Last year we utilized a green fluorescent tag to check for successful insertion of our plasmid, this was unhelpful due to the green color of C. reinhardtii so we replaced it with an mCherry tag so that the fluorescence was red, which would be easier to distinguish from auto-fluorescence.
We inserted the mCherry tag into 4 different strains of C. reinhardtii through electroporation. The mCherry tag was inserted at the C-terminus of our nosZ gene so that if it was expressed it would show expression nitrous oxide reductase.
We tested for mCherry expression by Western blot and immunofluorescence. Initial test are inconclusive and will be repeated with new controls.
A major problem faced while doing the testing is the ability for C. reinhardtii to auto-fluoresce which makes it difficult for us to distinguish from expression of mCherry or just typical cell function. Next year we will utilize a different tag to test for successful expression of our plasmid.