AmilCP results

Subproject Achievements



First maturation assay

The purpose of the first round of maturation measurements was to test out the maturation assay and to assess the maturation time of the green amilCP before introducing the mutations. We made restreaks of the green amilCP (1 and 2), amilCP, and mRFP1 on three agar plates (Figure 1), and let them grow at 37°C for 16 hours. They grew under anaerobic conditions by sealing in a bag purged with nitrogen gas (Bao et al. 2020). During this time, the chromoproteins will be expressed but since oxidation of the chromophore is required for the maturation, no color will develop at this stage. When finally exposing the plates to oxygen, the chromoproteins will start maturing simultaneously. Pictures were taken of the plates regularly over the course of 30 hours at room temperature to monitor the color development (Figure 2; complete compilation of pictures in Appendix A1.1).

Figure 1: Agar plate (one out of three) with restreaks of amilCP (top left), mRFP1 (top right), amilCP green 1 (bottom left), amilCP green 2 (bottom right). Picture taken 30 h after initial oxygen exposure at room temperature. All chromoproteins were expressed in DH5-⍺, except amilCP green 2 which was made in the same way independently by prior Uppsala University students.
Figure 2: Color development of amilCP, amilCP green (1 and 2) and mRFP1 over the course of 30 h after initial oxygen exposure. For the complete set of pictures, please see Appendix A1.1.

From these pictures, the maturation half-times of the chromoproteins can be roughly estimated by eye (Table 1). The maturation half-time is defined as the time it takes for the color intensity of the proteins to reach half of its maximum value.

Table 1: Qualitative estimates of maturation half-times (t1/2).
Sample t1/2(h)
mRFP1 2.5
amilCP 5
amilCP green (1) 7
amilCP green (2) 7

mRFP1 seems to mature the fastest with a maturation half-time of about 2.5 hours, whereas the green amilCP matures the slowest with maturation half-time of about 7 hours. However, the qualitative way of estimating the maturation time by eye is problematic and is heavily dependent on the bias of the person analyzing the plates. The quality of the pictures is also crucial for a fair assessment of the maturation times. Even though all pictures were taken in the same room under the same conditions (light table on and ceiling lamps off), the brightness of the pictures varies a lot. It turned out that the light table was flickering, making some pictures brighter and some darker than the others. The varying brightness of the pictures naturally makes it more difficult to estimate the maturation rates. Furthermore, it appears that a lot of color development occurred during night time when no one was in the lab to take pictures of the plates (between hour 7 and 23.5). It is thus hard to say exactly when the proteins were fully matured.

Although this initial testing of the maturation assay may not have been so fruitful in terms of good and reliable data, it did highlight the difficulties of the assay and made us realize that we needed make a couple of adjustments before the next round of maturation measurements:

  • Use a software program, OpenCv, to quantitatively determine the maturation time of the samples in order to eliminate the bias when analyzing the pictures
  • Program the camera to take pictures automatically. In that way, we could take pictures more frequently and also during night time when no one is in the lab
  • Replace the light table for another light source that does not flicker
  • Change the settings so the camera doesn't auto adjust

Why do amilCP green 1 and 2 look so different?

The color intensity of amilCP green 1 and 2 is strikingly different despite being thought to be expressed from identical plasmids in the same E.coli strain. The fact that the green mutants were made in the same way (N175I, not GFP-numbering; confirmed by sequencing of the amilCP gene), raised suspicions that they might be expressed in different strains. We performed the transformation of 1 into DH5-⍺ ourselves since it was gifted to us as plasmid DNA, whereas 2 was transformed by previous Uppsala University students several years ago. To address our suspicions, the plasmids of amilCP green 2 were extracted and transformed into DH5-⍺. After restreaking both mutants on the same agar plate, they appeared indistinguishable (Figure 3). From here on out, we treated the two mutants as equals.

difference between green mutants
Figure 3: Difference between amilCP green 1 and 2 before (left) and after (right) transforming amilCP green 2 into DH5-⍺. The original blue amilCP was also added on the left plate for comparison.

