Integrated Human Practices

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Carl Sagan once said that the Earth is the cradle of humanity, but mankind cannot stay in the cradle forever. As problems such as climate change, overpopulation and resource depletion become more and more prominent, the need for human beings to explore space is gradually increasing. At the same time, new technologies applied in space exploration can often be fed back to the Earth, providing a new focus point for the development of science and technology on Earth. While focusing on space, our team also hopes to have wider applications on Earth.

Panorama of our work

Before the official project started, we carefully read the Human Practices guide on the iGEM website. We believe that Human Practices is a bridge between the project and the world, and its core is the value and impact on the society. During the journey of Human Practices, our team has always adhered to the cycle of Situation-Target -Feedback-Close the loop, continuously refining and improving the project in practice, so that our project can gain a wider scope of application.

During the advancement phase of the project, we gained a broad understanding of the existing technologies and difficulties, reviewed relevant regulations and policies, and determined the initial feasibility of the project. We also contacted a wide range of stakeholders to deepen our understanding and knowledge of the project. We communicated with relevant experts and obtained many suggestions for improvement of the project, which have made our project more complete and reliable!

Figure. 1 | Our time line of Human Practice

Topic Selection

Figure. 2 | NASA Z-2 spacesuit

In 2014, NASA unveiled the Z-2 spacesuit, which creatively employs bionic technology inspired by oceanic glowing creatures to provide illumination in dimmer environments. However, we learnt that the suit's luminous intensity was very limited and relied on bulky life-support systems, restricting the astronauts' flexibility.

Inspired by the Z-2 spacesuit, our team decided to apply synthetic biology principles to design a life support system that combines life support, in situ resource utilization, luminescent illumination, and instant communication.

In the practical work stage, we carried out social practices, interviewed different stakeholders and recorded their feedback. Then, we closed the loop by consciously improving all aspects of the project based on stakeholders' feedback.

Prior to the commencement of the formal project, we gained a broad understanding of existing technologies and difficulties, reviewed relevant regulations and policies, and determined the initial feasibility of the project. During the initial stages of the project, we conducted broad brainstorm and reviewed the luminescent organisms present in nature, noting the presence of a microorganism called Vibrio fischeri in the ocean. Vibrio fischeri is a heterotrophic Gram-negative bacterium that often co-exists with marine organisms such as squid and can emit blue fluorescence. However, the fluorescence of Vibrio fischeri is not stable and intense enough to meet our luminescence requirements. More importantly, Vibrio fischeri is closely related to Vibrio cholera and other pathogens, making it potentially dangerous to humans.

In view of the shortcomings of Vibrio fischeri, our team found a non-pathogenic bacterium, Vibrio natriegens, as a chassis, into which the Lux gene cluster was transferred to achieve stable and intense bioluminescence. In order to address the nutritional requirements of Vibrio natriegens, we hope to construct a Synechococcus- Vibrio natriegens coexistence system and utilize the photosynthetic autotrophic ability of Synechococcus to achieve in situ resource utilization.

Project initial design

Situation: We have identified the basic structure of the algal-bacterial coexistence system, but we have encountered a new problem - most of the organic matter produced by photosynthesis of Synechococcus is used for its own growth and reproduction, which is difficult to be utilized by Vibrio natriegens.

Target: In order to make the organic matter produced by Synechococcus more fully utilized by Vibrio natriegens, we interviewed Dr. Fei Hao from Northwestern Polytechnical University, hoping to provide new ideas for our engineering bacteria design.

Feedback: Through gene editing of Cyanobacteria, it is possible to obtain Cyanobacteria that can automatically excrete cell-produced sucrose outside the cell. Synechococcus, a major group of Cyanobacteria, can also be modified using gene editing technology.

Close the loop: We plan to carry out our own experiments to introduce the cscB gene to achieve efficient production and secretion of sucrose to satisfy the nutrient needs of sodium-demanding Vibrio natriegens, using Synechococcus as a chassis organism.

Cyanobacteria secreting sucrose extracellularly can be obtained by establishing a cyanobacterial gene editing system through exogenous DNA transformation technology and transferring heterologous expression of proton and sucrose cotransporter protein (cscB) into Cyanobacteria. The modified Cyanobacteria can continuously produce sucrose extracellularly, and the cumulative concentration of sucrose in the extracellular culture medium can reach 1.1 g/L. Synechococcus is a major representative group of Cyanobacteria, which essentially produces sucrose through photosynthesis as well, so perhaps you can refer to our genetic line modification of Cyanobacteria.

