
In terms of education and popularization, our team is based on the concern for social development, and combines the team's product and research direction, namely Parkinson's disease and the big topic - synthetic biology, to popularize knowledge and exchange.

First, we have three levels of communication on the social level. The first is to target the key population of Parkinson's disease - the elderly. Together with the volunteers of Happy Family Public Service Center and the elderly, we carried out an educational and popular science activity, the theme of which was the mechanism behind the design and application of the team product, the clinical manifestations of Parkinson's disease, registration and detection, and the main points of Parkinson's disease care, and got relatively positive feedback, and provided new guidance and ideas for product development. At the same time, we also did a science popularization activity for the younger age group, mainly for the special explanation of synthetic biology, which obtained a good response. On the other hand, we had a communication and sharing meeting with the team of Beijing Institute of Technology to exchange the phased achievements of both teams and grow in learning.

At the same time, we set up six online education platforms according to the social platforms with the highest public acceptance in the previous questionnaire results, which are WeChat public account, Weibo, bilibili, Toutiao Today, Douyin, and XiaoHongshu. To sum up, team members combine team products with society in a variety of ways, combine the products developed with social needs, and constantly improve them.

Happy home nursing home education activities

Members of the insights team conducted an educational and popular science activity for volunteers and senior citizens of the Happy Family Public Service Center. The topics were the mechanism behind the design and use of the team's products, the clinical manifestations of Parkinson's disease, registration and detection, and the key points of Parkinson's disease care.

2.Preliminary preparation

The team members were well-prepared for the event. Based on existing knowledge, the language pattern for the elderly and volunteers was simplified, and a beautiful and understandable PowerPoint design was made. Team members wrote the ppt according to a different division of labor. Also, we designed a poster with the purpose of informing about Parkinson's dangers and protections. After communicating with the staff of the Happiness Family Public Service Center, they jointly presented this activity.

Fig1-2:Posters of nursing home education activities in Chinese and English
3.Activity specification

In the first part of the application of synthetic biology, the team members introduced the definition, history, and development trend of synthetic biology, and in the context of the rapid growth of Parkinson's disease, the team members further expanded the mechanism behind the product designed by the team, namely, the production of early detection kits by α-syn, Aβ42 and NF-L proteins. Testing for Parkinson's disease to aid in early intervention in clinical detection of Parkinson's disease.

In the second part of the clinical presentation of Parkinson's disease, the team members first used a video to simply demonstrate the clinical features of Parkinson's disease to older adults and volunteers. Then, starting with the definition, it further describes the manifestations of Parkinson's disease in the form of words.

In the third part of registration and testing, team members start with specific cases, based on previous research information and facts, and put forward the following precautions: understanding the outpatient time, preparing relevant materials, preparing paper medical history, confirming time nodes, etc. Then the team members further popularized the examination content of Parkinson's disease, such as brain CT, head nuclear magnetic, functional imaging examination, and so on.

In the last part, clinical manifestations and nursing points. Based on the mechanisms and symptoms behind Parkinson's disease, the team members identified the following care points: fall prevention, monitoring of medication effects, speech and swallowing exercises, skin care, and mood management. Make recommendations from multiple perspectives of patients' physical and psychological needs. In the end, we designed the questionnaire of activity feedback and invited the elderly and caregivers to fill in it together. For more information, please refer to this sildes

Fig 3: Nursing home education activities

We received feedback from some caregivers and elderly people in nursing homes in this activity, which above 50 years old. According to the feedback of the questionnaire, the effect of our educational activities is particularly good

In the investigation of Satisfaction degree of educational activities, all the caregivers and elderly people chose to very satisfied. All caregivers and elderly people like our activities very much and think that our activities are recognized in terms of interest and knowledge explanation.

Figure 4: How satisfied are you with our educational activities today?

Regarding the question "Do you think what we say is clear enough to understand?", 85.71% of people chose "very clear" and 14.29% chose "relatively clear." The contents and methods of our nursing home education activities can make the audience understand the knowledge taught well

Figure 5: Do you think what we said is clear and easy to understand?

In response to the question, “What positive effect do you think our activities today have on the prevention of Parkinson's disease?”, all the people chose option about understanding how to care for Parkinson's disease and knowing the basic steps of Parkinson's disease registration and detection. About 85% caregivers and elderly people chose option about increasing awareness of early detection of Parkinson's disease and 57% caregivers and elderly people chose option about learning about products for early detection of Parkinson's disease. This shows that our popular science activities have improved the knowledge of all aspects of Parkinson's disease for carers and older people.