Second maturation assay

The second edition of the maturation assay was performed using an upgraded setup. We had programmed a digital camera to take pictures of the plates every 5 minutes. The plates were placed under the camera on a white sheet of paper to get a uniform background. The samples were lit using ceiling lights in the room. During the whole procedure, the door was kept closed to avoid interference from light sources outside of the room. We tried to change the settings of the camera so that it did not auto adjust, however we did not manage to do that. The assay is explained in detail on the measurement page.

To obtain more reliable and reproducible data, we conducted a second maturation assay to measure the maturation times of superfolder, turbo, and color change mutations. Our previous assay relied on visual estimates, which led to inaccuracies due to inconsistent lighting and observer bias. In this updated assay, we utilized quantitative methods such as OpenCV to objectively track color development, ensuring more precise measurements. Automated image capture allowed for continuous monitoring, even overnight. This refined process enabled us to better understand the maturation kinetics of different mutants and to support our hypotheses with empirical data.

The first assay showed distinct differences in maturation half-times, with mRFP1 maturing faster than the green variants of amilCP. However, inconsistent lighting and missed time points, particularly overnight, highlighted the need for improvements. Our second assay aimed to address these limitations and provide more robust insights, including the maturation behavior of newly introduced mutations, such as color and folding variants. With this refined approach, we aimed to eliminate bias, increase precision, and generate clear data that could be effectively analyzed.


Color mutations run

Figure 4: The figure shows the grayscale values for one sample of Gly157 (NNN157 E) over a 96 hour time span.
Figure 5: The figure shows the grayscale values for one sample of Gly157 (NNN157 E) over a 96 hour time span, where data points after 14.5 hours were adjusted down to correct for the sudden jump in grayscale value.

One problem that we encountered during the second run of the maturation assay was a shift in the measured grayscale of all of the samples during the color change mutations assay. As you can see in Figure 4, there is a clear gap in the trend of the points between the 14.5h mark and 16h mark. The trend then follows the same curve, but with a higher grayscale value. This shift is most probably not due to biological causes of the chromoprotein maturation or a random mutation - such a sudden and extreme change in color intensity would not be possible.

The most likely cause of this shift is a change in the lighting conditions during the assay. The plates in the room were only illuminated by the ceiling lights that had fluorescent lamps. These lamps can flicker, and this flickering will change the lighting. This flickering seemed to have changed how much the lamp illuminated the room, and this was set as the new standard after the 16h mark. This in turn led to a higher grayscale value even if the colors on the plate kept maturing.

The solution we came up with was to assume that the overall change in grayscale value over time would still be the same, even if the grayscale values were higher. This assumption was tested by calculating the amplitude of the jump in the period of the flickering. When the change was subtracted from the grayscale values of the data points after the 14.5h mark, the trend of the points before the 14.5h mark connected with the trend of the points after the 14.5h mark. This showed that the change after the 14.5h mark was uniform and could be corrected for. We later use the result we got after the correction to calculate the maturation times of the chromoproteins. We can see the change we made in Figure 5.

Superfolders run

The problem that we encountered during the superfolder maturation assay was that the maturation time of the superfolder mutants and green amilCP was longer than expected. We can see in the graphs (Figure 6 and 7) that none of the curves reaches a steady state and seem to keep going. This in turn would make us question the validity of the data we got. Especially when comparing the maturation time of amilCP green during both runs.

On one hand, you could argue that we could look at other points in the graph to get a more correct and reasonable maturation time. We can see a small plateau in the graph of amilCP green at the start up to 7h and another small one after 21h. The halftime here is about 7h. This is a more reasonable value if we want to compare it to the color mutations run. This assessment is however not very reliable as the plateau is very small and other graphs of for example mRFP1 show no type of big change in external factors like lighting.

Figure 6: The figure shows the change in grayscale value for a selected area of the green amilCP mutant over a 48 hour time span.
Figure 7: The figure shows the change in grayscale value for a selected area of the superfolder 1 mutant over a 48 hour time span.

