Result of the Experiment
[In vitro imaging of cyL]
In vitro, there is the positive correlation relationship between the bioluminescence intensity and concentration for our aminoluciferin analogues (Figure 1). Meanwhile, the low kinetic constants Km, Vmax of 5-cyL, 6-cyL, 7-cyL and 8-cyL suggest that the reaction rate and affinity have obviously potential, compared to D-luciferin and aminoluciferin (Table 1). These results indicate that these compounds maybe have higher sensitivity as novel substrates for firefly luciferase. In addition, we measured the relationship of the bioluminescence intensity and concentration of ATP. Like nature substrates D-luciferin and aminoluciferin, the bioluminescence intensity of cyL compounds have significant positive correlation relationship with the increase of ATP concentration, indicating that the analogues could be used to monitor the level of ATP in vivo.

Table 1.The bioluminescence properties of 5-cyL, 6-cyL, 7-cyL, 8-cyL, D-luciferin and aminoluciferin
Substrates | λmax(nm) | Vmax (s-1) | Km (mol/L) |
dLuc | 560 | 9.68×1010 | 10.9 |
aLuc | 588 | 1.89×1010 | 6.63 |
5-cyL | 598 | 4.67×109 | 0.344 |
6-cyL | 610 | 3.69×109 | 0.274 |
7-cyL | 605 | 5.90×109 | 0.281 |
8-cyL | 613 | 4.367×109 | 0.313 |
[Cell bioluminescence imaging]
In order to measure the bioluminescence intensity of these analogues, our team measured bioluminescence imaging in living cells. The luciferase-expressing in U87 cells were cultured in a conditioned system. After the incubation period, the medium was removed and we add different concentration of 5-cyL, 6-cyL, 7-cyL and 8-cyL. In the same condition of the substrate concentration, the bioluminescence intense has an obvious positive correlation with the concentration of U87-Luc cells and the three novel bioluminescence substrates has high sensitivity, good cell permeability and bioluminescence activity (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Cell Bioluminescence imaging in U87-Luc cells.(1) Total flux(p/s) of five different luciferases at different Cell-concentrations(μM). (2) The light intensity of five luciferases at different Cell-concentrations(μM).
[Tumor Xenografts Mice Imaging]
In a cell-based assay, our compounds exhibited good biological activity. Subsequently, we carried on further bioluminescence imaging of well-established mice xenograft tumor models. The 6-weeks-old female nude mice were inoculated subcutaneously with luciferase-expressing U87-Luc cells. After tumor xenografts in mice generated, the nude mice with tumor xenografts were injected i.p. with 100 μL of 5-cyL, 6-cyL, 7-cyL, D-luciferin and aminoluciferin (1 µM, 100 µM, 1 mM and 10 mM). The bioluminescence signals were measured by a Xenogen IVIS Spectrum imaging system (Figure 3A). The cyL compounds all yielded a >10-fold higher bioluminescent signal than D-luciferin at equivalent doses. Especially, 7-cyL showed 25-fold higher bioluminescence intensity than D-luciferin (Figure 3B). More interestingly, low to 1 µM dose of aminoluciferin analogues still could show high and detectable bioluminescent signal, while D-luciferin at equivalent concentrations provided either weak or no signal. These results fully demonstrated that the three aminoluciferin analogues have higher sensitivity for bioluminescence imaging in live mice. Meanwhile, up to 7 h light emission time of aminoluciferin analogues were significantly greater than 10 min of D-luciferin and aminoluciferin, beneficial to real-time dynamic monitoring imaging (Figure 3C). In addition, 5-cyL, 6-cyL and 7-cyL have higher Cy5.5 filter (695–770 nm bandpass) transmittance ratio, contributing to the imaging of deep tissue in live organism.

Figure 3. Bioluminescence imaging of mouse xenograft tumor models with aminoluciferin analogues. a) Maximum total photon flux from with nude mice inoculated ES-2-Luc tumors. Mice were injected i.p. with 5-cyL, 6-cyL, 7-cyL, D-luciferin and aminoluciferin (1 µM, 100 µM, 1 mM and 10 mM) and imaged 10 min after injection. b) Quantification of the images from (a); error bars, s.e.m. (n = 3 experiments). c) Time–response analysis of BLI in mouse xenograft tumor models with 1 mM cyL.
[FVB-Tg Transgenic Mice Imaging]
In light of in vivo imaging activity, we chose 7-cyL that performed excellent in the nude mice with tumor xenografts assay for further bioluminescence imaging in transgenic mouse ubiquitously expressing firefly luciferase (FVB-Tg mice). As expected, when 100 μL 7-cyL (1 mM) injected i.v to FVB-Tg mice, its bioluminescence intensity presented up to 10-fold higher than that of D-luciferin and aminoluciferin (Figure 4A). Moreover, in the measurement process, our aminoluciferin analogues have not only higher bioluminescence intensity but also longer in vivo bioluminescence time (Figure 4B). Interestingly, when computing the ratio of brain BLI intensity relative to the whole-body bioluminescence signal in FVB-Tg mice, we found that 7-cyL has higher brain bioluminescence ratio than D-luciferin and aminoluciferin (Figure 4C). As a result, we believed that 7-cyL has an excellent ability to penetrate the blood-brain barrier.