Figure 6: What positive effect do you think our activities have had on the prevention of Parkinson's disease?

With regard to the question "Which part of the event impressed you deeply", nobody chose part about synthetic biology applications. Maybe this part is so difficult for them that they can not focus on the activity. In the following educational activities, we will take a more lively and interesting way to popularize the knowledge of synthetic biology. All caregivers and elderly people chose nursing highlights and about clinical manifestations of Parkinson's disease. This shows that our science popularization for nursing home nurses and the elderly has achieved good results and achieved the purpose of this science popularization.

Figure 7: Which part of the event impressed you?

Next, through the fifth question, we know that most of caregivers and elderly people expressed different expectations of our products, but one of the most frequently mentioned is the hope that our products will be able to better assist the lives of seniors.

Figure 8: What do you expect from our next products?

Finally, according to the data we collected from the sixth question, which is ‘After this educational activity, what impact do you think it will have on the rest of your nursing practice?’ they all propose that as a result of this presentation, they reported a more comprehensive understanding of helping to care for the elderly and have expressed a deeper understanding of the care of Parkinson's patients that they are able to roll into their work.

Figure 9: After this educational activity, what impact do you think it will have on the rest of your nursing practice?

The first time the team showed the products produced and the mechanism research behind them, from the perspective of team members, we have a further understanding of my research and products, and at the same time, we have accumulated experience in conducting science popularization publicity for our projects. The elderly and volunteers of Happy Family Public Service Center, have a preliminary understanding of the team's products, especially the mechanism and symptoms of Parkinson's disease.


In this activity, the team members carried out science popularization to the elderly and volunteers of the Happiness Family Public Service Center. A big step forward for team projects, is, external publicity and promotion. At the same time, the elderly and volunteers of the public service center also learned about Parkinson's disease through this science popularization. Both sides have gained a lot.

Insights Team Collaboration Session Summary

In order to further communicate with other teams about the progress of the project and to get some suggestions about our products. We contacted the iGEM team of Beijing Institute of Technology to carry out offline communication activities. In the first half of the meeting, the BIT2024 team introduced their scientific research progress and product design, and our insights team introduced some activities related to market research, business plans and educational activities.

2.Educational material

Before the exchange, we designed leaflets and posters to give a clearer picture of our team members and the projects we were working on.


This brochure is designed in a tri-fold format to convey our team's core message, product features, and the basics in a comprehensive and concise manner. The cover design uses bold font and cool colors to highlight the key features of the product and give the product a high-end, cutting-edge technological texture.

Fig 10-11: Brochure

The DNA double helix image, paired with the iGEM logo, conveys the subject of science and research, which helps to attract an audience interested in science. Make sure the image is of high quality and that the colors still use blue to maintain uniformity in order to be visually appealing.

Fig 12-13: poster

To raise public awareness of the dangers of Parkinson's disease, we created a series of comics. These comics are presented with a lively and interesting plot and Honkai style, aiming to reveal the severity of Parkinson's disease in a light-hearted and humorous way. In this way, we hope to raise awareness and promote our early detection kit for Parkinson's disease to help people detect and respond to the disease early.

Fig 14-18:comics
(4)Parkinson's Song

In order to promote our ideas and products for the early detection of Parkinson's disease in a more palatable way, we wrote a song about the prevention and detection of Parkinson's disease in pop music and in Mandarin, Cantonese and English. We usually introduce our project topic with this song as a warm-up song before the event.

If you're interested, you can listen to our songs here. We have five versions available in different languages and genres.

