Mixing math with microbial mischief, our model deciphers Salmonella's tumor antics to craft a cunning plan that gives cancer the ultimate slip
Equations of Thrive
Background Introduction
The increasing prevalence of cancer and the limitations of conventional therapies have prompted researchers to explore innovative therapeutic strategies. One such approach is the use of engineered Salmonella bacteria, which have demonstrated a unique capability to target and invade tumor microenvironments. This project aims to develop a mathematical model to elucidate the mechanisms by which engineered Salmonella can effectively eradicate cancer cells.
Salmonella enterica, a facultative anaerobe, has evolved various mechanisms to survive and proliferate within host organisms. When introduced into the human body, Salmonella is typically susceptible to immune system clearance; however, the immunosuppressive nature of tumor microenvironments presents a unique opportunity for these bacteria to thrive. Tumor cells often employ various strategies to evade immune surveillance, thus creating a niche that Salmonella can exploit for invasion.
Upon entering the tumor, Salmonella utilizes a process known as endocytosis to penetrate cancer cells, where it begins to grow and multiply. Our engineered strain of Salmonella carries a specialized plasmid that incorporates a sophisticated regulatory system known as SLC (Salmonella-Limiting Circuit). This system enables precise control over the bacterial population. As Salmonella proliferates, it secretes a signaling molecule called acyl-homoserine lactone (AHL), which facilitates intercellular communication among bacteria. Once the concentration of AHL reaches a predetermined threshold, the plasmid activates the synthesis of a second molecule, φX174E. This triggers a programmed cell death pathway within the Salmonella population, resulting in a rapid and substantial reduction in bacterial numbers.
In conjunction with the engineered Salmonella's self-regulatory mechanisms, the bacteria also secrete the pro-apoptotic Bax protein during their apoptotic phase. This protein enters the cytosol of cancer cells and disrupts mitochondrial function, leading to a cascade of events that culminates in the induction of apoptosis in tumor cells. The dual action of Salmonella, both as a tumor-targeting agent and a pro-apoptotic signaler, presents a novel therapeutic strategy for cancer treatment.
Our mathematical model is structured into three primary components: (1) the diffusion process of engineered Salmonella following intratumoral injection, (2) the growth and secretion dynamics of Salmonella within the tumor microenvironment, and (3) the predictive modeling of the bactericidal effects on cancer cells. By quantitatively analyzing these interactions, we aim to provide insights into the optimal dosing strategies and timing for maximizing the therapeutic efficacy of engineered Salmonella.
This project holds the potential to contribute significantly to the field of cancer therapeutics by leveraging the unique biological properties of engineered Salmonella to specifically target and eliminate tumor cells, thereby enhancing the overall efficacy of cancer treatment regimens.
Mathematical modeling
Pt.1 Bacteria Diffusion Process
To construct the model, we make the following foundational assumptions:
  1. Bacterial Movement:
    • The bacteria move horizontally with velocity \( v_{\parallel} \) and vertically with velocity \( v_{\perp} \).
    • The time taken by a bacterium to reach a position is equivalent whether it moves directly or sequentially (first horizontally, then vertically).
  2. Uniform Motion:
    • Bacteria move in straight lines at constant speeds.
    • The motion is uniformly distributed in all directions.
  3. Immune Clearance:
    • The decline in bacterial population is proportional to the volume traversed (greater volume implies higher chances of encountering immune cells).
    • The decline also depends on time, represented by a function \( \eta(t) \).
Bacterial Movement
Travel Time and Velocity Components
Considering a bacterium moving at an angle \( \theta \) with speed \( v_{\theta} \), its horizontal and vertical components of velocity are: \[ v_{\theta} \cos\theta = v_{\parallel}, \quad v_{\theta} \sin\theta = v_{\perp} \]
From these, we derive: \[ v_{\theta} = \frac{v_{\parallel} v_{\perp}}{v_{\perp} \cos\theta + v_{\parallel} \sin\theta} \]
Travel Time
The time \( t \) for a bacterium to reach a distance \( r \) can be expressed as: \[ t = \frac{r}{v_{\theta}} = \frac{r \left( v_{\perp} \cos\theta + v_{\parallel} \sin\theta \right)}{v_{\parallel} v_{\perp}} \]
Bacterial Distribution and Volume Elements
Initial Bacterial Distribution
Assuming uniform distribution over a sphere, the initial number of bacteria moving within the solid angle element \( d\Omega = \sin\theta \, d\theta \, d\phi \) is: \[ N_0(\theta) = \frac{N_0 \sin\theta}{4\pi} \, d\theta \, d\phi \]
