
Our Human Practices (HP) plan is a comprehensive, multi-phase approach designed to address the problem of oil pollution through scientific innovation, legal exploration, and public engagement. The project began with in-depth research to identify the real-world impact of oil pollution through interviews with school leaders, public surveys, health experts, and local communities affected by oil spills. As we progressed, we engaged with academic experts and participated in relevant scientific events to refine our experimental design and gather feedback, ensuring that our solution was both scientifically sound and applicable in real-world scenarios.

The later phases of our HP activities focused on exploring the legal, industrial, and practical feasibility of our solution, including consultations with legal professionals, environmental companies, and industry experts. We also participated in policy advocacy through the National Youth Model CPPCC Conference, visited the Environmental Protection Bureau, and simulated an environmental court case to understand the regulatory landscape. Finally, we extended our efforts to public education through a series of lectures and creative outreach tools, ensuring that our work not only addresses oil pollution but also raises awareness and promotes sustainable practices within the community.

Phase 1: Identifying the Problem
Interview with Vice Principal Wang Xiaonan of RDFZ

During the early stages of forming our team, we held discussions about the direction of our project but had not yet settled on a specific topic. Later, we had the opportunity to speak with Vice Principal Wang Xiaonan of RDFZ. In this interview, Vice Principal Wang shared a crucial piece of information: during the construction of RDFZ, a significant oil pollution incident occurred. The incident was caused by a diesel spill due to operational errors, which led to severe soil contamination. This pollution not only impacted the school environment but also drew widespread social attention. Vice Principal Wang suggested that if we could focus our project on addressing oil pollution, it would be a meaningful research direction that closely relates to our daily lives and the local community.

Additionally, Vice Principal Wang emphasized the importance of clearly explaining why we chose this topic. He pointed out that the project's value lies not only in solving a technical problem but also in showcasing its positive social impact. By focusing on a real-world issue like oil pollution, the project would not only benefit the school and the surrounding community but could also serve as a model for broader environmental solutions. He believed that a project rooted in such social relevance would demonstrate a strong sense of public welfare, with long-term applicability and a significant societal impact.

Soil Oil Pollution Social Survey

To better understand public perceptions of soil oil pollution, we conducted a comprehensive social survey targeting various demographic groups. The results were striking: over 90% of the respondents identified soil oil pollution as a serious issue that requires immediate action. Many participants expressed concerns about the long-term environmental and health impacts of oil spills, particularly the difficulty of effectively cleaning residual oil from contaminated soil. This widespread recognition of the problem further validated the significance of our project.

In addition to identifying the urgency of the issue, we also explored public attitudes toward potential solutions, especially those based on synthetic biology. An overwhelming 84% of respondents viewed synthetic biology as an environmentally friendly and highly efficient method for addressing oil pollution. They recognized its advantages, such as the potential for targeted biodegradation without introducing harmful chemicals into the ecosystem. Furthermore, the survey revealed a high level of acceptance toward the idea of deploying genetically engineered microorganisms for environmental remediation. Many respondents believed that with proper safety measures in place, these biological solutions could offer a sustainable and effective approach to combating oil pollution.

Nanomedicine Research Activity

To better understand the potential health risks associated with oil pollution, particularly its long-term impact, we sought to gather expert opinions on the subject. One of our team members, who was involved in a nanomedicine research project, reached out to a professor at Xi'an Jiaotong University for insights. The professor confirmed that exposure to oil pollutants, especially compounds like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), could significantly impact human health, even leading to cancer in severe cases. This information underscored the gravity of oil contamination as not just an environmental issue but a critical public health concern.

Through the nanomedicine research activity, our team member had the opportunity to learn about the full process of synthesizing and evaluating nanodrugs. This included mastering the basic techniques of material preparation, characterization, and the application of biological evaluation methods. While this experience primarily focused on the development of nanomedicines, it offered valuable insight into advanced biomedical techniques and highlighted the importance of safety and efficacy in scientific research. Though not directly related to our oil pollution project, this activity provided us with a broader understanding of cutting-edge scientific methodologies, which helped inform our approach to designing environmentally safe bioremediation solutions.

