual teams compared to abstract frameworks, especially if these values are derived from group-brainstorming sessions.

Identification and interaction with stakeholders

The next question that we sought to answer in our analysis of approaches to human practices, was how previous teams went about engaging with stakeholders. Some teams adopted to use a framework specifically for this; Tec Chihuahua 2019 used a Triple Bottom Line (TBL) framework to look at the social, economical and environmental interactions their project had with stakeholders [10]. TBL has historically been used as an accounting framework, allowing business managers to balance financial with social and environmental measures [11]. We found this to be an innovative approach to stakeholder engagement by appropriating external frameworks.

Another project that stood out to us with Edinburgh UHAS Ghana 2022. Entering as a joint team, the value of collaboration was central to their project, and this is reflected in their approach to human practices, with an emphasis placed on establishing a network of relationships as a basis for sustainable stakeholder engagement [12].

Approaches to reflection

Another insight of our meta-analysis was that some teams decided to include a reflective tool in order to better reflect on stakeholder input. Stanford 2023 used the Atkins and Murphy Model of Reflection, an iterative process that focuses on five steps [13]. This is a 5-step model that involves the steps, Identify any learning, Awareness, Describe the situation, Analyse Feeling and Knowledge, and Evaluate Relevance of Knowledge [14]. The aim of this model is to support deeper level reflection and critical engagement with knowledge. By contrast, TU Eindhoven 2022 used the Gibbs Reflective Cycle, a six-module cyclical process that facilitates exploration of an experience [15]. This process involves, Description of the experience, Feelings and thoughts about the experience, Evaluation of the experience, Analysis to make sense of the situation, Conclusion about what you learned, and finally, an Action Plan for how you would deal with similar situations in the future [16]. We found that using such tools may help students and researchers undergo critical evaluation of the impact their science on stakeholders, in particular prompting non-superficial reflections. This helps to ensure that human practices is not simply a box to tick, but instead an integral part of the design cycle, feeding back and reflecting the values and interests of stakeholders.

Human practices and ethnography

This work formed a basis for the development of a standardized framework that we hope is useful for future iGEM teams who may be similarly daunted by the requirements of human practices. Ultimately, while a more systematic review is beyond the scope of our human practices this year, it provides a starting point for future research; science and the scientific process is an object of anthropological research, and ethnographic studies of laboratories have been conducted since the latter half of the 20th century in order to show how scientific products are ‘occasioned by the circumstances of their production’ [17]. More precisely, the context of scientific labs cannot be separated from the resultant scientific product. This is valuable to human practices; a deeper understanding of how science operates in laboratories and how scientific discussions occur even at the undergraduate level will aid in successful science communication, thereby fostering an increased alignment of scientific practice with important ethical, cultural, and social norms. We believe this to constitute a ‘good’ approach to human practices.

POLYP: Our Framework

From learning about prior iGEM team’s experiences with Human Practices, we brainstormed that we could making a significant contribution to future teams by trying to synthesize these differing approaches into a clear and facile framework that constitute a ‘good’ approach to human practices. We came up with POLYP, a stepwise and iterative process that provides a foundation for human practices.


Of course, any iGEM project should start with identifying the Problem at hand. This involves understanding the underlying issues that are contributing to the problem. Picking an issue to tackle is a daunting task in itself, and so a good place to start is by familiarising yourself with past iGEM projects – this can help show the scope of challenges people have addressed and the innovative ways used. It can be helpful to go through several rounds of pitching the problem getting feedback and answering any questions. In the context of CORA, we spent a long time in this step, looking at a wide range of areas before finally settling on the issue of coral bleaching

In this step you will likely start to develop potential synthetic biology solutions to the chosen problem. A good question to ask yourself is ‘where does our solution fit into the larger landscape of approaches’? While you probably can’t answer this question immediately, this will inform the future steps. Some key points to remember here are

  • Think about what makes a good iGEM project – feasibility, impact, and innovation might be some criteria you consider.
  • What are the current strategies being employed to tackle this issue. How would synthetic biology be an improvement on these?
  • For the Primary and Secondary PI or any team mentors – the goal is not only to help the team choose a project, but also to prompt them to think about synthetic biology and research in general.


Responsible research will recognize and respond to community perspectives. Consequently, any ‘good’ approach to human practices requires Orientating oneself towards the different stakeholders at play and to different core values that you or others might hold. Primary stakeholders are those who will be directly affected, but it is equally important to consider secondary stakeholders who may be indirectly affected by your project. You could also think about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and frame your research around these [18]. A good way to do this is to sit down with the team and have a few brainstorming sessions. Further, you may draw on the existing literature to reinforce your approach; have there been social science studies conducted into the application of synthetic biology to your chosen problem area? Some key points to remember here are

  • Stakeholders’ interests will be many and varied – consider who might be impacted economically, culturally, socially, and environmentally by your project.
  • Orientating isn’t exclusively about identifying stakeholders - an important part of the scientific process is the scientist! So, figuring out what values you have as a team can be a great way of getting everyone on the same page.


