iGEM Aix-Marseille Université



In our fight against plant viruses, we have developed a project called Bac’Attack, which is structured around two key pillars. The first pillar concerns the detection of viruses: we have genetically modified a simple-to-use bacteria that we can find in the microbiota of aphids, Bacillus subtilis. These bacterial modifications allow them to bind to circulating plant viruses and trigger a cellular response. The second pillar is a multi-level protein expression system, allowing bacteria to produce a large quantity of a toxin that targets the aphid's gut, leading to its death. This system also produces phage-derived enzymes in small quantities which lyse the bacteria afterwards. This project provides protection with low production and storage costs and is specifically activated by virus-carrying aphids.


Detection phase :

  • synthetic receptor expression
  • synthetic receptor structure
Treatment phase :
  • toxines expression
  • toxines works

Detection phase

In our model, Bacillus Subtilis, present in the gut microbiota of the aphid, makes contact with circulative plant viruses. More specifically the virus binds to synthetic receptors which are produced by an inducible promoter that works in sap-sucking insects. The viral détection système, VIRBAC - VIRus Binding Activation Complex - is a three domain receptor consisting of an extracellular VHH specific to virus, a transmembrane domain and an intracellular CadC domain which is a DNA binding domain. When the virus binds to VIRBAC the VHH dimerizes will allow the activation of the CadC domain and allow it’s transcriptional inducing regulation activity. This part of the project aims to create an entirely new cellular signaling pathway activated by virus binding.

VIRBAC expression

The genes coding for our receptor are placed behind a xylose-inducible promoter named PxylA from Bacillus megaterium. In the presence of xylose, the repressor XylR dissociates from PxylA, enabling gene transcription. Xylose, like many other carbohydrate sources, can be found in the aphid's diet and have specific transport in the epithelial cell of the aphid guts.

  •   Know more about the Xyl system in Bacillus megaterium      

    The Xyl Operon and Xylose Metabolism in Bacillus megaterium D-xylose is a pentose (a five-carbon sugar) which is commonly found in nature, especially in the hemicellulose of plant’s cell walls. It is processed by many living organisms, including bacteria, as a carbon source.

    Gene function and metabolic transformation of the xylose

    In lots of bacteria, including Bacillus megaterium, the metabolism of xylose involves a well-coordinated set of genes and proteins organized within the Xyl operon. This operon includes xylA and xylB genes, which respectively encode for xylose isomerase and xylulokinase.

    XylA (Xylose Isomerase) catalyzes the isomerization of D-xylose to D-xylulose, which is the first step in the xylose utilization pathway. This enzyme plays a crucial role in converting xylose into a form that can be further metabolized. [1]

    The structure of XylA has been extensively studied, revealing a tetrameric protein with a highly conserved active site that catalyzes the conversion of xylose to xylulose. This enzyme also presents the ability to convert glucose to fructose, highlighting its dual functionality. [2]

    XylB is a kinase that phosphorylates D-xylulose to produce D-xylulose-5-phosphate, allowing it to take part in the pentose phosphate pathway. This phosphorylation step is essential for the integration of xylose into central metabolic pathways. Xylulokinase is a monomeric enzyme that binds ATP and D-xylulose, catalyzing the transfer of a phosphate group to the sugar molecule. [2]

    In addition to these two proteins, a transport system is mediated thanks to a protein encoded by xylT, as the inactivation of this gene leads to a deficiency in xylose uptake. [1] This protein has very high homology with XylE, a membrane-bound transporter responsible for the uptake of xylose into the bacterial cell. It operates as a proton symporter, coupling the transport of xylose with protons to facilitate its import against a concentration gradient [3]. The protein consists of multiple transmembrane helixes that form a channel through which xylose is transported. The binding and translocation of xylose involve conformational changes in the transporter. [4,5]

    As mentioned, all these enzymes allow the formation of xylulose-5-phosphate which can then enter the pentose phosphate pathway, leading to intermediates that can be utilized in glycolysis.

    Regulation of the Xyl Operon

    The Xyl operon in B. megaterium is tightly regulated to ensure efficient utilization of xylose only when needed. Two main regulatory mechanisms control this operon: repression by XylR and carbon catabolite repression (CCR).

