Photo 1. Our outreach event chart.

"Human Practices is the study of how your work affects the world, and how the world affects your work." Human Practice enhances the understanding of the impact of your work on the world and vice versa. This year, through diverse Human Practices activities, we've shaped our project with feedback from local experts and shared our findings with the community.

Our commitment to Human Practice has led us to engage in meaningful cooperations and learning experiences. A visit to Francine Chicard (Macau) Fragrance & Flavour Co. Ltd. offered insights into the potential of using plant waste for synthesizing essential oils. This visit underscored the importance of sustainability in our project. In line with this, we partnered with Wynn Hotel to collect discarded orange peels, transforming potential waste into valuable essential oils. This initiative not only promotes sustainability but also exemplifies how businesses can contribute to eco-friendly practices.

From the beginning of this iGEM cycle, we have actively participated in various Human Practices events. One of the highlights was our involvement in the Macau International Environmental Cooperation Forum (MIECF), in which we presented our proposal alongside an innovative AI prototype designed for sorting floral waste. This platform provided us a pathway to receive invaluable feedback from industry experts, allowing us to refine our approach and address potential challenges. Additionally, we held an assembly talk to introduce iGEM and synthetic biology to a broader audience, fostering greater understanding and interest.

We are deeply aligned with values such as environmental and social responsibility. By enhancing the yield and upcycling floral waste into essential oils, we address critical environmental issues. Our project promotes social well-being through sustainable practices and cooperations with various firms. Consulting with experts and engaging in rigorous scientific practices ensure the reliability and validity of our work. Regular discussions with professionals help us align our project with scientific standards and best practices, further strengthening its foundation.

Our project's potential users are diverse, including fragrance manufacturers, researchers, and individuals interested in producing essential oils. We propose an improved method for producing essential oils using enzymes, which can be effectively applied in EO factories and research organizations. This method promises to make the production process more efficient and environmentally friendly.

We anticipate that our project will facilitate large-scale essential oil production, with significant applicability in the fragrance industry. Researchers and manufacturers can adapt our methods to enhance their production processes, making them more sustainable and efficient. Additionally, our project could lay the groundwork for new technologies focused on recycling or upcycling plant waste, contributing to a circular economy.

In order to implement our project in the real world, we intend to further validate and refine our methodologies through extensive experimental testing and strategic cooperations with essential oil production enterprises. Delving into entrepreneurship and forging partnerships with industry leaders and organisations will be pivotal for scaling our production methods and introducing our essential oils to the market. Thus, we partnered with Wynn Hotel, not only for a supply of orange peels and floral waste, but also to explore the application of our essential oils in customisable hotel rooms and areas like the lobby. Continuous innovation will ensure the project's long-term impact and sustainability, allowing it to adapt to evolving needs and challenges.

Through these efforts, we aim to create a project that not only advances scientific understanding but also contributes positively to society and the environment. By bridging the gap between our work and the world, we hope to inspire others to consider the broader implications of their projects and strive for a more sustainable and equitable future.

Human Practices

  • Human Practice Event 1: Visit to Francine Chicard (Macau) Fragrance & Flavor Co., Ltd.
  • Human Practice Event 2: Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Workshop
  • Human Practice Event 3: Assembly Talk

Integrated Human Practices

  • Integrated Human Practice Event 1: Visit to Francine Chicard (Macau) Fragrance & Flavor Co., Ltd.
  • Integrated Human Practice Event 2: 2024 Macau International Environmental Co-operation Forum & Exhibition (MIECF) participation
  • Integrated Human Practice Event 3: Presentation to Wynn
  • Integrated Human Practice Event 4: Meeting with Professors from the University of Macau
  • Integrated Human Practice Event 5: Visit to Guangzhou SciShin Biotech Co., Ltd & AVANCO Environmental Technology(Macau) Co., Ltd
  • Reference

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Visit to Francine Chicard (Macau) Fragrance & Flavor Co., Ltd.