Volume Traversed
The infinitesimal volume \( dV \) traversed by bacteria within \( [\theta, \theta + d\theta] \) and \( [\phi, \phi + d\phi] \) at radius \( r \) is: \[ dV = r^2 \sin\theta \, d\theta \, d\phi \, dr \]
Decline of Bacteria due to Immune Clearance
Differential Equation for Bacterial Decay
The decline in bacterial number \( N \) over time \( t \) due to immune clearance is modeled as: \[ \frac{dN}{dt} = -\eta(t) \, dV \]
Substituting \( dV \) and expressing \( t \) in terms of \( r \): \[ \frac{dN}{dr} = -\eta\left( \frac{r \left( v_{\perp} \cos\theta + v_{\parallel} \sin\theta \right)}{v_{\parallel} v_{\perp}} \right) \frac{r^2 \sin\theta}{v_{\theta}} \, d\theta \, d\phi \]
Bacterial Surface Density
The surface density \( \rho(\theta, r) \) of bacteria at a distance \( r \) and angle \( \theta \) is defined as: \[ \rho(\theta, r) = \frac{N(\theta, r)}{r^2 \sin\theta \, d\theta \, d\phi} \]
Integrating the differential equation, we obtain: \[ \rho(\theta, r) = \frac{1}{r^2 \sin\theta} \int_0^r \left[ -\eta\left( \frac{r' \left( v_{\perp} \cos\theta + v_{\parallel} \sin\theta \right)}{v_{\parallel} v_{\perp}} \right) \frac{r'^2 \sin\theta}{v_{\theta}} \right] dr' \]
Total Number of Bacteria Reaching the Tumor
To calculate the total number of bacteria that reach the tumor, we consider two scenarios:.
Tumor as a Circular Plane
If the tumor is modeled as a circular plane of radius \( r_0 \) located at a vertical distance \( y \) from the injection point, the total number of bacteria \( N_{\text{tot}} \) is: \[ N_{\text{tot}} = \int_0^{2\pi} d\phi \int_0^{r_0} \rho\left( \arctan\left( \frac{r}{y} \right), \sqrt{y^2 + r^2} \right) r \, dr \]
Tumor as a Sphere
If the tumor is a sphere of radius \( R \) centered at \( (r_0, \pi/2, 0) \), the total number of bacteria is: \[ N_{\text{tot}} = \int_{-\pi/2}^{\pi/2} d\alpha \int_{-\pi/2}^{\pi/2} d\beta \, \rho\left( \arctan\left( \frac{R \cos\alpha}{\sqrt{R^2 \sin^2\alpha + r_0^2 - 2R \sin\alpha \, r_0 \cos\beta}} \right), \sqrt{R^2 + r_0^2 - 2R \cos\alpha \, r_0 \cos\beta} \right) R^2 \sin\alpha \]
Pt.2 Bacteria Growth and Suicide Mechanism
Logistic Growth of Bacteria
Once inside the tumor, the bacterial population \( N_b \) grows according to the logistic growth model: \[ \frac{dN_b}{dt} = r_b N_b \left( 1 - \frac{N_b}{N_{b0}} \right) \]
  • \( r_b \): Growth rate of bacteria.
  • \( N_{b0} \): Carrying capacity for bacteria within the tumor.
AHL Production and Positive Feedback
The concentration of the signaling molecule AHL \( H \) is governed by: \[ \frac{dH}{dt} = \alpha N_b - \beta H + \gamma H \]
  • \( \alpha \): Rate of AHL production per bacterium.
  • \( \beta \): Degradation rate of AHL.
  • \( \gamma \): Positive feedback coefficient representing autoinduction.
Bacterial Suicide and Bax Protein Release
When \( H \) reaches a threshold \( H_0 \), the bacteria undergo programmed cell death (suicide) with a death ratio \( a \): \[ H_i(t_i) = H_0 \]
Post-suicide, the remaining bacterial population and AHL concentration are: \[ N_{b_{i+1}}(0) = (1 - a) N_{b_i}(t_i), \quad H_{i+1}(0) = (1 - a) H_0 \]
The amount of Bax protein \( B \) released is proportional to the number of bacteria that died: \[ B_i = a b N_{b_i}(t_i) \]
  • \( b \): Proportionality constant between dead bacteria and Bax protein.
Pt.3 Tumor Cell Dynamics
Logistic Growth of Tumor Cells
In the absence of bacterial interference, the tumor cell population \( N_t \) grows logistically: \[ \frac{dN_t}{dt} = r_t N_t \left( 1 - \frac{N_t}{N_{t0}} \right) \]
  • \( r_t \): Growth rate of tumor cells.
  • \( N_{t0} \): Carrying capacity for tumor cells.
Bax-Induced Apoptosis of Tumor Cells
The cumulative Bax protein leads to tumor cell apoptosis when the total Bax reaches a threshold \( B_0 \): \[ \sum_{i=1}^k B_i = B_0 \]
The rate of tumor cell death is modeled with a killing efficiency \( \eta \): \[ \eta = \frac{c}{\sum_{i=1}^k t_i} \]
  • \( c \): Proportionality constant for Bax-induced tumor cell death.
The modified tumor cell growth equation accounting for Bax-induced apoptosis is: \[ \frac{dN_t}{dt} = r_t N_t \left( 1 - \frac{N_t}{N_{t0}} \right) - \eta N_t \]
This mathematical model integrates the dynamics of engineered Salmonella movement towards the tumor, their growth and self-regulation within the tumor microenvironment, and the impact on tumor cell viability through the release of Bax protein. By capturing these complex interactions, the model provides a quantitative framework for optimizing bacterial dosing strategies and predicting therapeutic outcomes in cancer treatment using engineered bacteria.
Code Implementation: Model 1
Plate Case
Code Breakdown
import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
Imports: The code begins by importing necessary libraries:
  • numpy for numerical operations.
  • sympy for symbolic mathematics.
  • matplotlib.pyplot for plotting.
  • scipy.optimize.fsolve for finding roots of equations.