Importantly, the aim of human practices is not education nor outreach, but rather to generate a dialogue between researchers and the public. Thus, Learning from these stakeholders is an integral part of a ‘good’ approach to human practices. When looking at stakeholders in detail, it is likely that they will have divergent opinions on the research that you are doing. Further, outputs from stakeholders can result from many different methods of engagement, and using a mix of these can help to ensure that all voices are being heard. Some key hints to remember here are

  • Learning is about engaging stakeholders, team members, and the general public in a discussion – it is important to be humble and listen, and to approach engagement in a multidisciplinary way.
  • You don’t need to be an expert in science communication, the aim of human practices is to stimulate discussion, not to give a lecture.
  • There are many tools that you can use here; surveys, consultation with experts, panels, field visits have all been employed by iGEM teams (to see how we went about it, please look at our ‘Survey’ section)
  • Consider if there are any human research ethical concerns here – social science methods like surveys will sometimes require institutional approval, and will need to comply with iGEM’s human research policy [19]

Your thoughts

Next, we need to transform what we have learnt into integrated changes to our synthetic biology solution. While some previously used frameworks have used a singular step for this process, we chose to delineate this into two steps. The first invites critical reflection. As discussed in our meta-analysis, reflection on your thoughts about what you have learnt from stakeholder groups is a key tool in closing the loop between stakeholder discussions and the design cycle. The aim of this step is to promote reflexivity; a capacity for being able to consciously acknowledge one’s own beliefs, bias, and judgement systems [20]. Some key hints for this step:

  • It is important to be critical here, human practices is not about affirming your existing project but instead about having open-ended discussions that will reinforce the utility of your solution for society.
  • Indeed, you may find that your initial idea for a synthetic biology solution would not work/not be taken up by the intended end-users. This is okay – recognizing that here we aid future iterations and predictions of your design.
  • One helpful tool that we implemented, inspired in part by takeaways from the Pacific Reef Collective Forum [21], was the usage of mind maps or drawing maps (see below). In particular, this tool may be effective for summarising larger group consultations such as those with community groups.


Flowing on from critical reflection, our final step of the framework expands on reflection and transforms it into action. Having now brought attention to certain deficits within your project or certain important community values or interests, a ‘good’ approach to human practices should then Predict the interplay between the science and these considerations. The overall aim here is to diminish the disconnect between the general public and science by showing that you care about their perspective. It is natural in this stage to realise that there might be problems with your current approach or adjusted approach, and thus the framework intuitively takes you back to the first step, entailing a continuing and evolving approach to engage with human practices. Some key points to remember here are:

  • Often, we cannot immediately predict all the implications of our synthetic biology solution. Thus, a tool like a Risk Matrix, which assess risks and determines a risk rating based on different likelihood and consequence criteria [22], might be useful here.
  • Human Practices is not a one-time thing, but rather a dynamic and evolving process that unfolds concurrently with R&D. So, it can be good to predict how public perceptions might change, and what future engagement with the public might look like.

Overall, we think that this framework represents a good and responsible approach to human practices, by giving greater attention to some concerns present in social science research. It also ameliorates some limitations in human practice tools that past teams have used; as opposed to some of the more abstract frameworks that are non-specific and have been appropriated to synthetic biology, POLYP was written by and for synthetic biologists. Hopefully this is reflected in the value of the framework, and that future teams find it both readily accessible and useful towards their own human-centric approach to human practices.

Consultation with Dr. Line Bay

Dr. Line Bay is the Research Director of the Reef Recovery, Adaptation and Restoration Program (RRAP) and at the Australian institute of Marine Science (AIMS). Here, she leads a team focussed on understanding coral reef ecology and evolution. She is also an enthusiastic science communicator and educator with an interested of translating scientific knowledge to natural resource managers, policy makers and the general public.

Through our consultation with Line, we learnt about some of the challenges and value of science communication and engagement with stakeholders. In particular her comments on the challenges that RRAP have faced with the regulatory framework of the Marine Park Authority (MPA) led us to consider and refine the future phases of our project. We decided to start looking at the implementation of our project in more depth, and made us consider the usage of a kill switch in order to mitigate risks associated with small-scale in situ experiments.