Interview with Beijing Sinopec Gas Station

To gain firsthand insight into how oil spills are handled in practice, we conducted an interview with staff at a Beijing Sinopec gas station. During the interview, we learned that when oil spills occur, the station typically uses absorbent materials, such as felt mats, to clean up the visible oil. However, they admitted that small amounts of residual oil, which are harder to detect and clean, are often left behind. These remnants, though seemingly minor, can still have significant long-term environmental consequences, particularly when they accumulate over time. The staff acknowledged that these residual oil deposits are not given much attention in the standard cleanup process, which could lead to negative impacts on the surrounding environment.

The station also explained that they have oil recovery systems in place, which help prevent leaks during normal operations. However, they noted that oil spills are more likely to occur during the transportation of fuel, especially due to equipment malfunctions, accidents, or even explosions — events that are difficult to predict or control. Although the risk of leaks during regular fuel transportation is relatively low, these uncontrollable incidents can lead to serious environmental hazards when they do happen.

This interview highlighted a critical gap in current oil spill management practices: while major spills are dealt with promptly, the issue of residual oil contamination remains largely unaddressed. This insight reinforced the importance of our project’s focus on the degradation of micro-residual oil in the environment. By addressing this overlooked aspect of oil pollution, we aim to develop a solution that goes beyond conventional cleanup methods and offers a more thorough, long-term approach to environmental remediation.

Interview with Coastal Residents in Multiple Cities of Liaoning Province

As part of our project, we conducted interviews with coastal residents in several cities across Liaoning Province to gather information about their experiences with oil spills and their impacts. Through these discussions, it became clear that even after conventional cleanup methods were employed, small amounts of residual oil remained in the environment, which could not be effectively removed. Residents shared stories of past incidents where these residual pollutants caused widespread environmental damage. In particular, they mentioned a noticeable increase in the deaths of marine animals, as well as contamination of underground water supplies, both of which had a profound impact on their local ecosystems.

The residents expressed several key concerns regarding the effects of marine oil pollution. First and foremost, the quality and safety of local seafood were called into question, which significantly reduced their confidence in the products and, in turn, lowered consumer demand. This not only affected the livelihood of fishermen and seafood businesses but also disrupted the residents' normal way of life. In addition, the oil spills raised serious doubts about the safety of living in coastal areas, with many residents worrying about the long-term effects on their health and the environment. These concerns often led to decreased interest in staying in or moving to these areas, further impacting local communities.

Tourism, another important economic contributor, also suffered. The presence of oil pollutants in the ocean made the area less attractive to tourists, resulting in a decrease in visitor numbers and a corresponding drop in income for businesses reliant on tourism. Even after efforts were made to clean up the affected areas, residents reported that the psychological impact remained — many continued to distrust the safety of the environment, fearing that the invisible remnants of the pollution could cause ongoing problems.

This interview provided us with valuable insights into the broader societal and economic effects of oil pollution, highlighting how even small amounts of residual oil can cause long-lasting harm. It reinforced the need for more effective solutions that not only address visible spills but also ensure the complete degradation of micro-residual oil to restore public trust and safeguard both the environment and the livelihoods of affected communities.

Summary and Goal Setting

After our research and interviews, we realized that while conventional methods address large oil spills, they fail to effectively deal with micro-residual oil left in the soil. This small yet persistent contamination can cause long-term environmental damage. Therefore, we decided to focus our project on developing a solution specifically for the degradation of micro-residual oil in soil, aiming to address this overlooked issue and contribute to more effective oil pollution remediation.

Phase 2: Project Development
Interview with Professor Zhang from China Agricultural University

After independently designing our experiment using alkane monooxygenase to target oil degradation, we consulted with Professor Zhang from China Agricultural University for feedback. During our discussion, we discovered a critical issue: long-chain alkanes, which are a significant component of oil, struggle to pass through the bacterial cell membrane. Professor Zhang suggested that we incorporate cell surface display technology to express laccase on the surface of bacteria, which would allow direct contact with the oil and improve the efficiency of degradation. This advice led us to adjust our experimental approach to better tackle the complexity of oil pollutants.

In addition to providing technical feedback, Professor Zhang shared insights from his fieldwork in Jilin Province, where oil pollution had affected salt-alkali soils near farmland. This contamination had severely impacted agricultural productivity, as the oil filled the soil’s pores, compacting the soil and disrupting the habitats of crucial organisms such as earthworms and microorganisms. The pollution also reduced essential nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus in the soil, further diminishing soil fertility. The current approach in Jilin involves removing contaminated soil and burning it, with compensation provided to farmers. However, this method is costly and unsustainable, underscoring the need for more efficient and environmentally friendly solutions like bioremediation, which we are pursuing with our project.