    XylR is a DNA-binding protein that negatively regulates the Xyl operon. In the absence of xylose, XylR binds to the operator region of the Xyl operon, preventing transcription. When xylose is present, it binds to XylR, causing a conformational change that releases the repressor from the DNA, allowing transcription to proceed [6]. The structural similarity between xylose and glucose allows these sugars to use the same binding site on several enzymes. The Xyl repressor in B. megaterium can bind to glucose and glucose-6-phosphate, creating competition with xylose [7]. The structure of XylR includes a DNA-binding domain and an effector-binding domain. The effector-binding domain interacts with xylose, altering the other part affinity for DNA.

    The CCR (Carbon Catabolite Repression) pathway is mainly mediated by the protein CcpA and Hpr. When glycolytic activity is high, ATP and pyruvate are being produced, indicating abundant glucose or other carbohydrates. In glycolysis the step of production of pyruvate is the transformation of phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) creating an ATP. At this point a key protein, E1, transfers a phosphoryl group from PEP to HPr with the help of a kinase, HprK on the serine residue (Ser-46) of HPr. [8,9].
    Phosphorylated HPr interacts with CcpA, changing its tridimensional structure and enabling its binding to the catabolite response element (cre) within the xylA coding sequence, thereby blocking the transcription of the xyl operon. This mechanism ensures that xylose metabolism is repressed when glucose, a preferred carbon source, is available. The interaction between CcpA and the cre sites is a key regulatory point for balancing the utilization of different sugars.
    schéma romain

Extracellular domain

The VHH domain plays a key role in the receptor, the nanobody as the capacity to bind specific epitopes on the viral capsid. Because capsid is a repetition of a lot of the same protein there are some chances that our VHH form clusters when the virus binds to the bacteria.

Transmembrane domain

This domain links the extracellular and intracellular parts and anchors the receptor in the bacterial membrane. It is composed of sixteen leucine amino acids forming a transmembrane helix. This helix has been previously shown to support the expression of correctly oriented chimeric CadC proteins in the E. coli inner membrane [X]

The cytosolic domain

The transmembrane DNA-binding protein CadC of E. coli, part of the ToxR-like receptor family, integrates signal sensing and transcriptional activation into one protein. In our system, we only use the N-terminal part of CadC, which binds to the promoter of the cadBA operon only upon dimerization.

  •   Know more about the Cad system in E.Coli      

    Regulation and structure of the Cad operon in Escherichia coli

    The Cad operon of Escherichia coli plays a crucial role in the acidic stress response, allowing the bacteria to survive in low pH environments. This adaptive response allows E. coli to neutralize external acidity and maintain a stable intracellular pH, thereby enabling bacterial survival and growth under unfavorable conditions.

    Description and regulation of the Cad Operon

    The Cad Operon is a genetic system containing the genes allowing E.Coli to cope with acid stresses by converting lysine into cadaverine. This process uses one proton and helps in neutralizing extreme acidity.
    CadC becomes an active receptor when forming stable dimers depending on stimuli such as pH conditions and/or the presence of lysine. Those two elements are essential to lead to the rearrangement of the receptor, which then facilitates its dimerization and activation. In this form, CadC then interacts with two regions of the CadBA promoter: CAd1 and CAd2. The products of these two genes in the operon are essential for the synthesis and export of cadaverine [1,2].The first site, Cad1, contains repeated and palindromic sequences, which are ideal for the fixation of transcription factors such as CadC.
    On the other hand, Cad2 site is extremely rich in AT nucleotides, which is ideal for RNA polymerases when they break apart the DNA strands. Those two types of sequences are essential for the good activation of the cadBA operon [3,4].

    CadC is tightly regulated by various intermediaries, including inducers such as Fnr and MlrA, which bind to well-characterized regions of the promoter (pCadC), triggering its transcription [5-8]. More generally it’s the H-NS protein (Histone-like Nucleoid Structuring Protein) which negatively regulate the production of CadC by preventing the fixation of the RNA polymerase in non inducible conditions, such as a neutral pH or anaerobic conditions [9].
    Under stress conditions, H-NS synthesis is inhibited by ppGpp and as a result, it is not produced in sufficient quantities to bind to the DNA of many promoters that regulate stress response genes, making them now accessible.
    OmpR is a transcriptional regulator that is part of a two-component system (EnvZ/OmpR) which responds to osmotic changes and other environmental stresses, such as a decrease in pH to 6.55 or lower. In response, OmpR is phosphorylated by EnvZ, which detects the pH changes. Once activated, OmpR binds to the promoters of certain genes, including CadC, and proceeds to repress their transcription. The repression of CadC leads to an increase in the intracellular pH, allowing the cell to modulate its osmolarity and adapt to the acidic environment [10].