# Define the symbols
r, theta = sp.symbols('r theta')
d, A, B, C, R = sp.symbols('d A B C R')
Symbolic Variables: Defines symbolic variables for use with sympy.

# Define f1(r) = 1 - exp(-C*r)
f1_r = 1  # For the plate case, f1(r) = 1
Function \( f_1(r) \): For the plate case, the immune clearance effect is considered constant, so \( f_1(r) = 1 \).

# Define f2(theta) = d / cos(theta)
f2_theta = d / sp.cos(theta)
Function \( f_2(\theta) \): Represents the path length a bacterium travels at an angle \( \theta \) to reach a distance \( d \):
f_2(\theta) = \frac{d}{\cos\theta}

# First integral: F1(r) = ∫ f1(r) * r^3 dr
F1_r = sp.integrate(f1_r * r**3, r)
First Integral \( F_1(r) \):
F_1(r) = \int f_1(r) r^3 \, dr = \int r^3 \, dr = \frac{1}{4} r^4

# Substitute f2(θ) into F1(r)
F1_f2_theta = F1_r.subs(r, f2_theta)
# Evaluate F1(0)
F1_0 = F1_r.subs(r, 0)
Substitution: Substitutes \( f_2(\theta) \) into \( F_1(r) \) to get \( F_1(f_2(\theta)) \).
Evaluation at Zero: Calculates \( F_1(0) \), which is zero.

# Define the integrand for F2(θ)
integrand = sp.sin(theta) * (A - B * (F1_f2_theta - F1_0))
Integrand for \( F_2(\theta) \): Represents the function to be integrated over \( \theta \):
\text{Integrand} = \sin\theta \left[ A - B (F_1(f_2(\theta)) - F_1(0)) \right]

# Perform the symbolic integration for F2(θ)
F2_theta = sp.integrate(integrand, theta)
print("Symbolic result of F2_theta:")
Second Integral \( F_2(\theta) \): Performs symbolic integration of the integrand with respect to \( \theta \).
Output: Displays the symbolic result of \( F_2(\theta) \).

# Define f3(theta) based on conditions
def f3_theta_numeric(d, R, d0):
    """Calculate f3(theta) based on the conditions of d, R, and d0"""
    if d0 > np.sqrt(R**2 + d**2):
        return np.arccos(d / np.sqrt(d**2 + R**2))  # Case 1
        return np.arccos(d / d0)  # Case 2
Function \( f_3(\theta) \):
  • Determines the upper limit of integration for \( \theta \) based on geometric conditions.
  • Case 1: When \( d_0 > \sqrt{R^2 + d^2} \):
  • f_3(\theta) = \arccos\left( \frac{d}{\sqrt{d^2 + R^2}} \right)
  • Case 2: When \( d_0 \leq \sqrt{R^2 + d^2} \):
  • f_3(\theta) = \arccos\left( \frac{d}{d_0} \right)

# Convert F2_theta into a numerical function
F2_numeric_func = sp.lambdify((theta, d, A, B, C, R), F2_theta)
Numerical Function: Converts the symbolic expression \( F_2(\theta) \) into a function that can accept numerical inputs using lambdify.

# Calculate F_3 = F_2(f_3) - F_2(0)
def F3_numeric(d, A, B, C, R, d0):
    f3_theta = f3_theta_numeric(d, R, d0)
    F2_f3 = F2_numeric_func(f3_theta, d, A, B, C, R)
    F2_0 = F2_numeric_func(0, d, A, B, C, R)
    return F2_f3 - F2_0
Function \( F_3(d) \): Calculates \( F_3(d) \) numerically:
F_3(d) = F_2(f_3(\theta)) - F_2(0)

# Define constants A, B, C, and R
A_val = 100
B_val = 4
C_val = 0.01
R_val = 0.5
Parameter Values: Assigns numerical values to the constants in the model.

# Solve for d0, the value of d where the integrand becomes zero
def integrand_eq_zero(d_val, A_val, B_val, C_val, theta_val):
    f2_theta_val = d_val / np.cos(theta_val)
    F1_f2_val = (1 - np.exp(-C_val * f2_theta_val)) * f2_theta_val**3
    F1_0_val = 0
    integrand_val = np.sin(theta_val) * (A_val - B_val * (F1_f2_val - F1_0_val))
    return integrand_val

def find_d0(A_val, B_val, C_val):
    theta_initial_guess = 0.5
    d_initial_guess = 1.0
    d0_solution = fsolve(lambda d: integrand_eq_zero(d, A_val, B_val, C_val, theta_initial_guess), d_initial_guess)
    return d0_solution[0]
Finding \( d_0 \):
  • Defines a function to find \( d_0 \), the value of \( d \) where the integrand equals zero for a given \( \theta \).
  • Uses fsolve to numerically solve \( \text{Integrand} = 0 \).

# Find the solution for d0
d0_solution = find_d0(A_val, B_val, C_val)
print(f"Solution for d0: {d0_solution:.4f}, R: {R_val}, sqrt(d0^2 - R^2): {(d0_solution**2 - R_val**2)**0.5:.4f}")
Output: Prints the solution for \( d_0 \).

# Generate a range of d values for plotting
d_values = np.linspace(0.1, 2, 1000)

# Calculate F3 numerically for each value of d
F3_minus_d_values = [F3_numeric(d_val, A_val, B_val, C_val, R_val, d0_solution)/F3_numeric(0.1, A_val, B_val, C_val, R_val, d0_solution) for d_val in d_values]
Normalization: Calculates \( F_3(d) \) for a range of \( d \) values, normalizing by \( F_3(0.1) \) for plotting purposes.

