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title of V.E.S.P.A. UNILausanne

Written text + the Asian hornet is invading Switzerland. Underline on invading.

Image showing that Asian hornets affect many other insects Arrow
We need a solution that can stop the invasion, is cost and time effictient, does not harm local insects Our solution: a box Animated gif of our box

The box has an image recognition software and a protein bait (e.g., fish) contaminated with bacteria

Animated gif of the delivery of our protein bait

The bacteria produces shRNA that silences developmental genes in the hornet larvae, killing them and weakening the whole nest

We believe that our dual dry and wet lab approach will provide a better alternative to control the Asian hornet invasion in Switzerland!

Watch our promotional video

Find out more about:

How our box works What genes we are targeting Our model The bacteria we are engineering How we will test our RNAi Our team

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