Human Practices


As industrialization and urbanization progress, water pollution problems have become increasingly severe, especially in aquaculture, where heavy metal contamination (such as copper) poses a significant threat to aquatic organisms and human health. This project aims to develop a high-performance copper ion biosensor to address the issues of high cost and limited accessibility associated with current chemical detection methods. To ensure that this project is not only technically feasible but also has positive impacts in social, ethical, and environmental aspects, we will design and implement comprehensive Human Practice activities.

Our work is divided into three main parts: Supporting Research, Connection with Stakeholders about Heavy Metal Pollution, and Connection with Biologists. These Human Practice activities have provided substantial support and help in inspiring our project, guiding our experimental design, project planning, and optimization.

  1. Through analyzing news and literature, we continuously adjusted the sources of pollution we focused on, and ultimately identified copper ion contamination in vegetables, oysters, and wine.
  2. We engaged with stakeholders of the project through surveys, field investigations, and interviews. The project's stakeholders mainly include producers, consumers, and regulators. We selected stakeholders from different roles and used various communication methods to gather their opinions and suggestions. Notably, they expressed their desire for us to design our detection method as a detection device, prompting us to explore hardware solutions.
  3. We also communicated with experts in the synthetic biology field, who provided valuable advice on high-throughput screening for our project. Based on this suggestion, we decided to search for more suitable promoters in the E. coli genome to create a promoter library for our high-throughput screening.

Supporting Research

Before the official start of the project, we first investigated the sources of copper ion pollution. We paid attention to relevant news events, as well as existing detection methods and emission standards. Through our initial Human Practice (HP) research, we identified that the system's testing targets would be vegetables, oysters, and wine, and we also gained an understanding of the current state of copper ion pollution.

Severity of Copper Ion Pollution

1. Water Pollution: Jiangxi Copper Corporation Suspected of Illegally Discharging Wastewater, Affecting Approximately 420,000 People [1]
  • The Dexing Copper Mine's waste rock fields and electrolytic copper plants discharge large amounts of acidic wastewater annually. Most of this acidic wastewater is discharged into the Dawu River without treatment. The Dawu River gathers mine leachate, acidic wastewater from waste rock fields, and alkaline wastewater primarily from the Sizhou Ore Processing Plant. This has caused varying degrees of pollution and ecological damage to the downstream sections of the Dawu River, the Le'an River, and Poyang Lake, impacting the health of people living along the rivers.
  • The acidic wastewater and heavy metals in the Dawu River have seriously polluted downstream areas. According to the latest research, copper ion levels in the Dawu River water range from 12 to 30 milligrams per liter, while the sediment contains copper concentrations of 500 to 900 milligrams per liter. Soil in the area has an average copper concentration of 186.5 milligrams per liter, approximately 10 times the normal copper level in soil, leading to severe pollution downstream of the copper mine. This has turned large areas of once-fertile farmland in several villages into wasteland.

  • 2. Soil Pollution: Excessive Copper Levels in a Refrigeration Parts Company in Shengzhou [2]
  • A refrigeration parts company in Huangze Town, Shengzhou, discharged toxic substances from wastewater, leading to excessive total copper concentrations in the soil. Testing revealed that the copper concentration in the external discharge pool was 43.5 mg/L, 87 times the allowable discharge standard. Furthermore, soil samples from the leakage site showed total copper concentrations of 2.36 × 10⁴ mg/kg, 2.95 times the risk control standard for soil pollution.

  • 3. Products and People Affected by Copper Ion Pollution – Bordeaux Mixture in Dyed Green Onions [3]
  • Last year, in markets across Zhejiang provinces such as Hangzhou, Ningbo, Jiaxing, and Jinhua, numerous "dyed green onions" were discovered. After specialized testing by local market regulatory departments, it was found that the blue substance was Bordeaux mixture.
  • Bordeaux mixture is made by mixing copper sulfate pentahydrate and quicklime. It has been widely used in agricultural production as a broad-spectrum fungicide and preservative. Copper is the key element in its fungicidal action and is also responsible for preserving the dyed green onions.