She also prompted us to think about the end-users of CORA. While we had already identified governmental agencies and non-government organizations (NGOs) as potential end-users, she pointed out that there is no industry taking responsibility for reef conservation, and emphasized the role that local communities should play. To read more about our proposed full package implementation of CORA, please see our future directions section.


Designing a solution that is responsible and socially beneficial requires understanding the opinions and values of wider society. One of the most important questions in human practices is how could we, as scientists, best engage with society’s concerns and ensure that their values are incorporated into our proposed solution?

Here, we chose a human-centric approach in order to obtain a diversity of perspectives from the public, and using these perspectives to inform the phases of development of our project. Dr Dan Santos of the ANU Centre for the Public Awareness of Science suggested that we should approach the problem as an exercise in social sciences, and we worked in collaboration with him to write and submit an application to the ANU Human Research Ethics Committee to undergo a survey of communities local to the reef.

Our survey built upon existing work by CSIRO in their ‘Public perceptions of using synthetic biology to restore the Great Barrier Reef’ report and work by the 2021 UNSW iGEM team [6, 23]. Following on from these results, key questions that our survey intended to address included;

  • Whether participant was aware of synthetic biology and extent of their knowledge
  • Consideration of ‘willingness to interact with’, ‘how bothered’ would participants be if technology was introduced in their local area (i.e. proximal behavioral intentions)
  • Their willingness to support research with various synthetic biology techniques (removing gene, adding gene from same species, transgenics, changes to existing gene)
  • What role do they think local communities should play in devising and implementing conservation policy.

These results would play a key role in dictating the implementation and subsequent design cycles of CORA, ensuring that valuable public insights are captured in our design. Unfortunately, the ANU Human Research Ethics Committee were still deliberating on our application at the time of the wiki freeze, and thus, we were not able to share our survey with the stakeholder groups of interests. However, going through this process gave us valuable insights into some of the considerations relevant to human and social science research.

  1. Exeter. 2019. “Human Practices”. iGEM. https://2019.igem.org/Team:Exeter/Human_Practices

  2. TU Eindgoven. 2022. “Human Practices”. iGEM. https://2022.igem.wiki/tu-eindhoven/human-practices

  3. UKRI. 2023. “Framework for responsible research and innovation”. UK Research and Innovation. https://www.ukri.org/who-we-are/epsrc/our-policies-and-standards/framework-for-responsible-innovation/

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  6. UNSW Australia. 2021. “Human Practices”. iGEM. https://2021.igem.org/Team:UNSW_Australia/Human_Practices

  7. UCL. 2022. “Human Practices”. iGEM. https://2022.igem.wiki/ucl/human-practices

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  12. Edinburg-UHAS Ghana. 2022. “Human Practices”. iGEM. https://2022.igem.wiki/edinburgh-uhas-ghana/human-practices

  13. Stanford. 2023. “Integrated Human Practices”. iGEM. https://2023.igem.wiki/stanford/human-practices

  14. Atkins, Sue and Kathy Murphy. 1993. “Reflection: a review of the literature”. Journal of Advanced Nursing 18, no. 8: 1188-1192. https://doi.org/10.1046/j.1365-2648.1993.18081188.x

  15. TU Eindgoven. 2022. “Integrated Human Practices”. iGEM. https://2022.igem.wiki/tu-eindhoven/human-practices

  16. Gibbs, Graham.1988. Learning by Doing: A guide to teaching and learning methods. Oxford: Further Education Unit Oxford Polytechnic

  17. Candea, Matei. 2016. “Science”. In The Open Encyclopedia of Anthropology, edited by Felix Stein. http://doi.org/10.29164/16science

  18. United Nations. 2023. “Sustainable Development Goals: 17 Goals to Transform our World”. United Nations. https://www.un.org/en/exhibits/page/sdgs-17-goals-transform-world

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  20. Hammond, Michael. 2022. “Reflexivity”. Warwick Education Services. https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/ces/research/current/socialtheory/maps/reflexivity/

  21. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. 2024. “Pacific Coral Reef Collective”. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. https://www2.gbrmpa.gov.au/our-work/programs-and-projects/pacific-coral-reef-collective

  22. Guevara, Patricia. 2024. “A Guide to Understanding 5x5 Risk Assessment Matrix”. Safety Culture. https://safetyculture.com/topics/risk-assessment/5x5-risk-matrix/

  23. Hobman, Elizabeth V., Aditi Mankad, Lucy Carter, and Chantale Ruttley. 2022. “Genetically engineered heat-resistant coral: An initial analysis of public opinion.” PLoS One 17, no. 1: e0252739. https://doi.org/10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0252739