# Plot F3 as a function of d
plt.plot(d_values, F3_minus_d_values, label=r'$F_3(d)$')
plt.title('Plot of F3(d)')
plt.axhline(0, color='gray', lw=1, ls='--')

# Plot the root solution
plt.axvline(d0_solution, color='red', linestyle='--', label=f'Solution at d0 = {d0_solution:.4f}')

print(f"Integrand becomes zero at d0 = {d0_solution:.4f}")
Plotting: Visualizes \( F_3(d) \) as a function of \( d \), marking the point where \( F_3(d) = 0 \).
Interpretation: The point where \( F_3(d) \) crosses zero corresponds to the critical \( d \) value.
Interpretation and Limitations
  • Results: The plot and calculations show how \( F_3(d) \) varies with \( d \) in the plate case.
  • Limitations: The effect of \( d_0 \) on \( d \) and \( R \) is not significant, and including \( d_0 \) complicates the model without adding robustness.
  • Conclusion: For practical purposes, the complexity introduced by \( d_0 \) is unnecessary for the plate case.
Sphere Case
In the spherical case, the tumor is modeled as a sphere, and the bacterial distribution is calculated accordingly. The code calculates \( F_3(d) \) numerically and finds the value of \( d \) where \( F_3(d) - d = 0 \), indicating the critical distance at which bacterial density is significant.
Code Breakdown
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import quad
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
Imports: Imports necessary libraries for numerical integration and optimization.

# Define constants A, B, C, and R
A_val = 1000
B_val = 4
C_val = 0.01
R_val = 2
Parameter Values: Sets constants specific to the spherical case.

# Define f1(r) = 1 - exp(-C*r)
def f1_numeric(r, C):
    return 1
Function \( f_1(r) \): For the spherical case, considers \( f_1(r) = 1 \) to simplify the model.

# Define f2(theta) = d cos(theta) - sqrt(R^2 - d^2 sin^2(theta))
def f2_numeric(theta, d, R):
    inside_sqrt = R**2 - d**2 * np.sin(theta)**2
    if inside_sqrt < 0:
        raise ValueError("Invalid input: R^2 must be greater than or equal to d^2 * sin^2(theta)")
    return d * np.cos(theta) - np.sqrt(inside_sqrt)
Function \( f_2(\theta) \):
  • Represents the radial distance from the injection point to a point on the sphere at angle \( \theta \).
  • Ensures the value inside the square root is non-negative to avoid mathematical errors.

# First integral: F1(r) = ∫ f1(r) * r^3 dr
def F1_numeric(r, C):
    result, _ = quad(lambda r_val: f1_numeric(r_val, C) * r_val**3, 0, r)
    return result
First Integral \( F_1(r) \): Numerically integrates \( f_1(r) r^3 \) from 0 to \( r \).

# Second integral: F2(θ) = ∫ sin(θ) * {A - B[F1(f2(θ)) - F1(0)]} dθ
def F2_numeric(theta, d, A, B, C, R):
    F1_f2_theta = F1_numeric(f2_numeric(theta, d, R), C)
    F1_0 = F1_numeric(0, C)
    integrand = np.sin(theta) * (A - B * (F1_f2_theta - F1_0))
    return integrand
Second Integral \( F_2(\theta) \): Defines the integrand and numerically integrates over \( \theta \) as part of \( F_2(\theta) \).

# Calculate F_3 = F_2(f_3) - F_2(0)
def F3_numeric(d, A, B, C, R):
    f3_theta = np.arcsin(R / d)
    F2_f3, _ = quad(F2_numeric, 0, f3_theta, args=(d, A, B, C, R))
    F2_0, _ = quad(F2_numeric, 0, 0, args=(d, A, B, C, R))
    return F2_f3 - F2_0
Function \( F_3(d) \):
  • Calculates \( F_3(d) \) by integrating \( F_2(\theta) \) from 0 to \( f_3(\theta) \).
  • Substitutes \( f_3(\theta) = \arcsin\left( \frac{R}{d} \right) \) into the integral.
  • Subtracts \( F_2(0) \) to get \( F_3(d) \).

# Generate a range of d values for plotting
d_values = np.linspace(2, 15, 100)
# Calculate F3 - d numerically for each value of d
F3_minus_d_values = [F3_numeric(d_val, A_val, B_val, C_val, R_val) for d_val in d_values]
Calculations: Computes \( F_3(d) \) for a range of \( d \) values.

# Plot F3 as a function of d
plt.plot(d_values, F3_minus_d_values, label=r'$F_3(d)$')
plt.title('Plot of F3(d)')
plt.axhline(0, color='gray', lw=1, ls='--')
Plotting: Plots \( F_3(d) \) against \( d \) to visualize the relationship.

# Function to solve for F3(d) = d
def F3_minus_d_eq_zero(d_val):
    return F3_numeric(d_val, A_val, B_val, C_val, R_val) - d_val

# Use fsolve to find the root
d_initial_guess = 7  # Initial guess for root-finding
d_solution = fsolve(F3_minus_d_eq_zero, d_initial_guess)[0]
Root Finding:
  • Defines a function \( F_3(d) - d \) to find the point where \( F_3(d) = d \).
  • Uses fsolve to find the root, starting from an initial guess of \( d = 7 \).

# Plot the root solution
plt.axvline(d_solution, color='red', linestyle='--', label=f'Solution at d0 = {d_solution:.4f}')