Color change mutations

Figure 8: Liquid cultures of our color mutants. From left to right (residue number from start of amilCP); original amilCP, Ala157, Gly157, Glu157, Asp157 (codon GAC), Asp157 (codon GAT).
Figure 9: Pellets of our color mutants. From left to right (residue number from start of amilCP); Asp157 (codon GAT), Asp157 (codon GAC), Glu157, Gly157, Ala157, original amilCP.

Absorbance spectra

Figure 10: Absorbance spectrum for Ala157 mutant.
Figure 11: Absorbance spectrum for Gly157 mutant.
Figure 12: Absorbance spectrum for Glu157 mutant.


Figure 13: Amino acid region 152-162 of a multiple sequence alignment of all color mutations using MUSCLE, where amilCP is used as the reference sequence. Amino acids that don’t match the reference are marked in pink, and gaps marked in blue.

The results of the sequencing confirmed successful and correct substitutions at position 157 for all the specifically designed primers (Figure 13). The glutamine mutation (Gln157) however also resulted in a deletion of the asparagine at position 156.

Sequencing of the NNN157 mutants showed that out of the 6 sequenced colonies, A and B were Asp mutations, giving a pink color that already was discovered (Figure 13). C proved to be Asn, the original blue amilCP whilst the purple looking mutant D was Ala. The other purple mutant, E, was Gly. The final mutant, F, was Glu which gave a yellow coloring.

In total we got 8 different amino acids at position 157 to give off a color. We had the already known original amilCP (Asn), as well as the green version made with Ile and the pink version made with Asp. Aside from these, we found purple (Ala), light purple (Gly) and yellow (Glu) colors (Figures 8 and 9) which was quantitatively assessed through absorbance measurements (Figures 10, 11 and 12). We also saw indications of a gray-looking mutant (His) and a yellowish orange mutant (Gln), but we didn’t have enough time to characterize these, and thus don’t have any good pictures of them. This result reaffirms the significance of position 157 for the absorption of the chromophore.

An interesting observation made from the Gln mutation is that a deletion right next to this important residue position doesn’t seem to disrupt the overall structure and function of the protein, as seen by the bacteria still giving off color. Running a MSA showed that the region isn’t conserved over the GFP-family. We did not have time to try introducing the same substitution again but without the deletion, but it would be interesting to see if the color differs depending on if N156 is deleted.

Another interesting observation is that the asparagine we got through random primers, where the codon was GAT, seems to differ in its coloring compared to the asparagine we got through specific primers, which was GAC (the same as Team Sydney’s part BBa_K1996003). These absorbance spectra can be found in the Appendix Figure 2.1 and 2.2.

Maturation assay

Video 1: Time lapse of color change maturation assay, with 50 pictures per second. amilCP_green_LW is the green amilCP.
Figure 14: Boxplots of the maturation halftimes for mRFP1 and several different amilCP color mutants. NNN177 E (a) is the Gly157 mutation (NNN157 E).

Based on the boxplot of the maturation halftimes (Figure 14), the green amilCP is the fastest maturer among the amilCP color mutants, with a maturation halftime near that of mRFP1. This is not in accordance with our other observations by eye the first maturation assay or in the superfold assay. Moreover, comparing our results from this run with the data reported by Liljeruhm et al. (2018) further challenges the accuracy of our results. Liljeruhm et al. reports a maturation time of 22 minutes for mRPF1 and 54 minutes for amilCP (liquid cultures of E.coli, incubating at 37°C). They also claim that the color development of amilCP green is slow (although provided no half time estimates). Since external factors such as temperature and the oxygen supply affects maturation, it is not fair to compare our half times values to each other (room temperature vs. 37°C; liquid culture vs. colonies on plate). However, the fact that our results indicate that the green mutant matures significantly faster than the blue amilCP (NNN 157 C (c) in Figure 14) and that its halftime is comparable to that of mRFP1 is somewhat puzzling. Looking at the scatter plots, the green amilCP ones are a bit more irregular in their curves, however they still follow the same overall pattern as the other measured samples (see Appendix A4.5 and A4.6). There are a few possibilities for why we got this result:

