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Potential RNAi Target Region Identification

In order to find which genes our RNA interference (RNAi) should target in our protein bait, we needed to identify genes specific to the Vespa velutina (i.e., Asian hornet) and validate that these would, in fact, interfere with the development of the larvae. The primary objective of this was to validate the selected genes i.e V-ATPase, VgR and chitin synthase genes (chs1 and chs2) in V. velutinaas potential targets for RNA interference (RNAi). These genes were chosen because V-ATPase is crucial for cellular processes, VgR is linked to reproduction and behavior, and Chitin Synthase is essential for larval development and molting, making them strong candidates for disrupting the hornet's life cycle. This validation is carried out using publicly available whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data, genome annotation, and RNA-Seq data from adult samples.


The pipeline for the target gene identification can be seen in Figure 1.

Overview of project

Figure 1: Overview of the Methodology Pipeline for Target Gene Identification

Panel A: Collection of genomic datasets for V. velutina.

Panel B: Variant analysis within the V. velutina population. This step involved extracting all copies of the target gene sequences from V. velutina datasets, mapping them to the reference genome, and identifying exons present in all copies. Variant calling was performed to determine conserved exonic regions across V. velutina strains.

Panel C: Off-target analysis. Selected regions were analyzed using BLAST against the Apocrita clade (wasps, bees, ants) via the Apocrita database. Each selected region underwent off-target analysis, and only regions with few off-target hits were retained.

Panel D: Downstream analysis of target regions. The final target regions were selected based on intermediate GC content and low RNA secondary structure stability. Targets with highly stable secondary structures were excluded using ViennaRNA fold for secondary structure analysis.

Data Collection

We collected publicly available whole genome sequencing (WGS) data, genome annotation, and expression (RNA-Seq) data for V. velutina . Ideally we would have used WGS dataset of different V. velutina strains for this analysis but since only four WGS datasets were available we decided to incorporate four RNA-seq datasets too [see Table 1] (Vontas, Katsavou, and Mavridis 2020; Zhang, Zhang, and Zhu 2010; Lu and Shen 2024; Jin et al. 2015). All these datasets belong to adult V. velutina samples. These datasets were downloaded using sratoolkit (“Home · Ncbi/Sra-Tools Wiki · GitHub,” n.d.). The following script was used for this purpose.

#!/bin/bash ## load required modules module load gcc sratoolkit # Variables WORKDIR="/work/FAC/FBM/DMF/yschaerl/default/Vespa_Biocontrol/00.Target_Gene" cd "$WORKDIR/00.Data/WGS_RNAseq_Datasets" SampleIDs="$WORKDIR/00.Data/WGS_RNAseq_Datasets/SRR_Acc_List.txt" OUTPUT_DIR="$WORKDIR/00.Data/WGS_RNAseq_Datasets/samples" OUTPUT_DIR="/nas/FAC/FBM/DMF/yschaerl/default/D2c/00.data" # Check if URL list file exists if [ ! -f "$SampleIDs" ]; then echo "URL list file not found: $SampleIDs" exit 1 fi # Create output directory mkdir -p "$OUTPUT_DIR" # Download data while IFS= read -r RunID; do # wget -P "$OUTPUT_DIR" "$url" prefetch --output-directory ${OUTPUT_DIR} ${RunID} fasterq-dump --split-files --outdir ${OUTPUT_DIR} ${RunID} done < "$SampleIDs" echo "Data download completed. Files are in $OUTPUT_DIR"

Table 1: Datasets used for identification of potential target genes. All datasets are available at NCBI.
Data Type Accession Number Source Database
RNA-Seq SRR22217221 NCBI
RNA-Seq SRR22217222 NCBI
RNA-Seq ERR6338384 NCBI
RNA-Seq ERR6338396 NCBI

The quality of the downloaded data was subsequently assessed using TrimGalore (“FelixKrueger/TrimGalore: A Wrapper around Cutadapt and FastQC to Consistently Apply Adapter and Quality Trimming to FastQ Files, with Extra Functionality for RRBS Data,” n.d.) and FASTQC (“Babraham Bioinformatics - FastQC A Quality Control Tool for High Throughput Sequence Data,” n.d.) tools.