    Structure and Function of CadC operon’s proteins

    CadA is a cytoplasmic enzyme that catalyzes the decarboxylation of lysine into cadaverine and CO2, taking a proton in the process. CadA forms a homodecamer, consisting of five dimers associated into a double-ring with fivefold symmetry. This means that ten CadA units assemble into two stacked rings, each composed of five dimers, providing a stable and functional structure for the enzyme [11,12]. This organization is essential for the enzyme's functionality.

    CadB is a transmembrane protein that functions as an antiporter, simultaneously exchanging cadaverine produced by CadA for extracellular lysine. CadB is anchored in the plasma membrane of E. coli and has several transmembrane alpha helices that form a channel through the membrane. The transmembrane domains of CadB contain specific binding sites for lysine and cadaverine [15]. Under normal conditions, there is a higher concentration of lysine outside the cell and a higher concentration of cadaverine inside the cell, which favors the entry of lysine and the exit of cadaverine.



Balance sheet

Treatment phase

Animation toxine

In our model, the binding of CadC to the CadBA promoter initiates the transcription of genes encoding various proteins: toxins aimed at killing aphids and enzymes designed to lyse the bacteria, thereby releasing the toxins. To ensure a differential production level between the toxins and the enzymes, we created the METALE system - Modulate Expression of Toxins And Lytic Enzymes. By adjusting the RBS (ribosome binding sites) upstream of our proteins, we aim to fine-tune the efficiency of protein production. Our goal is to rapidly produce a high amount of toxin while producing the phage enzymes more slowly.

METALE more in details

This system is divided into two parts: the Cyt2aa1 toxin gene under the control of a strong RBS and phage enzymes under a weak RBS. Ribosome binding sites (RBS) are crucial regulatory elements whose sequences determine the efficiency of translation initiation. This differential control ensures rapid production of the toxin while delaying the production of lytic enzymes, preventing premature bacterial lysis.

cyt2AA1 toxin

Cyt2Aa1 is a toxin from Bacillus thuringiensis that targets insect cells, highly specific and effective against a variety of insects, making it a powerful tool in agricultural pest control. Its mechanism involves binding to membrane lipids and creating lethal pores, disrupting cellular integrity leading to cell lysis and death.

The toxin Cyt2Aa1 is naturally produced by Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kyushuensis a gram positive Bacteria[1]. This toxin is really well known for its specific insecticidal activities in many insect species such as Lepidoptera (butterflies), Coleoptera or Hymenopteran (aphids)[2]. The action of the toxin is membrane pore forming and can kill insects by colloid-osmotic lysis in their epithelial cells in insects guts[1].
First, a 29kDa pro-toxin is produced which is inactive. The N-terminal part of the β1 strand which is responsible for the potential dimerization of the protoxin. This strand is composed of 9 amino acids and is cleaved by proteases enzymes to form a 21 to 23 kDa active toxin which is only produced in monomer shape. Cyt2Aa toxin has a unique α-β domain structure composed of two outer layers of α-helix hairpins wrapped around a central β-sheet.
The capacity to form pore of the toxin in the membrane is actually due to an oligomeric complex of several toxins together. The insertion of the toxin into the membrane is still misunderstood but some searches suggest that the helices 𝛼A, 𝛼B, 𝛼C bind with the membrane and with other protomers form an oligomer. Also there are conformational changes in other strands to form a β-barrel pore into the membrane.
The pores into the cell membrane cause a colloid-osmotic lysis of the epithelial cells of the insect. The lysis is actually due to the equilibrations of ions through the pore resulting in an inflow of ions, influx of water leading to a cell-swelling provoking the lysis[3].

Holin & Endolysine system

Holin and endolysin are enzymes from phage T4 that work together to lyse bacterial cells. Holin creates pores in the bacterial cell membrane, allowing endolysin to access and degrade the cell wall. This coordinated action results in the release in our model of our toxins that accumulate in the bacteria.