print(f"F3(d) becomes zero at d = {d_solution:.4f}")
Visualization: Marks the solution on the plot and displays the value of \( d \) where \( F_3(d) = d \).
Interpretation and Limitations
  • Results: The code successfully calculates and plots \( F_3(d) \) for the spherical case.
  • Simplification: Due to the complexity and computational intensity of considering \( d_0 \) in the spherical case, the code simplifies the model by using a single \( f_3(\theta) \).
  • Conclusion: The simplified model still provides valuable insights into the bacterial distribution in the spherical case.
General Observations
  • Consistency with the Mathematical Model: The code closely follows the mathematical equations provided, translating symbolic integrals into numerical computations.
  • Numerical Methods: Uses numerical integration (quad) and root-finding (fsolve) to handle functions that are difficult to integrate analytically.
  • Parameter Sensitivity: By adjusting parameters like \( A \), \( B \), \( C \), and \( R \), one can observe how the bacterial distribution changes under different conditions.
  • Practical Implications: The critical values of \( d \) where \( F_3(d) = 0 \) can inform strategies for bacterial injection and treatment planning.
The provided code implements the first mathematical model for both the plate and spherical tumor cases. By carefully defining functions and parameters, performing symbolic and numerical integrations, and employing root-finding algorithms, the code calculates the bacterial distribution and identifies critical distances relevant to cancer therapy using engineered bacteria.
This detailed explanation should help in understanding how the code translates the mathematical model into computational procedures, allowing for further development, analysis, and potential optimization of treatment strategies in the context of the modeled scenarios.
Code Implementation: Model 2 and 3
This explanation provides a detailed walkthrough of the Python code implementing the second and third parts of the mathematical model described earlier. The model simulates the dynamics of engineered Salmonella bacteria within a tumor microenvironment and the subsequent impact on tumor cell viability. Specifically, it captures:
  1. The cyclical growth and self-regulation of the bacterial population and signaling molecule AHL (Acyl-Homoserine Lactone).
  2. The accumulation of the pro-apoptotic Bax protein leading to tumor cell apoptosis.
  3. The tumor cell population dynamics under the influence of bacterial action.
We will dissect the code into sections, explaining the functionality and how it corresponds to the mathematical equations in the model.
Pt.1 Simulation of Bacterial Growth
The first part of the code simulates the cyclical process of bacterial growth, AHL production, and Bax protein accumulation. The process is divided into multiple epochs, each consisting of several cycles (indexed by \( i \)) where:
  • Within each cycle:
    • The bacterial population \( N_{b_i}(t) \) and AHL concentration \( H_i(t) \) evolve according to specific differential equations.
    • When \( H_i(t) \) reaches a threshold \( H_0 \), a fraction \( a \) of both \( N_{b_i} \) and \( H_i \) is removed, simulating bacterial suicide.
    • Bax protein accumulates proportionally to the number of bacteria that died.
  • At the end of an epoch:
    • When the total Bax protein \( B \) reaches a threshold \( B_0 \), the epoch ends.
    • An index \( \eta_e \) is calculated for the epoch.
    • Initial conditions for the next epoch are updated.
Code Breakdown
  • numpy for numerical operations.
  • scipy.integrate.solve_ivp for solving ODEs.
  • matplotlib.pyplot for plotting.

Defining Constants
# Define constants
r = 0.1        # Growth rate of bacteria
alpha = 0.1    # Rate of AHL production per bacterium
beta = 0.02    # Degradation rate of AHL
gamma = 0.01   # Positive feedback coefficient for AHL
a = 0.4        # Fraction of bacteria and AHL removed during suicide
b = 0.5        # Proportionality constant between dead bacteria and Bax protein
c = 0.2        # Constant used in calculating eta_e and initial conditions
N_b0 = 100     # Carrying capacity of bacteria
N_b_init = 5   # Initial number of bacteria at the start of the simulation
H_0 = 50       # Threshold concentration of AHL triggering bacterial suicide
B_0 = 100      # Threshold amount of Bax protein to end an epoch
E = 5          # Number of epochs to simulate
Constants Explained:
  • r: Growth rate for bacteria in the logistic growth model.
  • α, β, γ: Parameters governing AHL dynamics.
  • a: Fraction of bacteria and AHL removed during the sudden change (suicide).
  • b: Conversion factor from dead bacteria to Bax protein.
  • c: Constant used for calculating \( \eta_e \) and updating initial conditions for the next epoch.
  • N_{b0}: Maximum carrying capacity for bacteria.
  • N_{b_{\text{init}}}: Initial number of bacteria.
  • H_0: Threshold AHL concentration for triggering bacterial suicide.
  • B_0: Threshold Bax protein amount to end an epoch.
  • E: Total number of epochs to simulate.

# Lists to store results
eta_e_list = []

# Initialize figure
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
colors =, 1, E))
  • eta_e_list: Stores the \( \eta_e \) values for each epoch.
  • Plot Initialization: Sets up the figure for plotting \( N_b \) and \( H \) over time and generates a color map for distinguishing different epochs.

Epoch Loop
# Epoch loop
for e in range(1, E + 1):
    B = 0
    i = 1
    N_b_init_i = N_b_init
    H_init_i = c * H_0 if e > 1 else 0
    t_offset = 0  # To keep track of time within the epoch
    # Lists to store data for this epoch
    t_epoch = []
    N_b_epoch = []
    H_epoch = []
    t_i_list = []
Epoch Variables:
  • B: Accumulated Bax protein within the epoch.
  • i: Cycle index within the epoch.
  • N_b_init_i: Initial bacteria count for the current cycle.
  • H_init_i: Initial AHL concentration for the current cycle.
  • t_offset: Tracks cumulative time within the epoch to align plots.
  • Data Lists: t_epoch, N_b_epoch, H_epoch store time, bacteria count, and AHL concentration for plotting. t_i_list stores the duration \( t_i \) of each cycle.

Cycle Loop Within an Epoch
while B < B_0:
    # Define the ODE system
    def odes(t, y):
        N_b, H = y
        dN_b_dt = r * N_b * (1 - N_b / N_b0)
        dH_dt = alpha * N_b + (gamma - beta) * H
        return [dN_b_dt, dH_dt]
    # Event function to stop when H reaches H_0
    def event_H0(t, y):
        return y[1] - H_0
    event_H0.terminal = True
    event_H0.direction = 1
ODE System:
  • Bacterial Growth: \( \frac{dN_{b_i}}{dt} = r N_{b_i} \left( 1 - \frac{N_{b_i}}{N_{b0}} \right) \).
  • AHL Dynamics: \( \frac{dH_i}{dt} = \alpha N_{b_i} + (\gamma - \beta) H_i \).
Event Function:
  • event_H0: Detects when \( H_i(t) \) reaches the threshold \( H_0 \).
  • Properties: terminal=True (stops integration when the event occurs), direction=1 (detects zero-crossing from below to above \( H_0 \)).