Selection of Target Gene Regions

Variant Analysis within copies/isoforms annotated in Vespa velutina genome:

The sequences of the target genes (Vacuolar ATPase, VgR, and Chitin Synthase) were extracted from the genome using the Vespa velutina genome annotation by a custom script. For each gene, all isoforms/copies were aligned using Clustal Omega (Sievers et al. 2011). The msa2vcf.py script (“Pinbo/Msa2snp: SNP and Indel Calls from Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA),” n.d.) was then used to identify conserved exonic regions across isoforms.

      # Usage
      # 1. Extract Gene Sequences
      ./scripts/00.01.extract_gene_sequences.sh $GFF_FILE $FASTA_FILE $TARGET_SEQ_OUT_DIR $TARGET_SEQ_OUTPUT_FILE $GENE_NAME

Variant Analysis within V. velutina population:

Due to the availability of only one reference genome, we used public RNAseq and WGS datasets for V. velutina (see Table 2). These datasets were mapped to the reference genome of V. velutina, and GATK (McKenna et al. 2010) was used for variant calling on the selected gene exons to identify conserved regions within the population.

      # 2. Multiple Sequence Alignment and Variant Calling in cases of multicopy gene (Optional)
      ./scripts/00.02.MSA_target_gene.clustal.sh $TARGET_SEQ_OUTPUT_FILE "../01.Chitin-Synthase/01.clustal" "V_Vespa.Chitin_Synthase"
      # 3. Variant Calling

Off-Target Analysis

To assess potential off-target effects, BLAST searches were performed, comparing the V. velutina chitin synthase and other target gene sequences against the genomes of non-target species. The analysis revealed that some species possess highly similar genomic regions, making it difficult to avoid off-target effects using RNAi alone. As shown in Figure 2, the potential RNAi regions are 100% identical hits (sequence matches) in Vespa Crabro (i.e., European hornet) genome. We address this challenge using our hardware (read more here: link), which integrates physical barriers with an AI tool capable of distinguishing between these genomically similar hornet species (read more here: link to AI section).

# 4. RNAi Target Analysis ./scripts/01.07.RNAi_Target.sh # 5. Off-Target Analysis cd /path/to/your/genomes/directory ./datasets download genome taxon apocrita \ --assembly-level chromosome,contig \ --dehydrated \ --exclude-atypical \ --exclude-multi-isolate \ --filename offtarget_Genomes.apcrita.subset.zip \ --include genome unzip offtarget_Genomes.apcrita.subset.zip -d offtarget_Genomes_apcrita_subset ./datasets rehydrate --directory offtarget_Genomes_apcrita_subset makeblastdb -in "$(ls ../ncbi_dataset/data/*/* |\ grep -v "alternate" | tr '\n' ' ')"\ -dbtype nucl \ -parse_seqids \ -out apcrita_db # Run BLAST: QUERY=$WORKDIR/"01.Chitin-Synthase/02.RNAi.Target/Conserved_Exon_Regions.25_bp.Start_AA.GC.fa" blastn -query $QUERY \ -db $DB_blast \ -outfmt "6 qseqid sseqid pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore staxids sskingdoms"\ -word_size 7 \ -out blast_results.txt
Overview of project

Figure 2: Identification of target genes in the Asian hornet and potential off-targets.

Target sequences are indicated on the y-axis, while off-target species are given on x-axis. The scores represent the bit scores from BLAST, reflecting the sequence similarity between BLAST hits in off-target species and the RNAi target regions.

Downstream off-target analysis was conducted in R (version 4.4.1). For reproducibility of our downstream analysis, we developed an R flaxboard application for this analysis available at out gitlab. We submitted this application as our contribution (bronze medal criteria), details which can be found on contributions page [link].

Tools Used
  • SRA Toolkit: For data download.
  • TrimGalore and FastQC: For quality control.
  • Clustal Omega: For sequence alignment.
  • GATK: For variant calling.
  • BLAST: For off-target analysis.
  • Shiny: For interactive RNAi off-target analysis.
  • msa2vcf.py: For variant analysis across isoforms.
Next Steps and Future Work

Moving forward, we plan to expand our analysis to include differential expression of target regions in larval and adult hornets. Additionally, we'll refine our off-target analysis by incorporating further RNAi efficiency metrics and enhancing the app’s functionality based on user feedback.

