Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a neurological disease affecting the Central Nervous System (CNS)

Current Diagnostics take time and are invasive for the patient.

For 1 in 10 patients the diagnostic procedure can take months or even years.

With a minimally invasive blood test, we simplify the complex road to an MS diagnosis.
There is a wide range of symptoms associated with MS, which exist on a spectrum of severity. This diversity makes it difficult to diagnose, and can make it feel like an invisible disease to patients. Raising awareness is essential to progress research, and to support patients.
Keeping our stakeholders in mind, we designed our miRADAR test based on our four key principles of accessibility.

Based on these principles we designed a cell-free test. By adding all components, and freeze drying it on a paper disc, it can be activated when a miRNA sample from blood is added.