Solving the ODEs for the Current Cycle
# Solve ODEs
sol = solve_ivp(
    odes, [0, np.inf], [N_b_init_i, H_init_i],
    events=event_H0, dense_output=True, max_step=0.1
  • solve_ivp: Integrates the ODEs until the event occurs.
  • Parameters: [N_b_init_i, H_init_i] are the initial conditions for \( N_{b_i} \) and \( H_i \), events=event_H0 stops integration when \( H_i(t) = H_0 \), max_step=0.1 ensures accuracy.

Handling the Sudden Change at \( t = t_i \)
# Get time when H_i reaches H_0
t_i = sol.t_events[0][0]
N_b_ti, H_ti = sol.y_events[0][0]

# Update B
B += a * b * N_b_ti
Event Time and Values: \( t_i \) is the time when \( H_i(t) \) reaches the threshold \( H_0 \). \( N_{b_i}(t_i) \) and \( H_i(t_i) \) are used to update Bax protein \( B \).
Accumulating Bax Protein: Updates \( B \) using \( B += a b N_{b_i}(t_i) \).

Storing Results for Plotting
# Store results for plotting
t_epoch.extend(sol.t + t_offset)

# Update initial conditions for the next index
N_b_init_i = (1 - a) * N_b_ti
H_init_i = (1 - a) * H_ti
t_offset += t_i
i += 1
Results Storage:
  • t_epoch: Cumulative time within the epoch.
  • N_b_epoch, H_epoch: Stores \( N_{b_i}(t) \) and \( H_i(t) \) over time.
Updating Initial Conditions: Updates \( N_b \) and \( H \) for the next cycle using the equations:
  • \[ N_{b_{i+1}}(0) = (1 - a) N_{b_i}(t_i) \]
  • \[ H_{i+1}(0) = (1 - a) H_i(t_i) \]

End of Epoch Calculations
# Calculate eta_e
total_time_epoch = sum(t_i_list)
eta_e = c / total_time_epoch

# Update N_b_init for the next epoch
N_b_init = c * N_b_ti
Calculating \( \eta_e \): Computes \( \eta_e \) for the epoch using the formula:
  • \[ \eta_e = \frac{c}{\sum_{i=1}^k t_i} \]
Updating Initial Conditions for Next Epoch: Sets the initial bacteria count for the next epoch:
  • \[ N_{b_{\text{init}}} = c \cdot N_{b_k}(t_k) \]

Plotting Results for the Epoch
# Plotting the results for this epoch
plt.plot(t_epoch, N_b_epoch, label=f'N_b (Epoch {e})', color=colors[e-1])
plt.plot(t_epoch, H_epoch, '--', label=f'H (Epoch {e})', color=colors[e-1])

# Mark the start and end of the epoch
plt.axvline(x=t_epoch[0], color=colors[e-1], linestyle=':', alpha=0.5)
plt.axvline(x=t_epoch[-1], color=colors[e-1], linestyle=':', alpha=0.5)
Plotting: Plots \( N_b \) and \( H \) over time for each epoch using different colors and marks the start and end of each epoch with vertical lines.

Finalizing the Plot
# Finalize the plot
plt.title('Time Evolution of N_b and H Across Epochs')
Finalizing the Plot: Adds labels, a title, and a legend to the plot and displays it.