Shiny App for Off-Target Analysis

To streamline the off-target analysis of potential RNAi target sequences, we developed a Shiny app that provides an interactive way to visualize off-target hits from BLAST results. This app enhances reproducibility of our results. It allows users to upload BLAST output files, analyze the data, and easily generate heatmaps and summary tables.

Key Features

The user interface is designed for simplicity, featuring a sidebar for input controls and a main panel for data visualization. Users can upload input files and customize the number of species displayed in the heatmap using a slider, allowing flexible exploration of off-target effects. It shows:

  • Heatmap of off-target hits across species for RNAi target sequences.
  • A summary table with GC content and off-target species names.

How it works

Users upload BLAST results from their own analysis or blast_results.txt files generated by our code. The app processes the BLAST data, calculates off-target matches across various species, and generates a heatmap showing the distribution of off-target regions across different species.

A table provides additional information, including the GC content and off-target species names for each RNAi target. The heatmap helps visualize regions that might cause off-target effects, guiding the final selection of RNAi targets.

Shiny App

Figure 3: Shiny App Interface.

Users can upload their BLAST output files into the app for off-target analysis. The app visualizes results in an interactive heatmap and provides a summary table displaying relevant metrics such as GC content and off-target species information. This intuitive interface allows researchers to explore and assess RNAi target specificity efficiently.

This Shiny app ensures reproducibility and flexibility, making it easier for other students/researchers to reproduce the analysis and verify results for their own datasets. The app is open-source and available for download on GitLab as part of our project submission.

Image Recognition for Differentiation Between Vespa velutina and Vespa crabro

Given the genomic similarities across various hornet species, particularly within the target gene regions, it was essential to incorporate an additional layer of specificity to ensure exclusive targeting of the Asian hornet. To achieve this, we utilised an existing image recognition software VespAI, originally designed to differentiate between the Asian hornet and the European hornet (O’Shea-Wheller et al. 2024).


Adapting VespAI model

The VespAI software, based on YOLOv5 (v6.0/6.1) deep learning model, is designed for real-time object detection (Jocher 2020). YOLOv5 breaks object detection from images and videos into three key stages: First, it uses a backbone to scan the image and pick up important features like edges and shapes. Then, in the neck, it combines those features from different parts of the image to identify objects of different sizes. Finally, the head makes the actual predictions, figuring out where the objects are and what they are. This structure enables YOLOv5 to balance speed and accuracy, making it suitable for real-time applications such as security monitoring and autonomous vehicles. In VespAI's case, it is adapted for hornet detection.

We downloaded the VespAI software from their GitHub (“Andrw3000/Vespai,” n.d.) and adapted it for our project by developing a script RunModel.py, that allowed us to import images and test its hornet identification capabilities. This script accepts an image and the frame size for model inference, generating an image with a prediction label. To ensure the software's accuracy, we curated a custom dataset of approximately 15 images, sourced from royalty-free images on iNaturalist website (“iNaturalist,” n.d.) and from experts in hornet research whom we interviewed during our human practices. This dataset was used to validate the software by comparing its results to those from the original dataset used by the VespAI creators (see Figure 4 and 5). Through this comparison, we aimed to assess how well the model performed when applied to data different from the training dataset, testing whether it could correctly differentiate between Asian and European hornets. We found that the software performs best with top-view images of the insect. Additionally, the size of the insect impacts the model’s inference (see Figure 4). While we could modify the parameter in the code to adjust the area around the Asian hornet, this change needed to be made manually for each image. Currently, automated image scaling is not supported by existing recognition methods. To simplify the process and avoid complex post-processing, we decided to use a fixed frame that would work on images taken from our box at a consistent distance (link to relevant section of the box).