  • The result is accurate, and our estimation by eye is impacted by a bias towards stronger colors when it comes to their maturation (i.e., stronger colored colonies appear to mature the fastest merely due to their strong color and dramatic contrast to the background). The halftime from the superfolder assay would in that case be incorrect, a theory which might be supported by the odd behavior displayed in its scatter plots where all the green mutants never seemed to reach full maturation (Figure 6 and 7). All previous information we have used when claiming that the green mutant is slow-maturing is not from proper maturation assays (Liljeruhm et al. 2018, Sydney iGEM 2016), but rather observations of how fast bacteria become colored. The problem with this is that several other factors can affect this, such as the expression level of the protein, protein folding (immediate folding into functional shape vs. formation and refolding of inclusion bodies) and the extinction coefficient. In other words, even though amilCP green might develop color slowly it does not necessarily mean that it matures slowly.

  • The analysis has a bias towards weaker colors (i.e., weaker colors, such as amilCP green, appear to mature the fastest). Since the other weak color, Gly157, also has a fast maturation halftime from this run, one possibility could be that there is some issue in the detection of smaller differences in grayscale values. This seems quite unlikely however, as the scatter plots look good and similar to other stronger colors, and the analysis is designed to only consider relative change in intensity. Further, the relatively weak colored pink Asp157 mutant has the slowest halftime according to this assay, while the strong colored mRFP1 has the fastest.

  • There is another error somewhere, either in the preparation of the sample, the measurement or in the analysis. If we would have had more time, we would have redone this experiment to assess whether the half time of amilCP green is accurate or not.
Aside from the unexpected green amilCP halftime, the light purple Gly157 (NNN157 E) mutant seems to mature the fastest, faster than the wild type amilCP, while the purple Ala157 (NNN157 D) mutant is slightly slower. The pink Asp157 mutant is the slowest in this assay. The varying maturation half times between the mutants further indicates that position 157 not only impacts the color of amilCP, but also is important for the maturation rate of the protein.

Superfolder mutations

Figure 15: SF1 and SF2 aligned to green amilCP using MUSCLE. Region of amino acids 33-43, where E37 is substituted to T for SF1 and SF2, and T39 is substituted to N for SF2.

Sequencing confirmed that the introduction of mutations was successful for both the one point and the two point mutation (Figure 15). Amino acids 37-40 of amilCP were mutated from the original EQTV sequence to TQTV for SF1 and TQNV for SF2.

Video 2: Time lapse of superfolder maturation assay, with 50 pictures per second. Upper and lower left side of each plate is green amilCP and mRFP1 respectively. Upper right plate also has SF1 mutants, while bottom left plate has SF2 mutants.
Figure 16: Boxplots of maturation halftimes as measured in our Superfolder run. Red boxplots are different mRFP1 samples, Amilcp green is the original green amilCP and the SF1 and SF2 boxplots are from different superfolder samples.

The results of the maturation assay indicates that no improvement of the maturation rate was made by the superfolder mutations (Figure 16). This result is in line with what was documented also for the blue amilCP, which was tested by Bao et al. (2020). However, we can not confidently draw this conclusion from the assay, since the scatterplots of the green amilCPs, both ordinary and superfolders, behave oddly and indicate that they did not fully mature during the 48 hour assay (Figure 6 and 7; Appendix 3). The scatterplots of the green amilCPs from the color changing run are widely different and show that by the same time the superfolder run ended, at hour 48, they were already fully matured (even several hours before that; Appendix 4). It is difficult to explain why we see such a large difference between the green amilCP between the runs. Further investigation into this would be of great interest. Until then, we can not confidently draw any conclusions about the impact of superfolder mutation on the maturation rate.

Random mutagenesis

Two rounds of error prone PCR were performed using two different sets of primers. In the first round, random mutations were introduced throughout the entire coding sequence of green amilCP and the upstream promoter region. Since unwanted mutations in the promoter region could be detrimental to the expression of the gene, another round of error prone PCR was performed where only the coding sequence was subjected to random mutagenesis.