Plotting \( \eta_e \) Over Epochs
# Plot Eta_e over Epochs
plt.plot(range(1, E + 1), eta_e_list, marker='o')
plt.xlabel('Epoch Number')
plt.title('Eta_e over Epochs')
Plotting \( \eta_e \): Plots \( \eta_e \) against the epoch number, adding appropriate labels and a title.
Interpretation and Connections to the Mathematical Model
  • Tumor Cell Dynamics:
    • The code simulates the tumor cell population under the influence of bacterial action (via \( \eta \)).
    • The logistic growth model captures natural tumor growth limited by carrying capacity.
    • The death term \( -\eta N_t \) represents the reduction in tumor cells due to Bax protein accumulation from the bacterial cycles.
  • Simulation Method:
    • Euler's method provides a straightforward numerical solution to the ODE over time.
    • The time evolution of \( N_t \) shows how the tumor population changes due to the combined effects of growth and death.
  • Results Interpretation:
    • The plot illustrates whether the tumor population increases, stabilizes, or decreases over time.
    • By adjusting \( \eta \), one can observe the impact of varying bacterial efficacy on tumor reduction.
The provided code effectively implements the second and third parts of the mathematical model, simulating the cyclical dynamics of engineered Salmonella bacteria and their impact on tumor cells. By translating the mathematical equations into numerical simulations, the code allows for visualization and analysis of complex biological processes, providing insights into the potential efficacy of bacterial cancer therapy.
This detailed explanation connects each segment of the code to the underlying mathematical concepts, ensuring a clear understanding of the model implementation and its implications in the context of cancer treatment research.
Further Considerations
  • Parameter Sensitivity:
    • Adjusting parameters like \( r \), \( \alpha \), \( \beta \), \( a \), \( b \), and \( \eta \) can provide insights into how changes in biological processes affect outcomes.
    • Sensitivity analysis can identify critical parameters that significantly impact bacterial efficacy and tumor reduction.
  • Model Extensions:
    • Incorporating stochastic elements to account for biological variability.
    • Extending the model to include spatial considerations or interactions with the immune system.
  • Validation and Calibration:
    • Comparing simulation results with experimental data to validate the model.
    • Calibrating parameters based on observed biological responses.
  • By thoroughly understanding and analyzing the code and its underlying mathematical framework, researchers can refine the model and explore strategies to enhance the therapeutic potential of engineered bacteria in cancer treatment.
Result Analysis and Conclusion
This analysis aims to interpret the results obtained from the mathematical models developed to simulate the behavior of engineered Salmonella bacteria in targeting and eliminating tumor cells. The models are structured into three primary components:
  1. Model 1: Diffusion of Salmonella bacteria from the injection point to the tumor site.
  2. Model 2: Growth dynamics of bacteria within the tumor and the production of signaling molecules and pro-apoptotic proteins.
  3. Model 3: Impact of bacterial action on tumor cell population dynamics.
By analyzing the results from each model, we can gain insights into the efficacy of using engineered bacteria for cancer therapy and identify factors that influence treatment outcomes.
Model 1: Diffusion of Salmonella
The first model simulates the diffusion of engineered Salmonella bacteria from the injection point to the tumor site, considering factors such as bacterial velocities, immune clearance, and distance. The key objective is to determine the number of bacteria that can reach the tumor as a function of the distance \( d \) between the injection point and the tumor.
Result for plate case, \(f_3(r)=1\)
Result for plate case, \(f_3(r)=1\)
Result for plate case, \(f_3(r)=1-e^{Cr}\)
Result for plate case, \(f_3(r)=1-e^{Cr}\)
Result for sphere case, \(f_3(r)=1\)
Result for sphere case, \(f_3(r)=1\)
Result for sphere case, \(f_3(r)=1-e^{Cr}\)
Result for sphere case, \(f_3(r)=1-e^{Cr}\)
Results and Interpretation
Plots of \( F_3(d) - d \) and Critical Distance \( d_0 \):
  • The series of plots generated from the code depict \( F_3(d) - d \) as a function of \( d \), with the red vertical dashed lines indicating the critical distance \( d_0 \) where \( F_3(d) = 0 \).
Sharp-Decreasing Pattern of \( d_0 \):
  • The plots show that as the distance \( d \) between the injection point and the tumor increases, the value of \( F_3(d) - d \) decreases sharply, resulting in a smaller \( d_0 \).
  • This indicates that the number of bacteria reaching the tumor diminishes rapidly with increasing distance.
  • Trend Description:
    • When \( d \) is small, a significant number of bacteria can reach the tumor, as the diffusion path is short and immune clearance is minimal.
    • As \( d \) increases, the bacteria are more likely to be cleared by the immune system before reaching the tumor, leading to an exponential decline in bacterial numbers at the tumor site.
    • This emphasizes the importance of proximity between the injection point and the tumor to maximize bacterial delivery.
Impact of Immune Clearance Hypotheses:
  • Constant Immune Clearance (\( \eta = \text{Const} \)):
    • Assumes a steady rate of bacterial decline due to immune system interactions.
    • Results in a gradual decrease in bacterial numbers with distance.
  • Time-Dependent Immune Clearance (\( \eta = \text{Const} \times (1 - e^{C r}) \)):
    • More accurately reflects the real-case scenario where immune clearance increases over time and distance.
    • Leads to a sharper decrease in bacterial numbers as \( d \) increases, as bacteria are exposed to immune cells for longer periods.
    • Implications:
      • When the distance is short, the time-dependent model predicts a higher number of bacteria reaching the tumor compared to the constant model.
      • For larger distances, the time-dependent immune clearance significantly reduces bacterial delivery to the tumor.
Conclusion for Model 1
The first model highlights the critical role of the injection distance and immune system interactions in the successful delivery of engineered bacteria to the tumor site. The sharp decrease in bacterial numbers with increasing distance underscores the need for strategies that minimize the separation between the injection point and the tumor or enhance bacterial survival during transit.
Model 2: Bacteria Growth Dynamics and Signaling Mechanisms
The second model focuses on the behavior of engineered Salmonella bacteria within the tumor microenvironment. It simulates:
  • The logistic growth of the bacterial population (\( N_b \)).
  • The production and accumulation of the signaling molecule AHL (\( H \)).
  • The cyclical process of bacterial suicide triggered by reaching a threshold AHL concentration (\( H_0 \)).
  • The accumulation of Bax protein (\( B \)) released during bacterial suicide, which induces apoptosis in tumor cells.
The numerical volution of AHL and number of Salmonella
