Use the lysis mechanism native to E. coli bacteriophages to burst open our probiotic and release the therapeutic. The benefits of lysing the probiotic are releasing larger proteins into the environment that are not easily excreted through the bacterial cell wall and controlling the population of our probiotic inside the gut microbiome.
From literature review, we identified five proteins from bacteriophages that infect E. coli that induce bacterial lysis through different mechanisms. The lysis genes we identified were lambda phage Rz/Rz1, lambda phage holin, T4 phage lysozyme, T7 phage lysozyme, and ΦX174 phage gene E. We designed a control using mEGFP instead of a lysis gene. We inserted the lysis gene and positive control GFP under the control of the inducible Tet promoter for testing using the pDSG346 {avGFP} plasmid for the backbone.
We used In-Fusion assembly to insert the lysis and control meGFP genes into a plasmid under a Tet promoter. We then transformed the plasmid into E. coli via heat shock. The T4 lysozyme gene was found on the T4 Lysozyme WT plasmid on AddGene. The ΦX174 gene E was found on the pCSaE500 plasmid on AddGene. The genetic sequences of lambda Rz/Rz1, lambda holin, and T7 lysozyme were synthesized from NCBI.
To induce lysis, we added aTc to activate the promoter to transcribe the lysis genes and produce subsequent proteins. We added varying concentrations of aTc (50, 100, 200 ng/mL) to see what amount of aTc was optimal for the most complete lysis of the population. We initially measured cell viability by measuring the OD600 of the sample using a spectrophotometer every hour for 6-7 hours. However, we switched to measuring OD600 in a plate every 10 minutes over 18 hours so we could get a more continuous reading over a longer period of time.
We learned that ΦX174 gene E and lambda Rz/Rz1 were the most effective at lysing cells, resulting in a decrease in the population. We also learned approximately how long after the addition of the aTc inducer the cells started to lyse and when the population reached a stable minimum. We saw the T7 and T4 lysozymes were not effective at lysing, and through further literature review we learned that they are usually paired with holin genes to pass through the inner membrane and access the cell wall. We also observed that a concentration of 100 ng/mL aTc was the most effective for lysis
Compare how much GFP protein can be released through different lysis genes
Next, we wanted to observe how much protein would be released when the E. coli was burst via the lysis proteins. To do so, we added green fluorescent protein (GFP) under a constitutive promoter (BBa_J23199) to our backbone. This would be an easily measurable marker of how much GFP was in the environment. We then added the two most effective lysis genes, lambda Rz/Rz1 and ΦX174 gene E, under the tet promoter in the same plasmid. We additionally designed a control by inserting mCherry instead of a lysis gene. When the bacteria was lysed, the GFP would be released into the supernatant.
We ordered the J23199 promoter and GFP as a gene block and used In-Fusion assembly to insert the block into the plasmid. We also used In-Fusion assembly to insert the lysis and control mCherry genes into a plasmid under a Tet promoter. We then transformed the plasmid into E. coli via heat shock.
We prepared an overnight culture so the bacteria could accumulate the constitutively produced GFP. The next day we first measured the starting OD600 in the spectrophotometer. Then we added aTc at varying concentrations (50, 100, 200 ng/mL) and let them incubate for 6 hours to fully induce lysis. After, we measured the OD600, spun down a 200ul to obtain the supernatant, then measured the GFP fluorescence in the plate reader. We measured the GFP fluorescence normalized to the OD600 versus time.
When adding 100 ng/mL aTc to the samples, the bacteria expressing Rz/Rz1 had a higher GFP fluorescence / OD600 than the control by ~6000 a.u. When adding 100 ng/mL aTc to the samples, the bacteria expressing protein E had a higher GFP fluorescence / OD600 than the control by ~112,000 a.u. We learned both of the lysis mechanisms allowed GFP to be released into the environment, but protein E was more successful in releasing higher amounts. This demonstrated that we could achieve a “high dosage” of our produced therapeutic protein by using ΦX174 gene E.