Both rounds of error prone PCR gave promising results. Agarose gel analysis of the PCR products revealed bands of expected sizes of around 800 bp (Figure 17). Increasing the manganese concentration resulted in less PCR product, as can be seen by the decreasing intensity of the bands on the gel. This is expected since increasing levels of manganese reduces the performance of the polymerase until it no longer can bind to the template and fails to replicate the full-length DNA fragment. A manganese concentration of 0.4 mM was clearly too high, as almost no DNA was amplified.

Figure 17: Agarose gel (1%) of error prone PCR products with increasing manganese concentrations. Positive control (+) was a PCR reaction without manganese. Negative controls (-) were a PCR reaction without template (left) and with ddH2O (right).

Unfortunately, transformation of the PCR products into E.coli yielded no colonies at all and so the error prone mutants were never expressed and could not be analyzed further. Several transformation attempts were made, and some colonies did in fact grow on a few plates. However, colony PCR revealed that the plasmids had not been internalized by the cells, implying that it was only contamination growing on the plates (Figure 18).

Figure 18: Agarose gel (1%) of colony PCR products from three colonies; one colony transformed with 0.1 mM epPCR DNA, and two colonies transformed with 0.2 mM epPCR DNA. Positive controls (+) were colony PCR products from colonies that had internalized amilCP plasmids variants. Negative control (-) was a PCR reaction with ddH2O.

The results from the transformation attempts suggest that the assembly into intact plasmids failed. Since the transformation of our positive control mRFP1 succeeded, there is little reason for us to believe that the transformation step is the problem. Instead, it is more likely that the error prone PCR product did not ligate with the backbone vector properly.

For digestion and ligation to work properly, it is critical that the enzyme stocks used are functional. To test the activity of the restriction enzymes, an experiment was conducted where mRFP1 plasmids were digested with different restriction enzyme combinations. Analysis of the digests on an agarose gel showed that the enzymes were able to cut the DNA, although not 100% effectively as bands corresponding to uncut DNA were still visible (figure not shown). Gel excision and purification was used to separate the digested DNA from the undigested. This worked well for purifying the digested backbone vector since linear and the circular/supercoiled plasmid DNA travel at different speeds through the agarose and produce distinct bands on the gel. However, it is much more difficult to purify the digested error prone PCR product, let alone to verify that the digestion even worked. Since the digested PCR product and the intact PCR product only differ by a few base pairs in size, they will not separate clearly on the gel. Therefore, we cannot be certain that the PCR product was digested properly. Moreover, we cannot rule out the possibility that the ligase might have been the problem. If we would have had more time in the laboratory, a ligase test experiment would have been a priority. In hindsight, all experiments should have begun with testing out the material to ensure that everything was working as intended.

Turbofolder mutations

In an effort to improve the maturation rate of green amilCP, programs predicting protein folding and simulating molecular dynamics were used to find potential mutations that could create a pore in the protein. The idea was to create a pore through which oxygen could easily access the chromophore. Through site-directed mutagenesis, the leucine (Leu) at position 195 was supposed to be substituted with four different amino acids: glycine (Gly), valine (Val), alanine (Ala) and isoleucine (Ile). These were the so-called “Turbo mutations”.

Unfortunately, due to some errors in the primer design and sequencing the effect of the Turbo mutations could not be assessed. If we would have had more time in the lab, we would have prioritized redoing these experiments.


Bao L, Menon PNK, Liljeruhm J, Forster AC. 2020. Overcoming chromoprotein limitations by engineering a red fluorescent protein. Analytical Biochemistry 611: 113936.

Liljeruhm J, Funk SK, Tietscher S, Edlund AD, Jamal S, Wistrand-Yuen P, Dyrhage K, Gynnå A, Ivermark K, Lövgren J, Törnblom V, Virtanen A, Lundin ER, Wistrand-Yuen E, Forster AC. 2018. Engineering a palette of eukaryotic chromoproteins for bacterial synthetic biology. Journal of Biological Engineering, doi

Sydney Australia iGEM team 2016,