  • 4. Products and People Affected by Copper Ion Pollution – Oysters & Wine [4-5]
  • In 1986, a large-scale pollution incident occurred in the waters off Tainan and Ciaotou Township (now Ciaotou District) in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. This event was caused by metalworking industries along the banks of the Er-Ren River. To maximize profits, these businesses engaged in metal burning, acid washing, and electroplating, discharging untreated wastewater directly into the river. The wastewater contained large amounts of heavy metals, which flowed into the sea. Oysters at the river mouth absorbed significant amounts of copper ions, causing chemical changes in their bodies. Over time, the oysters turned green, leading to the nickname "green oysters."

  • Existing Emission Standards and Detection Methods

    1. Copper, Nickel, and Cobalt Industrial Pollutant Discharge Standard [6]
    Table 1: Current Enterprises' Water Pollutant Discharge Concentration Limits and Unit Product Standard Water Discharge Volume(Unit: mg/L)

    2. Research Status [7]

    Traditional methods for detecting copper ions include atomic absorption spectroscopy, inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy, Volhard method, and UV-Vis spectroscopy. Although these methods have high sensitivity and good selectivity, the instruments used are relatively expensive, and the experimental costs are also high.

    Therefore, when detecting copper ions in certain fields, these methods have certain limitations. Hence, designing a simple, low-cost, and highly sensitive sensor capable of real-time online detection of copper ions is of great significance.

    Connection with Stakeholders about Heavy Metal Pollution

    We connected with stakeholders from different groups using various methods. We categorized the stakeholders in relation to the flow of copper ion pollution into four groups: producers, consumers, regulators, and decomposers. The producers, which are the source of the pollution, are the manufacturers. Unfortunately, we were unable to find any manufacturers willing to communicate with us. The consumers are the end consumers of food products, and we gathered their opinions through surveys. Regulators are typically local food supervision authorities. We managed to involve Mr. Song, a local supervisor, in our interviews, and he provided us with many constructive suggestions. Decomposers are usually wastewater treatment plants. We interviewed a representative from the Suzhou Wastewater Treatment Company, known as "Brother Duck," who gave us a very detailed explanation of copper ion emission standards, detection methods, and treatment processes.

    Through these interactions with stakeholders, we discovered that the public and regulators have a demand for simple, accurate, easy-to-use, and affordable detection devices. We also gained a clearer understanding of copper pollution indicators. As a result, we designed hardware and established a gradient for copper ion concentrations in our project.

    Surveys and Consumers

    We have currently received 200 survey responses and have compiled a summary report. Most respondents are concerned about heavy metal contamination in food. However, very few people are currently using home testing methods for heavy metals.

    Summary Report: Impact of Copper Ion Pollution on Food and Public Demand
    1. Gender and Age Distribution
  • Gender: The respondents were predominantly male and female, with males slightly more represented.
  • Age Groups: The majority of the participants were between the ages of 18-30, while a smaller portion was below 18 years.

  • 2. Awareness of Copper Ion Pollution
  • Know a little: A significant portion of respondents indicated they had some awareness about copper ion pollution.
  • Do not know: Many respondents were not aware of the potential dangers of copper ion pollution.
  • Very knowledgeable: A smaller group was very informed about copper ion pollution.

  • 3. Symptoms Related to Food Safety Issues
    The most common symptoms reported by respondents due to food safety concerns included:
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea: Some respondents mentioned more severe conditions such as chronic poisoning, neurological disorders, and cancer.

  • 4. Most Serious Food Problems
    The three most commonly identified food safety problems were:
  • Pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, etc.)
  • Heavy metal pollution
  • Pesticide and veterinary drug residues

  • 5. Consideration of Using Detection Devices
  • Plan to use: Many respondents indicated they plan to use devices for detecting copper ion levels in food.
  • No plan: A significant number of respondents did not plan to use such devices.