See whether our lysing bacteria causes negative effects on other bacterial cells or mammalian cells to mimic how BoomColi may interact with other cells in the gut
We wanted to determine whether our lysing mechanism would harm surrounding bacteria in the intestine. We tested how our lysate would affect other competent stellar cells as a model for how it would affect other gram-negative bacteria living in the gut.
We took the cells transformed with the plasmid containing the lysis gene and grew them in an overnight culture. We then took two approaches to testing if the lysis mechanism affected other bacteria. Our first approach to test this idea was to co-cultured our engineered bacteria with the lysis gene under the Tet promoter with bacteria constitutively expressing GFP. Our second approach was to first lyse the engineered bacteria independently, extract the lysate, then add it to bacteria and measure their OD600 over time.
For the first approach, we grew our engineered lysing bacteria and constitutively expressed GFP bacteria in separate overnight cultures. After, we diluted the samples to have the same starting optical density and added equal amounts in well plates. We added varying concentrations of 50, 100, and 200 ng/ul aTc to the wells and measured optical density and GFP fluorescence over 18 hours. For the second approach, we also grew our engineered lysing bacteria and neighboring bacteria in separate overnight cultures. After, we added varying concentrations of 50, 100, and 200 ng/ul aTc to the engineered lysing bacteria and let it incubate for 6 hours to lyse. To verify, we observed a decrease from initial OD indicating the bacteria lysed over the 6-hour time period. We spun down the bacteria and took the supernatant containing the lysis proteins and other cell contents. We then added equal amounts of the lysate and neighboring bacteria and measured the optical density over 18 hours.
From our first approach, we learned that it was difficult to normalize the GFP fluorescence data expressed by the neighboring bacteria over the optical density because the optical density contributed by the engineered vs. neighboring bacteria was indistinguishable. It was difficult to interpret the data collected from this experiment to correctly represent the interaction, so we decided not to include it. However, from our second approach, by growing the neighboring bacteria alone and just adding the lysate, we were able to gain clearer data. We found that there was no difference in the growth of the neighboring bacteria when the various lysates containing phiX174 protein E, lambda phage Rz/Rz1 proteins, and the control were added, supporting that the lysing mechanism would have little effect on nascent bacteria.
We wanted to test whether the lysate will cause any issues with neighboring mammalian cells because in vivo, our E. coli will be around gut cells.
To do so, we designed an experiment in which we allowed our engineered cells to lyse, took their lysate, and put it onto HEK cells, then measured the cell count to see whether there is a significant loss of mammalian cells. We started by growing overnight cultures of mammalian cells using plasmids Lp 001, 002, 003, 004, 007. We then took 500uL of media and 500uL of lysate (supernatant). Meanwhile, we also cultured wildtype HEK293T cells.
Once the bacterial lysate was ready, we added about 1.5 mL onto each of the 6 wells of the HEK293T mammalian cell plates. We waited for 24 hours and measured how many of the mammalian cells survived using a cell counter. We also used just LB media without any bacteria or lysate as a control.
We noticed that the amount of mammalian cells decreased a similar amount when adding lysate and normal LB media. We believe that even just LB, without the bacterial lysate made them unhappy, however, there was not a significant decrease in cells due to just the bacterial lysate. However, we wanted to better the results of this experiment by imaging the cells after rather than just counting the number of cells to see if there were any noticeable changes. We redid the experiment, testing the lysate of the plasmids LP001-LP004, LP007 on HEK cells and using LB as a control. However, unlike last time, we also imaged the mammalian cells after and observed if there were any changes to their appearance. We did not notice any observable differences and there was not a drastic change in the cell count.
Construct plasmids TP002-TP004 to produce functional IL-10 E.coli
In order to produce functional IL-10 in E.coli, a periplasmic signal peptide was fused to IL-10 and these genes were placed under the control of a constitutive promoter- ProD. Three different periplasmic signal peptides were tested for this purpose. The fused signal peptide + IL-10 gene fragments and the backbone TP001 plasmid containing mCherry were ordered from IDT.