Figure. 3 | Research Centre for Ecology and Environmental Protection, Northwestern Polytechnical University,Dr. Fei Hao

Background Investigation

Adhering to the principle of space-based and terraforming applications, and considering the similarities between certain environments of the two, we finally chose the two main lines of space and ocean. Before entering into the final product design, we conducted in-depth background research.

Figure. 4 | Comparison of the environments of space and ocean



Figure. 5 | Statistics on the population’s perception of space migration

In order to further understand the public's views and attitudes towards space immigration, we distributed questionnaires to the public and collected a total of 476. Surprisingly, most people were more enthusiastic about space migration than we thought. The positive results of the questionnaire gave us a lot of positive feedback, despite the fact that a large part of the group that received our questionnaire were young people, who are more imaginative about the future. The enthusiasm for space migration shows the dynamism of the endeavor, and despite the difficulties that still lie ahead, mankind's determination and perseverance will make the dream a reality!

(2)Define application scenarios

In order to clarify our application scenarios, we discussed with Liu Liwei, an aeronautics major. After the interview, we learned that there are many planets in the solar system that have been found to have the potential for biological survival - Titan, Venus, Titan II, Mars and so on. Considering the low temperatures, lack of oxygen, and water resources, Mars is currently the most desirable choice in our solar system. Therefore, we have finally decided to use Mars as a specific application scenario for our chassis microbes in order to modify our chassis microbes in a targeted manner.

Figure. 6 | Aerospace student Liu Liwei
Figure. 7 | Comparison of planets or satellites in the solar system


(1)Maritime Accidents investigations

Situation: In recent years, with the growth of global demand for maritime transport and the increase in maritime activities, the frequent occurrence of maritime accidents has attracted widespread attention.

Target: In order to have a preliminary understanding of the current situation of maritime accidents, we launched a relevant research to facilitate our follow-up work. Methods: Based on the data published by the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) and the China Maritime Search and Rescue Centre (CMSRC) of the Ministry of Safety and Transport of China, we gained a preliminary understanding of the frequency of maritime accidents over the years.

Feedback: According to the data released by China's Maritime Search and Rescue Centre, although the current rescue effect is remarkable, reaching an average success rate of 96.32%, there are still cases of no survivors. The visual obstruction at night and the harsh marine environment are also important factors contributing to the high number of accidents at sea and the short survival time of people who fall into the water.

Close the loop: these data show the great application value of our project, and the ability to accurately locate the position of a person in distress in a short period of time is crucial to maritime rescue efforts.

Figure. 8 | Map of top ten maritime accidents
Figure. 9 | Cases of maritime accidents in China
Figure. 10 | The relationship between seawater temperature and survival time of people who fell into the water
Figure. 11 | Statistics of maritime disasters in China from 2020 to 2023

(2)Public education

In addition to accident statistics and cause analyses after the event, publicity, education and popularization of science beforehand are also of paramount importance. In the event of an unfortunate incident, proper handling and self-rescue methods can greatly increase the probability of survival. Our team has been actively involved in science communication and education promotion to raise public awareness. Through knowledge sharing, we are committed to raising awareness and understanding of the correct way to save oneself in case of drowning. We strongly believe that education is the first step towards scientific advancement and problem solving.(You will find more details on our Education page)

Project Design Refinement


(1)Solution cycle for radiation resistance issues

Situation: When designing the algal bacterial system, we considered that ionizing radiation is a major threat to space migration. Gamma rays, high-energy protons, and cosmic rays lack the protection of the Earth's atmosphere. The algal bacterial system we designed needs to have the ability to resist ionizing radiation in order to provide life support for astronauts.

Target: To address the potential threat of radiation to engineering bacteria, we interviewed Professor Zhang Xian'en in the field of biosensing.

Feedback: After interviewing Professor Zhang Xianen, we learned about a microorganism called Deinococcus Radiodurans, which has strong DNA repair ability and can resist ionizing radiation for a long time.