Interview with Professor Yu Huimin from the Department of Chemical Engineering at Tsinghua University

During the validation phase of our degradation experiment, we found that the actual oil degradation efficiency was lower than expected. To address this issue, we consulted Professor Yu Huimin from the Department of Chemical Engineering at Tsinghua University. Professor Yu pointed out that the limited oil-water surface area might be a key factor in the reduced degradation. He suggested that we increase the contact area between the oil and the bacteria, which led us to design a biosurfactant system to enhance the degradation process.

Regarding strain selection and design, Professor Yu advised us to prioritize native strains and those approved by the U.S. FDA's GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) list for genetic engineering. He specifically recommended using Bacillus subtilis instead of Escherichia coli, which we had initially planned to use. Bacillus subtilis is not only better aligned with national regulations for environmental release but also more cost-effective and suitable for genetic manipulation. Additionally, Professor Yu shared recent research on Bacillus subtilis, highlighting its added benefit of improving soil quality post-pollution, which broadened our design perspective.

When discussing the design of our genetic constructs, Professor Yu emphasized the need to carefully manage the positive and negative regulatory effects of promoters. He recommended we consider using T7 and pTEC promoters for more reliable control over gene expression.

During our interview, Professor Yu also raised ethical concerns about our project. He stressed that China's environmental regulatory authorities have strict guidelines regarding the release of genetically engineered organisms into the environment. Ensuring the safety of our product is critical for its viability. Moreover, public acceptance of using engineered bacteria for pollution remediation varies. To address these concerns, we conducted a social survey and consulted with government officials to obtain guidance on the legal and regulatory aspects of our project.

Interview with Researchers at Xiamen University's Dongshan Station

We presented our project’s progress to researchers at Xiamen University’s Dongshan Station, seeking their insights on potential improvements. The researchers emphasized that phytoremediation—using plants to treat pollution—has various advantages, but its application in oil pollution is hindered by the low germination rate of seeds in contaminated environments. To address this limitation, we designed an IAA (indole-3-acetic acid) synthesis pathway through the IAM route to promote seed germination and enhance the effectiveness of phytoremediation.

The researchers also discussed broader issues related to oil pollution and marine conservation. They noted that the government is increasingly strengthening laws and regulations to prevent oil spills, with tighter oversight on oil transportation and extraction activities. This trend has led to more stringent reviews of marine operations, including scientific research and commercial fishing, resulting in higher costs and operational challenges for these activities.

Additionally, the researchers highlighted the critical role that oil pollution plays in marine science research, where controlling this variable is essential. They also pointed out that toxic substances in oil can directly harm marine life, affecting their survival and reproduction. Oil pollution disrupts marine habitats, leading to habitat loss and altering ecosystem structures, which accelerates biodiversity decline and poses long-term threats to marine ecological balance. These insights reinforced the urgency of developing effective solutions to mitigate the impact of oil pollution on both terrestrial and marine ecosystems.

UK Chemistry Olympiad Training Camp (China Session)

One of our team members participated in the UK Chemistry Olympiad Training Camp (China Session), where they were introduced to the IPA pathway as an alternative method. Inspired by this, we decided to explore the IPA pathway in our project as a potential approach to enhance our biological processes.

Activity Overview: Held at Beijing No. 35 High School, this camp targets high-achieving high school students who have mastered not only high school-level but also university-level chemistry. Students engage in in-depth research on advanced topics and receive hands-on training to strengthen their laboratory skills. The camp provides opportunities to interact directly with experienced professors and members of the UK Chemistry Olympiad team, offering world-class chemistry education. Participants also explore cutting-edge topics in chemistry while exchanging ideas and competing with top chemistry students from across the country.

Phase 2: Project Development Summary

In the project development phase, we focused on refining our experimental approach by collaborating with experts and incorporating advanced scientific insights. Through interviews with professors from China Agricultural University and Tsinghua University, we improved our oil degradation methods, addressing key challenges like efficient bacterial application and enhancing degradation processes. Additionally, discussions with researchers from Xiamen University broadened our approach by integrating phytoremediation. Participation in the UK Chemistry Olympiad further expanded our knowledge, allowing us to explore alternative pathways for innovation. This phase was crucial in strengthening the technical foundation of our project.