PCR was performed on TP001 (backbone plasmid) to amplify it and remove the mCherry sequence. PCR was also performed on the three ordered fused gene inserts to amplify them. Gel electrophoresis and PCR purification were performed to verify the desired fragments. This was followed Infusion assembly and chemical transformation to construct the final plasmids- TP002, TP003 and TP004
We carried out two rounds of western blot experiments on cells containing the above plasmids and observed no IL-10 bands. With the exception of plasmid TP003 showing production of IL-10 in our first western blot. However, when a second round of western blot was performed, we did not see a band around 22 kDa as expected. We sent our plasmids for sequencing and compared them to our designed plasmids. Analysis of the gene sequences showed that there were stop codons in all three of our signal peptide sequences and no start codon directly before the signal peptide sequence.
Stop codons in our signal peptide sequences- DsbA, TorA and PhoA, and no start codon before these periplasmic signal sequence may have resulted in no IL-10 production. Removing these stop codons and adding a start codon before the periplasmic signal sequence should fix the issue.
To remove the stop codons within the periplasmic signal sequences and add a start codon before the periplasmic signal sequence.
New primers were designed and ordered to remove the stop codons within the three signal peptide sequences and add a start codon.
PCR was performed on plasmids TP002, TP003 and TP004 using the newly ordered primers. Gel electrophoresis and PCR purification was performed to verify the presence of desired products. We were unsuccessful in cloning TP003 and hence decided not to continue with it. In-Fusion assembly and chemical transformation was carried out for plsmids TP002 and TP004 to construct our final desired plasmids.
A final round of western blot was performed on cells containing plasmids TP002 and TP004. We observed desired bands of around 22 kDa for cells containing plasmids - TP002 and TP004, indicating these cells produced functional IL-10.
These results helped us conclude that we were successful in cloning E.coli to produce IL-10.
Construct plasmids TP005-TP007 to produce functional IL-10 in the periplasm of E.coli and to test the functionality of all three signal peptides - DsbA, TorA, and PhoA.
A periplasmic signal peptide was fused to IL-10, a linker sequence, and mCherry which were placed under the control of a constitutive promoter, ProD. Three different plasmids were designed using three different signal peptide sequences—DsbA, TorA, and PhoA. The fused signal peptide + IL-10 + linker gene fragments and the backbone TP001 plasmid containing mCherry were ordered from IDT.
PCR was performed on TP001 (backbone plasmid) and the three ordered fused gene inserts to amplify them. Gel electrophoresis and PCR purification were performed to verify the desired fragments. This was followed by Infusion assembly and chemical transformation to construct the final plasmids—TP005, TP006, and TP007.
The plasmids were sent for sequencing, and we compared them to our designed plasmid sequence. The plasmid sequence was identical to our designed plasmids, but we noticed a stop codon after the IL-10 gene sequence that we forgot to remove.
It is important to double-check sequences obtained from online sources and edit them according to our experiment. We then worked to remove the stop codon in the next engineering cycle.
To remove the stop codon after the IL-10 gene sequence.
New primers were designed and ordered to remove the stop codon after the IL-10 gene sequence.
PCR was performed on plasmids TP005, TP006, and TP007 using the newly ordered primers. Gel electrophoresis and PCR purification was performed to verify the presence of desired products. In-Fusion assembly and chemical transformation was carried out for plasmids TP005, TP006, and TP007 to construct our final desired plasmids FTP005, FTP006, and FTP007.
The newly constructed strains were observed under a confocal fluorescence microscope. We did not observe a fluorescent ring around each cell as expected. All three strains appeared fully fluorescent under the microscope, indicating that our protein is not restricted to just localizing in the periplasm. Plasmids FTP005, FTP006, and FTP007 were sent for sequencing. The results showed that we were successful in removing the stop codon after the IL-10 sequence in plasmids TP005 and TP007 only. TP006 still had the stop codon after its IL-10 sequence.
