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Our Wet lab Group!

Yike Zhang
Clinical Medicine
Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day. Rage, Rage against the dying light.
Xuanrong Liu
Medical imaging
Stay foolish,stay hungry.The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today!
Bufan Ying
Medical imaging
Choosing solitude, I won't shed a tear, no matter how much pain I endure, I refuse to yield. Perhaps tomorrow, in a fleeting moment, I'll fulfill my promise, scars and all; and on that very day, I'll show the world as well as tell myself, that I haven't disappointed this night, just like the night sky with only one shining star.
Yitian Zhou
Clinical Medicine
No difficulty can discourage, no obstacle dismay, no trouble dishearten the man who has acquired the art of being alive. Difficulties are but dares of fate, obstacles but hurdles to try his skill, troubles but bitter tonics to give him strength; and he rises higher and looms greater after each encounter with adversity.
Mengcan Sun
Clinical Medicine
Per aspera ad astra.
Zhangdong Liu
Clinical Medicine
Let nature take its course! Relax and take it easy!

Our Dry lab Group!

Yanyu Huang
Traditional Chinese Medicine
INFJ, will always be moved by idealists, likes to watch table tennis matches, and wants to say "Thank you, all the athletes, for actively serving."
Xinyu Shen
To strive, to thrive.
Ruitong Liu
Do the right thing. It will gratify some people and astonish the rest
Yukai Cheng
Clinical Medicine
The only direction in life that matters is forward. Always ready to embrace the unknown ahead, with a peaceful and hopeful heart.
Yinuo Zhang
medical imaging
Correct attitude, optimize efficiency. The most beautiful sunrise is actually the hope that rises in the heart. Don't be swayed by the sight of others, be sure to go on unswervingly.

Our Visualization Group!

Chencan Fang
Clinical Medicine
An optimist at heart, I savor the art of calligraphy, classical architecture's beauty, and love hitting the tennis court. May each day bring forth its share of luck and joy, as I embrace life with an unwavering optimism.
Jiatong Li
Clinical Medicine
Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen
Xinyue Yu
You know, people fall in love with sunsets when they are sad.
Xinyue Yang
Clinical Medicine
Nurture the righteous spirit of heaven and earth; emulate the perfect people from past to present.

Our College Partnership!

Anqi Hu
Clinical Medicine
Not let any nut shells or mosquito wings that fall on the rails throw us off the track.
Ruhan Li
Clinical Medicine
Hungry and humble.
Zihan Ding
High school student

Our Principal Investigators!

Changhai Lei
Principal Investigator
Shi Hu
Principal Investigator
Ruixue Mao
Secondary Principal Investigator
Wenyan Fu
Secondary Principal Investigator
Fangxing Lin
Yujun Qu