Phase 3: Exploring Implementation Strategies
Interview with Professor Yao, Vice Dean of the Law School at China University of Political Science and Law

As our project neared completion, we sought to understand the potential legal risks associated with our work. We interviewed Professor Yao, Vice Dean of the Law School at China University of Political Science and Law, who highlighted the dangers of genetically engineered strains being accidentally released into the environment. This prompted us to design a suicide system in our project to prevent such risks and ensure biosafety.

Professor Yao also emphasized that China has established a comprehensive legal framework to address soil oil pollution, including the Soil Pollution Prevention and Control Law, which holds polluters accountable and encourages the adoption of remediation technologies. For synthetic biology products like ours, strict adherence to the Biosafety Law and other relevant regulations is required to ensure product safety and regulatory compliance. This legal framework not only promotes technological innovation but also ensures that advancements in synthetic biology align with environmental protection and sustainable development goals, fostering a balance between technological progress and legal safeguards.

Interview with Beijing Huaking Smart Energy Management Co., Ltd.

After completing our initial research and interviews, we consulted with Beijing Huaking Smart Energy Management Co., Ltd. to gain insights into industrial waste management. The company informed us that China has established a strict legal framework for industrial waste disposal, including the Environmental Protection Law, which clearly defines the responsibilities of companies regarding emissions and promotes the adoption of clean production technologies. When it comes to the promotion and application of new environmental technologies, the Clean Production Promotion Lawrequires thorough safety assessments and regulatory compliance to ensure the safe implementation of these innovations.

This legal framework not only drives environmental technology innovation but also ensures that businesses operate in harmony with environmental sustainability goals. The company also discussed the significant impact of oil pollution on the environment and provided an analysis of existing oil spill treatment methods, which helped guide the direction of our experiments and reinforced the need for innovative solutions in this field.

Lecture by Technical Director of Biotechnology Company

We had the opportunity to consult with Dr. Han, Technical Director of Shandong Zhongke Jiayi Biotechnology Co., Ltd., and a PhD graduate from Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Dr. Han provided valuable insights on how to ferment engineered strains in an industrial setting. He highlighted important factors to consider, such as maintaining optimal fermentation conditions, ensuring strain stability, and following strict biosafety protocols. Dr. Han also emphasized the need to carefully control parameters like temperature, pH, and nutrient levels to maximize production efficiency and minimize contamination risks. His guidance offered us practical strategies for scaling up the production of our engineered bacteria for real-world applications.

Interview with Water Purifier Vendor

We consulted with a representative from Yikai Water Purifiers to explore the possibility of using engineered strains in water purifiers to remove oil contaminants. The vendor, however, indicated that this approach might not be suitable for their products and recommended addressing oil pollution at its source instead.

From the interview, we learned that oil pollution poses significant risks to drinking water safety, as oil can seep into groundwater and contaminate stored water supplies. While the vendor noted that there are many national projects focused on water environment management that effectively address oil-contaminated water, Yikai's water purifiers are designed to filter out large particles and pollutants, including oil, by using advanced filtration systems. For example, during the Wenchuan earthquake, their systems were used to treat polluted water caused by natural disasters, providing emergency drinking water by filtering water from highly contaminated sources like drainage ditches.

Additionally, the vendor mentioned that synthetic biology technologies could potentially be incorporated into future water treatment solutions, particularly for large-scale industrial projects. They also noted that there are likely national initiatives that explore the application of such technologies in water purification systems.

Follow-up Call with Professor Zhang from China Agricultural University

After completing most of our project, we had a follow-up phone call with Professor Zhang to gather additional insights. He shared important considerations regarding the practical application of our product.

For the product to be effective, it needs to meet several key requirements: it must be mass-producible, easy to transport, and simple to apply directly into the soil without requiring removal. The product should function effectively within the soil environment itself.

Professor Zhang also highlighted some potential issues with the product's current form. Previously, the product was applied as a liquid bacterial solution, evenly sprayed into the soil. However, this approach faces challenges. During large-scale irrigation, such as in the process of flooding fields, the bacterial solution can be excessively diluted, leaving minimal active bacteria in the soil after drainage. Additionally, farmers have expressed skepticism about the product’s effectiveness, leading to uneven application, which results in inconsistent remediation outcomes. Solid forms of the product might also face similar challenges, such as uneven distribution.