#!/usr/bin/env python import os import sys import cv2 import torch # Check for command line arguments if len(sys.argv) != 3: print("Usage: python script.py <image_path> <size>") sys.exit(1) image_path = sys.argv[1] size = int(sys.argv[2]) # Load the model # Set root directory to the parent directory of the script location root_dir = os.path.abspath('/home/igem/Desktop/iGEM_VespaDetector') # Define paths relative to the root directory yolo_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'vespai', 'models', 'yolov5') model_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'vespai', 'models', 'yolov5-params', 'yolov5s-all-but-22ip.pt') model = torch.hub.load(yolo_dir, 'custom', path=model_dir, source='local', _verbose=True) # Read and prepare the image img = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(image_path), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # Perform inference results = model([img], size=size) # Print results results.show()

Vespa Velutina 1.1

A. Vespa velutina (size=50)

Vespa Velutina 1.2

A. Vespa velutina (size=120)

A. Vespa velutina (size=700)

A. Vespa velutina (size=500)

A. Vespa velutina (size=50)

Figure 4: Influence of Hornet Orientation and Recognition Area Size on the Accuracy of the VespAI Image Recognition Software.
This figure illustrates the impact of hornet orientation and the size of the recognition area on the performance of VespAI, a deep learning-based image recognition model for hornet detection.
(A) Top view of a hornet with an excessively large recognition area, resulting in decreased detection accuracy.
(B) Top view with an optimally sized recognition area, yielding the most accurate predictions.
(C) Top view with a recognition area that is too small, negatively affecting detection performance.
(D) Side view of a hornet with an optimally sized recognition area; no detection was made as the model struggles to identify side views accurately.
(E) Side view with a small recognition area, leading to erroneous or incomplete predictions.

A. Vespa velutina

A. Vespa velutina

A. Vespa velutina

Figure 5: Evaluation of VespAI Model Predictions on Test Images (Image credits: VespAI authors).
The images were captured from a standardized fixed distance, consistent with the training conditions of the VespAI model.
The results indicate that model accuracy and prediction reliability are optimized when images are taken from this specific distance.
Deviations from the trained distance can negatively impact the precision of object detection and classification by the model.

Integrating VespAI and hardware:

We integrated VespAI with hardware that includes a camera and servo motors using the script given below (and on our GitLab). The camera captures five images in 0.5-second intervals every 10 seconds to ensure multiple frames for model analysis, improving identification reliability. To learn more about the integration between our software and hardware, please go to our Hardware page: [LINK]

#!/usr/bin/env python # modules for model import os import sys import cv2 import glob import torch # modules for Camera import time from picamera2 import Picamera2, Preview import libcamera from libcamera import controls from datetime import datetime # Motor from gpiozero import MotionSensor, Servo from signal import pause from adafruit_servokit import ServoKit ############################################################################ # SETUP directories and load AI MODEL # ############################################################################ # Set root directory to the parent directory of the script location root_dir = os.path.abspath('/home/igem/Desktop/iGEM_VespaDetector') # Define paths relative to the root directory yolo_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'vespai', 'models', 'yolov5') model_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'vespai', 'models', 'yolov5-params', 'yolov5s-all-but-22ip.pt') save_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'unilausanne', 'ImageRecognitionAI', 'results') # Create the save directory if it doesn't exist os.makedirs(save_dir, exist_ok=True) # Add the YOLO directory to the system path sys.path.insert(0, yolo_dir) # Change the working directory to the YOLO directory os.chdir(yolo_dir) # load yolo model model = torch.hub.load(yolo_dir, 'custom', path=model_dir, source='local', _verbose=True) ############################################################################ # Functions # ############################################################################ def is_vespa_velutina_detected(res): vespa_velutina_detected = False confidence_levels = [] for name, confidence in zip(res["name"].items(), res["confidence"].items()): if name[1] == "Vespa velutina": vespa_velutina_detected = True confidence_levels.append(confidence[1]) if vespa_velutina_detected and max(confidence_levels, default=0) >= 0.2: return True return False # controlling doors def open_door1(): kit.servo[0].angle=180 def close_door1(): kit.servo[0].angle=0 def open_door3(): kit.servo[1].angle=0 def close_door3(): kit.servo[1].angle=90 ################################ # Initialize Motor and sensor # ################################ # pi camera picam = Picamera2() config = picam.create_preview_configuration(main={"size": (1600, 1200)}) # resolution picam.configure(config) picam.start() picam.set_controls({"AfMode": controls.AfModeEnum.Continuous, "AfSpeed": controls.AfSpeedEnum.Fast}) time.sleep(2) # Allow the camera to focus # motion sensor MOTION_SENSOR_PIN = 24 # Raspberry Pi GPIO pin connected to the OUTPUT pin of the motion sensor motion_sensor = MotionSensor(MOTION_SENSOR_PIN) # Servo Pin kit = ServoKit(channels=16) ################################ # Initialize doors settings # ################################ print("Initializing: Turing Servo1 to 180: open door 1 and close door 2") open_door1() time.sleep(1) print("Initializing: Turing Servo2 to 90: close door 3") close_door3() time.sleep(1) try: while True: ################## # CAMERA-detect # ################## current_date = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d") current_time = datetime.now().strftime("%H-%M-%S") date_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, current_date) os.makedirs(date_dir, exist_ok=True) time_dir = os.path.join(date_dir, current_time) os.makedirs(time_dir, exist_ok=True) # Capture 5 images with a 0.5-second delay between each for i in range(5): image_path = os.path.join(time_dir, f"image_{i}.jpg") picam.capture_file(image_path) print(f"Captured {image_path}") time.sleep(0.5) captured_images = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(time_dir, "*.jpg"))) imgs = [cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(f), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) for f in captured_images] # Perform inference on captured images results = model(imgs, size=350) vespa_detected = any(is_vespa_velutina_detected(result) for result in results.pandas().xyxy) print(vespa_detected) ######### # MOTOR # if vespa_detected: print("Turning servo1 180 to 0: open door 2 and close door 1") close_door1() time.sleep(1) vespa_eating = True while vespa_eating: motion_sensor.wait_for_motion() print("Motion detected: Vespa is ready to leave and wipe away its generation :) !") open_door1() time.sleep(1) open_door3() time.sleep(1) motion_sensor.wait_for_no_motion() close_door3() time.sleep(1) open_door1() time.sleep(1) vespa_eating = False else: print("Turning Servo1 from 0 to 180: open door 1 and close door 2") open_door1() time.sleep(1) close_door3() time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: GPIO.cleanup()