From this engineering cycle, we learned that the presence/absence of a stop codon after IL-10 did not make a significant difference, as each individual cell appeared bright under the microscope irrespective of a stop codon after IL-10. After analyzing the gene sequences once more, we found stop codons within the periplasmic signal sequences and also realized that these signal peptide sequences lacked a start codon near its start site. Additionally mCherry had its own start codon. In the next cycle we tried to remove these stop codons within the periplasmic signal sequences and add a start codon.
To remove the stop codons within the periplasmic signal sequences (DsbA, TorA, and PhoA) and add a start codon before the signal peptide sequence.
New primers were designed and ordered to remove the stop codons within the periplasmic signal sequences and add a start codon.
PCR was performed on plasmids FTP005, FTP006, and FTP007 using the newly ordered primers. Gel electrophoresis and PCR purification was performed to verify the presence of desired products. In-Fusion assembly and chemical transformation was carried out for plasmids FTP005, FTP006, and FTP007 to construct our final desired plasmids.
The newly constructed strains were observed under a confocal fluorescent microscope, and we did not see a fluorescent ring around each cell as expected. Our results were similar to those of the previous round of imaging.
As each individual cell appeared fluorescent under the microscope, we hypothesized that this could be due to the mCherry reporter gene having its own start codon. So our periplasmic signal sequence+IL-10+linker+mCherry was being produced as well, but we were unable to see it clearly due to the production of excess mCherry in the cytoplasm. We believe that removing this start codon before mCherry will allow us to observe a thin fluorescent ring around each individual cell as desired. Due to time constraints we were unable to do another round of molecular cloning.
Determine the concentration dependence and kinetics of quorum-sensing bacteria in 3D culture.
The design of the quorum sensing system required the use of the LuxI and LuxR quorum sensing circuitry synthetically engineered into E. coli. The pTD103 plasmid consisted of a LuxI gene that produced LuxI proteins that in turn generated AHL, an integral autoinducer for cell-to-self communication. LuxR gene was constitutively expressed to produce LuxR proteins. These proteins bind to AHL to generate the LuxR-AHL complex, which bind to the LuxI promoter to increase the expression of the downstream genes. This forms a positive feedback loop for the quorum sensing circuit. In our design, the downstream genes were the sf-GFP genes, producing green fluorescence proteins.
In-fusion cloning of sf-GFP into the pTD103 backbone to produce our quorum-sensing circuit (pTD103luxI_sfGFP) Transformation of pTD103luxI_sfGFP into competent E. coli (Nissle 1917 strain) Pick out colonies from grown plates and place into glass and plastic tubes with differing dilutions (1:100, 1:500, 1:1000) Tubes contained kanR liquid media Add liquid volumes into the spectrophotometer using a cuvette Measure optical density at 600 nanometers and GFP at 490 nanometers Take measurements every hour starting at t = 0 Generate normalization curve of pTD103
Observation: Glass tubes had more growth compared to plastic tubes We reasoned that the glass tubes allowed better air flow than the plastic tubes The spectrophotometer was not as effective in measuring the optical density and GFP properly
Next time use a cell plate reader to measure OD and GFP levels Next time use glass tubes for bacterial growth
Determine the concentration dependence and kinetics of quorum-sensing bacteria in 3D culture.
Use the cell plate reader to quantify optical density and GFP to characterize the quorum-sensing circuit.
Added ~200 ul of each sample to the wells
pEU198 is a plasmid containing FusionRed (red fluorescent protein).
Overnight culture normalization curve (control, pTD103, and pEU198).
These cells were diluted - 1:100, 1:250, 1:500, 1:1000.
Observation: Generated curves of the GFP and OD
We learned to use different dilutions to generate more accurate and significant curves
Design a 2D system culture system to simulate the bacteria binding to the gut surface.