Professor Zhang emphasized the need to refine these technical details, including improving the application method. Typically, liquid bacterial solutions are diluted and applied directly to the soil, but to ensure optimal usage, a detailed instruction manual should accompany the product to guide farmers on proper application techniques.

Mock Hearing

We organized a mock hearing to explore different perspectives on oil spill remediation. In the simulation, we represented various stakeholders, including government officials, legal experts, oil company representatives, local residents, and environmental companies. Each party presented their viewpoints, focusing on their own interests and concerns. The goal was to collaboratively develop a feasible plan for handling oil spills, balancing environmental protection, public health, and economic interests. This exercise allowed us to better understand the complexities involved in coordinating a multi-stakeholder response to oil pollution.

Implementation Plan

Following our discussions, we developed a practical approach for applying our product in real-world scenarios. After an oil spill, physical methods such as excavation and soil sealing are used initially. Our product is designed to target the trace amounts of oil residues that remain. We propose broadcasting oil-degrading E. coli and surfactant-producing B. subtilis into the contaminated soil, where they will work synergistically to break down the petroleum. Given the survival challenges of engineered bacteria, this process may require periodic reapplication.

Simultaneously, we plan to use IAA-producing E. coli to treat seeds of oil-remediating plants, which are then sown into the affected soil to aid in phytoremediation. To optimize the degradation process, additional measures such as applying nitrogen fertilizer or conducting multiple tillages may be necessary. Once the soil is fully remediated, the engineered B. subtilis and E. coli will be induced to self-destruct, ensuring biosafety without lingering environmental concerns.

Interview with a Provincial Sinopec Leader

We also had the opportunity to interview a senior leader at Sinopec from a specific province (the location is withheld upon the company's request). He expressed strong interest in our project, noting that if a future oil spill occurs, he would be willing to test our product.

Sinopec has a stringent process in place for managing hazardous and solid waste, governed by detailed regulations that involve multiple departments. The company’s Environmental Safety Department handles accident prevention and response, following thorough and well-established protocols. The Storage and Transportation Department manages the oil tanks, and the leader shared an example of a past environmental incident. Continuous heavy rainfall caused a leak in one of the crude oil tanks, which was not detected by inspection personnel in time. As a result, the leaked oil flowed into a large lake via a drainage system, contaminating the surrounding soil and killing local wildlife, such as rabbits and mice. While the company has strong prevention and management measures in place to avoid such incidents, they currently rely on physical methods, such as oil-absorbing mats, for cleanup. At present, they have not adopted bioremediation techniques due to concerns over high costs.

Phase 3: Exploring Implementation Strategies Summary

In this phase, we explored the practical and legal feasibility of applying our solution in real-world settings. We consulted with legal experts from China University of Political Science and Law to assess biosafety risks and ensure regulatory compliance. Further insights from environmental companies, biotechnology firms, and water purifier vendors helped refine our approach for large-scale application and industrial use. A follow-up with agricultural experts guided us in optimizing the product's use in soil remediation. Through a mock hearing and industry interviews, we examined how various stakeholders could collaborate in oil spill management, ensuring our solution is both practical and legally sound.

Phase 4: Policy and Regulation Exploration
National Youth Model Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)

At the 11th National Youth Model Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), RDFZ-China team members participated in discussions and presentations focused on advancing legislation related to synthetic biology and implementing administrative measures for oil pollution management. Through engaging speeches and exchanges with other participants, we advocated for incorporating synthetic biology innovations into policy frameworks, highlighting the need for legal support to ensure both scientific advancement and environmental protection. This experience allowed us to contribute to important policy discussions, emphasizing the role of regulations in addressing oil pollution while promoting sustainable technological solutions.

Interview with the Environmental Protection Bureau

Armed with our research and findings, we visited the Haidian District Ecology and Environment Bureau in Beijing to explore the administrative and legal feasibility of applying our methods to oil pollution remediation. During the interview, we sought insights into how our approach could align with existing regulations and environmental policies, ensuring that our solution could be implemented effectively within the current legal framework. This consultation provided valuable feedback on the practicalities of translating our scientific work into actionable solutions at the governmental level.