The numerical volution of AHL and number of Salmonella
The change \(eta_e\)'s value
The change \(eta_e\)'s value
Results and Interpretation
Time Evolution of \( N_b \) and \( H \) Across Epochs:
  • Cyclical Patterns:
    • Both \( N_b \) and \( H \) exhibit cyclical growth and decline within each epoch.
    • Each cycle begins with exponential bacterial growth and AHL production.
    • When \( H \) reaches \( H_0 \), a fraction \( a \) of the bacteria undergo programmed cell death, releasing Bax protein.
    • The remaining bacteria continue to grow, initiating the next cycle.
  • Increasing Amplitude Across Epochs:
    • The maximum values of \( N_b \) and \( H \) increase slightly with each epoch.
    • This could be due to the residual bacteria and AHL from previous epochs contributing to the initial conditions of the subsequent epochs.
Bax Protein Accumulation and Epoch Termination:
  • The accumulation of Bax protein \( B \) occurs with each cycle.
  • An epoch ends when \( B \) reaches the threshold \( B_0 \), indicating sufficient pro-apoptotic signaling to impact tumor cells.
  • The cyclical release of Bax ensures a sustained delivery of apoptotic signals to the tumor.
Killing Efficiency (\( \eta_e \)) Over Epochs:
  • The plot of \( \eta_e \) over epochs shows a rapid increase from Epoch 1 to Epoch 2, stabilizing in subsequent epochs.
  • The initial increase suggests that the system is adjusting to reach an optimal level of bacterial-induced tumor cell killing.
  • The stabilization indicates that the bacterial population and Bax production have reached a steady-state balance with the tumor environment.
Conclusion for Model 2
The second model demonstrates the effectiveness of engineered bacteria in self-regulating their population and delivering therapeutic agents to the tumor. The cyclical growth and suicide mechanism ensures that bacteria do not overpopulate while continuously supplying Bax protein to induce tumor cell apoptosis. The stability in killing efficiency after the initial epochs suggests a sustainable therapeutic effect over time.
Model 3: Impact on Tumor Cell Population Dynamics
The third model simulates the dynamics of tumor cell population (\( N_t \)) under the influence of bacterial action. It incorporates:
  • The logistic growth of tumor cells in the absence of treatment.
  • The additional death term due to the pro-apoptotic effect of Bax protein released by the bacteria.
  • The killing efficiency (\( \eta \)) calculated from Model 2.
Cancer cell's evolution after the entering of engineering Salmonella
Cancer cell's evolution after the entering of engineering Salmonella
Results and Interpretation
Tumor Cell Growth Simulation:
  • Continuous Decline in Tumor Cells:
    • The tumor cell population starts at an initial value (e.g., \( N_t = 2 \)) and decreases steadily over time to approximately 0.6.
    • The decline suggests that the bacterial intervention effectively reduces tumor cells through induced apoptosis.
  • Logarithmic Decrease:
    • The decelerating rate of decline indicates that as the tumor shrinks, the rate of cell death slows down.
    • This could be due to reduced interactions between bacteria and tumor cells as the tumor mass decreases.
Conclusion for Model 3
The third model confirms that the engineered bacteria's actions result in a significant reduction of tumor cells over time. The incorporation of the killing efficiency from Model 2 demonstrates the interconnectedness of bacterial dynamics and tumor response, highlighting the potential effectiveness of this therapeutic strategy.
General Analysis and Significance
Integration of Models
  • Model Interdependence:
    • The three models are interconnected, each influencing and informing the others.
    • Model 1 determines the initial number of bacteria that reach the tumor site, setting the stage for Model 2.
    • Model 2 simulates bacterial behavior within the tumor, producing Bax protein that impacts tumor cells in Model 3.
    • The killing efficiency (\( \eta \)) calculated in Model 2 is a crucial parameter in Model 3, linking bacterial action to tumor cell dynamics.
Overall Insights
  • Effectiveness of Engineered Bacteria:
    • The models collectively show that engineered Salmonella can effectively target tumors, proliferate within them, and induce tumor cell death.
  • Importance of Proximity:
    • The sharp decrease in bacterial numbers with increasing distance emphasizes the need for precise delivery methods to ensure sufficient bacterial presence at the tumor site.
  • Self-Regulation Mechanism:
    • The bacteria's ability to self-regulate through quorum sensing and programmed suicide prevents overpopulation and potential adverse effects, maintaining a sustainable therapeutic presence.
  • Sustained Therapeutic Effect:
    • The cyclical production of Bax protein and stabilization of killing efficiency suggest that the treatment can have a prolonged impact on tumor reduction.
Implications for Cancer Therapy
  • Targeted Treatment:
    • Engineered bacteria offer a novel approach to target tumors selectively, exploiting the tumor microenvironment's unique characteristics.
  • Minimizing Side Effects:
    • The self-regulation mechanism reduces the risk of bacterial overgrowth and systemic infection, potentially leading to fewer side effects compared to conventional therapies.
  • Enhancing Efficacy:
    • By understanding the diffusion dynamics and optimizing injection strategies (e.g., minimizing distance \( d \)), the treatment's efficacy can be enhanced.
The mathematical models developed provide a comprehensive framework for analyzing the use of engineered Salmonella bacteria in cancer therapy. They illustrate the critical factors affecting treatment success, including bacterial delivery to the tumor, growth dynamics within the tumor, and the resulting impact on tumor cells.

Key Takeaways:
  • Proximity Matters: Ensuring a minimal distance between the injection point and the tumor is crucial for maximizing bacterial delivery and treatment efficacy.
  • Self-Regulating Bacteria: The engineered bacteria's ability to control their population and release therapeutic agents in cycles enhances safety and effectiveness.
  • Sustained Tumor Reduction: The models predict a consistent reduction in tumor cells over time, highlighting the potential for long-term therapeutic benefits.

Future Directions:
  • Optimizing Delivery Methods: Investigate techniques to reduce the distance \( d \) or protect bacteria during transit to improve delivery rates.
  • Parameter Refinement: Adjust model parameters based on experimental data to enhance accuracy and predictive power.
  • Combination Therapies: Explore integrating this bacterial therapy with other treatments to achieve synergistic effects.

Significance to the Project:
The models provide valuable insights into the mechanisms and efficacy of using engineered bacteria for cancer treatment. They offer a quantitative foundation for optimizing treatment strategies, predicting outcomes, and guiding experimental design. Ultimately, this work contributes to advancing innovative cancer therapies that leverage the unique properties of engineered microorganisms.
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