Special Document Loader
The load_text_documents
function is designed to load PDF documents and extract text from them based on a specified list of files.
Input parameters:
: The name of the knowledge base, which specifies the directory containing the PDF files.
: A list of filenames to be processed.
Return value:
Returns a list of Document
objects containing the extracted text.
def load_text_documents(kb_name: str, files: list[str]) -> list[Document]:
Loads a PDF document extracted by text, processing only the specified file based on the list of files passed in.
:param kb_name: name of knowledge base
:param files: file list to be processed
:return: Document object list
base_path = Path(DATA_PATH) / kb_name
file_set = set(files) # Converts a list of incoming files into a set for quick lookups
text_documents = []
# Collect the path of the PDF file to be processed
pdf_paths = [str(pdf_file) for pdf_file in base_path.rglob("*.pdf") if pdf_file.name in file_set]
if not pdf_paths:
return text_documents
# Use concurrent loader to process PDF files
loader = PDFTextLoader(pdf_paths=pdf_paths)
return text_documents
The load_ocr_documents
function is designed to load and process image files using Optical Character Recognition (OCR).
def load_ocr_documents(kb_name: str, files: list[str]) -> list[Document]:
Loads OCR documents and process only image files.
:param kb_name: name of knowledge base
:param files: file list to be processed
:return: Document object list
base_path = Path(kb_name)
file_set = set(files) # Converts a list of incoming files into a set for quick lookups
# Load image file and OCR processing
image_documents = []
for img_file in base_path.rglob("*.png"):
if img_file.name in file_set: # Only process the files in the incoming file list
img_loader = DirectoryLoader(str(img_file.parent), loader_cls=RapidOCRLoader, glob=img_file.name)
# Combine with OCR processing of the picture document
documents = image_documents
return documents
The load_documents_combined
function is designed to load and combine documents from different sources.
def load_documents_combined(kb_name: str, files: list[str]) -> list[Document]:
Load all documents, including text extracted PDF and OCR processed images.
:param kb_name: name of knowledge base
:param files: file list to be processed
:return: Document object list
text_docs = load_text_documents(kb_name, files)
ocr_docs = load_ocr_documents(kb_name, files)
combined_docs = text_docs + ocr_docs
return combined_docs