Mock Environmental Court

To explore how the legal system would handle cases where oil spill incidents are not promptly reported, leading to severe consequences, we conducted a mock environmental court session. Under the guidance of court staff, we simulated a trial focused on the responsibilities and liabilities involved in such accidents. This exercise gave us valuable insights into the judicial process and helped us better understand how environmental laws are applied in China, particularly in cases of oil pollution and environmental negligence.

Phase 4: Policy and Regulation Exploration Summary

In this phase, we focused on understanding the legal and regulatory frameworks surrounding oil pollution management and synthetic biology. By participating in the National Youth Model CPPCC Conference, we advocated for legislative support to promote synthetic biology solutions. Our visit to the Environmental Protection Bureau provided insights into the administrative feasibility of our approach, ensuring alignment with national environmental policies. Additionally, through the mock environmental court, we explored legal accountability in oil spill incidents. These activities deepened our understanding of the regulatory landscape, reinforcing the need for compliance and ethical considerations in our project’s implementation.

Phase 5: Educational Outreach
Seed Cards

We developed an innovative educational tool called "Seed Cards," designed to raise awareness about oil pollution while promoting environmental sustainability. These cards are crafted from recycled paper, with plant seeds embedded within the material. The surface of each card provides a brief introduction to our project and key information on oil pollution prevention.

What sets the Seed Cards apart is their functionality beyond education. After serving their purpose, the cards can be planted directly into the soil, where the seeds will germinate and grow into plants. This sustainable approach not only reduces waste by repurposing the cards but also contributes to environmental restoration. By transforming educational materials into plantable cards, we combine awareness-raising efforts with tangible ecological benefits, reinforcing our project's commitment to sustainability.

Microbial Oil Pollution Control Education Lecture

On September 11th, we conducted an educational lecture at a local high school titled "Microbial Control of Oil Pollution," attracting over 80 students who joined both in-person and virtually. The lecture aimed to inspire and educate students on the significance of our project. We discussed the reasons behind choosing oil pollution as our focus, explained the scientific principles underlying microbial degradation, and emphasized the importance of aligning our work with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Additionally, we explored the potential for commercializing our approach to make a broader environmental impact.

To further engage the students, we distributed Seed Cards at the end of the lecture. Each student received their own Seed Card, as shown in the image on the bottom right. These cards, embedded with plant seeds and containing key information about oil pollution, served as a tangible reminder of how small actions can contribute to larger environmental goals. By planting the cards, students not only reinforced what they had learned but also participated directly in an eco-friendly initiative, aligning with the lecture’s focus on sustainability and practical solutions.

RDFZ Synthetic Biology and Soil Oil Pollution Prevention Science Lecture

In this lecture on synthetic biology and soil oil pollution prevention, we introduced an interactive and hands-on approach to engage the students. Along with sharing key concepts, we distributed water filtration kits to the attendees, allowing them to simulate the process of water pollution treatment themselves. This innovative activity not only helped the students better understand the principles of pollution control but also provided a practical demonstration of how filtration techniques work in real-world environmental management. Through this immersive experience, students were able to connect scientific theory with practical application, making the learning process more dynamic and impactful.

Educational Lectures on Synthetic Biology, Sustainable Development, and Health

As part of our educational outreach and skill development, we participated in and organized several key lectures aimed at deepening our understanding of synthetic biology, sustainable development, and health. These activities included:

HOSA Health Education Lecture: During this event, RDFZ team members gained valuable insights into life sciences, biotechnology, and microbiology, which helped solidify our foundational knowledge for the project. The lecture also enhanced our understanding of health-related issues, further strengthening our capacity to integrate these aspects into our work on oil pollution remediation.

Northeast Normal University iGEM High School Lecture (in collaboration with NENU-China and BAID-China): This session focused on the role of synthetic biology in tackling environmental problems, specifically oil pollution, while engaging high school students with real-world applications of the field.

RDFZ Lecture on Synthetic Biology and Sustainable Development (in collaboration with BIT-China): Here, we explored the intersection of synthetic biology and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), discussing how scientific innovation can be harnessed for environmental sustainability.

Joint Lecture on Synthetic Biology and Sustainability (in collaboration with BIT-China, BJWZ-3-China, and The High School Affiliated to Renmin University): This event highlighted the importance of collaboration in advancing synthetic biology for sustainable solutions, encouraging students to think about the societal impact of their scientific work.