Our team was privileged to visit Francine Chicard (Macau) Fragrance & Flavor Co., Ltd., a prominent local brand renowned for its essential oil products. The primary objective of our visit was to gain an in-depth understanding of the extraction process of essential oils from flowers and to explore how to enhance the antibacterial properties, persistence and flavor of these essential oils.

During our visiting, we met Mr. Sam Chan, the company's founder– a visionary entrepreneur who has significantly impacted the aromatic products industry in Macau. Mr. Chan gave an insightful overview of the entire process of converting flowers into finished essential oils. We understand that it’s not just hotel flowers that can be recycled, but fruit waste can also be reused. Not only can it be used in an environmentally friendly manner, but it can also extract more different types of essential oils. thereby integrating environmentally friendly practices into our operations.

Furthermore, Mr. Chan elaborated on how to enhance upstream processing by promoting ester formation, a crucial factor in achieving long-lasting, antibacterial, and enhanced effects in essential oils. His insights not only offered us additional options for supporting our experimental outcomes but also highlighted the potential for improvements and sustainable practices throughout the essential oil production process. It allows us to have more directions to try, and at the same time, this precious suggestion allows us to improve the completion of our projects. This understanding allows us to appreciate the delicate balance between nature and technology when creating fragrance products.

Our visit not only deepened our knowledge of essential oil production but also ignited fresh ideas for our iGEMprogram, particularly regarding sustainable practices and innovative design strategies. This experience underscored the importance of industry cooperation in advancing our project goals and inspired us to integrate these principles into our future initiatives.

Photo 2. A group of our iGEM team members visiting Francine Chicard (Macau) Fragrance & Flavour Co.Ltd.
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Workshop "DNA Journey"

Our team hosted a workshop called “DNA Journey" which is specifically for primary students. We aimed to deepen the youth’s understanding of the field of biology by doing hands-on activities.

During the event, we briefly introduced the concepts of synthetic biology and genetic engineering, and the students gained hands-on experience performing basic polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and gel electrophoresis experiments. These experiments not only enhanced their scientific knowledge but also stimulated their interest in science.

The session began with a hands-on activity where students learned to use pipettes. They applied basic color mixing principles by combining three differently colored solutions using pipettes. This practical exercise improved their pipetting skills and confidence in lab operations.

Upon mastering pipette use, students progressed to learning PCR techniques. They used their skills with the pipette to add all the reagents into PCR tubes and learned to set a thermocycler.

Following PCR, students performed gel electrophoresis by preparing buffers, heating, adding loading dyes, etc. Through these hands-on operations, they deepened their understanding of some of the essential experimental skills in synthetic biology.

Throughout the workshop, in addition to the host introducing basic knowledge about DNA and synthetic biology, there were also assignments given out for them to think and consolidate their knowledge. More importantly, we hoped that they would be able to enjoy learning.

Learning relevant knowledge is important, but at the same time, we also emphasized the importance of safety procedures and the correct scientific method. We taught the students about the accuracy of scientific experiments, the necessity of measurement and record keeping, and the importance of storing equipment responsibly and keeping the workspace clean and organized after the experiment.

Moreover, our workshop guided students to think and discuss the ethical implications of genetic research and the potential uses of genetic engineering in various fields, thereby cultivating young scholars' sense of responsibility and moral awareness.

After the workshop, the students came together to appreciate the results they had achieved together and explore the wonders of science.

Finally, we hope to hold more events like this in the future. These hands-on activities can not only allow young people to learn more about knowledge outside the classroom, but also inspire students' interest in science. We hope that students will find their interests in the field of synthetic biology through this activity and pursue further knowledge.

Photo 3. The students and our iGEM team members were running gel electrophoresis experiments in groups.
Assembly Talk

Our iGEM team held an informative lecture in the school auditorium for junior high students, grades 7 and 8. The event aimed to introduce them to the world of iGEM and synthetic biology, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for these fields.

Photo 4. A group photo of our iGEM team members and students during Assembly Talk.