Have E. coli with anti-GFP nanobody bind to a GFP-functionalized surface. Figure out how to stick/bind the purified GFP on a surface (ideally on the 96-well plates)
Add purified GFP to the 96 plate wells (just enough to cover the well ~ 50 uL) Incubate at 37ºC for one hour Remove GFP from plate by pipetting Quickly add cells (overnight culture that was grown the night before) Let incubate at 37ºC for another hour Wash out (pipette out) and bring to plate reader
Observations: The culture did not grow, and no data could be collected
Make three overnight cultures with kanamycin, carbenicillin, and both kan + carb to figure out the issue
Due to time constraints and directional shifts, the 2D system was not pursued. After OD and GFP characterization, our next goal was to integrate the lysis gene with the quorum-sensing circuit to determine the efficacy of cell-to-cell communication-dependent bacterial lysis. We decided to add a separate system involving a calprotectin-dependent promoter to test with the lysis genes.
There are two systems that we wanted to test: A quorum-sensing-dependent lysis system and a calprotectin-dependent lysis system. Replace the sf_GFP gene with the lysis genes in the pTD103 plasmid Insert the lysis genes downstream of the ykgMO promoter, which is calprotectin-dependent
Schematic of the quorum sensing lysis circuit:
Schematic of the calprotectin-dependent lysis circuit:
In-fusion of the lysis genes and the pTD103 plasmid and ykgMO plasmid
Thermocycler: InFusion (50ºC for 15 minutes) - incubating
Lysis genes phiX and rzrz1 were used based on experimental data from the lysis team
Plate for pTD103-LP001, pTD103-LP004, and ykg-LP001 had too many colonies
ykg-LP004 had no colonies
Possible Improvements: Use fresh, new plates rather than old ones
Re-do plating for the quorum-sensing-dependent lysis and the calprotectin-dependent lysis systems because no data could be collected
Same design as the previous engineering cycle, using new plates.
Same in-fusion setup and build
Observation: Successful colonies on the plates were produced and picked for overnight cultures
Next time we need to develop a zinc-deficient environment to test the ykgMO plasmid
Characterize the quorum-sensing-dependent lysis and the calprotectin-dependent lysis using the cell plate reader.
We used the overnight liquid cultures to add the pTD103-lysis circuit and ykgMO-lysis circuit into the 96-well plate. For the pTD103-lysis circuit, regular LB media was used. However, the ykgMO-lysis required the use of M9 media (which contained zinc) and M9 media that was zinc-deficient.
Set up plate reader using the 96-well plate:
A1-A6: pTD103-LP001-1, 1/10, 1/50
B1-B6: pTD103-LP001-3, 1/10, 1/50
A7-A12: pTD103-LP001-2, 1/10, 1/50
B7-B12: LB + Kan blank, M9 blank
C1-C12: Lp001_ykg-1 (- zinc), 1/10, 1/50 ; (+ zinc), 1/10, 1/50
D1-D12: Lp001_ykg-2 (- zinc), 1/10, 1/50 ; (+ zinc), 1/10, 1/50
E1-E12: Lp001_ykg-3 (- zinc), 1/10, 1/50 ; (+ zinc), 1/10, 1/50
F1-F12: Lp004_ykg-1 (- zinc), 1/10, 1/50 ; (+ zinc), 1/10, 1/50
G1-G-12: Lp004_ykg-2 (- zinc), 1/10, 1/50 ; (+ zinc), 1/10, 1/50
H1-H-12: Lp004_ykg-1 (- zinc), 1/10, 1/50 ; (+ zinc), 1/10, 1/50
Triple replicates were used to optimize data collection along with different dilutions (1:10, 1:50)
Leave plate reader overnight
Population of the cells was controlled by lysis at the switch threshold when quorum sensing was turned on:
Data for the calprotectin-dependent lysis were difficult to ascertain and interpret
Next we aim to time fine-tune the quorum-sensing-dependent lysis system by integrating the calprotectin-dependent promoter such that lysis only occurs at high cell density and the presence of calprotectin. Use modeling to simulate the calprotectin-dependent lysis system in 100 cells along with the quorum-sensing + calprotectin-dependent lysis system
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