We also considered different scenarios that might occur in the field and integrated these into our software and hardware. For example, if both an Asian and a European hornet appear in the frame together, the door that makes the protein bait accessible will not open, as the system requires clearer identification. However, if an Asian hornet and another insect, such as a bee or fly, are present, the door will open, since the model is not currently trained to differentiate between non-hornet insects. This limitation presents an opportunity for future development, where we can apply transfer learning techniques to further refine the model, enabling it to accurately detect other insects and prevent false triggers within our specific box setup.

We also tested the script on off-targets (see Figures 2 and 6), especially on the species found in the target gene identification process. The results show that the species that are at risk of being affected by our RNA interference strategy would be spared thanks to our hardware with VespAI integration. All these off-target species are detected as non V. velutina by VespAI and hence would not be provided access to the protein bait area.

Vespa crabro

Vespa crabro

Vespa mandarinia

Vespa mandarinia

Vespa mandarinia

Vespa vulgaris

Vespula germanica

Vespula germanica

Vespula pensylvanica

Vespula pensylvanica

Anoplius nigerrimus

Anoplius nigerrimus

Cerceris rybyensis

Chalcis sispes

Dryocosmus kuriphilus

Ganaspis brasiliensis

Netelia fuscicornis

Figure 6: Image recognition software tested on the off-targets identified in the target gene identification analysis. The box surrouding the insect shows the prediction of the software. In the pictures lacking boxes, the software was not able to make a prediction.
All images are royalty-free.

Future Directions:

Since the Asian hornet is yet understudied, it is not easy to find many images for this invasive species. Thereby, in the future we would like to explore the opportunity to train the image recognition model with synthetic images to allow the study of such understudied species. Additionally, we would like to apply transfer learning techniques to further refine the model, enabling it to accurately detect other non-hornet insects and prevent false triggers within our box setup.

Our assistant Emanuele Boni's Philosophical question

"How would you generate synthetic images? With another AI? 🤔 What is the philosophical implication of training an AI with images generated from another AI, and then maybe using the images collected from your boxes to train the generative AI to create new synthetic images? (no need to answer this one, just food for thought 😅)."

We’ll let the philosophers tackle this one while we focus on saving the bees (and wasps) with AI! 🐝 💻


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