The talk began with an explanation of iGEM and Synthetic Biology, the International Genetically Engineered Machine competition, which brings together students from around the globe to work on innovative projects using synthetic biology.

We then delved into our team's past projects, showcasing their objectives, methodologies, and outcomes. This year, our project revolves around the theme of "Essential Oil" The goal is to enhance the production of essential oils and extend their fragrance duration. At the same time, waste flowers are used as raw materials to achieve recycling and reuse of resources.

We presented the experimental process, detailing the steps taken in both the Wet and Dry Labs, and shared some preliminary data that demonstrated the progress of our research. Afterwards, we introduced the activities responsible for outreach, hardware and modeling, and showed some photos taken from different activities.

Photo 5. Our members are introducing this year’s outreach activities.

The presentation concluded with a Q&A session where all students actively answered questions about the talk. Our hope is that students can learn about knowledge in different fields outside the classroom through scientific experiments, thereby stimulating students' interest in science and pursuing further knowledge.

Photo 6. The students in the audience responded actively and raised their hands to answer questions.
Visit to Francine Chicard (Macau) Fragrance & Flavor Co., Ltd.

Our team was privileged to visit Francine Chicard (Macau) Fragrance & Flavor Co., Ltd. a prominent local brand renowned for its essential oil products. The primary objective of our visit was to gain an in-depth understanding of the extraction process of essential oils from flowers and to explore how to enhance the antibacterial properties, persistence and flavor of these essential oils.

During our visiting, we met Mr. Sam Chan, the company's founder– a visionary entrepreneur who has significantly impacted the aromatic products industry in Macau. Mr. Chan gave an insightful overview of the entire process of converting flowers into finished essential oils. He emphasized the importance of sustainability and innovation in product development. Mr. Chan encouraged us to look beyond recycling hotel flowers and also suggested that we consider utilizing fruit waste to integrate environmentally friendly practices into our operations.

Furthermore, Mr. Chan elaborated on how to enhance upstream processing by promoting ester formation, a crucial factor in achieving long-lasting, antibacterial, and enhanced effects in essential oils. His insights not only offered us additional options for supporting our experimental outcomes but also highlighted the potential for improvements and sustainable practices throughout the essential oil production process. This understanding allowed us to appreciate the delicate balance between nature and technology in creating aromatic products.

Our visit not only deepened our knowledge of essential oil production but also ignited fresh ideas for our iGEM program, particularly regarding sustainable practices and innovative design strategies. This experience underscored the importance of industry cooperation in advancing our project goals and inspired us to integrate these principles into our future initiatives.

Photo 8. Our team was being given a tour around the factory by the founder, Mr. Sam Chan.
2024 Macau International Environmental Co-operation Forum & Exhibition (MIECF) participation

Presently, the Earth’s diminishing resources have become an increasingly concerning issue. Consequently, environmental protection has gained prominence, becoming a crucial aspect of our daily lives.

To promote this action more widely, we participated in the 2024 Macau International Environmental Co-operation Forum & Exhibition (MIECF), which is held from the 28th to 30th of March. As exhibitors, we showcased our project concept and key content during the event.

During the exhibition, we showcased our proposal of improving essential oil extraction as well as a prototype of utilising Artificial Intelligence in sorting floral wastes which we can use to produce essential oil. We gathered advice and ideas from stakeholders and experts of various industries and tackled some issues in our project, such as implementing our method with large scale production of essential oils and the reliability of our AI model.

We hope our project can provide an alternate route to upcycle floral waste from scent marketing often found in hospitality industries.

Through our participation in MIECF, we were able to engage with people from diverse backgrounds and communities, including individuals working in the hospitality industry. We were able to shed more light on this topic and raise the awareness of the public on this issue.

Photo 7. Our team's members speaking with other participants of the event about our project this year.
Presentation to Wynn

We are honored to have the opportunity to share with Wynn our project this year. The initiative surrounds repurposing orange peels into essential oil distillates, showcasing the potential transformation of waste into valuable commodities while upholding our commitment to protecting the environment.

