
Project Safety

In our project, safety is at the core of our experimental design. We strictly adhere to laboratory safety regulations, and all operations are conducted in a Biosafety Level 1 (BSL-1) laboratory. The biological materials used (such as Escherichia coli strains) have been evaluated as low-risk and pose no threat to the environment or human health. We have also implemented a strict waste disposal process to ensure that all waste materials are sterilized at high temperatures before disposal. Our...

Personnel Training

Each member of our experimental team has undergone comprehensive safety training. Through the biosafety and bioethics courses provided by the School of Life Sciences at Tianjin University, team members learned the relevant knowledge and practical requirements of laboratory biosafety. All members passed the Tianjin University Life Sciences Laboratory entrance examination with scores above 90, ensuring that each team member can identify and address safety risks during the experimental process...

Protein Safety

The protein expressed in our project is PET-degrading enzyme ICCG, a biodegradable enzyme mainly used to degrade polyethylene terephthalate (PET). Its application is primarily focused on plastic waste treatment, which is environmentally friendly and poses no harm to humans or other organisms.

Strain Safety

The strains we use, Escherichia coli DH5α and BL21 (DE3), are commonly used in laboratory settings for gene manipulation and protein expression. These strains have been validated as low-risk laboratory strains, non-pathogenic, and safe for humans and the environment.

Gene Transfer Prevention

To avoid unintended gene transfer, we use non-pathogenic Escherichia coli strains that do not have the ability to spread. Additionally, all experimental procedures are followed by strict sterilization processes to ensure that no genetically modified materials are inadvertently released into the environment.

Laboratory Safety

Our project has appointed a dedicated safety officer responsible for overseeing lab safety and ensuring that all team members follow proper safety protocols. Our laboratory is classified as BSL-1 and is equipped with essential emergency facilities, including first aid kits, emergency exits, ventilation systems, emergency showers, and eyewash stations, to ensure a swift response to accidents.

1. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Team members are required to wear lab coats, gloves, goggles, and masks while working in the laboratory to protect against chemical exposures and risks associated with experimental operations.

2. Chemical Management

We strictly regulate the use of chemicals in the laboratory, with all chemicals properly labeled and stored in specialized cabinets to prevent misuse or accidental disposal. Each team member is trained to understand the proper handling and use of each chemical.

3. Laboratory Facilities and Equipment

We perform regular maintenance and safety checks on laboratory equipment and facilities to ensure they are in proper working condition. In case of equipment failure, we promptly repair or replace it, conducting thorough safety inspections before use.

4. Waste Disposal

We adhere to strict waste disposal protocols, including the classification and proper disposal of chemical, biological, and laboratory waste. Team members are trained in waste management and understand the proper disposal methods as well as the potential environmental and health hazards associated with improper waste handling.