Figure 4.Bioluminescence imaging comparison of 7-cyL, D-luciferin and aminoluciferin (1 mM) in FVB-Tg mice. a) Photon flux from FVB-Tg mice injected i.v. with 100 µL of 1 mM 7-cyL、D-luciferin and aminoluciferin. b) Time–response analysis of BLI in FVB-Tg mice with 1 mM 7-cyL、D-luciferin and aminoluciferin. c) The ratio of brain BLI intensity in FVB-Tg mice with 7-cyL, D-luciferin and aminoluciferin (1 mM) (n = 3). Error bars, s.e.m. ****P < 0.0001 (t-test).
[Brain tumor bioluminescence imaging]
As we know, the blood-brain barrier as a protective barrier limits the access of many small molecules to this tissue. So, the bioluminescence imaging in the brain is particularly challenging. In view of the real biological activity of 7-cyL in living mice, we asked whether 7-cyL could improve bioluminescent signals in the brain. To evaluate the ability of 7-cyL to access the blood-brain barrier, we imaged nude mouse that had been inoculating with luciferase-expressing U87-Luc cells in brain hippocampus. After two weeks, these nude mice with tumor xenografts in the brain were injected i.p. with 100 μL of 7-cyL, D-luciferin and aminoluciferin (1 mM). Significantly, 7-cyL showed 30-fold higher bioluminescence intensity than D-luciferin (Figure 5). It is not difficult to see that 7-cyL can readily cross the blood-brain barrier and access deep brain regions in living mice. Overall, 7-cyL has distinctive advantages in brain bioluminescence imaging.

Figure 5.Bioluminescence imaging comparison of 7-cyL, D-luciferin and aminoluciferin (1 mM) in brain. a): Photon flux from nude mouse inoculated with U87-Luc cells in brain hippo-campus after i.v. injection with 100 μL of 1 mM 7-cyL, D-luciferin and aminoluciferin; b): Maximum bioluminescence emission for mice with 7-cyL, D-luciferin and aminoluciferin (1 mM) (n = 3). Error bars, s.e.m. ****P < 0.0001 (t-test); c): Time–response analysis of BLI in nude mouse brain with 1 mM 7-cyL, D-luciferin and aminoluciferin.
Colleague Evaluation

Dr. Tony James
Professor of Organic Chemistry & Deputy Head of Department
Department of Chemistry
University of Bath
His research interests include many aspects of Supramolecular chemistry, including:
molecular recognition fluorescent sensor design fluorescence imaging theranostic systems chiral recognition saccharide recognition anion recognition sensors for reactive oxygen species (ROS) probes for redox imbalance He received his BSc from the University of East Anglia (1986), PhD from the University of Victoria (1991), and was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Japan with Seiji Shinkai (1992-95). He was awarded a Royal Society University Research Fellowship at the University of Birmingham (1995-2000) before moving to the University of Bath in 2000.
He has been a visiting professor at Tsukuba, Osaka, Kyushu and Sophia Universities, an AMADEus invited professor at the University of Bordeaux and is a guest Professor at East China University of Science and Technology, Xiamen University, Shandong Normal University, Nanjing University, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, Changzhou University, Zhejiang University, Qufu Normal University, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Shanghai Normal University, Ewha Womans University, Henan Normal University, Engineering Research Centre for Hainan Bio-Smart Materials and Bio-Smart Devices, and is a Hai-Tian (Sea-Sky) Scholar at Dalian University of Technology.
He has wide-ranging experience within the field of supramolecular chemistry having published over 455 publications, including 3 books, 9 book chapters and 443 papers in international peer reviewed journals. He is also the named inventor on 25 international patents. He has delivered 256 invited lectures within the UK and internationally. Citation statistics indicate that one of his publications has been cited over 1,000 times, four over 500, nine over 400, eighteen over 300, twenty-seven over 200 times, forty-eight over 100, and 132 over 50, with a total of > 25,197 citations at a frequency of >55 citations per article. He has an h-index of 86 (ORCID 0000-0002-4095-2191).
He received the Daiwa-Adrian Prize for developing scientific networks with Japan in 2013, the inaugural CASE Prize for establishing scientific networks with China in 2015, the MSMLG Czarnik Award in 2018, the Frontiers in Chemistry Diversity Award in 2020, a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award (2017-2022), is an Ewha Womans University Global Fellow and is listed by Clarivate as a Highly Cited Researcher in Chemistry (2022).