ET Bacterial Culture
Inoculate E. coli into shaking culture tubes containing LB liquid medium with ampicillin resistance under a clean bench. Incubate overnight in a 37°C shaking incubator. The following day, the LB broth should appear turbid, indicating successful amplification of E. coli.
Gel Recovery
Plasmid Extraction
Configure PCR System
Configuration of Agarose Gel
Weigh 0.5 g of agarose powder and add it to a 50 mL conical flask containing 50 mL of TAE buffer.
Run the Gel
Turn on the electrophoresis tank, set it to 180 V, and run for 30 minutes. Then, turn off the electrophoresis tank.
Gel Imaging
Transfer the gel to the gel imager for UV irradiation and observe the band sizes. The results are as follows:
Cutting Gel
Excise the agarose containing the target gene under external light.
Date: 8.5
Participants: Yi Zhang, Siyuan Zhou, Zhichen Jin, Bohan Zhu, Liyiyang Tao, Wenbo Xu, Xinyi Yan, Yuxin Wu, Leyao Li
Measuring pRSF Sample Using Nanodrop
Fig.1 At a wavelength of 260 nm, the absorbance of pRSF is 0.349; at 280 nm, it is 0.197; and at 230 nm, it is 0.322. The concentration of DNA in pRSF is 17.45 ng/µL.
Cutting the pRSF Plasmid
Digestion of the metF Gene and ftfL Gene
Gel Electrophoresis
Analysis of Gel Electrophoresis
In addition to conventional annotation, the brightness of the electrophoretic image should be increased without any retouching.
Fig 2. The first result is the marker; the second is pRSF, and the third and fourth results are for the metF gene.
Preparation for Recycling of Agarose
Ensure that the washing buffer contains 45 mL of absolute ethanol.
Recycling of Agarose
Combining pRSF and metF gene, pET and ftfL Gene
Date: 8.6
Participants: Yi Zhang, Siyuan Zhou, Zhichen Jin, Bohan Zhu, Liyiyang Tao, Wenbo Xu, Xinyi Yan, Yuxin Wu, Leyao Li
Recombinant Plasmid Transformation in the E. coli DH5α
Put the solution on a petri dish with a solid LB broth with kanamycin
Put in a 37°C incubator
Preparation of Mixture for 5 Single Colonies
Add 90 μL of 2× Mix Star, 72 μL of ddH₂O, and 6 μL each of Met-F and Met-R to a small tube. Gently rotate the tube to mix. For the second mixture, combine 90 μL of 2× Mix Star, 72 μL of ddH₂O, and 6 μL each of FtfL-F and FtfL-R in a separate small tube. Gently rotate the tube to mix.
Extraction of Single Colonies
Transfer the colonies to the prepared mixtures.
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
Prepare the gel for electrophoresis.
Gel Electrophoresis
Perform gel electrophoresis to verify whether the target fragments have been successfully transferred into E. coli.
Plasmid Extraction and Enzyme Digestion Verification
Combine 5 µL of pRSF-metF-1, pRSF-metF-2, and pRSF-metF-3 with 3 µL of 10× green buffer, 1 µL of BamHI, 1 µL of HindIII, and 20 µL of ddH₂O in separate PCR tubes (30 µL per tube) using pipettes.
Selection of the Correct Plasmid and Target Gene folA for Double Enzyme Digestion
Ligate folA to pRSF-metF and culture overnight at 16°C. Similarly, ligate mtdA-fchA to pET-ftfL and culture overnight at 16°C.
Preparation of Mixtures for Single Colonies
Add 90 μL of 2x Mix Star, 72 μL of ddH₂O, and 6 μL each of folA-F and folA-R to a small tube. Gently rotate the tube to mix. Prepare another mixture by adding 90 μL of 2x Mix Star, 72 μL of ddH₂O, and 6 μL each of mtdA-fchA-F and mtdA-fchA-R to a separate small tube.
Extraction and Transfer of Single Colonies
Extract single colonies and transfer them to the prepared mixtures.
Perform PCR as needed.
Preparation of Gel for Electrophoresis
Prepare the gel for electrophoresis.
Gel Electrophoresis
Conduct gel electrophoresis to verify the presence of target fragments transferred into E. coli.
ET Bacterial Culture
Inoculate E. coli into shaking culture tubes containing LB liquid medium with ampicillin resistance under a clean bench. Incubate overnight in a 37°C shaking incubator. The following day, the LB broth should be turbid, indicating successful amplification of E. coli.
One-step Growth Curve Measurement
Sampling and measuring the bacterial culture's OD600 every two hours for 12 consecutive hours.
A 250 mL culture of LB broth, supplemented with the appropriate antibiotics, was inoculated with the bacterial culture and incubated on a shaker at 37°C until the OD600 reached a value between 0.5 and 0.6. Subsequently, IPTG was added to the medium, and the culture was further incubated overnight on a shaker at 18°C.
Compiling and analyzing experimental data into a coherent format, followed by the composition of a comprehensive wiki entry detailing the findings and methodology