Here is the lyrics:

To enjoy the bliss of family love
One must seek happiness in old age
Remember to avoid illness
Prevention must come first
Perhaps you’ve heard its name
Seeing the ferocity of the disease brings unease
Parkinson’s is not an unstoppable force
Though it is not to be ignored for our peace of mind
Remember the early signs of the disease
Slow movement affects the experience of life’s wonders
Tremors in the body must be taken seriously
Do not easily dismiss them
Emotional lows make it hard to find joy and laughter
Pay attention to prevent illness from ruining the beautiful moments of tonight
There are ways to prepare in advance
Exercise and prevention take priority
Living environment must be cared for
Surroundings should be fresh and clean
Fragrance from good food should fill the air
A varied and regular diet is ideal
Do not forget about primary diseases
Related conditions can threaten harmony and warmth
Prevention is easy, cure is difficult
Strive to keep the whole family safe
Disease prevention is a high mountain to conquer
With determination, you are not alone on this journey br

Insights-English 1
Insights-English 2
Insight-Mandarin 2
Insights-Mandarin and Cantonese

3.Team Introduction

BIT2024 Team :

The team from the Beijing Institute of Technology developed the microbial sensor using a DNA damage effect detection method and an endocrine disrupting effect detection method. Their product has low preparation cost, simple operation, sensitivity and specificity of biosensors, high conversion rate of E. coli, and short detection time.

Insight Team:

Our team mainly introduced the background of the product, the results of the questionnaire survey, the suggestion summary of the expert interview and the display of the educational activities.

4.Meeting Takeaways

After the sharing of the respective project progress, our two teams had an exchange and discussion about the project progress and existing problems. The BIT2024 team raised two questions and put forward valuable opinions to us.

For more information, please refer to this slides

(1)Does the production of antibodies in the Parkinson's disease test kit meet the definition of synthetic biology?

Our antigens are proteins, our own antigens are in E. coli, and synthetic biology can't involve biological experiments. That's right. We want to get the three antigens, the three antigens are the proteins, we get the target proteins for the three, and the process of producing those proteins is conventional molecular cloning. And then we need to find the gene sequence, and then we can synthesize the gene sequence and then we can get the fragment. And then you pick a suitable vector. This is the equivalent of building up this recombinant plasmid that we want. And there are three fragments. And the same goes for vectors, which are just three recombinant plasmids. So our project is related to synthetic biology.

(2)Do you have detailed data on the accuracy and efficiency of your product compared to other similar products?

Our explanation is: this accurate data can only be obtained at the later stage of the experimental stage, which is still in the experimental stage. The team of BIT2024 suggested that we demonstrate the accuracy by explaining the degree of accuracy, and demonstrate the efficiency of the product by comparing the time required for testing. Since our project is still in the initial experimental stage, we can't get the above accurate data. We will timely reflect the detailed data in the business plan when we have them at the later stage of the experiment.

Fig 19:A photo of the two teams
5.Conclusion & Reflection

In this exchange meeting, we have a clearer understanding of the biological knowledge applied in our project and how to reflect the advantages of our products. In the following activities, we will continue to improve the experiment process, get the specific data of product testing, and reflect the advantages of our products.

Summary of children's activities

Members of the insights team carried out a science education activity for Warm Love Mobile Children's Home, with the theme of science popularization of synthetic biology and the popularization of biology-related concepts such as cells and laboratory equipment.

2.Educational material

Members of the Insights team made easy-to-understand PowerPoint presentations. PPT pattern is rich, in line with children's aesthetic characteristics; Use vivid words so that the audience can absorb the information better.

Fig 20: PPT cover
(2)Brushes and paper

In our activity, we specially designed a drawing session to deepen the children's understanding of biology through the combination of art and science. First of all, we will introduce the children to some basic biology knowledge to stimulate their curiosity and desire to explore. Afterwards, we encouraged them to pick up the brush and paint the biological world in their minds. The children's drawings are full of imagination and creativity. This process not only helps the children to understand complex biological concepts more intuitively, but also allows us to build a closer connection with the children through co-creation, making the whole activity more interesting and educational.

Fig 21: Brushes and paper
(3) Clay

We purchased clay of various colors and let the children knead various synthetic biology-related objects, such as animal cells, plant cells, and viruses, and express different structures in different colors, which can improve their hands-on ability and stimulate their interest in synthetic biology.

Fig22-23: Cell models made by children
(4) Gacha

We have prepared five gacha full of surprises, and each gacha hides a note with different puzzle games, including classic games such as Find the Difference, Lianliankan, etc. Children who find and successfully solve these puzzles will receive a gift from us. We hope that through this interactive way, children can actively participate in the fun of solving puzzles and make the whole activity more lively and interesting.

3.Activity specification
For more information, please refer to this slides [Children's home PPT]

The team members divided the activity into four parts.

The first part is knowledge popularization. The team members will translate the definition and development process of synthetic biology into life language, transform this process into a relatively simple and understandable way, and output the professional knowledge of synthetic biology.