Closed the loop: We consulted relevant literature on Deinococcus Radiodurans, gained a deeper understanding of the DNA repair mechanism of Deinococcus Radiodurans, and cited it in our engineered bacteria.

Figure. 12 | Strategic expert in synthetic biology and biotechnology,Dr. Xianen Zhang
Figure. 13 | Cosmic Ray Versus Deinococcus Radiodurans


(1)In situ utilization of marine resources—Vibrio fischeri

Situation: Through a series of iterations and improvements, our algae-bacteria coexistence system has been able to achieve the expected functionality, but we still hope for further improvements.

Target: In order to further improve the luminescence intensity, we have decided to interview microbiology expert Professor Junlong Zhao.

Feedback: Professor Junlong Zhao pointed out that increasing luminescence intensity can not only be achieved by improving engineering bacteria, but also by utilizing marine native luminescent bacteria, which coincides with my concept of "in-situ resource utilization".

Closed loop: After extensive literature review, we decided to introduce N-acetylneuraminic acid and chitin oligosaccharides (GlcNAc) 2 as chemotactic agents to specifically aggregate Vibrio fischeri and enhance luminescence intensity.

Figure. 14 | Associate Professor of Air Force Medical University,Dr. Junlong Zhao
Figure. 15 | NMU-China members with Professor Junlong Zhao

(2)Reducing false positives of the cycle

Situation: We plan to design a product life jacket with an algal-bacterial coexistence system on it. Luminescent engineering bacteria proliferate in large numbers, emitting visible light, which facilitates personnel positioning and search and rescue.

Target: We have communicated with Professor He Jin, an expert in synthetic biology, and hope to receive valuable opinions and suggestions from Professor He to make our approach more feasible.

Feedback: Professor He Jin raised the issue of false positives to us - engineering bacteria may be located incorrectly due to drift or biological leakage, and provided us with improvement suggestions.

Closed loop: Considering Professor He Jin's proposal, we should not only improve the materials used for attaching engineering bacteria to prevent them from escaping. At the same time, improving the suicide program of fugitive bacteria at the genetic level can reduce the possibility of false positives from two aspects.

Figure. 16 | Professor at Huazhong Agricultural University,Dr. Jin He
Figure. 17 | NMU-China members with Professor Jin He

(3)Ocean snow problem-airbag protein

We have constructed a coexistence system of algae and bacteria, in which cyanobacteria can produce their own vesicle proteins, but Vibrio natriegens cannot float and aggregate. However, we found that it may not float on the sea surface as expected, forming a structure similar to "ocean snow" and undergoing sedimentation. We refer to the gene pathway of blue-green algae producing airbag proteins and introduce the gene pathway of airbag proteins into Vibrio natriegens, allowing them to produce airbag proteins on their own. This can help the development of the algal bacterial system, increase the luminous area, and facilitate the development of the product's positioning and rescue functions.

Figure. 18 | Gas Vesicle

Practical research and Product design

After engaging in discussions with experts across various fields, we gained a more comprehensive understanding of our project and identified specific areas for improvement. Leveraging their feedback and insights, we refined the design of our route. With the objective of developing practical products that can ultimately yield significant impact in the fields of oceanic and space exploration, we are currently focused on further optimizing our designs.

1. Initial product design

In the expansive oceanic environment, the rescue of individuals who have fallen overboard presents significant challenges, particularly during nighttime when visibility is markedly reduced and the effective range of light for search and rescue operations is severely constrained. However, if we could establish a bioluminescent fluorescent sea populated with bacteria around the individual in distress, it would substantially enhance nighttime search efficiency.

To this end, our initial design for marine products features a membrane-encased folding package. Our objective is to optimize the actual luminescent surface area of our product while mitigating the risk of bacterial leakage in accordance with current technological advancements. We are committed to maximizing the deployed area while ensuring robust prevention against any potential bacterial leakage.

2. Product design refinement

(1) Comprehension of material characteristics

In light of the limitations inherent in our original folding package design, we engaged in discussions with Hu Shuoyi, a student specializing in materials science at Westlake University.

Figure. 19 | Westlake University,Hu Shuoyi

Our objective was to identify an ideal material that is both easily foldable and possesses effective antibacterial filtration properties. Through comprehensive analysis, we recognized the constraints of physical folding mechanisms alongside the challenges posed by chemically expanding materials. Ultimately, we established a reasonable deployment area of approximately several dozen square meters to ensure a significant enhancement in maritime search and rescue efficiency under bioluminescent conditions.