We aim to utilize the extracted orange oil to create dish soap and soap bars that are both efficient and eco-friendly. These products cater to everyday needs and have a minimal environmental impact, reflecting our advocacy for sustainable living. With further support, we also aim to expand the project into other products, such as shampoos and perfumes.

Looking forward, our team desires joint action with Wynn to promote sustainable development and community well-being.

Photo 12. Our team members took a photo with Wynn staffs
Meeting with Professors from the University of Macau

We were fortunate to invite Professor Leo and Dr. Liu from the University of Macau, who visited our laboratory and provided invaluable guidance on our project. They not only offered encouragement but also presented a more refined approach, emphasizing the importance of considering the quality of the essential oil in our design. In addition to suggesting ways to improve the yield through enzyme usage, they urged us to explore methods for enhancing the flavor and prolonging the oil's lifespan

Their advice sparked a new direction in our research, leading to the development of our lip4 plasmid concept. This innovative design targets an increase in ester content within the essential oil, thus addressing the aspects of quality they highlighted. Their professional insights and wealth of experience have not only bolstered our project but also expanded our problem-solving perspectives.

We express our sincere gratitude to the University of Macau and these esteemed experts for their generosity in sharing their knowledge. We are committed to implementing their suggestions and look forward to making substantial progress under their guidance. We also eagerly anticipate future opportunities to cooperate with experts from diverse fields, collectively advancing the frontiers of academic research.

Photo 11. Our team members are sharing the project with the professors.
Visit to Guangzhou SciShin Biotech Co., Ltd & AVANCO Environmental Technology(Macau)

Our team visited Guangzhou SciShin Biotech Co., Ltd, a company that specialises in the research, production, and sales of natural plant extracts, with a core focus on Supercritical CO2 Extraction technology. It has garnered numerous accolades, establishing itself as a reputable and authoritative biotechnology firm.

The staff guided us through the processes of Supercritical CO2 Extraction, High-Efficiency Countercurrent Extraction, and Spray Drying technologies. Their outputs are non-toxic, without side effects, non-flammable, and do not pollute the environment. These techniques are notably more advanced than conventional separation methods, allowing for extracting substances with high purity. They also openly explained that certain plants cannot withstand high temperatures, hence using low-temperature extraction to preserve their natural active components, ensuring no residual solvents or pesticides.

Furthermore, the staff provided critical insights into our project, stressing the importance of environmental monitoring when recycling fruit and plant waste, as the raw materials may be contaminated. The Chief Technology Director advised us to incorporate antioxidant compounds into our essential oils. He highlighted the market trend where urban women are increasingly seeking anti-aging solutions, with over half of the surveyed consumers preferring the "antioxidant" approach for anti-aging benefits.

Upon departing from Guangzhou, we returned to AVANCO ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY (MACAU) — a subsidiary of Full Core Biotechnology (Macau) Limited. This company specializes in producing soaps, cleaning agents, and perfumes using natural plant materials. They have provided positive feedback on our project and are willing to incorporate our essential oil into their products. By combining our advanced essential oil extraction technology with the company's efficient and robust production capabilities, we aim to develop a range of products, including essential oil dish soap, essential oil hand wash, and essential oil shower gel. We plan to market these eco-friendly products and offer them to hotels for commercial use, thus promoting a cycle of resource recycling and reuse.

By doing so, our essential oils would become more appealing to clients in the cosmetics, aromatherapy, and related industries, thereby enhancing our competitive edge.

Photo 9. A group photo of our team members with the staff of SciShin

Our iGEM project greatly relies on teamwork, hence, to enhance our project significantly, we extend our hands for cooperation to the following companies. Details below:


  • Cooperation Event 1: Partnership with Wynn
  • Cooperation Event 2: Partnership with HK Genenet Limited
  • Cooperation Event 3: Cooperate with AVANCO Environmental Technology (MACAU) Co., Ltd
  • Cooperation Event 4: Wynn Hotel Orange Peel Supply

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Partnership with Wynn

We have had a long-term relationship with Wynn. Inspired by our past visits to Wynn along with past projects, we conceived the initial project idea of utilizing waste from plants and flowers.

