
Our team members, instructors, and advisors!

Team Members

  • Evelyn Chen
  • Rebekah Choi
  • Remy Garcia-Kakebeen
  • William-Sebastian Gil
  • Arra Ju
  • George Kopf
  • Lakshmi Mahalingam
  • Ryan Miner
  • Camille Perez
  • Kenzo Salazar
  • Manna Sam
  • Emma Schrier
  • Dowon Seo
  • Daniel Tu
  • Jingjing Wang
Arra Photo

Arra Ju (she/her)

Quorum Sensing Team

Camille Photo

Camille Perez (she/her)

Lysis Team

Daniel Photo

Daniel Tu (he/him)

Quorum Sensing Team

Emma Photo

Emma Schrier (she/her)

Therapeutics Team

George Photo

George Kopf (he/him)

Lysis Team

Dowon Photo

Dowon Seo (he/him)

Quorum Sensing Team

Evelyn Photo

Evelyn (she/her)

Quorum Sensing Team

Lakshmi Photo

Lakshmi (she/her)

Therapeutics Team

Jingjing Photo

Jingjing Wang (she/her)

Quorum Sensing Team

Manna Photo

Manna (she/her)

Lysis Team

Rebekah Photo

Rebekah Choi (she/her)

Lysis Team

Ryan Photo

Ryan (she/her)

Therapeutics Team

William Photo

William (he/him)

Therapeutics Team

Remy Photo

Remy Garcia-Kakebeen (she/her)

Therapeutics Team

What should this page contain?

Important: Your wiki pages will be archived at the end of the iGEM season and this content will remain online. Please keep this in mind as you post photos and personal information on this page.