(2) Expansion of the user demographic and enhancement of product efficacy

Simultaneously, recognizing a broader spectrum of potential users—including commercial shipping companies, fishing vessels, government and maritime rescue agencies, recreational yacht passengers, cruise ship travelers, and water sports enthusiasts—we shifted our focus towards the design concept of "bioluminescent life jackets." This approach allowed us to relax the requirements for material folding performance while enhancing the product's practicality and feasibility. Furthermore, building on insights gained from our previous interview with Professor Wu Minjuan, we aim to improve the thermal insulation and corrosion resistance properties of our materials. This enhancement will enable our product not only to assist efficiently in search and rescue positioning but also to provide effective protection against seawater immersion damage. Consequently, this comprehensive strategy aims to significantly elevate the success rate of marine rescues. These adjustments and upgrades are grounded in a deeper understanding and validation of the product's application scenarios.

Figure. 20 | Product upgrades

(3) Improve product performance

Situation:In order to cope with the complexity of the marine environment and the high standard of life-saving devices, we focus on material selection and product design optimisation. We need to understand the special characteristics of the marine and space environments and improve the products to make them more suitable for marine and space applications.

Target:Seawater is characterised by low temperature, high salt, high osmosis and high bacterial content, which determines the special pathophysiological changes of trauma combined with seawater immersion. In order to avoid the problems of dehydration and infection, we plan to interview Prof Wu Minjuan, whose research focuses on marine wound repair. The space environment is more extreme, with astronauts facing strong radiation, dryness and temperature. We plan to do a summary survey of the different materials after the interview with Mr Beard.

Feedback:Professor Wu mentioned that electrostatic spinning technology could be considered. Electrostatic spinning is a technique of spinning polymer solutions under high voltage electrostatic force, which produces a material that is not easily damaged and has good air permeability, thus reducing the effects of seawater hypertonicity and the presence of bacteria. In addition, electrostatic spinning can be combined with a variety of materials to achieve strong compatibility.

Figure. 21 | Professor Wu,focuse on marine wound repair
Figure. 22 | Interview with Prof Wu Minjuan

Following this interview, we compared the advantages and disadvantages of the four materials in different environments and conducted SWOT analyses for two materials, electrostatically spun and biofilm.

Figure. 23 | Comparison of different materials
Figure. 24 | SWOT Analysis - Electrostatic Spinning Technology for the Preparation of Nanofibres
Figure. 25 | SWOT analysis - biofilm systems

Upon comparison, we found that wound dressings based on electrostatic spinning technology have the advantage of large specific surface area and large pore size, which in turn accelerates wound healing and attachment of engineered bacteria, and hinders the occurrence of bacterial infection and dehydration.

The small pore size and selective permeability of biofilms, as well as the similarity of the membrane structure to the extracellular matrix, facilitates cell adhesion, proliferation and differentiation, and can withstand extreme environments, making them suitable for use in the space environment.

Close the loop: In response to the risks of dehydration and infection associated with prolonged immersion in seawater, we have improved life-saving equipment for the marine environment. Instead of the membrane structure that was initially fitted alongside the lifejacket, we have used an electrostatically spun nanofibre membrane, with an outer layer of algae+bacteria coating and an inner layer of fabric, which glows once it has been exposed to water, and glows when it has been exposed to water. While in the space environment, we use biofilm technology to replace the inner layer of material with selective permeability and protective biofilm, which not only adapts to the extreme conditions, but also facilitates the survival and attachment of engineered bacteria.

3. First-ever Space Meet-Up

Situition: We were honored to participate in the first-ever Space Meet-Up, where various teams presented and shared insights about their projects. We gained a wealth of knowledge and engaged in open discussions and Q&A sessions, allowing for in-depth exchanges with experts within the space network.

Target: During these interactions, HQ Lucus Boldrini highlighted the complexities of space logistics, prompting us to recognize that addressing issues related to space requires careful consideration of the challenges inherent in this field.