In the past years, we have visited Wynn several times to cooperate with them and ask for advice on some of our past projects, which were related to food waste. In 2021, we visited Wynn and they gave us valuable advice and information on food waste management. The year after that, they gave us insight and guidance on food purchases as well as reusing old materials.

For this year’s project, however, we chose to focus on plant and flower waste as we have noticed that the Wynn Hotel uses a large number of flowers to decorate their interiors, along with using scent diffusers to create an environment of luxury and comfort; the same can also be said to most other hotels within the hospitality industry. Therefore, we came up with the idea of upcycling and repurposing these plant wastes into essential oils.

Partnership with HK Genenet Limited

We are delighted to cooperate with HK Genenet Limited, a biotech company invested by HK City University's Tech 300 program and a member of the HKSTP incubation program. The partnership endeavours to resolve a critical issue occurring in our project critical issue while securing funding for patent applications and licensing.

Our cooperation aimed to procure external funding to support patent applications and future licensing. Through presentation, an agreement with Genenet was reached to bolster the prospective business engagement of our project.

During our experiment, we confronted a problem regarding the resilience of plasmins under elevated temperatures in the synthesis of essential oils. Consequently, we designed a test to evaluate this hypothesis.

Throughout the partnership, various experiments related to modelling were conducted and the issue mentioned above was addressed adeptly, resulting in a far-reaching impact on our project. We hereby express our sincere gratitude and pleasure for this cooperation with HK Genenet Ltd. We are keen on forthcoming opportunities to cooperate with other firms from multifarious domains as we continue venturing to extend the boundaries of our current and future projects.

Cooperate with AVANCO Environmental Technology (MACAU) Co., Ltd

Photo 1. Our team members visited AVANCO ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY (MACAU)

We have partnered with AVANCO ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY (MACAU) a subsidiary of Full Core Biotechnology (Macau) Limited. — to develop an innovative new range of natural essential oil shampoo, expanding our product portfolio. Through this cooperation, we have gained profound insights into the entire process, from sourcing premium plant materials to producing pure essential oils and finally manufacturing the end products.

Our line of essential oil-based cleaning products, including dish soap, hand soap, shower gel, and the new shampoo, are all rooted in the principles of naturality and environmental friendliness. They aim to provide consumers with a safe and harmless cleansing experience. We believe that the adoption of these products in the hospitality industry will contribute to promoting the concept of green hotels, facilitating efficient resource recycling and reuse, and playing a part in environmental conservation.

Looking forward, we aspire to establish partnerships with more local companies to jointly promote this eco-friendly production approach and its products. We are eager to share our technology, knowledge, and resources, fostering innovation and injecting new vitality into sustainable development not only in Macau but also globally.

Photo 2. Our team members are talking to AVANCO staffs

Wynn Hotel Orange Peel Supply

Photo 3. Wynn kindly provides orange peels to us.

An early morning venture during the summer saw a group of our students and our supervising teacher head to the Wynn Hotel for a dual-purpose project: collecting orange peels and demonstrating the potential use of fruit waste, such as these peels, for recycling. Our project not only focuses on recycling flowers from the hotel but also emphasizes the utilization of fruit waste, for example, the orange peels collected this time.

Upon returning to school, the team diligently processed the thick orange peels into thin strips. We then extracted the natural essential oil from the treated peels, ensuring no artificial additives were used, which was subsequently utilized to create orange-scented soaps. This process not only highlights the importance of environmental protection and sustainable development, but also the environmental benefits of our work.

In the future, we plan to increase production of both orange peel essential oil and soap, to organize charity sales. The funds raised will support further projects and raise awareness about waste recycling and upcycling. By converting waste into valuable products, we aim to promote sustainable practices within the community, encouraging responsible waste management.

Photo 4. Our team members are processing orange peels.