  • 6. Willingness to Buy Copper Ion Detection Devices
  • Depends on the price: A large majority of respondents were open to buying a detection device but indicated that their decision would depend on the price.
  • Yes: A few respondents expressed clear interest in purchasing such a device, regardless of price.
  • No: Some respondents were not interested in buying a detection device.

  • 7. Important Features of Detection Devices
    The most important features that respondents sought in copper ion detection devices included:
  • Real-time monitoring
  • High accuracy
  • Portability and ease of use
  • Affordability

  • 8. Belief in Government Control
    An overwhelming majority of respondents agreed that the government or relevant agencies should strengthen monitoring and control of heavy metal pollution in food.

    9. Willingness to Participate in Awareness Programs

    Many respondents were willing to participate in community activities focused on raising awareness about food safety and heavy metal pollution, while some were uncertain or not interested.

    The survey indicates a general concern among respondents regarding food safety, particularly around copper ion pollution and other serious food safety threats like microorganisms and pesticide residues. There is interest in affordable, easy-to-use detection devices, and most respondents believe government intervention is necessary to ensure food safety. Education and awareness campaigns also have significant support, which could be leveraged to improve public understanding of food-related health risks.

    Field Research and Decomposers

    1. Detection of Copper Pollution and Emission Standards:
  • During the visit to the Suzhou Wastewater Treatment Plant, Brother Duck provided a detailed explanation of how the plant monitors copper pollution and the national emission standards. He mentioned that the detection of heavy metals in the plant is carried out through regular sampling and laboratory analysis. Copper ions, being a common heavy metal pollutant, are subject to particularly stringent discharge standards. According to the current national regulations, the concentration of copper ions in treated wastewater must be kept below 0.5 mg/L to prevent harm to the environment and downstream water bodies. Brother Duck pointed out that the main source of copper pollution in wastewater comes from industrial effluents, especially from electroplating, chemical, and metallurgical industries. Therefore, monitoring these sources is crucial.

  • 2. Copper Ion Treatment Methods:
  • When discussing the treatment methods, Brother Duck introduced several techniques commonly used in wastewater treatment plants to handle copper ions, including chemical precipitation, adsorption, and electrochemical treatment. He explained in detail that the chemical precipitation method involves adding chemical reagents to convert copper ions into insoluble copper compounds, which are then removed through precipitation and filtration. The adsorption method uses activated carbon or other absorbent materials to capture copper ions from the water. For high-concentration copper pollution, electrochemical treatment is a more efficient technique, using electrolysis to separate copper ions from the wastewater. Brother Duck emphasized that although these methods are effective in treating copper pollution, they still face challenges such as high costs and variable efficiency.

  • 3. Demand for Copper Ion Detection Equipment:
  • During the interview, Brother Duck expressed great interest in the copper ion detection device we are developing. He noted that while the wastewater treatment plant has existing laboratory equipment for testing, such devices are often expensive and require specialized personnel to operate. If a convenient, accurate, and reasonably priced copper ion detection device could be developed, it would greatly facilitate the plant’s routine monitoring tasks. Brother Duck outlined several requirements for the equipment:

    Strong on-site detection capability: The device should be able to quickly detect copper ions directly on-site without the need to send water samples to the lab.

    Wide detection range: The instrument should be capable of handling different concentration ranges of copper ions, especially those found in high-concentration industrial wastewater.

    Ease of operation: The device should be suitable for non-professionals to operate, reducing the dependence on technical staff.

    Low maintenance cost: The maintenance and operating costs of the device should be as low as possible to minimize the long-term economic burden.

  • Interviews and Managers

    1. Copper Ion Standards:
  • Mr. Song first introduced the current standards for heavy metal copper in food. He pointed out that both national and international regulations have strict limits on the allowable concentration of copper ions in food. According to these standards, the maximum residue of copper must be controlled within a safe range to ensure consumer health is not compromised. For example, the copper content in vegetables, seafood, and other food products should be lower than the limits set by the state. He emphasized that with the progression of industrialization, the problem of metal contamination in food, especially copper pollution, has become increasingly serious.