Feedback: Subsequently, through research and discussion, we identified several key technological challenges facing space logistics: ensuring long-term stable storage of materials and cargo in a space environment; safeguarding their safety and integrity under extreme conditions; and achieving high precision and reliability in navigation and positioning. Notably, when it comes to transporting living organisms, it is imperative to meticulously select appropriate transport vehicles to maximize the survival chances of biological entities during their journey through space.

Close the loop: In light of the aforementioned considerations, we have placed particular emphasis on reducing logistics costs while enhancing the product's lightweight nature, stability, and long-term preservation capabilities. After extensive experimentation and evaluation, we ultimately selected freeze-dried powder preservation as the core technology for our products. This choice not only significantly reduces the weight of the product but also enhances its stability in space environments, facilitating transportation while maintaining long-term viability. Through rigorous validation via wet group experiments, we ensured both the feasibility and effectiveness of this technology.

Building upon these improvements, we designed three innovative products that integrate specific requirements from their respective scenarios with our technological advancements. These products are aimed at providing robust support for future maritime operations and space exploration endeavors.

Figure. 26 | iGEM The first-ever Space Meet-Up

To see our final product design,please click to our Product page

Public Evaluation

Situation:Before a product can be brought to market, it is essential to conduct thorough research on the target demographic. Our bioluminescent life jackets, developed for use in nighttime search and rescue operations for individuals who have fallen overboard, prompted us to reach out to Mr. Fan, the chief engineer of a ferry service at the shipping center. We sought his insights regarding the feasibility of our product.

Target:By focusing on the intended user group, we aimed to gather valuable feedback on their perceptions of our product, encompassing both its advantages and disadvantages. This information will assist us in further optimizing product performance and establishing a solid foundation for future production efforts.

Feedback:Mr. Fan provided high praise for our bioluminescent life jacket product. Drawing on his extensive experience in maritime search and rescue, he highlighted that locating individuals who have fallen overboard during nighttime operations poses a significant challenge. He noted that our product's large surface area of luminescence significantly enhances visibility under spotlight illumination, effectively serving as a "flashlight at sea," which greatly facilitates rescue efforts.

Additionally, Mr. Fan offered valuable suggestions for improvement. He recommended that we enhance the waterproofing and durability of the product while maintaining its existing advantages to better withstand the complexities of marine environments. Furthermore, he proposed incorporating an emergency sound signaling device to assist with location identification through auditory cues, thereby adding an extra layer of assurance to the rescue process and making the product more comprehensive.

In conclusion, Mr. Fan expressed great optimism for maritime workers and encouraged them to embrace new products and technologies actively while continuously improving their capabilities in responding to emergencies, collectively safeguarding ocean safety.

Figure. 27 | Mr. Fan, 63 years old, Chief engineer at Ferry service company, 46 years of maritime experience

Explore the future

Due to the "luminescence" initiative and the similarities between mining, polar, deep-sea environments, and space—each of which heavily relies on oxygen and light—we envision that this space-derived product could ultimately be adapted for use on Earth. It may serve applications in terrestrial, polar, and marine geological exploration, life support systems, extreme sports, and potentially reveal new value in fields such as biomedical science and optical communication.

Figure. 28 | Application Scenarios

Integrating Human Practice with Education and Communication

1.Inter-school Cooperation

Inter-school collaborations have played a crucial role in our iGEM project cycle throughout the iGEM cycle, and we have established links with many schools, informing and popularising synthetic biology and our project to them. Accordingly, these schools provided us with many useful suggestions. This has not only deepened our understanding of synthetic biology, but also greatly broadened our horizons and resource network. Through active interactions and exchanges, we have established deep ties with many domestic and international universities to promote the popularisation of synthetic biology knowledge and project innovation. (You will find more details on our Collaboration page)

2.Public Education

In order to popularise synthetic biology to the public in a comprehensive and in-depth manner, we have carried out a wide range of work. We actively carry out synthetic biology activities on campus to stimulate students' interest and curiosity in this field. Through the advantage of new media platforms, we have launched a series of synthetic biology popularisation videos to provide a convenient way for interested people to learn about synthetic biology, and introduced the public to the correct way of self-rescue in the event of drowning through the production of pamphlets and the publication of popular science articles. We also invite people of different ages to the lab for fun activities to let them experience the beauty of synthetic biology. We also promote synthetic biology by communicating with different teams and participating in synthetic biology art exhibitions to include team members from different backgrounds. (You will find more details on our Education page)