Beijing No. 11 School Synthetic Biology and Sustainability Lecture: In this lecture, we used hands-on activities and discussions to engage students with the practical applications of synthetic biology, especially in the context of sustainable development.

These combined experiences helped us not only enhance our scientific knowledge but also strengthened our ability to communicate and apply the principles of synthetic biology in a way that aligns with environmental and health-related goals. Through these educational activities, we inspired students to think critically about the broader impacts of their work and the potential for scientific innovation to address pressing global challenges.

Phase 5: Educational Outreach Summary

The final phase focused on raising public awareness and promoting environmental education. Through a series of lectures on synthetic biology and sustainable development, we engaged students and the broader community, highlighting the importance of innovative solutions for oil pollution. We also distributed Seed Cards, a creative educational tool made from recycled materials, to encourage hands-on learning and environmental action. Additionally, our participation in the HOSA Health Education Lecture strengthened our knowledge in biotechnology and health. This outreach effort ensured that our project not only addressed scientific challenges but also inspired a greater societal commitment to sustainability.


Our Human Practices (HP) strategy is organized into five key phases, each focusing on different aspects of our project’s development and societal impact:

Phase 1: Identifying the Problem

In the initial phase, we focused on uncovering the severity and societal understanding of oil pollution. Activities included:

·Interview with the School Principal to explore potential real-world cases of oil pollution.

·Online Public Survey to gauge public awareness and attitudes toward oil contamination.

·Interview with Xi'an Jiaotong University’s Cancer Research Team to understand the health risks associated with oil pollutants.

·Visit to a Gas Station to learn about how oil spills are managed.

·Interview with Coastal Residents to assess the environmental and societal impact of oil spills on local communities.

Phase 2: Project Development

·Interview with Professor Zhang from China Agricultural University to gather insights on soil remediation.

·Interview with Professor Yu from Tsinghua University for advice on optimizing oil degradation.

·Discussion with Researchers at Xiamen University on the potential of phytoremediation.

·Participation in the UK Chemistry Olympiad Training Camp, where we explored alternative pathways for our project.

Phase 3: Exploring Implementation Strategies

During this phase, we focused on the legal, industrial, and practical feasibility of our solution:

·Interview with Professor Yao from China University of Political Science and Law on the legal risks of using genetically engineered bacteria.

·Interview with an Environmental Company to understand waste management protocols.

·Consultation with a Biotechnology Company on large-scale production.

·Interview with a Water Purifier Vendor to discuss the challenges of using our solution in water purification.

·Follow-up Call with Professor Zhang to refine our product’s application.

·Mock Hearing to simulate how various stakeholders would handle oil spills.

·Interview with Sinopec Leadership to explore industrial use of our solution.

Phase 4: Policy and Regulation Exploration

In this phase, we engaged with regulatory and legal frameworks:

·National Youth Model CPPCC Conference, where we advocated for policies supporting synthetic biology.

·Visit to the Environmental Protection Bureau to assess administrative and regulatory alignment for oil spill remediation.

·Mock Environmental Court to simulate legal proceedings in cases of oil spill negligence.

Phase 5: Educational Outreach

Finally, we focused on public education and raising awareness through lectures and hands-on activities:

·Conducting various synthetic biology and sustainability lectures in collaboration with schools and teams.

·HOSA Health Education Lecture to expand our knowledge in biotechnology and microbiology.

·Developing and distributing Seed Cards as a creative educational tool.


Our Human Practices journey has been a well-rounded exploration of how synthetic biology can be applied to address oil pollution, integrating scientific research, legal considerations, and public engagement. From identifying the problem through community interviews and expert consultations to refining our solution with guidance from academic and industrial professionals, each phase has strengthened our understanding of both the technical and societal aspects of our project. By actively exploring the legal and regulatory frameworks, we ensured that our solution is not only scientifically feasible but also aligned with environmental policies and safety standards.

Through outreach initiatives, such as educational lectures and creative tools like Seed Cards, we connected with the broader community, raising awareness about oil pollution and encouraging sustainable practices. Our participation in policy advocacy and legal simulations further emphasized the need for collaboration between science, law, and industry to solve environmental challenges. Ultimately, our HP work has laid a strong foundation for the successful implementation of our project, ensuring that it is both impactful and responsible in contributing to environmental sustainability.