Fig 24: Popular science classroom

In the second and third parts, the painting and clay sessions, the team members brought one-to-one guidance to each child, and let the children follow the example, based on the given biological concepts, according to their ideas to play. According to their imagination, the children played based on the original cells and made biological definitions such as cells and viruses with different shapes and colors.

Fig 25-26: We draw and knead clay with children

The fourth part is a scavenger hunt, where the team members combine biological knowledge with multidisciplinary perspectives to design different questions for the children to search for and give answers to. In the process, biology becomes a more fun way for children to have fun and learn from the treasure hunt.

Fig 27:The child found the gacha hidden

Fig 28:The questions in the gacha
4. Reflection

After this educational activity, we received 7 questionnaires from parents and children. According to the results of the questionnaire, all parents and children said that they can fully understand the content of the teaching, and are satisfied with the teaching method.

Fig29: Have you fully understood what you shared today?&Do you like this type of lecture?

As for the overall evaluation of the participants for this class, 71.43% of them chose to be very satisfied and 28.57% chose to be relatively satisfied. This shows that we have received very good feedback on this activity.

Fig 30:An overall evaluation of the class

In the feedback on the links, most people are more impressed by the handicraft and treasure hunting links, which means that we can adopt this method to popularize science for younger age groups in the future. In the suggestions for the overall activity, some people expressed the hope that we can explain the knowledge points in more detail, which is also the direction that we need to make efforts in future science popularization activities. Based on public welfare, combined with biological knowledge to export to children. Based on the team completing its project, the introduction and promotion of synthetic biology concepts and background. It also brought a more memorable volunteer experience for the children, accompanied the children, and brought fun.

5.Sum up

In this activity, the team members conducted science popularization to the children in the children's home, taught the children the definition that is strongly related to the project research, such as synthetic biology, and fulfilled the original intention of caring for society. Children, while learning knowledge, also exercise multidisciplinary thinking and have fun with it.

Online Education

Through our questionnaire survey, we found that most people would choose mainstream news media, so we have published our activity summary and Parkinson's related knowledge in Toutiao, but we also publish the knowledge we want to express in other online media.

Fig31: From which do you want to learn about Parkinson’s disease.

Because many people want to know about Parkinson's knowledge in the news media, we choose Toutiao to release Toutiao. In Toutiao, we publish Parkinson's knowledge. We hope that more people can see this information and take preventive measures.


We chose TikTok because more than half of the people also chose TikTok, and TikTok has a very wide audience and a fast spread speed. On TikTok, we released some summary of our activities and Parkinson's summary. We hope to use these knowledge to make you have a certain warning.

Fig34: TikTok
(3)WeChat public account

Because the survey results show that nearly half of people choose the WeChat public account platform as the main channel to obtain information, and more than 500 million people are using WeChat. Therefore, in order to make our educational content better spread, we created a public account to spread knowledge related to Parkinson's disease. We released the summary of our personal interview and knowledge related to Parkinson's disease medicine in the public account, hoping that more people can pay attention to Parkinson's disease and prevent it in advance.

Fig35-36: Wechat public account

We also use microblog to publicize our knowledge, because microblog has a variety of content forms, and is immediate and widely spread. We express the knowledge of Parkinson's disease on Weibo, and we hope to pay more attention to Parkinson's prevention in advance.

Fig37: Weibo

We also choose bilibili for publicity, because bilibili has a very rich form of content, and also has a lot of creative ways of knowledge transmission, which can better spread information to all kinds of people. We post records of our daily activities on bilibili, with Parkinson's knowledge.

Fig38: bilibili
(6)Little Red Book

We also value the advantages and interactivity of Little Red Book. The illustrated content display is more attractive to young users, and more female users. We spread the hazard of Parkinson and our activity report on Little Red Book, and more young people pay attention to Parkinson's son and prevent it early.

Fig39: Little Red Book

In conclusion, our educational and popularization activities have received active interaction and valuable feedback from our target audiences, which has continuously guided us in improving our future initiatives. This ongoing process has deepened our understanding of both biology and our project, allowing us to better align our product development with societal needs. Through our efforts, we’ve successfully fostered meaningful exchanges on Parkinson’s disease and synthetic biology, while strengthening our team's research direction and contributing to broader public awareness.