  • 2. Demand for Household Metal Contamination Detection Devices:

    Mr. Song specifically mentioned that consumer awareness of food safety is growing, particularly regarding heavy metal contamination. Many households are hoping for a convenient and safe home device to detect metal contamination in food. He noted that there is currently a lack of affordable, easy-to-use, and accurate household detection devices on the market. If such a device could be developed, it would not only help consumers promptly assess food safety but also reduce unnecessary health risks.
    3. Performance Requirements for Detection Instruments:

  • Mr. Song outlined several specific requirements for the performance of such a device. He hopes the instrument can achieve the following:

    High detection accuracy: The device should be able to accurately detect trace amounts of copper ions in food, ensuring reliable results.

    Ease of use: The device should be simple enough for ordinary consumers to operate at home without needing specialized knowledge or complicated steps.

    Reasonable cost control: The price of the device should be within an affordable range for most households, lowering the barrier to use.

    Fast detection: The device should provide results within a short period, allowing consumers to quickly assess the safety of their food.

  • Mr. Song concluded by saying that developing such a device would not only meet market demand but also provide a strong supplement to food safety regulatory work. He looks forward to seeing our project achieve breakthroughs in this area, filling the gap in the current market and providing consumers with practical solutions for food safety.

    Hardware Design

    Based on the above requirements, we created a simple hardware design.

    Connection with biologists

    Biosysen and Genome Mining

    We also communicated with experts in the synthetic biology field, who provided valuable advice on high-throughput screening for our project. Based on this suggestion, we decided to search for more suitable promoters in the E. coli genome to create a promoter library for our high-throughput screening.

    Public Engagement and Impact

    We hold our human practices activities by carring survey and collecting, analyzing the datas. When designing and developing copper pollution detection devices, it is crucial to explore people's awareness of copper contamination and their real needs. Conducting such surveys not only helps us evaluate public understanding of copper pollution issues, but also ensures that device design and development align closely with practical application scenarios and specific requirements. In this way, we can produce products that fit stakeholders' basic demands.

    What's more, we also did some educational activities for promoting synthetic biology and our project.

    Firstly, we made a poster, printed it out and put it up in the school, and organized an information meeting in every class of Grade One with the igem community as a unit, so that students who were not familiar with synthetic biology and igem could have an opportunity to learn about it. And we also attract more students to join our club.

    Secondly, we hold meetings in the school to bring publicity for our project, which is about the effect of synthetic biology on solving the problem of detecting copper ions. We showed students aged 16-18 about the situation and showed the importance of acting out. Additionally, by showing the concept and purpose of our products, students get to know more about our project.


    [1] Li, Y., 17 October, Environmental "Pollution Curse" Vol 1: The Pollution Pain of Jiangxi Copper Corporation, Xinhua News, online. [Accessed 28 September 2024].

    [2] Ecological Environment Bureau, 2021, Total Copper Concentration Exceeded by 87 Times! This Company’s Discharge of Toxic Substances Polluted Soil and Violated Criminal Law, 23 July, online. [Accessed 28 September 2024].

    [3]Hunan Provincial Market Supervision Administration, 2021, Are You Aware of the Copper Standards in Food? 22 April, online. [Accessed 28 September 2024].

    [4]Wikipedia, 2024, Green Oyster Incident, online. [Accessed 28 September 2024].

    [5]Xinhua News, 2012, Wine Tasting: Seven Characteristics to Help You Determine if Wine Has Gone Bad, 17 December, online. [Accessed 28 September 2024].

    [6]Google Patents, 2024, Copper Ion Detection Method, online. [Accessed 28 September 2024].

    [7]Ali, M., Memon, N., Mallah, M.A., Channa, A.S., Gaur, R. and Jiahai, Y., 2022. Recent development in fluorescent probes for copper ion detection. Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 22(10), pp.835-854. doi:10.2174/1568026622666220225153703.